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Dış Politika Analizinde Yeni Bir Analiz Çerçevesi Olarak Kamu Diplomasisi

Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 11 - 30, 23.12.2017


Bu araştırmada kamu diplomasisi, Dış Politika
Analizi (DPA)’ne yeni bir analiz çerçevesi olarak sunulmaktadır. 21. yüzyıl
küresel siyasetinde sadece diplomatik ilişkiler, jeopolitik ve güç faktörlerinin
incelenmesi yetersiz kalmaktadır. Araştırma kamu diplomasisi; kamuoyu, sivil
toplum, yumuşak güç ve diplomasi olarak dört ana kavram üzerinden inşa
edilmiştir. Bu yaklaşım metodolojik olarak toplumsal değerleri, kültürleri ve
devletlerin dış politikalarını yeni analiz aracı olarak değerlendirmiştir. Kamu
diplomasisinin toplumsal aktörlere ve kamuoyuna öncelik vermesiyle klasik
DPA’dan ayrıldığı, analiz düzeyi ile birimlerin devlet-toplum olarak birleşmesiyle
de diplomasinin sosyalleştiği tezi ileri sürülmüştür. Yeni araç ve yöntemler
getirmenin yanında, toplumsal-kültürel öğelerin de katılarak paradigmatik
değişime yol açtığı savunulmuştur.


  • ARMITAGE, Richard L.-Joseph S. Nye, A Smarter, More Secure America: Report of CSIS Commission on Smart Power, CSIS, Washington D.C. 2007. ARSENAULT, Amelia, “Public Diplomacy 2.0”, Philip Seib ed., Toward A New Public Diplomacy: Redirecting U.S. Foreign Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2009, pp.135-153. BAUM, Matthew A.- Philip B. K. Potter, “The Relationships Between Mass Media, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis”, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol: 11, 2008, pp. 39-65. BERNAYS, Edward L., Crystallizing Public Opinion, Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York 1961. CASTELLS, Manuel, “The New Public Sphere: Global Civil Society, Communication Networks, and Global Governance”, Annals AAPSS, Vol: 616, March 2008, pp. 78-93. EKŞİ, Muharrem, Kamu Diplomasisi ve Ak Parti Dönemi Türk Dış Politikası, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara 2014. EROL, Mehmet Seyfettin, “11 Eylül Sonrası Türk Dış Politikasında Vizyon Arayışları ve “Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 1, Kış 2007, ss. 33-55. EROL, Mehmet Seyfettin-Şafak Oğuz, “Hybrid Warfare Studies and Russia’s Example in Crimea”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 17, Kış 2015, ss. 261-277. FITZPATRIK, Kathy R., The Future of U.S. Public Diplomacy: An Uncertain Fate, Brill, Leiden, Boston 2010. GILBOA, Eytan, “Searching for A Theory of Public Diplomacy”, Annals, AAPSS, Vol: 616, March 2008, pp. 55-77. GULLION, Edmund A., “What is Public Diplomacy?”, The Edward R. Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University,, (Date of Accession : 17.11.2017). HENDERSON, Sarah L., “Civil Society in Russia: State-Society Relations in the Post-Yeltsin Era”, Problems of Post-Communism, Vol: 58, No: 3, May/June 2011, pp. 11-27. KALDOR, Mary, “Küresel Sivil Toplum”, David Held-Anthony McGrew, ed., Küresel Dönüşümler: Büyük Küreselleşme Tartışması, Phoenix Yayınevi, Ankara 2008. KEANE, John, Sivil Toplum ve Devlet: Avrupa’da Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Yedi Kıta Yay., Ankara 2004. MCCARTHY, Daniel R., Power, Information Technology and International Relations Theory: The Power and Politics of US Foreign Policy and Internet, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015. MUELLER, Sherry, “The Nexus of U.S. Public Diplomacy and Citizen Diplomacy, Nancy Snow-Philip M. Taylor, ed., Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, Routledge, London and New York, 2009, pp. 101-107. NAVEH, Chanan, “The Role of the Media in Foreign Policy Decision-Making: A Theoretical Framework”, Conflict & Communication Online, Vol: 1, No: 2, 2002, pp. 1-14. NICOLSON, Sir Harold, Diplomacy, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgtown University, Washington D.C., 1988. NYE, Joseph S., Bound To Lead: The Changing Nature Of American Power, Basic Books, New York, 1990. NYE, Joseph S., “Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, No: 80, Twentieth Anniversary, Autumn 1990, pp. 153-171. NYE, Joseph S., The Future of Power, Public Affairs, New York, 2011. RIORDAN, Shaun, “Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy: A New Foreign Policy Paradigm?”, Jan Melissen, ed., The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2005, pp. 180-195. SIL, Rudra-Cheng Chen, “State Legitimacy and the (In)significance of Democracy in Post-Communist Russia”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol: 56, No: 3, May 2004, pp. 347-368. SNOW, Nancy, “Rethinking Public Diplomacy”, in Nancy Snow and Philip M. Taylor, Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, Routledge, London and New York, 2009, pp. 3-11. SOROKA, Stuart N., “Media, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy”, Press/Politics, Vol: 8, No: 1, pp. 27-4


Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 11 - 30, 23.12.2017


This study introduces public diplomacy as a new framework for Foreign
Policy Analysis (FPA). The conceptual framework of public diplomacy was built
on four main concepts including public opinion, civil society, soft power and
diplomacy. Methodologically, public diplomacy offers social values, cultures
and foreign policies of states as a new analysis instrument. Ontologically, it
is different from the conventional FPA as it gives priority to social actors
and public opinion in foreign policy. Public diplomacy combines the level of
analysis in conventional FPA and the unit of analysis to be state-individual
(society) giving diplomacy a social aspect. Public diplomacy causes a
paradigmatic change by including social-cultural elements in addition to bring
new instruments and methods to the conventional field of foreign policy.


  • ARMITAGE, Richard L.-Joseph S. Nye, A Smarter, More Secure America: Report of CSIS Commission on Smart Power, CSIS, Washington D.C. 2007. ARSENAULT, Amelia, “Public Diplomacy 2.0”, Philip Seib ed., Toward A New Public Diplomacy: Redirecting U.S. Foreign Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2009, pp.135-153. BAUM, Matthew A.- Philip B. K. Potter, “The Relationships Between Mass Media, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis”, Annual Review of Political Science, Vol: 11, 2008, pp. 39-65. BERNAYS, Edward L., Crystallizing Public Opinion, Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York 1961. CASTELLS, Manuel, “The New Public Sphere: Global Civil Society, Communication Networks, and Global Governance”, Annals AAPSS, Vol: 616, March 2008, pp. 78-93. EKŞİ, Muharrem, Kamu Diplomasisi ve Ak Parti Dönemi Türk Dış Politikası, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara 2014. EROL, Mehmet Seyfettin, “11 Eylül Sonrası Türk Dış Politikasında Vizyon Arayışları ve “Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 1, Kış 2007, ss. 33-55. EROL, Mehmet Seyfettin-Şafak Oğuz, “Hybrid Warfare Studies and Russia’s Example in Crimea”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 17, Kış 2015, ss. 261-277. FITZPATRIK, Kathy R., The Future of U.S. Public Diplomacy: An Uncertain Fate, Brill, Leiden, Boston 2010. GILBOA, Eytan, “Searching for A Theory of Public Diplomacy”, Annals, AAPSS, Vol: 616, March 2008, pp. 55-77. GULLION, Edmund A., “What is Public Diplomacy?”, The Edward R. Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University,, (Date of Accession : 17.11.2017). HENDERSON, Sarah L., “Civil Society in Russia: State-Society Relations in the Post-Yeltsin Era”, Problems of Post-Communism, Vol: 58, No: 3, May/June 2011, pp. 11-27. KALDOR, Mary, “Küresel Sivil Toplum”, David Held-Anthony McGrew, ed., Küresel Dönüşümler: Büyük Küreselleşme Tartışması, Phoenix Yayınevi, Ankara 2008. KEANE, John, Sivil Toplum ve Devlet: Avrupa’da Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Yedi Kıta Yay., Ankara 2004. MCCARTHY, Daniel R., Power, Information Technology and International Relations Theory: The Power and Politics of US Foreign Policy and Internet, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015. MUELLER, Sherry, “The Nexus of U.S. Public Diplomacy and Citizen Diplomacy, Nancy Snow-Philip M. Taylor, ed., Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, Routledge, London and New York, 2009, pp. 101-107. NAVEH, Chanan, “The Role of the Media in Foreign Policy Decision-Making: A Theoretical Framework”, Conflict & Communication Online, Vol: 1, No: 2, 2002, pp. 1-14. NICOLSON, Sir Harold, Diplomacy, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgtown University, Washington D.C., 1988. NYE, Joseph S., Bound To Lead: The Changing Nature Of American Power, Basic Books, New York, 1990. NYE, Joseph S., “Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, No: 80, Twentieth Anniversary, Autumn 1990, pp. 153-171. NYE, Joseph S., The Future of Power, Public Affairs, New York, 2011. RIORDAN, Shaun, “Dialogue-based Public Diplomacy: A New Foreign Policy Paradigm?”, Jan Melissen, ed., The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2005, pp. 180-195. SIL, Rudra-Cheng Chen, “State Legitimacy and the (In)significance of Democracy in Post-Communist Russia”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol: 56, No: 3, May 2004, pp. 347-368. SNOW, Nancy, “Rethinking Public Diplomacy”, in Nancy Snow and Philip M. Taylor, Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, Routledge, London and New York, 2009, pp. 3-11. SOROKA, Stuart N., “Media, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy”, Press/Politics, Vol: 8, No: 1, pp. 27-4
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Muharrem Ekşi

Publication Date December 23, 2017
Acceptance Date November 29, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Ekşi, M. (2017). Dış Politika Analizinde Yeni Bir Analiz Çerçevesi Olarak Kamu Diplomasisi. Uluslararası Kriz Ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(3), 11-30.