Research Article
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Year 2023, , 14 - 22, 19.05.2023


Rearing bee queens is almost done utilizing grafting young larvae while the effects of grafting using old larvae after the collection of royal jelly on the quality of queens are not known. In fact, the production of royal jelly depends on grafting, then discarding the larvae to collect the royal jelly. This study aimed to investigate this point by grafting old larvae after removing them from their original cells without food. Larvae at age about 2 days were grafted into plastic queen cell cups (selection and grafting method or S&G method) leaving royal jelly behind and then resultant queens were compared with naturally reared ones (or NQ). The study showed the absence of significant variations between the queens reared from the two methods in characteristics of queens and cells. Meanwhile, no significant differences were found in regard to the performance of colonies. The colonies with queens from S&G method had slightly higher performance than those with NQ. The study concluded that grafting using old larvae without their original food does not impair the quality of queens. During the production of royal jelly, larvae may be grafted into new cells to continue their normal development instead of discarding them.


  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Adgaba, N., Al-Ghamdi, AA. 2021. Current knowledge about behaviors of honey bee queens with highlighting of the importance future studies. Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology 82, 1-7.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Al-Ghamdi, AA., Mohamed, AA. 2013. Honey bee colonies performance enhance by newly modified beehives. Journal of Apicultural Science 57, 45-57.
  • Adgaba, N., Al-Ghamdi, A., Tadesse, Y., Alsarhan, R., Single, A., Mohammed, SE., Khan, KA. 2019. The responses of Apis mellifera jemenitica to different artificial queen rearing techniques. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26, 1649-1654.
  • Akyol, E., Yeninar, H., Korkmaz, A., Çakmak, I. 2008. An observation study on the effects of queen age on some characteristics of honey bee colonies. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 7, 19-25.
  • Al-Fattah, MAA., Mazeed, AM., Al-Hady, NA. 2011. Quality and quantity of honeybee queens as affected by the number and distribution of queen cells within queen rearing colonies. Journal of Apicultural Science 55, 31-41.
  • Al‐Ghzawi, AAM, Zaitoun S. 2008. Origin and rearing season of honeybee queens affect some of their physiological and reproductive characteristics. Entomological Research 38, 139-148.
  • Al-Kahtani SN., Taha EKA. 2020. Post grafting time significantly influences royal jelly yield and content of macro and trace elements. PloS one 15(9), e0238751.
  • Büchler, R., Andonov, S., Bienefeld, K., Costa, C., Hatjina, F., Kezic, N., Kryger, P., Spivak, M., Uzunov, A., Wilde, J. 2013. Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens. Journal of Apicultural Research 52(1), 1-30.
  • Cengiz, M., Emsen, B., Dodologlu, A. 2009. Some characteristics of queen bees (Apis mellifera L.) rearing in queenright and queenless colonies. Journal of Animal Veterinary advances 8, 1083-1085.
  • Cobey, SW. 2007. Comparison studies of instrumentally inseminated and naturally mated honey bee queens and factors affecting their performance. Apidologie 38, 390-410.
  • Collins, AM., Pettis, JS. 2013. Correlation of queen size and spermathecal contents and effects of miticide exposure during development. Apidologie 44, 351-356.
  • De Souza, DA., Bezzera-Laure, MAF., Francoy, TM., Gonçalves, LS. 2013. Experimental evaluation of the reproductive quality of Africanized queen bees (Apis mellifera) on the basis of body weight at emergence. Genetics and Molecular Research 12, 5382-5391.
  • Dhaliwal, NK., Singh, J., Chhuneja, PK. 2019. Effect of rearing method, age of brood and queenliness of cell-builder colony on weight of Apis mellifera Linnaeus queen bees. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 7, 1260-1262.
  • El-Aw, MAM., Draz, KAA., Eid, KS., Abou-Shaara, HF. 2012. Measuring the morphological characters of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) using a simple semi-automatic technique. Journal of American Science 8, 558-564.
  • Fell RD., Morse, RA. 1984. Emergency queen cell production in the honey bee colony. Insectes Sociaux 31, 221-237.
  • Gemeda, M., Legesse, G., Damto, T., Kebaba, D. 2020. Harvesting Royal Jelly Using Splitting and Grafting Queen Rearing Methods in Ethiopia. Bee World 97(4), 114-116.
  • Gençer, HV., Shah, SQ., Firatli, Ç. 2000. Effects of supplemental feeding of queen rearing colonies and larval age on the acceptance of grafted larvae and queen traits. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3, 1319-1322.
  • Gene, F., Emsen, B., Dodologlu, A. 2005. Effects of rearing period and grafting method on the queen bee rearing. Journal of Applied Animal Research 27, 45-48.
  • Given, K. 2021. Queen rearing and bee breeding. In Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner, chapter 29, 363-366.
  • Hatch, S., Tarpy, DR., Fletcher, DJC. 1999. Worker regulation of emergency queen rearing in honey bee colonies and the resultant variation in queen quality. Insectes Sociaux 46, 372-377.
  • Hatjina, F., Bieńkowska, M., Charistos, L., Chlebo, R., Costa, C., Dražić, M. M., Filipi, J., Gregorc, A., Ivanova, F. N., Kezić, N., Kopernicky, J., Kryger, P.,Lodesani, M., Lokar, V., Mladenovic, M., Panasiuk, P., Petrov, P. P., Rašic, S., Skerl, M. I. S., Vejsnæs, F., Wilde, J. 2014. A review of methods used in some European countries for assessing the quality of honey bee queens through their physical characters and the performance of their colonies. Journal of Apicultural Research 53, 337-363.
  • Jeffree, EP. 1958. A shaped wire grid for estimating quantities of brood and pollen in combs. Bee World 58, 105-110.
  • Junus, M. 2019. The influence of queen bee age, the number of brood combs, and the use of a queen excluder on comb brood size in Apis mellifera bees during the blossom season. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 25, 1271–1276.
  • Kahya, Y., Gençer, H.V., Woyke, J. 2008. Weight at emergence of honey bee (Apis mellifera caucasica) queens and its effect on live weights at the pre and post mating periods. Journal of Apicultural Research 47, 118-125.
  • Kamel, SM., Osman, MAM., Mahmoud, MF., Mohamed, KM., Allah, SA. 2013. Morphometric study of newly emerged unmated queens of honey bee Apis mellifera L. in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. Arthropds 2, 80-88.
  • Koç, AU., Karacaoğlu, M. 2011. Effects of queen rearing period on reproductive features of Italian (Apis mellifera ligustica), Caucasian (Apis mellifera caucasica), and Aegean ecotype of Anatolian honey bee (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) queens. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal 35, 271-276.
  • Kumar, N. 2018. Evaluation of larval grafted queen and natural reared queen of Italian honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 1, 3181-3183.
  • Mahbobi, A., Farshineh-Adl, M., Woyke, J., Abbasi, S. 2012. Effects of the age of grafted larvae and the effects of supplemental feeding on some morphological characteristics of Iranian queen honey bees (Apis mellifera meda Skorikov, 1929). Apiculture Science 56, 93-98.
  • Mahbobi, A., Woyke, J., Abbasi, S., Farshineh-Adl, M., Malakzadegan, A. 2014. The effects of age of grafted larvae and of supplemental feeding on performance of Iranian honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera meda). Journal of Apicultural Science 58, 113.
  • Mattiello, S., Rizzi, R., Cattaneo, M., Martino, PA., Mortarino, M. 2022. Effect of queen cell size on morphometric characteristics of queen honey bees (Apis mellifera ligustica). Italian Journal of Animal Science 21, 532-538.
  • Medina, LM., Goncalves, LS. 2001. Effect of weight at emergence of Africanized (Apis mellifera L.) virgin queens on their acceptance and beginning of oviposition. American Bee Journal 141, 213-215.
  • Moritz, RFA., Kuhnert, M. 1984. Seasonal effects of artificial insemination of honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.). Apidologie 15, 223-231.
  • Okuyan, S., Akyol, E. 2018. The Effects of age and number of grafted larvae on some physical characteristics of queen bees and acceptance rate of queen bee cell. Turkish Journal of Food and Agriculture Sciences 6, 1556-1561.
  • Önk, K., Cengiz, MM., Yazici, K., Kirmizibayrak, T. 2016. Effects of rearing periods on some reproductive characteristics of Caucasian (Apis mellifera caucasica) Queen Bees. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 11(3), 259-266.
  • Rafique, MK., Mahmood, R., Qadir, ZA., Farid Asifshaheen, IB. 2019. Effects of rearing interlude and grafting technique on honeybee Apis mellifera L. queen under field conditions. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 51, 2369-2372.
  • Ruttner, F., Tassencourt, L., Louveaux, J. 1978. Biometrical-statistical analysis of the geographic variability of Apis mellifera LI Material and methods. Apidologie 9, 363-381.
  • Sagili, RR., Metz, BN., Lucas, HM., Chakrabarti, P., Breece, CR. 2018. Honey bees consider larval nutritional status rather than genetic relatedness when selecting larvae for emergency queen rearing. Scientific Reports 8, 7679.
  • Schlüns, H., Moritz, RFA., Neumann, P., Kryger, P., Koeniger, G. 2005. Multiple nuptial flights, sperm transfer and the evolution of extreme polyandry in honeybee queens. Animal Behaviour 70, 125-131.
  • Staron, M., Sabo, R., Staroňová, D., Sabová, L., Abou-Shaara, HF. 2019. The age of honey bee larvae at grafting can affect survival during larval tests. Environmental and Experimental Biology 17: 1–4.
  • Tarpy, DR., Gilley, DC., Seeley, TD. 2004. Levels of selection in a social insect: a review of conflict and cooperation during honey bee (Apis mellifera) queen replacement. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55, 513-523.
  • Tofilski, A., Czekonska, K. 2004. Emergency queen rearing in honeybee colonies with brood of known age. Apidologie 35: 275-282.
  • Wilkinson, D., and Brown, MA. 2002. Rearing queen honey bees in a queenright colony. American Bee Journal 142, 270-274.
  • Woyke, J., Jasinski, Z. 1990. Effect of the number of attendant worker bees on the initiation of egg laying by instrumentally inseminated queens kept in small nuclei. Journal of Apicultural Research 29, 101-106.
  • Wu, X., Zhou, L., Zou, C., Zeng, Z. 2018. Effects of queen cell size and caging days of mother queen on rearing young honey bee queens Apis mellifera L. Journal of Apicultural Science 62, 215-222.
  • Zawislak, J., Burns, D. 2012. Raising quality queen bees (MP518). University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. Little Rock, AR. Retrieved from:
  • Zheng, HQ., Hu, FL., Dietemann, V. 2011. Changes in composition of royal jelly harvested at different times: consequences for quality standards. Apidologie 42(1), 39-47.

Bal Arılarında (Apis mellifera) Arı Sütü Toplama Sonrası Larvalardan Geliştirilen Ana Arıların Kalitesi Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı bir Çalışma

Year 2023, , 14 - 22, 19.05.2023


Ana arıların yetiştirilmesi genç larvaların aşılanmasıyla neredeyse tamamlanırken, arı sütünün toplanmasından sonra eski larvaların aşılanmasının kraliçe arıların kalitesine etkisi bilinmemektedir. Aslında, arı sütü üretimi aşılamaya ve ardından arı sütünü toplamak için larvaları atmaya bağlıdır. Bu çalışma, eski larvaları yemeksiz olarak orijinal hücrelerinden çıkardıktan sonra aşılayarak bu noktayı araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Yaklaşık 2 günlük olan larvalar, geride arı sütü bırakarak plastik kraliçe hücre kaplarına (seçme ve aşılama yöntemi veya S&G yöntemi) aşılandı ve ardından ortaya çıkan kraliçeler, doğal olarak yetiştirilenlerle (veya NQ) karşılaştırıldı. Çalışma, iki yöntemden yetiştirilen ana arılar arasında ana arı ve hücre özelliklerinde önemli farklılıkların olmadığını gösterdi. Bu arada, kolonilerin performansı açısından önemli bir fark bulunamadı. S&G yönteminden kraliçeleri olan koloniler, NQ'ya sahip olanlardan biraz daha yüksek performans gösterdi. Çalışma, orijinal besinleri olmadan eski larvaları kullanarak aşılamanın kraliçelerin kalitesini bozmadığı sonucuna varmıştır. Arı sütünün üretimi sırasında larvalar, onları atmak yerine normal gelişimlerini sürdürmek için yeni hücrelere aşılanabilir.


  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Adgaba, N., Al-Ghamdi, AA. 2021. Current knowledge about behaviors of honey bee queens with highlighting of the importance future studies. Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology 82, 1-7.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Al-Ghamdi, AA., Mohamed, AA. 2013. Honey bee colonies performance enhance by newly modified beehives. Journal of Apicultural Science 57, 45-57.
  • Adgaba, N., Al-Ghamdi, A., Tadesse, Y., Alsarhan, R., Single, A., Mohammed, SE., Khan, KA. 2019. The responses of Apis mellifera jemenitica to different artificial queen rearing techniques. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26, 1649-1654.
  • Akyol, E., Yeninar, H., Korkmaz, A., Çakmak, I. 2008. An observation study on the effects of queen age on some characteristics of honey bee colonies. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 7, 19-25.
  • Al-Fattah, MAA., Mazeed, AM., Al-Hady, NA. 2011. Quality and quantity of honeybee queens as affected by the number and distribution of queen cells within queen rearing colonies. Journal of Apicultural Science 55, 31-41.
  • Al‐Ghzawi, AAM, Zaitoun S. 2008. Origin and rearing season of honeybee queens affect some of their physiological and reproductive characteristics. Entomological Research 38, 139-148.
  • Al-Kahtani SN., Taha EKA. 2020. Post grafting time significantly influences royal jelly yield and content of macro and trace elements. PloS one 15(9), e0238751.
  • Büchler, R., Andonov, S., Bienefeld, K., Costa, C., Hatjina, F., Kezic, N., Kryger, P., Spivak, M., Uzunov, A., Wilde, J. 2013. Standard methods for rearing and selection of Apis mellifera queens. Journal of Apicultural Research 52(1), 1-30.
  • Cengiz, M., Emsen, B., Dodologlu, A. 2009. Some characteristics of queen bees (Apis mellifera L.) rearing in queenright and queenless colonies. Journal of Animal Veterinary advances 8, 1083-1085.
  • Cobey, SW. 2007. Comparison studies of instrumentally inseminated and naturally mated honey bee queens and factors affecting their performance. Apidologie 38, 390-410.
  • Collins, AM., Pettis, JS. 2013. Correlation of queen size and spermathecal contents and effects of miticide exposure during development. Apidologie 44, 351-356.
  • De Souza, DA., Bezzera-Laure, MAF., Francoy, TM., Gonçalves, LS. 2013. Experimental evaluation of the reproductive quality of Africanized queen bees (Apis mellifera) on the basis of body weight at emergence. Genetics and Molecular Research 12, 5382-5391.
  • Dhaliwal, NK., Singh, J., Chhuneja, PK. 2019. Effect of rearing method, age of brood and queenliness of cell-builder colony on weight of Apis mellifera Linnaeus queen bees. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 7, 1260-1262.
  • El-Aw, MAM., Draz, KAA., Eid, KS., Abou-Shaara, HF. 2012. Measuring the morphological characters of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) using a simple semi-automatic technique. Journal of American Science 8, 558-564.
  • Fell RD., Morse, RA. 1984. Emergency queen cell production in the honey bee colony. Insectes Sociaux 31, 221-237.
  • Gemeda, M., Legesse, G., Damto, T., Kebaba, D. 2020. Harvesting Royal Jelly Using Splitting and Grafting Queen Rearing Methods in Ethiopia. Bee World 97(4), 114-116.
  • Gençer, HV., Shah, SQ., Firatli, Ç. 2000. Effects of supplemental feeding of queen rearing colonies and larval age on the acceptance of grafted larvae and queen traits. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 3, 1319-1322.
  • Gene, F., Emsen, B., Dodologlu, A. 2005. Effects of rearing period and grafting method on the queen bee rearing. Journal of Applied Animal Research 27, 45-48.
  • Given, K. 2021. Queen rearing and bee breeding. In Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner, chapter 29, 363-366.
  • Hatch, S., Tarpy, DR., Fletcher, DJC. 1999. Worker regulation of emergency queen rearing in honey bee colonies and the resultant variation in queen quality. Insectes Sociaux 46, 372-377.
  • Hatjina, F., Bieńkowska, M., Charistos, L., Chlebo, R., Costa, C., Dražić, M. M., Filipi, J., Gregorc, A., Ivanova, F. N., Kezić, N., Kopernicky, J., Kryger, P.,Lodesani, M., Lokar, V., Mladenovic, M., Panasiuk, P., Petrov, P. P., Rašic, S., Skerl, M. I. S., Vejsnæs, F., Wilde, J. 2014. A review of methods used in some European countries for assessing the quality of honey bee queens through their physical characters and the performance of their colonies. Journal of Apicultural Research 53, 337-363.
  • Jeffree, EP. 1958. A shaped wire grid for estimating quantities of brood and pollen in combs. Bee World 58, 105-110.
  • Junus, M. 2019. The influence of queen bee age, the number of brood combs, and the use of a queen excluder on comb brood size in Apis mellifera bees during the blossom season. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 25, 1271–1276.
  • Kahya, Y., Gençer, H.V., Woyke, J. 2008. Weight at emergence of honey bee (Apis mellifera caucasica) queens and its effect on live weights at the pre and post mating periods. Journal of Apicultural Research 47, 118-125.
  • Kamel, SM., Osman, MAM., Mahmoud, MF., Mohamed, KM., Allah, SA. 2013. Morphometric study of newly emerged unmated queens of honey bee Apis mellifera L. in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. Arthropds 2, 80-88.
  • Koç, AU., Karacaoğlu, M. 2011. Effects of queen rearing period on reproductive features of Italian (Apis mellifera ligustica), Caucasian (Apis mellifera caucasica), and Aegean ecotype of Anatolian honey bee (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) queens. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal 35, 271-276.
  • Kumar, N. 2018. Evaluation of larval grafted queen and natural reared queen of Italian honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 1, 3181-3183.
  • Mahbobi, A., Farshineh-Adl, M., Woyke, J., Abbasi, S. 2012. Effects of the age of grafted larvae and the effects of supplemental feeding on some morphological characteristics of Iranian queen honey bees (Apis mellifera meda Skorikov, 1929). Apiculture Science 56, 93-98.
  • Mahbobi, A., Woyke, J., Abbasi, S., Farshineh-Adl, M., Malakzadegan, A. 2014. The effects of age of grafted larvae and of supplemental feeding on performance of Iranian honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera meda). Journal of Apicultural Science 58, 113.
  • Mattiello, S., Rizzi, R., Cattaneo, M., Martino, PA., Mortarino, M. 2022. Effect of queen cell size on morphometric characteristics of queen honey bees (Apis mellifera ligustica). Italian Journal of Animal Science 21, 532-538.
  • Medina, LM., Goncalves, LS. 2001. Effect of weight at emergence of Africanized (Apis mellifera L.) virgin queens on their acceptance and beginning of oviposition. American Bee Journal 141, 213-215.
  • Moritz, RFA., Kuhnert, M. 1984. Seasonal effects of artificial insemination of honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.). Apidologie 15, 223-231.
  • Okuyan, S., Akyol, E. 2018. The Effects of age and number of grafted larvae on some physical characteristics of queen bees and acceptance rate of queen bee cell. Turkish Journal of Food and Agriculture Sciences 6, 1556-1561.
  • Önk, K., Cengiz, MM., Yazici, K., Kirmizibayrak, T. 2016. Effects of rearing periods on some reproductive characteristics of Caucasian (Apis mellifera caucasica) Queen Bees. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi 11(3), 259-266.
  • Rafique, MK., Mahmood, R., Qadir, ZA., Farid Asifshaheen, IB. 2019. Effects of rearing interlude and grafting technique on honeybee Apis mellifera L. queen under field conditions. Pakistan Journal of Zoology 51, 2369-2372.
  • Ruttner, F., Tassencourt, L., Louveaux, J. 1978. Biometrical-statistical analysis of the geographic variability of Apis mellifera LI Material and methods. Apidologie 9, 363-381.
  • Sagili, RR., Metz, BN., Lucas, HM., Chakrabarti, P., Breece, CR. 2018. Honey bees consider larval nutritional status rather than genetic relatedness when selecting larvae for emergency queen rearing. Scientific Reports 8, 7679.
  • Schlüns, H., Moritz, RFA., Neumann, P., Kryger, P., Koeniger, G. 2005. Multiple nuptial flights, sperm transfer and the evolution of extreme polyandry in honeybee queens. Animal Behaviour 70, 125-131.
  • Staron, M., Sabo, R., Staroňová, D., Sabová, L., Abou-Shaara, HF. 2019. The age of honey bee larvae at grafting can affect survival during larval tests. Environmental and Experimental Biology 17: 1–4.
  • Tarpy, DR., Gilley, DC., Seeley, TD. 2004. Levels of selection in a social insect: a review of conflict and cooperation during honey bee (Apis mellifera) queen replacement. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55, 513-523.
  • Tofilski, A., Czekonska, K. 2004. Emergency queen rearing in honeybee colonies with brood of known age. Apidologie 35: 275-282.
  • Wilkinson, D., and Brown, MA. 2002. Rearing queen honey bees in a queenright colony. American Bee Journal 142, 270-274.
  • Woyke, J., Jasinski, Z. 1990. Effect of the number of attendant worker bees on the initiation of egg laying by instrumentally inseminated queens kept in small nuclei. Journal of Apicultural Research 29, 101-106.
  • Wu, X., Zhou, L., Zou, C., Zeng, Z. 2018. Effects of queen cell size and caging days of mother queen on rearing young honey bee queens Apis mellifera L. Journal of Apicultural Science 62, 215-222.
  • Zawislak, J., Burns, D. 2012. Raising quality queen bees (MP518). University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. Little Rock, AR. Retrieved from:
  • Zheng, HQ., Hu, FL., Dietemann, V. 2011. Changes in composition of royal jelly harvested at different times: consequences for quality standards. Apidologie 42(1), 39-47.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Entomology, Food Engineering, Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Journal Section Research Articles

Hossam Abou-shaara 0000-0001-7208-6526

Publication Date May 19, 2023
Acceptance Date December 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023



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