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Basra Körfezi’nde Güvenlikleştirme ve Değişen Dinamikleri

Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 139 - 159, 30.06.2023


Basra Körfezi, önemli bir enerji merkezi ve uluslararası petrol akışı ve ticaret için bir geçiş noktası olarak çok stratejik bir öneme sahiptir, bu nedenle bölgenin güvenliği yalnızca bölgesel siyasette değil, küresel siyasette de çok önemli bir konudur. Ancak, bölgesel güvenlik haritası, bölgesel aktörler tarafından güvenlik çıkarları ve hedefleri esas alınarak değil, küresel güçler tarafından ve onların hegemonik çıkarları ve hedefleri doğrultusunda tasarlanmaktadır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın sona ermesinden bu yana, Körfez ülkelerinin artan petrol ihraç kapasitelerine bağlı olarak artan önemine paralel olarak, bölgesel güvenliğin kontrolü, ABD liderliğindeki Batı hegemonyası için çok önemli hale geldi. ABD önderliğindeki Batı ittifakı, Basra Körfezi'nin güvenliğini mimarisini tasarlamak ve kontrol etmek için bölgesel jeopolitiğin farklı dönemlerinde bölgesel müttefiklerle işbirliği yaparak bölgede bir güvenlik sistemi kurdu. Bu makalenin ana argümanı, Körfez'in, bölgesel aktörler tarafından tanımlanan ontolojik güvenlik parametrelerinden ziyade, Körfez Devletlerinin askerileştirilmesi ve dış güçlerin siyasi amaçlarına dayalı askeri müdahalesi yoluyla sürekli güvenlikleştirme süreçlerine maruz kalmakta olduğudur. Son zamanlarda bölgesel jeopolitik dinamiklerde önemli değişimler yaşanmaktadır. Bu makale, Batı tasarımı bölgesel güvenlik mimarisine meydan okuyan bu değişiklikleri tanımlamayı ve bölgenin istikrarı lehine güvenlik dışılaştırma ve normalleşmeye yönelik potansiyel gelişmeleri incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • Acar, N. (2022a). “The Evolution of Saudi Balancing Policy to Iran”, The Journal of Iranian Studies, Vol: 6, No: 2, pp. 173-202.
  • Acar, N. (2022b). “Basra Körfezi Güvenlik Mimarisinde Çin Faktörü”, Zeynep Özden Oktav ve Necmettin Acar (Eds.), Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri, İstanbul: Orion, pp. 48-75.
  • Ayoob, M. (2011). “American Policy Toward the Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
  • Babood, A. (2023). “Why Cahina is Emerging as a Main Promoter of Stability in the Strait of Hormuz”, Carnegie Middle East Center, May 24,, (Accessed: 04.05.3023).
  • Bahgat, G. (2006). “Iran and Israel”, Gawdat Bahgat (Ed.), Israel and the Persian Gulf: Retrospect and Prospect, University Press of Florida.
  • Buzan, B. and Waever, O. (2003). Regions and Powers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Buzan, B. and Waever, O. (2009). “Macrosecuritization and Security Constellations: Reconsidering Scale in Securitization Theory”, Review of International Studies, No: 35, pp. 253-276.
  • Buzan, B., Waever, O. and Wilde, J. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analaysis, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Cherkaoui, M. (2020). “Seven Ironies of Reconstructering A New Security Paradigm in the Gulf”, Aljazeera Center for Studies, Reports, 30 January,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Chulov, M. (2022). “Putin and the Prince. Fears in West as Russia and Saudi Arabia Deepen Ties”, The Guardian, 5 October, 2022,, (Accessed: 03.02.2023).
  • Çavuşoğlu, E. (2022a). “Gulf States and Palestine: Strong Historical Ties Determining Gulf Politics”, International Journal of Political Studies, Vol: 8, No: 2, pp. 15-33.
  • Çavuşoğlu, E. (2022b). Basra Körfezin’de Tarihsel Dinamikler ve Güvenlikleştirme: Alternatif bir Yaklaşım, Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Ebrahim, N. (2023). “China and Saudi Arabia are Getting Closer. Should the West Be Worried?”, CNN, March 31,, (Accessed: 13.04.2023).
  • Esposito, J.L. and Piscatory J. (1989). The Iranian Revolution Ten Years Later: What Has Been Its Global Impact?, Washington: Middle East Institute.
  • Falk, R. (2007). “War and Peace in Age of Terror and State Terrorism”, The journal of International Relations, Vol: 4, No: 14, pp. 1-15.
  • Gause, F. G. III (2014). Beyond Sectarianism: New Middle East Cold War, Brookings Doha Center Analysis Paper, No: 11, July.
  • Gause, F. G. III. (2010). The International Relations of the Persian Gulf, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hashemi, N. and Postel D. (Eds.), (2017). Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Jimmy Carter Library, Jimmy Carter State of the Union Adress 1980, January 23, 1980, The Jimmy Carter Presidental Library and Museum,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Kamrava, M. (2005). The Modern Middle East: A Political History of the First World War, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Kamrava, M. (2011). “Iranian Foreign and Security Policy in the Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
  • Kamrava, M. (2012). “The Political Economy of the Rentierism in the Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), The Political Economy of the Persian Gulf, New York: Oxford University Press § Hurst, pp. 36-98.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018a). Troubled Waters: Insecurity in the Persian Gulf, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, Apple Books.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018b). “Hierarchy and Instability in the Middle East Regional Order”, International Studies Journal, Vol: 14, No: 4, Spring 2018, pp. 1-35.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018c). Troubled Waters: Insecurity in the Persian Gulf, Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018d). “Oil and Institutional Statis in the Persian Gulf”, Journal of Arabian Studies, Vol: 8, No: 1, pp. 1-12.
  • Kennedy, E. M. (1975). “Persian Gulf: Arms Race or Arms Control”, Foreign Affairs, October 1975, Vol: 54, No: 1, pp. 14-35.
  • Keohane, R. O. (1984). After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, New Jersey: Princeton.
  • Kostiner, J. (2011). “Perceptions of Collective Security in the Post-Saddam Era”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, NY: Syracuse University Press, pp. 94- 119.
  • Lawson, F. H. (2011). “Security Dilemmas in the Contemporary Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, NY: Syracuse University Press, pp. 50-71.
  • Lee MJ. and Liptak K. (2023). “There is only so much Patience One can Have: Biden Appears to Back of Vow to Punish Saudi Arabia”,, (Accessed: 12.03.2023).
  • Louer, L. (2020). “Sectarianism in the Gulf Monarchies: Regional and Domestic Factors of Sunni-Shi’i Tensions”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Persian Gulf Politics, NY: Routledge.
  • Makdisi, U. (2000). The Culture of Sectarianism: Community, History and Violence in the Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Lebanon, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Marcus, J. (2017). “Israel and Saudi Arabia: Whats Shaping the Covert ‘Alliance’”, BBC News, 24 November,, (Accessed: 23.03.2022).
  • Memorandum from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Jones) to Secretary of Defense Brown, Washington, September 7, 1978, Office of Historian,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Middle East Monitor, (2023). “US not an Honest Broker in Saudi, Iran Talks”, 15 March,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Nadjmabadi, S. R. (2009). “The Arab Presence on the Iranian Cost of the Persian Gulf”, Lawrence G. Potter (Ed.), The Persian Gulf in History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 128-145.
  • Oktav, Ö. Z. (2022). “Basra Körfezi’nin Değişen Dengeleri ve İran-Sauudi Arabistan İlişkileri (2015-20221)”, Zeynep Özden Oktav ve Necmettin Acar (Eds.), Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri, İstanbul: Orion, pp. 244-271.
  • Özev, M. H. (2016). “Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations, 1932-2014” İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, Vol: 66, no: 1, pp. 83-87.
  • Özev, M. H. (2017). “Energy Security and the Future of the Persian Gulf”, Sadık Ünay (Ed.), Global Political Economy after the Crisis: Theoretical Perspectives and Country Experiences, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 165-186.
  • Özev, M. H. (2022). “Enerji ve Güvenlik Sorunsalı Temelinde Rusya’nın Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi (KİK) Ülkelerine Yönelik Politikaları”, Zeynep Özden Oktav ve Necmettin Acar (Eds.), Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri, İstanbul: Orion, pp. 81-114.
  • Potter, L. G. (2016). “Arabia and Iran”, J.E. Peterson (Ed.), The Emergence of the Gulf States: Studies in Modern History, London: Bloomsburry.
  • Potter, L.G. (2009). “Introduction”, Lawrence G. Potter (Ed.), The Persian Gulf in History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-26.
  • Ramazani, R. K. (1983). “Khomeini’s Islam in Iran’s Foreign Policy”, Adeed Dawisha (Ed.), In Islam in Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 9-33.
  • The Economist, (2021). “Joe Biden Puts Saudi Arabia on Notice”, 5 February,, (Accessed: 03.04.2023).
  • The Guardian, (2017). “Iran is seeking to Control Islamic World Says Saudi Arabian Prince”, 2 May,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Toman, M. and Akman, H. (2014). “The Emergence of the Global War on Terror and Its Reflexion on Middle East”, The Journal of International Social Research, Vol: 7, No: 35, pp. 297-316.
  • Vakil, S. (2021). “Qatar Crisis. A Beginning to End”, Chatham House, 8 January,, (Accessed: 13.02.2023).
  • Waever, O. (1989). “Security, the Speach Act, Analysing the Politics of A Word”, Paper Presented at the Research Training Seminar, Sostrup Manor.
  • Waever, O. (1995). “Securitisation and Desecuritisation”, Ronnie D. Lipschutz (Ed.), On Security, New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 46-86.
  • Weaver, O. (2004). “Aberystyth, Paris, Copenhagen: New Schools in Security Theory and Their Origins between Core and Periphery”, Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, No: 8.
  • Zahlan, R. M. (1998). The Making of the Gulf States: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, The United Arab Emirates, and Oman, Ithaca: Ithaca Press.

The Securitization in the Persian Gulf and Its Changing Dynamics

Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 139 - 159, 30.06.2023


The Persian Gulf has very strategic importance as a significant energy hub and a transition point for international oil flow, and trade, therefore, regional security is a very significant matter not only in regional politics but also in global politics. However, the regional security map has not been designed by the regional actors and based on their security interests and objectives but rather by global powers and based on their hegemonic interests and objectives. Since the end of the Second World War, in parallel with the Gulf States’ increasing importance based on their increasing oil-exporting capacities, controlling regional security has become very important for the US-led Western hegemony. To control and design the security of the Persian Gulf, the US-led Western alliance established a security system in the region through cooperation with the regional allies in different periods of regional geopolitics. This article’s main argument is that the Gulf has been exposed to constant securitization processes through the militarization of the Gulf States and military involvement by outsider powers based on their political goals rather than ontological security parameters defined by the regional actors. Recently, there has been a significant change in dynamics of the regional geopolitics. This article aims to define these changes that challenge the Western-designed regional security architecture and to examine potential developments towards desecuritization and normalization in favor of the stability of the region.


  • Acar, N. (2022a). “The Evolution of Saudi Balancing Policy to Iran”, The Journal of Iranian Studies, Vol: 6, No: 2, pp. 173-202.
  • Acar, N. (2022b). “Basra Körfezi Güvenlik Mimarisinde Çin Faktörü”, Zeynep Özden Oktav ve Necmettin Acar (Eds.), Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri, İstanbul: Orion, pp. 48-75.
  • Ayoob, M. (2011). “American Policy Toward the Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
  • Babood, A. (2023). “Why Cahina is Emerging as a Main Promoter of Stability in the Strait of Hormuz”, Carnegie Middle East Center, May 24,, (Accessed: 04.05.3023).
  • Bahgat, G. (2006). “Iran and Israel”, Gawdat Bahgat (Ed.), Israel and the Persian Gulf: Retrospect and Prospect, University Press of Florida.
  • Buzan, B. and Waever, O. (2003). Regions and Powers, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Buzan, B. and Waever, O. (2009). “Macrosecuritization and Security Constellations: Reconsidering Scale in Securitization Theory”, Review of International Studies, No: 35, pp. 253-276.
  • Buzan, B., Waever, O. and Wilde, J. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analaysis, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Cherkaoui, M. (2020). “Seven Ironies of Reconstructering A New Security Paradigm in the Gulf”, Aljazeera Center for Studies, Reports, 30 January,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Chulov, M. (2022). “Putin and the Prince. Fears in West as Russia and Saudi Arabia Deepen Ties”, The Guardian, 5 October, 2022,, (Accessed: 03.02.2023).
  • Çavuşoğlu, E. (2022a). “Gulf States and Palestine: Strong Historical Ties Determining Gulf Politics”, International Journal of Political Studies, Vol: 8, No: 2, pp. 15-33.
  • Çavuşoğlu, E. (2022b). Basra Körfezin’de Tarihsel Dinamikler ve Güvenlikleştirme: Alternatif bir Yaklaşım, Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
  • Ebrahim, N. (2023). “China and Saudi Arabia are Getting Closer. Should the West Be Worried?”, CNN, March 31,, (Accessed: 13.04.2023).
  • Esposito, J.L. and Piscatory J. (1989). The Iranian Revolution Ten Years Later: What Has Been Its Global Impact?, Washington: Middle East Institute.
  • Falk, R. (2007). “War and Peace in Age of Terror and State Terrorism”, The journal of International Relations, Vol: 4, No: 14, pp. 1-15.
  • Gause, F. G. III (2014). Beyond Sectarianism: New Middle East Cold War, Brookings Doha Center Analysis Paper, No: 11, July.
  • Gause, F. G. III. (2010). The International Relations of the Persian Gulf, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hashemi, N. and Postel D. (Eds.), (2017). Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Jimmy Carter Library, Jimmy Carter State of the Union Adress 1980, January 23, 1980, The Jimmy Carter Presidental Library and Museum,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Kamrava, M. (2005). The Modern Middle East: A Political History of the First World War, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Kamrava, M. (2011). “Iranian Foreign and Security Policy in the Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
  • Kamrava, M. (2012). “The Political Economy of the Rentierism in the Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), The Political Economy of the Persian Gulf, New York: Oxford University Press § Hurst, pp. 36-98.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018a). Troubled Waters: Insecurity in the Persian Gulf, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, Apple Books.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018b). “Hierarchy and Instability in the Middle East Regional Order”, International Studies Journal, Vol: 14, No: 4, Spring 2018, pp. 1-35.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018c). Troubled Waters: Insecurity in the Persian Gulf, Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Kamrava, M. (2018d). “Oil and Institutional Statis in the Persian Gulf”, Journal of Arabian Studies, Vol: 8, No: 1, pp. 1-12.
  • Kennedy, E. M. (1975). “Persian Gulf: Arms Race or Arms Control”, Foreign Affairs, October 1975, Vol: 54, No: 1, pp. 14-35.
  • Keohane, R. O. (1984). After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy, New Jersey: Princeton.
  • Kostiner, J. (2011). “Perceptions of Collective Security in the Post-Saddam Era”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, NY: Syracuse University Press, pp. 94- 119.
  • Lawson, F. H. (2011). “Security Dilemmas in the Contemporary Persian Gulf”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), International Politics of the Persian Gulf, NY: Syracuse University Press, pp. 50-71.
  • Lee MJ. and Liptak K. (2023). “There is only so much Patience One can Have: Biden Appears to Back of Vow to Punish Saudi Arabia”,, (Accessed: 12.03.2023).
  • Louer, L. (2020). “Sectarianism in the Gulf Monarchies: Regional and Domestic Factors of Sunni-Shi’i Tensions”, Mehran Kamrava (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Persian Gulf Politics, NY: Routledge.
  • Makdisi, U. (2000). The Culture of Sectarianism: Community, History and Violence in the Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Lebanon, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Marcus, J. (2017). “Israel and Saudi Arabia: Whats Shaping the Covert ‘Alliance’”, BBC News, 24 November,, (Accessed: 23.03.2022).
  • Memorandum from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Jones) to Secretary of Defense Brown, Washington, September 7, 1978, Office of Historian,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Middle East Monitor, (2023). “US not an Honest Broker in Saudi, Iran Talks”, 15 March,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Nadjmabadi, S. R. (2009). “The Arab Presence on the Iranian Cost of the Persian Gulf”, Lawrence G. Potter (Ed.), The Persian Gulf in History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 128-145.
  • Oktav, Ö. Z. (2022). “Basra Körfezi’nin Değişen Dengeleri ve İran-Sauudi Arabistan İlişkileri (2015-20221)”, Zeynep Özden Oktav ve Necmettin Acar (Eds.), Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri, İstanbul: Orion, pp. 244-271.
  • Özev, M. H. (2016). “Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations, 1932-2014” İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, Vol: 66, no: 1, pp. 83-87.
  • Özev, M. H. (2017). “Energy Security and the Future of the Persian Gulf”, Sadık Ünay (Ed.), Global Political Economy after the Crisis: Theoretical Perspectives and Country Experiences, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 165-186.
  • Özev, M. H. (2022). “Enerji ve Güvenlik Sorunsalı Temelinde Rusya’nın Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi (KİK) Ülkelerine Yönelik Politikaları”, Zeynep Özden Oktav ve Necmettin Acar (Eds.), Basra Körfezi Güvenliğinin Yeni Dinamikleri, İstanbul: Orion, pp. 81-114.
  • Potter, L. G. (2016). “Arabia and Iran”, J.E. Peterson (Ed.), The Emergence of the Gulf States: Studies in Modern History, London: Bloomsburry.
  • Potter, L.G. (2009). “Introduction”, Lawrence G. Potter (Ed.), The Persian Gulf in History, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-26.
  • Ramazani, R. K. (1983). “Khomeini’s Islam in Iran’s Foreign Policy”, Adeed Dawisha (Ed.), In Islam in Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 9-33.
  • The Economist, (2021). “Joe Biden Puts Saudi Arabia on Notice”, 5 February,, (Accessed: 03.04.2023).
  • The Guardian, (2017). “Iran is seeking to Control Islamic World Says Saudi Arabian Prince”, 2 May,, (Accessed: 10.01.2023).
  • Toman, M. and Akman, H. (2014). “The Emergence of the Global War on Terror and Its Reflexion on Middle East”, The Journal of International Social Research, Vol: 7, No: 35, pp. 297-316.
  • Vakil, S. (2021). “Qatar Crisis. A Beginning to End”, Chatham House, 8 January,, (Accessed: 13.02.2023).
  • Waever, O. (1989). “Security, the Speach Act, Analysing the Politics of A Word”, Paper Presented at the Research Training Seminar, Sostrup Manor.
  • Waever, O. (1995). “Securitisation and Desecuritisation”, Ronnie D. Lipschutz (Ed.), On Security, New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 46-86.
  • Weaver, O. (2004). “Aberystyth, Paris, Copenhagen: New Schools in Security Theory and Their Origins between Core and Periphery”, Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, No: 8.
  • Zahlan, R. M. (1998). The Making of the Gulf States: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, The United Arab Emirates, and Oman, Ithaca: Ithaca Press.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science, International Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Esra Cavusoglu 0000-0001-6134-6265

Early Pub Date June 12, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date May 2, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Cavusoglu, E. (2023). The Securitization in the Persian Gulf and Its Changing Dynamics. Uluslararası İlişkiler Ve Politika Dergisi, 3(2), 139-159.

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