Research Article
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Determined Pesticides After Honey bee Deaths Between 2006 and 2010 in Turkey

Year 2010, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 119 - 125, 30.11.2010


Goal: There are a lot of
factors for honey bee losses. The main sources of honey bee lose were honey bee
parasites (Varroa destructor, Acarapis woodi), pathogens (Nosema spp
and bee viruses), contaminated water, use of antibiotics, pesticides poisoning
from within-hive and environmental sources, nutritional stress and their
interactions (Bacandritsos et al., 2010). Pesticides widely use agricultural
activities in Turkey, and can be also use beekeeping. There is no Bee Poison
Control Centre or central unit to centralise and publish information on
poisoning, and there are limited published papers related to pesticides
poisoning in honey bee in Turkey. Therefore, the goal of the study was determine
of causative agents and discuss of suspected poisonings with pesticides in

Materials and Method:
bee poisoning incidents were seen in Istanbul, Tekirdag, Bilecik, Afyonkarahisar
and Samsun cities between 2006 and 2010. Pesticides analysis were made in death
honey bees, honeycombs, sunflower, some plants and leafs of some trees in 16
honey bee poisoning incidents. Analysis of pesticides was made in Pendik Veterinary
Control and Research Institute in Istanbul using gas chromatography (GC) with
MS,ECD, NPD and FID detectors, and liquid chromatography (LC) with MS detector
and LC-MSMS system for 110 pesticides. Different methods were used as
analytical method depending on chemical structure of pesticides describes by Albero
et al., 2004; Ferrer, 2005; Anon, 2007. Pesticides are determined as

Results and
insecticides (15), carbamat group including carbaryl (6); organophosphate group
(5), including diazinon (2), disulfoton (1), fenthion (1) and chlorpyrifos (1);
organochlorine group (2), including endosulfon (1) and endrin (1); pyrethroid
insecticides (2), including permethrine (1) and cypermethrine (1) were determined.
In addition, naftalene (6), diquat (1) and paraquat (1) from herbicides,
malachite gren  (1) from fungicides,
gibberellic acid from plant hormones and thymol (1) were also determined in  the samples. The results were shown in Table
1.Although insecticides is the most prevalent group, naftalene is also
prevalent in determined pesticides.However, the source of the pesticide in bee poisoning
incidents is often uncertain, case histories and determined pesticides of
incidents support to pesticides poisonings in honey bees.


  • Albero, B., Sanchez-Brunete, C., Tadeo, J.L. 2004. Analysis of Pesticides in Honey by Solid- Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52:5828-5835.
  • Anon, 2007. Analytical Quality Control procedures for (SANCO/2007/3131). residue analysis
  • Aydın, L. 2005. Varroa Destructor’un Kontrolünde Yeni Stratejiler. Uludag Bee Journal, 5:59-62.
  • Aydın, L., Çakmak, İ., Çakmak, S.S. 2007. Varroa destructor ile doğal olarak bulasık balarısı kolonilerinde Ecostop (Thymol+Menthol) ve Perizin (Coumaphos)’in Etkisi. Uludag Bee Journal, 7 (2), 59-62. Bacandritsos, N., Granato, A., Budge, G., Papanastasiou, Roinioti, E., Caldon, M., Falcaro, C, Gallina, A., Mutinelli, F. 2010. Sudden deaths and colony population decline in Grek honey bee colonies. Journal of Invertebral Doi:10.1016/j.jip.2010.08.004. Pathology,
  • Barnett, E.A., Charlton, A.J., Fletcher, M.R. 2007. Incidents of bee poisoning with pesticides in the Management Science, 63:1051-1057. 1994-2003. Pest
  • Ceylan, S., Şener, S. 1977. 1966-1975 Yılları Arasında Kürsüsünde Yapılan Toksikolojik Analizlerin Sonuçları Üzerinde Bir İnceleme (Evaluation of the results of the toxicological analysis done in Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology between 1966 and 1975. Ankara Üniversitesi Dergisi,24(2):191-200. ve Toksikoloji Veteriner Fakültesi
  • İncelenmesi. Etlik Veteriner
  • Daş, Y.K., Kaya, S. 2009. Organophosphorus insecticide residues in honey produced in Turkey. Contamination and Toxicology, 83(3):378-83. of Environmental
  • Doğan, A., Topçu, B., Bilgili, A. 1999. Arılarda Organik Zehirlenmesi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2):125-127. (Kaumafos)
  • Ellis, M.D., Baxendale, F.D. 1997. Toxicity of Seven Monoterpenoids to Tracheal Mites (Acari: Tarsonemidae) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Hosts When Applied as Entomology, 90 (5): 1087-1091. Honey Bee Fumigants. Journal of Economic
  • Erdoğrul, Ö. 2007. Levels of selected pesticides in honey Turkey. Food Control, 18 (2007): 866–871. Kahramanmaraş,
  • Ferrer, I. 2005. Multi-residue pesticide analysis in fruits chromatography–time-of-flight spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1082 (2005): 81–90. by liquid mass
  • Fletcher, M., Barnett, L. 2003. Bee pesticide poisoning incidents in the United Kingdom. Bullet of Insectology, 56: 141–145.
  • Giray T., Cakmak I, Aydin L., Kandemir I., Inci A., Oskay, D., Doke M.A., Kence M., Kence A. 2007. Preliminary survey results on 2006- 2007 colony losses in Turkey, Uludag Bee Journal, 7;101–107.
  • Giray, T., Kence, M., Oskay, D., Döke, M.A., Kence, A.2010:Scientific Note: Colony Losses Survey in Turkey and Causes of Bee Deaths. Apidologie, 41:451-453.
  • Goodwin, R.M., Ten-Houten, A., Ten-Houten , A. 1991. Poisoning of honey bees (Apis mellifera) by sodium fluoroacetate (1080) in baits. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 18(1):45-51.
  • Greig-Smith, P.W., Thompson, H.M., Hardy, A.R., Bew, M., Findlay, E., Stevenson, J.H. 1994. Incidents of poisoning of honeybees (Apis mellifera) by agricultural pesticides in Great Britain 1981–1991. Crop Protection, 13:567– 581.
  • Hardstone, M.C., Scott, J.G. 2010. Is Apis mellifera more sensitive to insecticides than other insects? DOI:10.1002/ps.2001. Science, Hashimoto, J.H.,
  • Ruvolo-Takasusuki, M.C.C.,
  • Toledo, V.A.A. 2003. Evaluation of the use of
  • the inhibition esterases activity on Apis
  • mellifera as bioindicators of insecticide
  • thiamethoxam pesticide residues. Socioiology, 42:693-699.
  • Kolankaya, D., Erkmen, B., Sorkun, K., Kocak, O. 2002. Pesticide Residues in Honeybees and Some. Pesticides, 17: 73-84. Products in Turkey.
  • Neumann, P., Carreck, N.L. 2010. Honey bee colony losses. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49(1):1-6.
  • Pendik Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2009. Laboratuarı Raporları. Bölümü
  • Portakal, P., Yarsan, E. 2010. Varroa jacobsoni ile Doğal Koumafos Etken Maddesi Farmasötik Şekillerin Etkinliği ve Baldaki Kalıntılarının Araştırılması. Üçüncü Ulusal Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Kongre Kitabı, sayfa 54-55, 29 Eylül-2 Ekim 2010, Kuşadası- Aydın. Kolonilerinde İçeren Farklı
  • Rortais, A., Arnold, G., Halm, M.P., Touffet-Briens, F. 2005. Modes of honeybees exposure to systemic insecticides: Estimated amounts of contaminated polen and nectar consumed by different categories of bees. Apidologie, 36: 71–83.
  • Sak, O., Uçkan, F. 2009. Cypermethrinin Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)’nın Puplaşma ve Gelişim Oranlarına Etkisi. Uludag Bee Journal, 9 (3): 88-96.
  • Thompson, H.M. 2010. Risk assessment for honey bees and pesticides – recent developments and ‘new
  • Tüze, Ş. 2003. Bal Arısı (Apis mellifera L.) (Hymenoptera: Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans (Bal Arısı Akarı) (Acarına:Varroıdae)'ye Amitraz (Varroaset)’ın Ballardaki Kalıntısının Araştırılması. Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Üniversitesi Fen
  • Underwood, R.M., vanEngelsdorp, D. 2007. Colony Collapse Disorder: have we seen this before? Bee Culture, 25: 13-18.
  • Uygur, Ş.Ö., Girişkin, O. 2008. Bal Arısı Hastalık ve Zararlıları, Uludag Bee Journal, 8(4):130-142.
  • Ünal, H.H. 2010. Research of honey bee colony losses and deaths in Marmara region. 4th EurBee Congress Book, p. 64, 7-9th September 2010, Ankara, Turkey.
  • vanEngelsdorp, D., Evans, J.D., Saegerman, C., Mullin, C., Haubruge, E., Nguyen, B.K., Frazier, M., Frazier, J., Cox-Foster, D., Chen, Y., Underwood, R., Tarpy, D.R., Pettis, J.S., 2009. Colony collapse disorder: a descriptive study. PLoS ONE, 3 (8), e6481.
  • vanEngelsdorp, D., Hayes, J.Jr., Underwood, R.M., Pettis J. 2008. A survey of honey bee colony losses in the U.S. Fall 2007 to Spring 2008. PLoS ONE, 3(12):e4071.
  • Yavuz, H., Guler, G.O., Aktumsek, A., Cakmak, Y.S., Ozparlak, H. 2010. Determination of some organochlorine pesticide residues in honeys from Konya, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring 283.


Year 2010, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 119 - 125, 30.11.2010


Bu çalışmada, Pendik Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsü, Farmakoloji-Toksikoloji Bölümü Laboratuarı’nda, 2006-2010 yılları arasında, şüpheli arı ölümleri sonucunda yapılan pestisit analiz sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi ve arıcıların bilgilendirilmesi amaçlandı. Başvurusu yapılan arı ölümleri İstanbul, Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, Bilecik, Afyonkarahisar ve Samsun’da görülmüştür. 16 şüpheli zehirlenme olgusunda, arı, petek, ayçiçeği, ot ve ağaç yaprağı gibi materyallerde pestisit analizleri yapıldı. Analizler, Gaz Kromatografi (GC), ECD, NPD ve FID dedektörleri, Gaz Kromatografi- Kütle Spektrometre GC-MS; Likid Kromatoğrafi (LC) ve Likid Kromatoğrafi - Kütle Spektrometre (LC-MS) dedektörü ile LCMSMS cihazları kullanılarak kalitatif olarak yapıldı. Analizlerde 15 insektisit, 6 naftalen, 3 herbisit, 1 fungisit, 1 antiseptik/dezenfektan ve 1 adet büyüme hormonu tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak, arı yetiştiricilerinden alınan bilgiler ve laboratuar sonuçlarına göre, arılarda, peteklerde ve diğer numunelerde saptanan pestisitlerin, arıların ölümlerinde önemli rol oynayabileceği kanısına varıldı


  • Albero, B., Sanchez-Brunete, C., Tadeo, J.L. 2004. Analysis of Pesticides in Honey by Solid- Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52:5828-5835.
  • Anon, 2007. Analytical Quality Control procedures for (SANCO/2007/3131). residue analysis
  • Aydın, L. 2005. Varroa Destructor’un Kontrolünde Yeni Stratejiler. Uludag Bee Journal, 5:59-62.
  • Aydın, L., Çakmak, İ., Çakmak, S.S. 2007. Varroa destructor ile doğal olarak bulasık balarısı kolonilerinde Ecostop (Thymol+Menthol) ve Perizin (Coumaphos)’in Etkisi. Uludag Bee Journal, 7 (2), 59-62. Bacandritsos, N., Granato, A., Budge, G., Papanastasiou, Roinioti, E., Caldon, M., Falcaro, C, Gallina, A., Mutinelli, F. 2010. Sudden deaths and colony population decline in Grek honey bee colonies. Journal of Invertebral Doi:10.1016/j.jip.2010.08.004. Pathology,
  • Barnett, E.A., Charlton, A.J., Fletcher, M.R. 2007. Incidents of bee poisoning with pesticides in the Management Science, 63:1051-1057. 1994-2003. Pest
  • Ceylan, S., Şener, S. 1977. 1966-1975 Yılları Arasında Kürsüsünde Yapılan Toksikolojik Analizlerin Sonuçları Üzerinde Bir İnceleme (Evaluation of the results of the toxicological analysis done in Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology between 1966 and 1975. Ankara Üniversitesi Dergisi,24(2):191-200. ve Toksikoloji Veteriner Fakültesi
  • İncelenmesi. Etlik Veteriner
  • Daş, Y.K., Kaya, S. 2009. Organophosphorus insecticide residues in honey produced in Turkey. Contamination and Toxicology, 83(3):378-83. of Environmental
  • Doğan, A., Topçu, B., Bilgili, A. 1999. Arılarda Organik Zehirlenmesi. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2):125-127. (Kaumafos)
  • Ellis, M.D., Baxendale, F.D. 1997. Toxicity of Seven Monoterpenoids to Tracheal Mites (Acari: Tarsonemidae) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Hosts When Applied as Entomology, 90 (5): 1087-1091. Honey Bee Fumigants. Journal of Economic
  • Erdoğrul, Ö. 2007. Levels of selected pesticides in honey Turkey. Food Control, 18 (2007): 866–871. Kahramanmaraş,
  • Ferrer, I. 2005. Multi-residue pesticide analysis in fruits chromatography–time-of-flight spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1082 (2005): 81–90. by liquid mass
  • Fletcher, M., Barnett, L. 2003. Bee pesticide poisoning incidents in the United Kingdom. Bullet of Insectology, 56: 141–145.
  • Giray T., Cakmak I, Aydin L., Kandemir I., Inci A., Oskay, D., Doke M.A., Kence M., Kence A. 2007. Preliminary survey results on 2006- 2007 colony losses in Turkey, Uludag Bee Journal, 7;101–107.
  • Giray, T., Kence, M., Oskay, D., Döke, M.A., Kence, A.2010:Scientific Note: Colony Losses Survey in Turkey and Causes of Bee Deaths. Apidologie, 41:451-453.
  • Goodwin, R.M., Ten-Houten, A., Ten-Houten , A. 1991. Poisoning of honey bees (Apis mellifera) by sodium fluoroacetate (1080) in baits. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 18(1):45-51.
  • Greig-Smith, P.W., Thompson, H.M., Hardy, A.R., Bew, M., Findlay, E., Stevenson, J.H. 1994. Incidents of poisoning of honeybees (Apis mellifera) by agricultural pesticides in Great Britain 1981–1991. Crop Protection, 13:567– 581.
  • Hardstone, M.C., Scott, J.G. 2010. Is Apis mellifera more sensitive to insecticides than other insects? DOI:10.1002/ps.2001. Science, Hashimoto, J.H.,
  • Ruvolo-Takasusuki, M.C.C.,
  • Toledo, V.A.A. 2003. Evaluation of the use of
  • the inhibition esterases activity on Apis
  • mellifera as bioindicators of insecticide
  • thiamethoxam pesticide residues. Socioiology, 42:693-699.
  • Kolankaya, D., Erkmen, B., Sorkun, K., Kocak, O. 2002. Pesticide Residues in Honeybees and Some. Pesticides, 17: 73-84. Products in Turkey.
  • Neumann, P., Carreck, N.L. 2010. Honey bee colony losses. Journal of Apicultural Research, 49(1):1-6.
  • Pendik Veteriner Kontrol ve Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2009. Laboratuarı Raporları. Bölümü
  • Portakal, P., Yarsan, E. 2010. Varroa jacobsoni ile Doğal Koumafos Etken Maddesi Farmasötik Şekillerin Etkinliği ve Baldaki Kalıntılarının Araştırılması. Üçüncü Ulusal Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Kongre Kitabı, sayfa 54-55, 29 Eylül-2 Ekim 2010, Kuşadası- Aydın. Kolonilerinde İçeren Farklı
  • Rortais, A., Arnold, G., Halm, M.P., Touffet-Briens, F. 2005. Modes of honeybees exposure to systemic insecticides: Estimated amounts of contaminated polen and nectar consumed by different categories of bees. Apidologie, 36: 71–83.
  • Sak, O., Uçkan, F. 2009. Cypermethrinin Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)’nın Puplaşma ve Gelişim Oranlarına Etkisi. Uludag Bee Journal, 9 (3): 88-96.
  • Thompson, H.M. 2010. Risk assessment for honey bees and pesticides – recent developments and ‘new
  • Tüze, Ş. 2003. Bal Arısı (Apis mellifera L.) (Hymenoptera: Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans (Bal Arısı Akarı) (Acarına:Varroıdae)'ye Amitraz (Varroaset)’ın Ballardaki Kalıntısının Araştırılması. Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Üniversitesi Fen
  • Underwood, R.M., vanEngelsdorp, D. 2007. Colony Collapse Disorder: have we seen this before? Bee Culture, 25: 13-18.
  • Uygur, Ş.Ö., Girişkin, O. 2008. Bal Arısı Hastalık ve Zararlıları, Uludag Bee Journal, 8(4):130-142.
  • Ünal, H.H. 2010. Research of honey bee colony losses and deaths in Marmara region. 4th EurBee Congress Book, p. 64, 7-9th September 2010, Ankara, Turkey.
  • vanEngelsdorp, D., Evans, J.D., Saegerman, C., Mullin, C., Haubruge, E., Nguyen, B.K., Frazier, M., Frazier, J., Cox-Foster, D., Chen, Y., Underwood, R., Tarpy, D.R., Pettis, J.S., 2009. Colony collapse disorder: a descriptive study. PLoS ONE, 3 (8), e6481.
  • vanEngelsdorp, D., Hayes, J.Jr., Underwood, R.M., Pettis J. 2008. A survey of honey bee colony losses in the U.S. Fall 2007 to Spring 2008. PLoS ONE, 3(12):e4071.
  • Yavuz, H., Guler, G.O., Aktumsek, A., Cakmak, Y.S., Ozparlak, H. 2010. Determination of some organochlorine pesticide residues in honeys from Konya, Turkey. Environmental Monitoring 283.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Hasan H. Ünal This is me

Hasan H. Oruç This is me

Alper Sezgin This is me

Erol Kabil

Publication Date November 30, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 10 Issue: 4



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