Research Article
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The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities within a System of Strong Central Government

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 49 - 60, 06.07.2019


The Councils of People’s Deputies (Xalq deputatlari Kengashlari) are the representatives
of Uzbek state authorities in regions, districts and towns. The hokims (governors) of regions,
districts and towns are the highest officials of the state’s local authorities. They simultaneously
serve as heads of representatives and executive authorities in their respective territories. In the
small settlements, kishlaks and auls (villages) and in the residential neighbourhoods (mahallas)
of cities and towns, the residents of the particular mahallas decide all local matters at general
meetings. These local self-governing bodies elect their Chairmen (aksakal) and the members of
his chamber for a term of two-and-a-half years.
In Uzbekistan's system of strong central government, local government has little
independence. The chief executive of each province and of Tashkent is the hakim, who is
appointed by the president. Although these appointments must be confirmed by local legislative
bodies that are elected by popular vote, the power of the president is dominant. Shavkat
Mirziyoyev, has introduced wide-ranging economic, judicial, and social reforms to increase local
officials’ accountability. This paper thus provides an account of the Uzbek local authorities’
roles, functions and the reform processes the government has introduced to better organize the
state authority bodies at the regional, districts and mahalla levels.


  • Adliya vazirligi, O`zbekiston Oqsoqollar Kengashining Nizomi ,412-son bilan Adliya vazirligi tomonidan ro`yxatga olingan, 15 May 2000, (The Ministry of Justice, the Charter of the Council of Elders of Uzbekistan was registered by the Ministry of Justice on May 15, 2000, number 412).
  • Alimova, D., Rtveladze, E.V. O`zbekiston davlatchiligi tarixi ocherklari. (Historical Accounts of Uzbekistan's statehood). Tashkent, O`zR FA tarix instituti, 2001.
  • Asia & Pacific, “Uzbekistan's population exceeds 33 million, Tashkent”, October 15, 2018, Xinhuanet App. Accessed: 19.02.2019
  • Avcı, E. “Değişen Dünyada Değişen Özbekistan”, BILGESAM Analiz/ Orta Asya, N0: 1380, 22 Şubat 2018. 2018022161380.pdf/ Accessed: 26.06.2019.
  • Azizov, N. P., I. Saidaxmedov. O`zbekiston Respublikasi IIV Akademiyasi. Davlat va huquq tarixini o`rganish yuzasidan metodik materiallar (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Methodological materials on studying history of state and law). Tashkent, 2003.
  • Бабабеков, Х. Н. Англо-русское соперничество в Средней Азии XIX век (Anglo-Russian rivalry in Central Asia; XIX century). Tashkent, 2006
  • Bovyer, A. C. Political Reform in Mirziyoyev’s Uzbekistan: Elections, Political Parties and Civil Society: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2018. Accessed: 19.02.2019
  • Boboyev, H. Saidov A. X. O`zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasini o`rganish studying the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan). Tashkent, 2001.
  • Gulomov Y, Nabiyev, R. O`zbekiston SSR tarixi (History of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan). Tashkent, 1958.
  • Hashimova, U. “Hokim Hubbub: Making Sense of Local Government Shuffles in Uzbekistan”, The Diplomat, 6 August 2018. Accessed: 28.06.2019
  • Mustaqillik. Izohli ilmiy-ommabop lug`at (Scientifically explained popular Dictionary). Tashkent: Mustaqillik, 1998.
  • Jalilov, Sh. Davlat hokimiyati mahalliy organlari islohoti (The Reforms of the State’s Local authority bodies).Tashkent, 1994.
  • Jo`rayev, N., Fayzullayev, T. Mustaqil Ozbekiston tarixi (The History of Independent Uzbekistan).Tashkent, 2000.
  • Karimov, I. Buyuk Maksad Yolidan Ogishmailik, (On the Way to the Great Goal) Tashkent, Uzbekiston, 1993
  • Karimov, I. Uzbekistoning Siyasi-Ictimayi va Iktisodiy Istikbolining Asosiy Tamoyillari, (The Main Principles of Political-Social and Economic Revival of Uzbekistan) Tashkent, Uzbekiston,1995.
  • Karimova, O. Huquqshunoslik (The Jurisprudence). Tashkent, 2002.
  • Ma`sul muharrir, Z., Orifxonova. X. Toshkent mahallalari: an`analar va zamonaviylik (Tashkent neighborhoods: tradition and modernity). Tashkent, 2002.
  • Ollamov, Y., Bekov I. O`zbekiston Respublikasining Konstitutsiyasi va mahalliy davlat hokimiyati (Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the local Authorities). Tashkent, 2005.
  • Ozbekiston Oqsoqollar Kengashi 1-ta`sis Qurultoyida (Majlis) tasdiqlangan (The Council of Elders has been approved at the 1-st Congress (Assembly), 6 noyabr, 1999.
  • “Özbekistan’daki köklü değişimler neyi ifade ediyor?” Access: 18.06.2019
  • “2017: Özbekistan’da reform yılı” Access: 18.06.2019
  • Savkat Mirolimov, Mahalla Mahri, (The Affection of Mahalla) Tashkent: Navruz, 1994.
  • Shuhrat Jalilov, Mahalla yangilanish Davrida, (Mahalla in the Revival period) Tashkent, Mehnat,1995,
  • Shuhrat Jalilov, Davlat Hokimiyoti Mahalliy Organlari Islohoti: Tajriba va Muammalar, Tashkent: Uzbekiston, 1994.
  • Sever, M., “Judicial and Governance Reform in Uzbekistan”, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Lithuania, 2018. Accessed: 26.06.2019
  • Sodiqov H., Shamsuddinov R., Ravshanov P. Usmonov Q. Turkiston chor Rossiyasi mustamlakachiligi davrida (Turkestan during the Tsarist Russian colonial period). Tashkent, 2000, p.203.
  • Toshkent oqshomi gazetasi (The Tashkent Evening), 18 July 2001.
  • Urinboyev, R. Local Government in Uzbekistan. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), “Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration”, Public Policy, and Governance Springer, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3665-1
  • “Uzbekistan Events 2018”, Human Rights Watch Report 2019. Accessed: 29.06.2019
  • Yalcin, R. The Rebirth of Uzbekistan; politics, economy and society in the post-Soviet era, Reading, Ithaca Press, 2002.

Güçlü bir Merkezi Yönetim Sistemi içinde Özbekistan Yerel Yönetimlerinin Rol ve Özellikleri

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 49 - 60, 06.07.2019


Özbekistan’da vilayet, şehir, ilçe ve kasaba düzeyindeki yerel temsilci yetkilileri Halk
Meclisleri Konseyleri, (Xalq deputatlari Kengashlari)’ dir. Vilayetlerin, ilçelerin ve kasabaların
devlet otoritesinin temsilcileri olan Halk Temsilcileri; vilayetlerin, ilçelerin ve kasabaların
valileri, eyaletin yerel otoritelerinin en üst düzey yetkilileridir ve aynı zamanda kendi
bölgelerinde temsilciler meclisinin ve yürütme organlarının başları olarak görev yaparlar.
Küçük yerleşim yerlerinde, kishlaklar ve aullar (köyler) ile şehir ve kasabaların meskun
yerleşim yerlerinde mahalleler, belirli mahallelerin sakinleri, genel toplantılarda tüm yerel
meselelerin kararvericileridir. Bu yerel “özerk yönetim’’ organları, aksakal ve başkanlık meclisi
azalarını (üyelerini) iki buçuk yıllık bir süre için seçerler.
Özbekistan'ın güçlü merkezi yönetim sisteminde, yerel yönetimlerin bağımsızlığı söz
konusu değil. Her bölgenin (vilayetin) ve Taşkent'in yetkili amiri, devlet başkanı tarafından
atanan bir hakim (bölge valisi)’ dir. Bu atamaların halk oyu ile seçilen yerel yasama organları
tarafından onaylanması gerekmesine rağmen, devlet başkanının gücü baskındır ve atadığı kişi
yerel meclis tarafından reddedilemez. Shavkat Mirziyayev, göreve gelir gelmez farklı alanları
hedefliyerek kapsamlı ekonomik, adli ve sosyal reformları başlattı. Yerel yetkililerin teşvik edici
stratejisinin bir parçası olarak hesap verilebilirliğini artırmak için bir “Gelişmiş Kamu Hizmeti
Kurumları” sistemini başlattı. Bu makale, Özbek yerel yönetim organlarının rollerini ve
işlevlerini belirterek, merkezi hükümetin vilayetler, iller, ilçeler ve mahalle bazında bu
kurumları daha verimli hale getirmek için başlattığı reform süreçlerini ve bu süreçlerin ne
derece başarılı olduklarını göstermeye çalışacaktır.


  • Adliya vazirligi, O`zbekiston Oqsoqollar Kengashining Nizomi ,412-son bilan Adliya vazirligi tomonidan ro`yxatga olingan, 15 May 2000, (The Ministry of Justice, the Charter of the Council of Elders of Uzbekistan was registered by the Ministry of Justice on May 15, 2000, number 412).
  • Alimova, D., Rtveladze, E.V. O`zbekiston davlatchiligi tarixi ocherklari. (Historical Accounts of Uzbekistan's statehood). Tashkent, O`zR FA tarix instituti, 2001.
  • Asia & Pacific, “Uzbekistan's population exceeds 33 million, Tashkent”, October 15, 2018, Xinhuanet App. Accessed: 19.02.2019
  • Avcı, E. “Değişen Dünyada Değişen Özbekistan”, BILGESAM Analiz/ Orta Asya, N0: 1380, 22 Şubat 2018. 2018022161380.pdf/ Accessed: 26.06.2019.
  • Azizov, N. P., I. Saidaxmedov. O`zbekiston Respublikasi IIV Akademiyasi. Davlat va huquq tarixini o`rganish yuzasidan metodik materiallar (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Methodological materials on studying history of state and law). Tashkent, 2003.
  • Бабабеков, Х. Н. Англо-русское соперничество в Средней Азии XIX век (Anglo-Russian rivalry in Central Asia; XIX century). Tashkent, 2006
  • Bovyer, A. C. Political Reform in Mirziyoyev’s Uzbekistan: Elections, Political Parties and Civil Society: Institute for Security & Development Policy, 2018. Accessed: 19.02.2019
  • Boboyev, H. Saidov A. X. O`zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasini o`rganish studying the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan). Tashkent, 2001.
  • Gulomov Y, Nabiyev, R. O`zbekiston SSR tarixi (History of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan). Tashkent, 1958.
  • Hashimova, U. “Hokim Hubbub: Making Sense of Local Government Shuffles in Uzbekistan”, The Diplomat, 6 August 2018. Accessed: 28.06.2019
  • Mustaqillik. Izohli ilmiy-ommabop lug`at (Scientifically explained popular Dictionary). Tashkent: Mustaqillik, 1998.
  • Jalilov, Sh. Davlat hokimiyati mahalliy organlari islohoti (The Reforms of the State’s Local authority bodies).Tashkent, 1994.
  • Jo`rayev, N., Fayzullayev, T. Mustaqil Ozbekiston tarixi (The History of Independent Uzbekistan).Tashkent, 2000.
  • Karimov, I. Buyuk Maksad Yolidan Ogishmailik, (On the Way to the Great Goal) Tashkent, Uzbekiston, 1993
  • Karimov, I. Uzbekistoning Siyasi-Ictimayi va Iktisodiy Istikbolining Asosiy Tamoyillari, (The Main Principles of Political-Social and Economic Revival of Uzbekistan) Tashkent, Uzbekiston,1995.
  • Karimova, O. Huquqshunoslik (The Jurisprudence). Tashkent, 2002.
  • Ma`sul muharrir, Z., Orifxonova. X. Toshkent mahallalari: an`analar va zamonaviylik (Tashkent neighborhoods: tradition and modernity). Tashkent, 2002.
  • Ollamov, Y., Bekov I. O`zbekiston Respublikasining Konstitutsiyasi va mahalliy davlat hokimiyati (Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the local Authorities). Tashkent, 2005.
  • Ozbekiston Oqsoqollar Kengashi 1-ta`sis Qurultoyida (Majlis) tasdiqlangan (The Council of Elders has been approved at the 1-st Congress (Assembly), 6 noyabr, 1999.
  • “Özbekistan’daki köklü değişimler neyi ifade ediyor?” Access: 18.06.2019
  • “2017: Özbekistan’da reform yılı” Access: 18.06.2019
  • Savkat Mirolimov, Mahalla Mahri, (The Affection of Mahalla) Tashkent: Navruz, 1994.
  • Shuhrat Jalilov, Mahalla yangilanish Davrida, (Mahalla in the Revival period) Tashkent, Mehnat,1995,
  • Shuhrat Jalilov, Davlat Hokimiyoti Mahalliy Organlari Islohoti: Tajriba va Muammalar, Tashkent: Uzbekiston, 1994.
  • Sever, M., “Judicial and Governance Reform in Uzbekistan”, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Lithuania, 2018. Accessed: 26.06.2019
  • Sodiqov H., Shamsuddinov R., Ravshanov P. Usmonov Q. Turkiston chor Rossiyasi mustamlakachiligi davrida (Turkestan during the Tsarist Russian colonial period). Tashkent, 2000, p.203.
  • Toshkent oqshomi gazetasi (The Tashkent Evening), 18 July 2001.
  • Urinboyev, R. Local Government in Uzbekistan. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), “Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration”, Public Policy, and Governance Springer, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3665-1
  • “Uzbekistan Events 2018”, Human Rights Watch Report 2019. Accessed: 29.06.2019
  • Yalcin, R. The Rebirth of Uzbekistan; politics, economy and society in the post-Soviet era, Reading, Ithaca Press, 2002.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Resul Yalçın

Publication Date July 6, 2019
Submission Date June 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Yalçın, R. (2019). The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities within a System of Strong Central Government. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi, 3(1), 49-60.
AMA Yalçın R. The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities within a System of Strong Central Government. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi. July 2019;3(1):49-60.
Chicago Yalçın, Resul. “The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities Within a System of Strong Central Government”. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi 3, no. 1 (July 2019): 49-60.
EndNote Yalçın R (July 1, 2019) The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities within a System of Strong Central Government. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi 3 1 49–60.
IEEE R. Yalçın, “The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities within a System of Strong Central Government”, Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 49–60, 2019.
ISNAD Yalçın, Resul. “The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities Within a System of Strong Central Government”. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi 3/1 (July 2019), 49-60.
JAMA Yalçın R. The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities within a System of Strong Central Government. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi. 2019;3:49–60.
MLA Yalçın, Resul. “The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities Within a System of Strong Central Government”. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, 2019, pp. 49-60.
Vancouver Yalçın R. The Role and Features of Uzbek Local Authorities within a System of Strong Central Government. Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi. 2019;3(1):49-60.
Ulisa: Journal of International Studies is published by the ULİSA Institute.