Writing Rules

Writing Rules

1. International Journal of Crisis and Policy Research includes interdisciplinary studies on international disputes, conflicts and crises.

2. International Journal of Crisis and Policy Research includes research articles, review articles, opinion articles and book reviews.

3. Articles in Turkish and English are accepted. All articles submitted to our journal must include both Turkish and English Title, Abstract (100-150 words) and Keywords (4-5 words). A Structured Abstract in English between 750-1000 words should be added to the end of articles written in Turkish.

4. Articles submitted to the International Journal of Crisis and Policy Research must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent to another journal for publication.

5. New article applications from author(s) whose articles have previously been published in the International Journal of Crisis and Policy Research will not be evaluated for the three issues following the issue in which their articles are published.

6. Articles should be sent via the Dergipark platform, and the contact information of the author(s) (titles, institutions, corporate e-mail addresses, ORCID numbers) should be fully included when entering information about the article.

7. For all articles submitted to the International Journal of Crisis and Policy Research, a similarity report is obtained through the intihal.net program during the application. The similarity report is automatically generated during the article submission process via Dergipark. Applications of articles with a similarity rate of over 20% are not taken into consideration.

8. All articles submitted to the International Journal of Crisis and Policy Research should be prepared using the Article Template. Detailed writing rules regarding the shape requirements are shown on the template. Click to access the template.

9. It is recommended that articles be at least 5000 and at most 8000 words.

10. The copyrights of all published studies belong to the journal.

11. The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal are binding on their authors. All legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.


Citations must be given in the text using parentheses (APA).
Single author works
(Erol, 2022: 295)

Works with two authors
(Çelik & Başaran, 2019: 36)

Works with more than two authors
(Keskin et al., 2022: 124)

When two or more works of the same author published in the same year are cited, letters (a, b, c) are used after the year:
(Tamer, 2017a: 41)
(Tamer, 2017b: 89)

Works with unknown author
(Organization of Turkic States, 2022)

Internet Resources
(Anadolu Agency, 2021)

The use of footnotes is not preferred in APA writing style. Therefore, authors should use as few footnotes as possible. Explanatory information should be given in footnotes only in essential cases.


• In the bibliography, the author's surname is CAPITALIZED and at the beginning. The author’s name is going to be written in lowercase letters.
• References are going to be provided in alphabetical order.
• Page ranges are going to be stated precisely in collected books and articles.



Books with a single author:
• EROL, M. S. (1999). Hayalden Gerçeğe Türk Birleşik Devletleri, İstanbul: İrfan Yayınevi.
• KİSSİNGER, H. (2016). Dünya Düzeni, Sinem Sultan Gül Trans., İstanbul: Boyner Yayınları.
• ORAN, B. (2015). Türk Dış Politikası: 1919-1980, Volume: 1, İstanbul: İletişim Yayıncılık.
• WALTZ, K. N. (2001). Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis, New York: Columbia University Press.

Books with two authors:
• ACAR, Ü., & URHAL Ö. (2007). Devlet Güvenlik İstihbarat-Terörizm, Ankara: Adalet Yayınevi.
• ACEMOĞLU, D., & ROBİNSON J. (2013). Ulusların Düşüşü, çev. Faruk Rasim Velioğlu, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.

Books with more than two authors:
• YANTUNA, İ. et al. (2014). Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkilerci Olmak, İstanbul: Yeniyüzyıl Yayınları.

Articles in collected books:
• ÇELİK, K. E. (2016). Kazakistan’da Kimlik ve Dış Politika. M.E. Erol ve Y. Gürler, (Eds.), TÜRKSAV Türk Dünyası 25. Yıllığı: Tahliller, Değerlendirmeler, Öngörüler, Özeleştiriler, (s. 90-110), Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları.
• DEMİRAĞ, Y. (2007). Türkiye’nin Batı’yla Bütünleşme Çabalarının 200 Yıllık Tarihsel Geçmişi. M. S. Erol, (Ed.), Türkiye-AB İlişkileri, (s. 100-120), Ankara: Orion Yayınevi.
• RİNGMAR, E. (2017). The Making of the Modern World, S. McGlinchey, (Ed.), International Relations, (s. 15-40), Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing.

Books/booklets published by institutions and organizations:
• World Bank Group (2017). Global Economic Prospects: Weak Investments in Uncertain Times, Washington.


Articles with known authors in a journal:
• EROL, M. S. (2007). 11 Eylül Sonrası Türk Dış Politikasında Vizyon Arayışları ve ‘Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset’. Gazi Akademik Bakış, 1(1), 33-55.

Articles with two authors in a journal:
• DOĞAN, K. C. ve RECEPOĞLU, M. (2016). Romanya’da Neo-Liberal Gelişmelere Bağlı Demokratikleşme Reformları: Romanya Ombudsmanı Örneği. Karadeniz Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(51), 101-112.

Articles with more than two authors in the journal:
• KESKİN, Nihal et al. (2022). Turkic Republics on the 30th Anniversary of Their Independence and TURKSOY. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 6(1), 123-147. (“et al.” should not be used here either, all authors must be given)

Articles in special issue journals:
• EKŞİ, M. (2016). AK Parti Döneminde Ortadoğu’da Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Jeokültürel Ekseni: İslami Kimlik. Gazi Akademik Bakış, 9(18), Ortadoğu Özel Sayısı, 59-77.

(EKŞİ, M. (2016). Geocultural Axis of Turkish-American Relations in the Middle East during the AK Party Era: Islamic Identity. Gazi Academic Outlook, 9(18), Middle East Special Issue, 59-77)

Article/column in the daily newspaper:
Author name and surname, "name of the article/column", name of the newspaper, date of publication
• EROL, M. S. (2017). ABD Lawrence’ı McGurk’ün Türkiye Operasyonu. Millî Gazete, 3 Ağustos 2017.


Papers presented at the conference:
BAŞARAN, D. (2018, 26-27 Şubat). İran’ın Güvenlik Algısı ve Bunun Kafkasya Politikalarına Etkisi (Konferans Bildirisi) II. Uluslararası Hocalı ve Bölgesel Güvenlik Sempozyumu, Giresun.
(BAŞARAN, D. (2018, February, 2-27). Iran's Security Perception and Its Effect on Caucasus Policies (Conference Paper) II. International Khojaly and Regional Security Symposium, Giresun.)

Papers in the proceedings book
• EROL, M. S. (2013). Yakın Çevrelerde Güç Mücadeleleri Bağlamında Latin Amerika, Latin Amerika Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, (s. 123-137) Ankara: LAMER&TİKA.
(EROL, M. S. (2013). Latin America in the Context of Power Struggles in Neighborhoods, Latin American Workshop Proceedings, (pp. 123-137) Ankara: LAMER&TIKA.)


Websites of Public Institutions:
• T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı. (2020). Dış İlişkiler Terminoloji, http://www.mfa.gov.tr/dis- iliskiler-terminolojisi.tr.mfa, (APA artık erişim tarihlerini yazmıyor)
• U.S. Department of State. (2017). Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism, https://www.state.gov/j/ct/index.htm,

Citation from the entire website:
• CIA World Factbook. (2015). Afghanistan, https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/,

Cited from a page on the website:
• The Balance. (2016). What is the European Union? How it Works and its History, https://www.thebalance.com/what-is-the-european-union-how-it-works-and- history-3306356, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.08.2017).
• EROL, M. S. (2017), “Süleyman Mabedi” ya da Kaos Düzeni!”, ANKASAM, https://ankasam.org/suleyman-mabedi-ya-da-kaos-duzeni/.
İnternetten alınan köşe yazısı:
• YETKİN, M. (2017). Uluslararası Hukuk Çökerken Yaygın Savaş Tehlikesi. Hürriyet, http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/yazarlar/murat- yetkin/uluslararasi-hukuk-cokerken-yaygin-savas-tehlikesi-40540963,


• Büyükelçinin Sızan Mailinde Türkiye’ye Çirkin Sözler (2017) Hürriyet. https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/dunya/buyukelcinin-sizan-mailinde-turkiyeye-cirkin-sozler-40541023.
• Recep Tayyip Erdoğan [@RT_Erdogan], (Year, Month Day) Kıbrıs Türkü’nün mevcudiyetine kasteden teşebbüsü akim bırakan Kıbrıs Barış Harekatı’nın 43. yıldönümü kutlu olsun., https://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan/status/888060927391748, Twitter

Video sharing platforms:
“Name of the video”, Platform Name, uploader’s name, upload date, URL, (Date of Access).
• Ankara Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Merkezi (2019, 7 Ocak) ANKASAM Başkanı Prof. Dr. Mehmet Seyfettin EROL TRT Haber’de, Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6oiI7c_mtU,


• ÇELİK, K. E. (2014). Kimlikler, Güç Dengesi ve İttifaklar: Kazakistan Örneği. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.

[ÇELİK, K. E. (2014). Identities, Balance of Power and Alliances: The Case of Kazakhstan. (Unpublished Master's Thesis), Ankara: Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences]


Report/analysis with known author:
• TAMER, C. (2017). İkinci Ruhani Dönemi Türkiye-İran İlişkilerinin Geleceği, Ankara: ANKASAM.


“Name of the entry”, name of the work, (volume number, if any), (issue number, if any), place and date of publication, page number.
• “Silistre”, DİA, Volume: 37, İstanbul 2009, p. 203.


Map/scheme name, Map/Scheme, institution, place of publication.
• Ortadoğu Fiziki Haritası, Harita, Ulusal Haritacılık Kurumu Yayını, 2001.

Bulletin name, institution, place and date of publication.
• İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Haber Bülteni, Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.


• BOA., Y.A.HUS., D: 624, G: 36, Document no (lef): 8, ATASE., BHK., K: 987, A: 2-7444, D: 3, F: 8.

• Appendices (documents) will be given at the end of the article and below will include brief information about the content of the document and the source in accordance with scientific referencing criteria.
• Other appendices (Tables, Figures and Graphs) titles for tables, figures and graphs in case there are many indicators other than normal text; It should be written as Appendice Table: 1, Appendice Graph: 3, and Appendice Figure 7, and the appendices should be given after REFERENCES.


• The Journal Publication Board sends the articles it deems appropriate in terms of format and fields to referees (two referees) who are experts on the subject. If both evaluations are positive, the article is accepted. If one is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. Articles that are decided to be corrected for publication must be delivered by their authors within 15 days at the latest (including postal time). The corrected text can be re-examined by referees who request changes when deemed necessary.

• Submitted articles are published with the final decision of the Publication Board, after the "publishable" approval of two field experts (referees). Authors must take into account the criticism, evaluation and corrections of the referees and the Publication Board. If there are issues with which s/he disagrees, the author has the right to state them with justifications on a separate page.

• Articles that receive referee approval are published by the Publication Board, sorted according to the completion dates of the referee reports, based on the subject content of the journal

•The copyright of the articles submitted for publication has been transferred to us by the authors and the articles, book reviews, analyses, reports, etc. No fee is requested from authors who submit their works, and no royalties are paid to authors.

• Articles sent to the journal will not be returned, whether published or not.

• The published articles and opinions are the personal views of the authors and do not reflect the official view of our institution.

Last Update Time: 6/28/24, 3:11:55 PM