Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 38 - 58, 31.07.2024


This study sheds light on the importance of internet users' data as a valuable resource targeted by targeted advertisers. These data are the fuel that ignites the digital economy engine. However, the use of this data raises questions about the balance between digital economy and user privacy. Targeted advertising studies reveal the potential violations of users' privacy, necessitating the presence of legislation to protect user data and preserve their rights. Additionally, balancing economic development and maintaining privacy in a connected technological world is required.
The researchers also concluded that social media platforms, as private commercial entities, provide free services by using and selling user data to third parties for commercial purposes. These companies need to comply with legislation and laws that protect user privacy and ensure their right to digital forgetting. The study relies on an inductive methodology, reviewing and analyzing previously available and published sources on a specific topic, providing a comprehensive overview of the concept of targeted advertising and its use of user data. Based on this analysis, the focus is on the impact of these practices on user privacy and the need for a sustainable balance between economic development and privacy rights in the connected digital world.

Project Number



  • Abdulamir, F., and Israa, H.,(2017) Violation of Privacy on Social Media Sites, Al-Baheth Al-Ilamiya Magazine, no. 36, p. 213.
  • Alderi, A. A., & Ismaeil, M. M. S. (2012). Electronic Crimes: A Legal Comparative Judicial Study. Cairo: National Center for Legal Publications.
  • Ali, A. & Faris, K.(2021) Assuring enhanced privacy violation detection model for social networks, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, Vol.14.
  • Alkahlout, O. H. (2023). The effect of digital HRM practices on human resources performance: The case of Palestine (Master's thesis, Sakarya Üniversitesi). ‏ Al-Maadawi,M.(2018) Protecting the User’s Information Privacy via Social Media Networks, a Comparative Study, Journal of the Faculty of Sharia and Law in Tanta, Al-Azhar University, Volume 33, No. 4, p. 1926,
  • Almadaawi, A. M. (2018). Information Privacy Protection for Users on Social Networking Sites: A Comparative Study. Journal of Sharia and Law, Tanta University, Volume 33, Issue 4.
  • Al-Qahtani, M.(2015)Protecting the Personal Privacy of Social Media Users: A Comparative Fundamental Study,(unpublished master’s thesis), Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences.
  • Al-Sharif, S.(2014) Digital Data Privacy,” Cairo: Support Center for Information Technology,p. 4.
  • Ankit Jain et. al.(2021) Online social networks security and privacy: comprehensive review and analysis, Complex & Intelligent Systems 7, , pp 2157-2177.
  • Ayesha, S. & Umair, A.(2021) Privacy threats on social networking websites, Foundation University Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.2, No.1.
  • Belassel, Y., & Maqdour, N. (2021). The Right to Digital Privacy. The Future Journal of Legal and Political Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1.
  • Bouhlel, Y. (2019). Cyber Crimes and Prevention in Algerian Law in Light of the Arab Convention on Combating Information Technology Crimes, Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Law, Special Laws: A Comparative Study. Dar Al-Kotob and Higher Studies.
  • Brook Auxier , and others ,(2019 )Americans and Privacy, Concerned, .1Confused and Feeling Lack Of Control Over Their Personal Information, Pew Research Center.
  • Eugenia, G. (2021) A Right That Should've Been: Protection of Personal Images on the Internet, The Law Review of the Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property 61 IDEA, Vol.61, No.2.
  • Gaber, A. (2015). Targeting Internet Users with Commercial Ads and the Right to Privacy Protection. Human Sciences Journal, 9-46.
  • Galli Federico and others (2022), consent to targeted advertising , European business Law review no 33 , Holland
  • Habash, M.(2012).The world of Technology. “how-can-facebook-make-money”. Access: 16 February 2024.
  • Herwal, & Nabilah Heba. (2018). Protecting Consumer Information Privacy Online.
  • Hyang, S.(2016) What drives you to check in on Facebook?: Motivations, privacy concerns, and mobile phone involvement for location-based information sharing, Computers in Human Behavior 54, p397.
  • Ibn Bargouth, L. (2021). Information Privacy on social media in the Face of the Inevitable Trend towards the Virtual Maze: Challenges, Violations, and Reflections. Media and Society Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2.
  • Jeffrey, C. & Shawn, S.(2016) Fuzzy Facebook privacy boundaries: Exploring mediated lurking, vague-booking, and Facebook privacy management, Computers in Human Behavior 54, p483
  • John LK, Kim T, Barasz K (2018) Ads that don’t overstep. Harvard Bus. Rev. 96(1):62–69
  • Kadwani, Ş. (2022). Controls for protecting the right to privacy via social networking sites - an analytical study, Journal of Media Research, 60(2), 903-948.
  • Khadija, J. et al. (2018). Protecting consumer information privacy online, Journal of Research in Law and Political Science, Volume (04), Issue 01.
  • Marie, F.(2008) Les reseaux sociaux en ligne et la vie privée, mémoire, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas - Master 2 Droit du Multimédia et de l'Informatique , p.33
  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,(2014)The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age (New York: United Nations , p. 6).
  • Sagee, S. & Devika, R.(2021) Limiting the Social Media's Encroachment into a Person's Right to Privacy, Global Media Journal, Vol.3, Iss.3.
  • Saleh, M. Z. M. (2016). International Legal Protection of Personal Data Online: Between International Law, Agreements, and National Law. Arab Republic of Egypt: Center for Advanced Studies for Publishing and Distribution.
  • Shareetah, R. O. (2017). Electronic Advertising: Contemporary Concepts and Strategies. Dar Al-Tarbia Al-Haditha. Sophie. B. (2021)Exploring Motivations for Online Privacy Protection Behavior: Insights From Panel Data, Communication Research, Vol.48, Iss.7, p95
  • Sylvia, K. et. al.(2015) Like us on Facebook!: Analyzing user preferences regarding privacy settings in Germany, 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics.
  • Tawfiq, B., et al.,(2014) Improving Privacy Protection for Social Network Users in the Gaza Strip through Security and Technical Awareness, Al-Azhar University Gaza Journal, Natural Sciences Series, vol. 16, no.p. 69.
  • Ullah imdad and others,( 2022 ),privacy in tergeted advertising : Asurvey , Naccache : CT-RSA 2001, pp. 408–424 ,C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Wali, N., & Baghdadi, L. (2021). Legal Protection for Electronic Payment Methods in Algeria. Law and Local Development Laboratory.
  • Habash, M. (2013) A glimpse of Big Data, the world of technology, access
  • Hadi, H., Shnain, A., Hadishahee, S., & Ahmad, D. A. (2014). Big Data and five v's characteristics.
  • Beyer, M. (2011). Gartner Says Solving 'big data' challenge involves more than just managing volumes of data, Gartner, Retrieved November 25, 2011, from
  • Vance, A. (2010). Start-Up Goes After Big Data with Hadoop Helper, New York Times,
  • Mckinsey & Company (2011). Big Data: The next frontier for innovation, competition and productivity,
  • Douglas, L. (2012). "The Importance of 'Big Data': A definition". Gartner,
  • Prashad, L. (2011, November 28). Social impact through satellite remote sensing: Visualizing acute Page 16 of 16
  • Bouillet, E. Kothari, R., Kumar, V., Mignet, L., Nathan, S., Ranganathan, A., Turaga, D., Udrea, O. & Verscheure, O. (2012). Processing 6 billion CDRs/day: from research to production (experience report) pp. 264-67 in Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, (pp. 264-267). Billion CDRsDay_From_Research_to_Production (26/11/2023)


Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 38 - 58, 31.07.2024


This study sheds light on the importance of internet users' data as a valuable resource targeted by targeted advertisers. These data are the fuel that ignites the digital economy engine. However, the use of this data raises questions about the balance between digital economy and user privacy. Targeted advertising studies reveal the potential violations of users' privacy, necessitating the presence of legislation to protect user data and preserve their rights. Additionally, balancing economic development and maintaining privacy in a connected technological world is required.
The researchers also concluded that social media platforms, as private commercial entities, provide free services by using and selling user data to third parties for commercial purposes. These companies need to comply with legislation and laws that protect user privacy and ensure their right to digital forgetting. The study relies on an inductive methodology, reviewing and analyzing previously available and published sources on a specific topic, providing a comprehensive overview of the concept of targeted advertising and its use of user data. Based on this analysis, the focus is on the impact of these practices on user privacy and the need for a sustainable balance between economic development and privacy rights in the connected digital world.

Project Number



  • Abdulamir, F., and Israa, H.,(2017) Violation of Privacy on Social Media Sites, Al-Baheth Al-Ilamiya Magazine, no. 36, p. 213.
  • Alderi, A. A., & Ismaeil, M. M. S. (2012). Electronic Crimes: A Legal Comparative Judicial Study. Cairo: National Center for Legal Publications.
  • Ali, A. & Faris, K.(2021) Assuring enhanced privacy violation detection model for social networks, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, Vol.14.
  • Alkahlout, O. H. (2023). The effect of digital HRM practices on human resources performance: The case of Palestine (Master's thesis, Sakarya Üniversitesi). ‏ Al-Maadawi,M.(2018) Protecting the User’s Information Privacy via Social Media Networks, a Comparative Study, Journal of the Faculty of Sharia and Law in Tanta, Al-Azhar University, Volume 33, No. 4, p. 1926,
  • Almadaawi, A. M. (2018). Information Privacy Protection for Users on Social Networking Sites: A Comparative Study. Journal of Sharia and Law, Tanta University, Volume 33, Issue 4.
  • Al-Qahtani, M.(2015)Protecting the Personal Privacy of Social Media Users: A Comparative Fundamental Study,(unpublished master’s thesis), Naif Arab Academy for Security Sciences.
  • Al-Sharif, S.(2014) Digital Data Privacy,” Cairo: Support Center for Information Technology,p. 4.
  • Ankit Jain et. al.(2021) Online social networks security and privacy: comprehensive review and analysis, Complex & Intelligent Systems 7, , pp 2157-2177.
  • Ayesha, S. & Umair, A.(2021) Privacy threats on social networking websites, Foundation University Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol.2, No.1.
  • Belassel, Y., & Maqdour, N. (2021). The Right to Digital Privacy. The Future Journal of Legal and Political Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1.
  • Bouhlel, Y. (2019). Cyber Crimes and Prevention in Algerian Law in Light of the Arab Convention on Combating Information Technology Crimes, Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Law, Special Laws: A Comparative Study. Dar Al-Kotob and Higher Studies.
  • Brook Auxier , and others ,(2019 )Americans and Privacy, Concerned, .1Confused and Feeling Lack Of Control Over Their Personal Information, Pew Research Center.
  • Eugenia, G. (2021) A Right That Should've Been: Protection of Personal Images on the Internet, The Law Review of the Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property 61 IDEA, Vol.61, No.2.
  • Gaber, A. (2015). Targeting Internet Users with Commercial Ads and the Right to Privacy Protection. Human Sciences Journal, 9-46.
  • Galli Federico and others (2022), consent to targeted advertising , European business Law review no 33 , Holland
  • Habash, M.(2012).The world of Technology. “how-can-facebook-make-money”. Access: 16 February 2024.
  • Herwal, & Nabilah Heba. (2018). Protecting Consumer Information Privacy Online.
  • Hyang, S.(2016) What drives you to check in on Facebook?: Motivations, privacy concerns, and mobile phone involvement for location-based information sharing, Computers in Human Behavior 54, p397.
  • Ibn Bargouth, L. (2021). Information Privacy on social media in the Face of the Inevitable Trend towards the Virtual Maze: Challenges, Violations, and Reflections. Media and Society Journal, Volume 5, Issue 2.
  • Jeffrey, C. & Shawn, S.(2016) Fuzzy Facebook privacy boundaries: Exploring mediated lurking, vague-booking, and Facebook privacy management, Computers in Human Behavior 54, p483
  • John LK, Kim T, Barasz K (2018) Ads that don’t overstep. Harvard Bus. Rev. 96(1):62–69
  • Kadwani, Ş. (2022). Controls for protecting the right to privacy via social networking sites - an analytical study, Journal of Media Research, 60(2), 903-948.
  • Khadija, J. et al. (2018). Protecting consumer information privacy online, Journal of Research in Law and Political Science, Volume (04), Issue 01.
  • Marie, F.(2008) Les reseaux sociaux en ligne et la vie privée, mémoire, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas - Master 2 Droit du Multimédia et de l'Informatique , p.33
  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,(2014)The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age (New York: United Nations , p. 6).
  • Sagee, S. & Devika, R.(2021) Limiting the Social Media's Encroachment into a Person's Right to Privacy, Global Media Journal, Vol.3, Iss.3.
  • Saleh, M. Z. M. (2016). International Legal Protection of Personal Data Online: Between International Law, Agreements, and National Law. Arab Republic of Egypt: Center for Advanced Studies for Publishing and Distribution.
  • Shareetah, R. O. (2017). Electronic Advertising: Contemporary Concepts and Strategies. Dar Al-Tarbia Al-Haditha. Sophie. B. (2021)Exploring Motivations for Online Privacy Protection Behavior: Insights From Panel Data, Communication Research, Vol.48, Iss.7, p95
  • Sylvia, K. et. al.(2015) Like us on Facebook!: Analyzing user preferences regarding privacy settings in Germany, 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics.
  • Tawfiq, B., et al.,(2014) Improving Privacy Protection for Social Network Users in the Gaza Strip through Security and Technical Awareness, Al-Azhar University Gaza Journal, Natural Sciences Series, vol. 16, no.p. 69.
  • Ullah imdad and others,( 2022 ),privacy in tergeted advertising : Asurvey , Naccache : CT-RSA 2001, pp. 408–424 ,C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Wali, N., & Baghdadi, L. (2021). Legal Protection for Electronic Payment Methods in Algeria. Law and Local Development Laboratory.
  • Habash, M. (2013) A glimpse of Big Data, the world of technology, access
  • Hadi, H., Shnain, A., Hadishahee, S., & Ahmad, D. A. (2014). Big Data and five v's characteristics.
  • Beyer, M. (2011). Gartner Says Solving 'big data' challenge involves more than just managing volumes of data, Gartner, Retrieved November 25, 2011, from
  • Vance, A. (2010). Start-Up Goes After Big Data with Hadoop Helper, New York Times,
  • Mckinsey & Company (2011). Big Data: The next frontier for innovation, competition and productivity,
  • Douglas, L. (2012). "The Importance of 'Big Data': A definition". Gartner,
  • Prashad, L. (2011, November 28). Social impact through satellite remote sensing: Visualizing acute Page 16 of 16
  • Bouillet, E. Kothari, R., Kumar, V., Mignet, L., Nathan, S., Ranganathan, A., Turaga, D., Udrea, O. & Verscheure, O. (2012). Processing 6 billion CDRs/day: from research to production (experience report) pp. 264-67 in Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, (pp. 264-267). Billion CDRsDay_From_Research_to_Production (26/11/2023)
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Digital Marketing
Journal Section Reviews

Oday Alkahlout 0000-0002-3581-3592

Sara Bader 0009-0008-6688-9400

Project Number 1
Publication Date July 31, 2024
Submission Date April 21, 2024
Acceptance Date July 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 1
