The Influence of the Historical Development of Light Weapon Technologies on Small Unit Conflict Doctrine and Wars
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 54 - 84, 31.05.2024
Süleyman Özmen
Light weapons are an ancient subject that mankind has been shaping throughout history. The adjective “light” is used for weapons that can be used against only a few people, and describes weapons with a barrel diameter between 0.6 and 15 mm. There is a parallel evolution between Small Unit Conflict doctrine and small arms technologies. This evolution has had an impact on the use and positioning of weapons by soldiers. Research shows that small arms are gaining importance on the battlefield. The evolution of these weapons has transformed battle tactics and strategies. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the historical development of small arms technology and its implications for small unit combat doctrine and modern warfare.
- Abdülkerimov, B. (2021). Özbekistan ve Türkiye Özel Kuvvetler Ortak Tatbikatı,
- Akcan, A. (2021). Bozkır Türk Kavimlerinde Ordunun Temel Unsurları, Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi, 7(4), 711-726.
- Altmann, J. (2006). Military Nanotechnology Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control, New York: Routledge.
- Armstrong, D. A. (1982). Bullets ve Bureaucrats: the Machine Gun ve the United States Army, 1861-1916 Westport, Washington: Greenwood Press.
- Babyak, M., Neduzha, L. ve Keršys, R. (2020). Improving the Dependability Evaluation Technique of a Transport Vehicle. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference Transport Means 2020, 2(2), 646–651,
- Berınger, R. E., Hattaway, H. ve Jones, A. (1986). Why the South Lost the Civil War, Athens: University of Georgia Press.
- Bloch, I. S. (2017). Is War Now Impossible? New York: Hansebooks.
- Boot, M. (2006). War Made New: Technology, Warfare and the Course of History, 1500 to Today, New York: Gotham Press.
- Chandler, D. G. (1980). Atlas of Military Strategy: the Art, Theory and Practice of War, 1618-1878, London: Arms ve Armour Press.
- Chrıstensen, C. M. (1997). The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Cambridge: Harvard Business Review Press.
- Clarke, C. P. (2020). Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Trafficking, Smuggling, and use for Criminality by Terrorists and Insurgents: a Brief Historical Overview, app/up loa ds/2020/07/SA LW-Historical-Overview-1.pdf.
- Davıson, N. (2009). Directed Energy Weapons. In “Non-Lethal” Weapons (143-185). London: Palgrave Macmillan,
- Defence Express, (2020). Barrett M82: the Gold Standard of Sniper Rifles and One of the Weaponry Countering Russian Forces in Ukraine,
- Drucker, P. F. (1961). The Technological Revolution: Notes on the Relationship of Technology, Science and Culture, Technology & Culture Magazine, 11(4), 342-351.
- Dyer, J. L., Smıth, S. ve Mcclure, N. R. (1995), Shooting with Night Vision Goggles and Aiming Lights. U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Report,
- Ellıs, J. (1975). The Social History of the Machine Gun, London: Cresset Library.
- Erıcson, S. (1990). Svensk Försvarplannering Hösten 1990, Inträdesförande 901204 Iriksdagen, After The Defence Planning Committee HK 88 Had Failed, KKHT, 6(19), 57-65.
- Faırburn, R. (2008). Policeone, Sniper Ammunition Choices, choices/
- Ezell, E. C. (1988). The AK47 Story - Evolution of the Kalashnikov Weapons, New York: Stackpole Books.
- Gardony, A. L. ve Horner, C. A. (2020). Small Arms Weapon Use İnfluences Distance Estimation. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 187-187,
- Gortz, J. ve Walter, J. (1988). Navy Luger: The 9mm Pistole 1904 and the Imperial German Navy, Lyon: Lyon Publishing.
- Hughes, S. E. (1995). The Evolution of the US Army İnfantry Squad: Where Do We Go From Here? Washington: Monograph Press.
- Huntıngton, S. (1983). Conventional Deterrence and Conventional Retaliation in Europe, Cambridge: International Security, no.3 Winter 1983-84, l(8), 34-42.
- Jardım, F. (2017). The Long Road to Recognition. American Shooting Journal. 5(3), 97-112, http://americanshootingjournal. com/history-sniper/
- Jang, J. ve Kım, K. (2023). A Comparative Study of the Military Tactics of the Mongol Empire and Goguryeo Kingdom (Goryeo), Mongolian Diaspora. Journal of Mongolian History and Culture, Seul: De Gruyter Publish.
- Kenneth, C. (2003). Firearms: A Global History to 1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kıldan, İ. T. ve Akdemir, T. (2021). Kasten Yaralama Suçunda Silah Kavramının Yargıtay Kararları Doğrultusunda İncelenmesi,'n%C4%B1n%206%2F,i%C3%A7ine%20alan%20geni%C5%9F%20bir%20tan%C4%B1md%C4%B1r.
- Kleın, E. (2012). Twelve Facts About Guns And Mass Shootings in the United States. December 18, 2012,
- Kumar, N. ve Dıxıt, A. (2019). Role of Nanotechnology in Futuristic Warfare. In Nanotechnology for Defence Applications, 7(8), 301-329. Cham: Springer,
- Lamb, J. B. (2018). Cyber War has Arrived? Special Operations Journal, 4(1), 39-47,
- Luvaas, J. (1970). The Education of An Army: British Military Thought, 1815-1940, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Metz, S. ve Johnson, D. (2001). Asymmetry and U.S. Military Strategy: Definition. Background and Strategic Concepts, awcgate/ssi/asymetry.pdf.
- Moss, M. (2020), The History of the Gatling Gun,
- Nevılle, L. (2016). US Army Green Beret in Afghanistan 2001-02. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Nıcolle, D. (1983). Armies of the Ottoman Turks, 1300-1774. London: Osprey Publishing.
- Norman, A. (1973). The Great Illusion, a Study of Military Power in Nations to Their Economic and Social Advantage. London: Kent Publisher.
- Pallın, C. (2012). Russian Military Capability in a Ten-Year Perspective. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency.
- Peterson, H. L. ve Elman, R. (2011). The Great Guns. New York: A Ride Press.
- Posen, B. R. (1984). The Sources of Military Doctrine, London: Cornell University Press.
- Reıd, W. (1976). Arms Through the Ages, Newyork: Hagerstown Press.
- Rogers, P. (2001). Towards an Ideal Weapon? Military and Ppolitical Implications of the Aairborne and Space-Based Lasers. Defense Analysis, 17(1), 73-87,
- Robert, J. C. (1967). Histoire des Arms de Chasse. Paris: L’histoire de la Presse.
- Rome Declaration on Peace and Cooperation. (1991). The Alliance’s New Strategic Concept, North Atlantic Council, Rome,
- Schmıdt, P. A. (2007). U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets and Their Bayonets; The Later Years, 1816 through the Civil War, Washington: Andrew Mowbray Inc. Publishers.
- Schmıtt, M. N. (2006). War, Technology and the Law of Armed Conflict, in Anthony M. Helm (ed), The Law of War in the 21st Century: Weaponry and the Use of Force, Newport: US Naval War College Press.
- South, T. (2023). New Name Selected for Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon,
- Stelmaszuk, Z. (1992, June). Armies in a Changing World. Poland Journal of Military Technology, 9(3), 60-69.
- Stewart, R. W. (2010). American Military History, volume II: The United States Army in A Global era 1917-2008. Washington: Center of Military History US Army Press.
- Tegler, E. (2023), Firing the Army’s New Rifle And Machine Gun is a Weighty Experience,
- Terrıff, T. (2002). US Ideas and Military Change in NATO: 1989-1994. T. Farrell (Ed.), The Sources of Military Change: Culture, Politics, Technology (91-116). London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Tımothy, M. 2007. Genghis Khan: Secrets of Success, Military History 24 (5), 41-73.
- U.S. Army Public Affairs, (19 Nisan 2022). Army Awards Next Generation Squad Weapon Contract. US Army,
- U.S. Marine Corps, (1996). Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery, Department of the Navy Headquarters United States Marine Corps, Washington:
- Wheeler, W.T. ve Korb, L.J. (2009). Military Reform: an Uneven History and an Uncertain Future, California: Stanford Security Studies.
- Wıllıams, A. G. (2012). Assault rifles and their ammunition: history ve prospects,
- Zaloga, S. J. (2009). T-80 Standard Tank: The Soviet Army’s Last Armored Champion. Oxford: Osprey Publishing.
Hafif Silah Teknolojilerindeki Tarihsel Gelişiminin Küçük Birlik Çatışma Doktrinine ve Savaşlara Etkisi
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 54 - 84, 31.05.2024
Süleyman Özmen
Hafif silahlar, insanoğlunun tarih boyunca şekillendirdiği eski bir konudur. Sadece birkaç kişiye karşı kullanılabilen silahlar için kullanılan "hafif" sıfatı, namlu çapı 0,6 ila 15 mm arasındaki silahları tanımlar. Küçük Birlik çatışma doktrini ile hafif silah teknolojileri arasında paralel bir evrim mevcuttur. Bu evrim, askerlerin silah kullanımı ve konumlandırması üzerinde etkili olmuştur. Araştırmalar, hafif silahların savaş alanlarında önem kazandığını göstermektedir. Bu silahların evrimi, savaş taktiklerini ve stratejilerini dönüştürmüştür. Bu makale, hafif silah teknolojisinin tarihî gelişiminin küçük birlik çatışma doktrinine ve modern savaşlara olan etkilerini derinlemesine inceler.
Ethical Statement
Bu çalışma bilimsel araştırma ve etik kurallarına uygun olarak hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada etik kurul izni veya yasal/özel izin gerektirecek bir içerik bulunmamaktadır. Çalışma ile ilgili herhangi bir çıkar çatışmasının bulunmadığı UKSAD Uluslararası Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi’ne yazar imzası ile beyan edilmiştir.
Supporting Institution
İstanbul Rumeli Üniversitesi
Bu makale; 16 Mayıs 2001 tarihinde görev dönüşü esnasında CASA tipi askeri uçağın Akçadağ Malatya bölgesinde düşmesi sonucu, Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı'nda görevli 1 binbaşı, 3 yüzbaşı, 3 üsteğmen, 16 astsubay, 1 uzman çavuş, 10 er olmak üzere toplam 34 şehit askerimizin aziz hatıralarına ithaf edilmiştir.
- Abdülkerimov, B. (2021). Özbekistan ve Türkiye Özel Kuvvetler Ortak Tatbikatı,
- Akcan, A. (2021). Bozkır Türk Kavimlerinde Ordunun Temel Unsurları, Tarih ve Gelecek Dergisi, 7(4), 711-726.
- Altmann, J. (2006). Military Nanotechnology Potential Applications and Preventive Arms Control, New York: Routledge.
- Armstrong, D. A. (1982). Bullets ve Bureaucrats: the Machine Gun ve the United States Army, 1861-1916 Westport, Washington: Greenwood Press.
- Babyak, M., Neduzha, L. ve Keršys, R. (2020). Improving the Dependability Evaluation Technique of a Transport Vehicle. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference Transport Means 2020, 2(2), 646–651,
- Berınger, R. E., Hattaway, H. ve Jones, A. (1986). Why the South Lost the Civil War, Athens: University of Georgia Press.
- Bloch, I. S. (2017). Is War Now Impossible? New York: Hansebooks.
- Boot, M. (2006). War Made New: Technology, Warfare and the Course of History, 1500 to Today, New York: Gotham Press.
- Chandler, D. G. (1980). Atlas of Military Strategy: the Art, Theory and Practice of War, 1618-1878, London: Arms ve Armour Press.
- Chrıstensen, C. M. (1997). The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Cambridge: Harvard Business Review Press.
- Clarke, C. P. (2020). Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Trafficking, Smuggling, and use for Criminality by Terrorists and Insurgents: a Brief Historical Overview, app/up loa ds/2020/07/SA LW-Historical-Overview-1.pdf.
- Davıson, N. (2009). Directed Energy Weapons. In “Non-Lethal” Weapons (143-185). London: Palgrave Macmillan,
- Defence Express, (2020). Barrett M82: the Gold Standard of Sniper Rifles and One of the Weaponry Countering Russian Forces in Ukraine,
- Drucker, P. F. (1961). The Technological Revolution: Notes on the Relationship of Technology, Science and Culture, Technology & Culture Magazine, 11(4), 342-351.
- Dyer, J. L., Smıth, S. ve Mcclure, N. R. (1995), Shooting with Night Vision Goggles and Aiming Lights. U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Report,
- Ellıs, J. (1975). The Social History of the Machine Gun, London: Cresset Library.
- Erıcson, S. (1990). Svensk Försvarplannering Hösten 1990, Inträdesförande 901204 Iriksdagen, After The Defence Planning Committee HK 88 Had Failed, KKHT, 6(19), 57-65.
- Faırburn, R. (2008). Policeone, Sniper Ammunition Choices, choices/
- Ezell, E. C. (1988). The AK47 Story - Evolution of the Kalashnikov Weapons, New York: Stackpole Books.
- Gardony, A. L. ve Horner, C. A. (2020). Small Arms Weapon Use İnfluences Distance Estimation. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 187-187,
- Gortz, J. ve Walter, J. (1988). Navy Luger: The 9mm Pistole 1904 and the Imperial German Navy, Lyon: Lyon Publishing.
- Hughes, S. E. (1995). The Evolution of the US Army İnfantry Squad: Where Do We Go From Here? Washington: Monograph Press.
- Huntıngton, S. (1983). Conventional Deterrence and Conventional Retaliation in Europe, Cambridge: International Security, no.3 Winter 1983-84, l(8), 34-42.
- Jardım, F. (2017). The Long Road to Recognition. American Shooting Journal. 5(3), 97-112, http://americanshootingjournal. com/history-sniper/
- Jang, J. ve Kım, K. (2023). A Comparative Study of the Military Tactics of the Mongol Empire and Goguryeo Kingdom (Goryeo), Mongolian Diaspora. Journal of Mongolian History and Culture, Seul: De Gruyter Publish.
- Kenneth, C. (2003). Firearms: A Global History to 1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kıldan, İ. T. ve Akdemir, T. (2021). Kasten Yaralama Suçunda Silah Kavramının Yargıtay Kararları Doğrultusunda İncelenmesi,'n%C4%B1n%206%2F,i%C3%A7ine%20alan%20geni%C5%9F%20bir%20tan%C4%B1md%C4%B1r.
- Kleın, E. (2012). Twelve Facts About Guns And Mass Shootings in the United States. December 18, 2012,
- Kumar, N. ve Dıxıt, A. (2019). Role of Nanotechnology in Futuristic Warfare. In Nanotechnology for Defence Applications, 7(8), 301-329. Cham: Springer,
- Lamb, J. B. (2018). Cyber War has Arrived? Special Operations Journal, 4(1), 39-47,
- Luvaas, J. (1970). The Education of An Army: British Military Thought, 1815-1940, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Metz, S. ve Johnson, D. (2001). Asymmetry and U.S. Military Strategy: Definition. Background and Strategic Concepts, awcgate/ssi/asymetry.pdf.
- Moss, M. (2020), The History of the Gatling Gun,
- Nevılle, L. (2016). US Army Green Beret in Afghanistan 2001-02. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Nıcolle, D. (1983). Armies of the Ottoman Turks, 1300-1774. London: Osprey Publishing.
- Norman, A. (1973). The Great Illusion, a Study of Military Power in Nations to Their Economic and Social Advantage. London: Kent Publisher.
- Pallın, C. (2012). Russian Military Capability in a Ten-Year Perspective. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency.
- Peterson, H. L. ve Elman, R. (2011). The Great Guns. New York: A Ride Press.
- Posen, B. R. (1984). The Sources of Military Doctrine, London: Cornell University Press.
- Reıd, W. (1976). Arms Through the Ages, Newyork: Hagerstown Press.
- Rogers, P. (2001). Towards an Ideal Weapon? Military and Ppolitical Implications of the Aairborne and Space-Based Lasers. Defense Analysis, 17(1), 73-87,
- Robert, J. C. (1967). Histoire des Arms de Chasse. Paris: L’histoire de la Presse.
- Rome Declaration on Peace and Cooperation. (1991). The Alliance’s New Strategic Concept, North Atlantic Council, Rome,
- Schmıdt, P. A. (2007). U.S. Military Flintlock Muskets and Their Bayonets; The Later Years, 1816 through the Civil War, Washington: Andrew Mowbray Inc. Publishers.
- Schmıtt, M. N. (2006). War, Technology and the Law of Armed Conflict, in Anthony M. Helm (ed), The Law of War in the 21st Century: Weaponry and the Use of Force, Newport: US Naval War College Press.
- South, T. (2023). New Name Selected for Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon,
- Stelmaszuk, Z. (1992, June). Armies in a Changing World. Poland Journal of Military Technology, 9(3), 60-69.
- Stewart, R. W. (2010). American Military History, volume II: The United States Army in A Global era 1917-2008. Washington: Center of Military History US Army Press.
- Tegler, E. (2023), Firing the Army’s New Rifle And Machine Gun is a Weighty Experience,
- Terrıff, T. (2002). US Ideas and Military Change in NATO: 1989-1994. T. Farrell (Ed.), The Sources of Military Change: Culture, Politics, Technology (91-116). London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
- Tımothy, M. 2007. Genghis Khan: Secrets of Success, Military History 24 (5), 41-73.
- U.S. Army Public Affairs, (19 Nisan 2022). Army Awards Next Generation Squad Weapon Contract. US Army,
- U.S. Marine Corps, (1996). Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery, Department of the Navy Headquarters United States Marine Corps, Washington:
- Wheeler, W.T. ve Korb, L.J. (2009). Military Reform: an Uneven History and an Uncertain Future, California: Stanford Security Studies.
- Wıllıams, A. G. (2012). Assault rifles and their ammunition: history ve prospects,
- Zaloga, S. J. (2009). T-80 Standard Tank: The Soviet Army’s Last Armored Champion. Oxford: Osprey Publishing.