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Arıcılıkta Biyogüvenlik ve İyi Arıcılık Uygulamaları

Year 2022, , 246 - 276, 13.11.2022


Biyogüvenlik uygulamaları, arılıktaki mikroorganizma ve zararlıların hareketini en aza indirerek hastalıkların yayılmasını önlemek ya da çevrede görülen hastalık ve zararlıların arılığa ulaşmasını engellemek ya da etkisini azaltmak için uygulanan tedbirleri içerir. Biyogüvenlik ilkeleri, arı sağlığının veya bal kalitesinin olumsuz etkilenmesini önlemek için, bulaşıcı etkenlerin arılıklara girmesini, ayrıca insan, arılar, yem, teknolojik sistemler tarafından yayılmasını önlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. İyi arıcılık uygulamaları önemli arı hastalık ve zararlıların arılığa girişini, koloniler veya arılıklar arası yayılmayı önler ya da minimize eder. Arı sağlığı, bal güvenliği, bal kalitesi ve üretim verimliliği üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri önler. Biyogüvenlik uygulamaları (Biosecurity measures in beekeeping-BMBs) iyi arıcılık uygulamalarının (Good beekeeping practices-GBPs) yapılması durumunda etkili olabilir. Bu çalışmada, arı sağlığı, arı hastalıklarından korunma, arılık içi ve arılıklar arasında hastalık ve zararlıların yayılmasını önlemek, kaliteli ve güvenilir arı ürünleri elde etmek için gerekli biyogüvenlik ve iyi arıcılık uygulamaları hakkında bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır.


  • Ahmad F, Joshi SR, Gurung MB. Beekeeping and rural development. Kathmandu. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Khumaltar, Nepal. 2007.
  • Al-Waili N, Salom K, Al-Ghamdi A, Ansari MJ. Antibiotic, pesticide, and microbial contaminants of honey: human health hazards. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2012, 930849.
  • Andrews E. ‘The main objection to numerous small bee keepers’: biosecurity and the professionalization of beekeeping. J.Hist Geogr. 2020, 67,81-90.
  • AVMA 2017. The veterinarian’s role in honey bee health Honey Bees: A Guide For Veterinarians. (Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2022).
  • Aydın, L. Kovan kaydı tutmak ve önemi, Ed. Doğanay A., Aydın L. “Bal arısı yetiştiriciliği, Ürünleri, Sağlığı” Dora Basım-Yayın Dağıtım, Bursa, 2021, p.67.
  • Bogdanov S. Contaminants of bee products. Apidologie, 2006, .37(1): 1–18.
  • Bouga M, Alaux C, Bienkowska M, Büchler R, Carreck NL, Cauia E, Chlebo R, Dahle B, Dall'Olio R, De la Rú, P, Gregorc A, Ivanova E, Kence A, Kence M, Kezic N, Kiprijanovska H, Kozmus P, Kryger P, Le Conte Y, Lodesani M, Murilhas AM, Siceanu A, Soland G, Uzunov A, Wilde J. A review of methods for discrimination of honey bee populations as applied to European beekeeping. J. Apic Res., 2011, 50:1, 51-84, DOI: 10.3896/IBRA.
  • Büchler R, Andonov S, Bienefeld K, Costa C, Hatjina F, Kezic N, Kryger P, Spivak M, Uzunov A, Wilde J. Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens, J. Apic Res, 2013, 52:1, 1-30, DOI: 10.3896/IBRA.
  • Cazier JA, Hassler E, Wilkes JT, Rünzel MA, Formato G, Brodschneider R. The promise of standardized data. In: Bee Culture: 2019, The Magazine of American Beekeeping [online]. [Cited 6 July 2022]. https://www.
  • Chauzat MP, Cauquil L, Roy L, Franco S, Hendrikx P, Ribière-Chabert M. Demographics of the European apicultural industry. 2013, PloS one, 8(11), e79018.
  • de Jongh EJ, Harper SL, Yamamoto SS, Wright CJ, Wilkinson CW, Ghosh S, Otto S.. One Health, One Hive: A scoping review of honey bees, climate change, pollutants, and antimicrobial resistance. PloS one, 2022, 17(2), e0242393.
  • Dolezal AG, Toth AL. Feedbacks between nutrition and disease in honey bee health. Curr Opin Insect Sci, 2018, 26: 114–119. /10.1016/j. cois.2018.02.06.
  • Even N, Devaud JM, Barron AB. General Stress Responses in the Honey Bee. Insects, 2012, 3(4), 1271–1298.
  • Eyer M, Neumann P, Dietemann V. A look into the cell: Honey storage in honey bees, Apis mellifera. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(8): e0161059.
  • FAO. 2020. Good beekeeping practices: Practical manual on how to identify and control the main diseases of the honeybee (Apis mellifera). TECA – Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers, 1. Rome.
  • FAO. IZSLT, Apimondia and CAAS. 2021. Good beekeeping practices for sustainable apiculture.
  • FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines No. 25. Rome.
  • Formato G, Smulders FJ. Risk management in primary apicultural production. Part 1: bee health and disease prevention and associated best practices. Vet Q., 2011, 31(1), 29-7. doi:10.1080/01652176.2011.565913.
  • Hayes GW. Inspections of and sanitary visits to honey bee colonies. In: Bee health and veterinarians. (Ritter, W., Ed.), 2014, OIE, Paris, 95-101.
  • Jensen S. Predicting Honeybee Health: The Healthy Colony Checklist, Hive Scale and Weather Data. Data & Analytics for Good. 2022, Retrieved from
  • Kyle B, Lee K, Pernal SF. Epidemiology and Biosecurity for Veterinarians Working with Honey bees (Apis mellifera). Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim., 2021, 37(3),479-490.
  • Moritz RFA, de Miranda J, Fries I, Le Conte Y, Neumann P, Paxton RJ. Research strategies to improve honeybee health in Europe. Apidologie, 2010, 41, 227–242.
  • National Bee Biosecurity Program. Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice. July 2016,, (Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2022).
  • Novak P, Tittl K, Pazout V, Mala G. Are the principles of biosecurity important for beekeepers? XVII International Congress on Animal Hygiene 2015, "Animal Hygiene and Welfare in Livestock Production - The First Step to Food Hygiene", Proceedings, June 7-11, 2015, Košice, Slovakia 2015 pp.377-378 ref.8.
  • Plant Health Australia. Biosecurity manual for beekeepers: reducing the risk of exotic and established pests affecting honey bees. 2016.
  • Pufal G, Steffan-Dewenter I, Klein AMCrop pollination services at the landscape scale. Curr Opin Insect Sci., 2017, 21, 91–97.
  • Rana K, Mishra I. Adoption of Recommended Beekeeping Practices in Kumaon Hills of Uttarakhand. IJMRA, 2022, 5(2), 279-283.
  • Rivera-Gomis J, Bubnic J, Ribarits A, Moosbeckhofer R, Alber O, Kozmus P, Jannoni-Sebastianini R, Haefeker W, Köglberger H, Smodis Skerl MI, Tiozzo B, Pietropaoli M, Lubroth J, Raizman E, Lietaer C, Zilli R, Eggenhoeffner R, Higes M, Muz MN, D'Ascenzi C, Riviere MP, Gregorc A, Cazier J, Hassler E, Wilkes J, Formato G. Good farming practices in apiculture. Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics), 2019, 38(3), 879–890.
  • Rose T, Kremen C, Thrupp A., Gemmill-Herren B, Graeub B, Azzu N, Antunes V, Bruteig I, Buchori D, Donaldson J, Dhyani PP, Garibaldi L, Getz Escudero A, Goss M, Iqbal J, Kasina M, Kinuthia W, Kofi K, Manetto S, Wasilwa L. 2014. Policy Analysis Paper: Policy Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services with Focus on Pollination. Food and Agricultural Organisation of United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Smart M, Pettis J, Rice N, Browning Z, Spivak M. Linking Measures of Colony and Individual Honey Bee Health to Survival among Apiaries Exposed to Varying Agricultural Land Use. PloS one, 2016,11(3), e0152685.
  • TECA. Apimondia, IZSLT - Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana “Mariano Aleandri". 2020. Good beekeeping practices and bio-security measures in beekeeping.
  • Thakur M. Bees as Pollinators – Biodiversity and Conservation. Int. J Agric. Sci., 2012, 2(1): 001-007.
  • Tlak Gajger I, Mañes AM, Formato G, Mortarino M. Toporcak J. Veterinarians and beekeeping: What roles, expectations and future perspectives? - a review paper. Vet. Arh., 2021, 91 (4), 437-443.
  • Tomljanović Z, Tlak Gajger I, Santrač V. Good Veterinary Praxis in Apiary. Bayer Animal Health, Zagreb (in Croatian) 2012.


Year 2022, , 246 - 276, 13.11.2022


Biosecurity measures in beekeeping (BMBs) include measures taken to prevent the spread of diseases by minimizing the movement of microorganisms and pests in the apiary, preventing diseases and pests in the environment from reaching the apiary or reducing their effects. Biosafety principles aim to prevent infectious factors from entering the apiaries and spreading by humans, bees, feed, and technological systems in order to prevent them from adversely affecting bee health or honey quality. Good beekeeping practices (GBP) prevent or minimize the entry of important bee diseases and pests into the apiary and the spread between colonies and apiaries. Prevents negative effects on bee health, honey safety, honey quality, and production efficiency. BMBs can be effective if GBPs are implemented. In this study, it is aimed to provide information about bee health, protection from bee diseases, preventing the spread of diseases and pests among other colonies and apiaries in the same apiary, biosecurity and good beekeeping practices necessary to obtain quality and reliable bee products.


  • Ahmad F, Joshi SR, Gurung MB. Beekeeping and rural development. Kathmandu. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Khumaltar, Nepal. 2007.
  • Al-Waili N, Salom K, Al-Ghamdi A, Ansari MJ. Antibiotic, pesticide, and microbial contaminants of honey: human health hazards. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2012, 930849.
  • Andrews E. ‘The main objection to numerous small bee keepers’: biosecurity and the professionalization of beekeeping. J.Hist Geogr. 2020, 67,81-90.
  • AVMA 2017. The veterinarian’s role in honey bee health Honey Bees: A Guide For Veterinarians. (Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2022).
  • Aydın, L. Kovan kaydı tutmak ve önemi, Ed. Doğanay A., Aydın L. “Bal arısı yetiştiriciliği, Ürünleri, Sağlığı” Dora Basım-Yayın Dağıtım, Bursa, 2021, p.67.
  • Bogdanov S. Contaminants of bee products. Apidologie, 2006, .37(1): 1–18.
  • Bouga M, Alaux C, Bienkowska M, Büchler R, Carreck NL, Cauia E, Chlebo R, Dahle B, Dall'Olio R, De la Rú, P, Gregorc A, Ivanova E, Kence A, Kence M, Kezic N, Kiprijanovska H, Kozmus P, Kryger P, Le Conte Y, Lodesani M, Murilhas AM, Siceanu A, Soland G, Uzunov A, Wilde J. A review of methods for discrimination of honey bee populations as applied to European beekeeping. J. Apic Res., 2011, 50:1, 51-84, DOI: 10.3896/IBRA.
  • Büchler R, Andonov S, Bienefeld K, Costa C, Hatjina F, Kezic N, Kryger P, Spivak M, Uzunov A, Wilde J. Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens, J. Apic Res, 2013, 52:1, 1-30, DOI: 10.3896/IBRA.
  • Cazier JA, Hassler E, Wilkes JT, Rünzel MA, Formato G, Brodschneider R. The promise of standardized data. In: Bee Culture: 2019, The Magazine of American Beekeeping [online]. [Cited 6 July 2022]. https://www.
  • Chauzat MP, Cauquil L, Roy L, Franco S, Hendrikx P, Ribière-Chabert M. Demographics of the European apicultural industry. 2013, PloS one, 8(11), e79018.
  • de Jongh EJ, Harper SL, Yamamoto SS, Wright CJ, Wilkinson CW, Ghosh S, Otto S.. One Health, One Hive: A scoping review of honey bees, climate change, pollutants, and antimicrobial resistance. PloS one, 2022, 17(2), e0242393.
  • Dolezal AG, Toth AL. Feedbacks between nutrition and disease in honey bee health. Curr Opin Insect Sci, 2018, 26: 114–119. /10.1016/j. cois.2018.02.06.
  • Even N, Devaud JM, Barron AB. General Stress Responses in the Honey Bee. Insects, 2012, 3(4), 1271–1298.
  • Eyer M, Neumann P, Dietemann V. A look into the cell: Honey storage in honey bees, Apis mellifera. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(8): e0161059.
  • FAO. 2020. Good beekeeping practices: Practical manual on how to identify and control the main diseases of the honeybee (Apis mellifera). TECA – Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers, 1. Rome.
  • FAO. IZSLT, Apimondia and CAAS. 2021. Good beekeeping practices for sustainable apiculture.
  • FAO Animal Production and Health Guidelines No. 25. Rome.
  • Formato G, Smulders FJ. Risk management in primary apicultural production. Part 1: bee health and disease prevention and associated best practices. Vet Q., 2011, 31(1), 29-7. doi:10.1080/01652176.2011.565913.
  • Hayes GW. Inspections of and sanitary visits to honey bee colonies. In: Bee health and veterinarians. (Ritter, W., Ed.), 2014, OIE, Paris, 95-101.
  • Jensen S. Predicting Honeybee Health: The Healthy Colony Checklist, Hive Scale and Weather Data. Data & Analytics for Good. 2022, Retrieved from
  • Kyle B, Lee K, Pernal SF. Epidemiology and Biosecurity for Veterinarians Working with Honey bees (Apis mellifera). Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim., 2021, 37(3),479-490.
  • Moritz RFA, de Miranda J, Fries I, Le Conte Y, Neumann P, Paxton RJ. Research strategies to improve honeybee health in Europe. Apidologie, 2010, 41, 227–242.
  • National Bee Biosecurity Program. Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice. July 2016,, (Erişim tarihi: 15.06.2022).
  • Novak P, Tittl K, Pazout V, Mala G. Are the principles of biosecurity important for beekeepers? XVII International Congress on Animal Hygiene 2015, "Animal Hygiene and Welfare in Livestock Production - The First Step to Food Hygiene", Proceedings, June 7-11, 2015, Košice, Slovakia 2015 pp.377-378 ref.8.
  • Plant Health Australia. Biosecurity manual for beekeepers: reducing the risk of exotic and established pests affecting honey bees. 2016.
  • Pufal G, Steffan-Dewenter I, Klein AMCrop pollination services at the landscape scale. Curr Opin Insect Sci., 2017, 21, 91–97.
  • Rana K, Mishra I. Adoption of Recommended Beekeeping Practices in Kumaon Hills of Uttarakhand. IJMRA, 2022, 5(2), 279-283.
  • Rivera-Gomis J, Bubnic J, Ribarits A, Moosbeckhofer R, Alber O, Kozmus P, Jannoni-Sebastianini R, Haefeker W, Köglberger H, Smodis Skerl MI, Tiozzo B, Pietropaoli M, Lubroth J, Raizman E, Lietaer C, Zilli R, Eggenhoeffner R, Higes M, Muz MN, D'Ascenzi C, Riviere MP, Gregorc A, Cazier J, Hassler E, Wilkes J, Formato G. Good farming practices in apiculture. Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics), 2019, 38(3), 879–890.
  • Rose T, Kremen C, Thrupp A., Gemmill-Herren B, Graeub B, Azzu N, Antunes V, Bruteig I, Buchori D, Donaldson J, Dhyani PP, Garibaldi L, Getz Escudero A, Goss M, Iqbal J, Kasina M, Kinuthia W, Kofi K, Manetto S, Wasilwa L. 2014. Policy Analysis Paper: Policy Mainstreaming of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services with Focus on Pollination. Food and Agricultural Organisation of United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Smart M, Pettis J, Rice N, Browning Z, Spivak M. Linking Measures of Colony and Individual Honey Bee Health to Survival among Apiaries Exposed to Varying Agricultural Land Use. PloS one, 2016,11(3), e0152685.
  • TECA. Apimondia, IZSLT - Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana “Mariano Aleandri". 2020. Good beekeeping practices and bio-security measures in beekeeping.
  • Thakur M. Bees as Pollinators – Biodiversity and Conservation. Int. J Agric. Sci., 2012, 2(1): 001-007.
  • Tlak Gajger I, Mañes AM, Formato G, Mortarino M. Toporcak J. Veterinarians and beekeeping: What roles, expectations and future perspectives? - a review paper. Vet. Arh., 2021, 91 (4), 437-443.
  • Tomljanović Z, Tlak Gajger I, Santrač V. Good Veterinary Praxis in Apiary. Bayer Animal Health, Zagreb (in Croatian) 2012.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review

Ayşe Ebru Borum 0000-0002-6916-8982

Publication Date November 13, 2022
Acceptance Date October 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022



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