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Megachile maritima (KIRBY) ve Icteranthidium cimbiciforme (SMITH) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) Türleri Üzerinde Entomopalinolojik Bir Çalışma

Year 2008, Volume: 08 Issue: 1, 30 - 35, 25.02.2008


Bu çalı mada, potansiyel polinatörlerden olan Megachile maritima (Kirby) ve Icteranthidium cimbiciforme (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)’nin besin tercihlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmı tır. Örnekler Ankara ve Eski ehir illerinden atrapla toplanmı tır. Shannon çe itlilik indeksinin kullanıldı ı çalı ma sonucunda, M. maritima türünün Asteraceae ve Rosaceae, I. cimbiciforme’nin ise Asteraceae ve Fabaceae familyalarının polenlerini topladı ı belirlenmi tir. Ayrıca, Rosaceae’nin M. maritima’nın, Fabaceae’nin ise I. cimbiciforme’nin besin tercihleri arasında oldu u ilk kez bu çalı mada saptanmı tır. Her iki türün de en fazla Carduus spp. (Asteraceae)’ni tercih etmelerine ra men, sonraki tercihlerinin birbirinden farklılık gösterdi i; M. maritima’nın ikinci sırada yine Asteraceae türlerini tercih ederken, I. Cimbiciforme’nin Fabaceae polenlerini topladı ı tespit edilmi tir


  • Aytu , B., Aykut, S., Merev, N., Edis, G. 1971. stanbul çevresi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Sayı 1650, O. F. Yayın No: 174, stanbul, 330s. atlası. stanbul
  • Banaszak, J. & Romasenko, L. 1998. Megachilid bees of Europe. Pedagogical University of Bydgoszcz. 239 pp.
  • Baydar, H., Gürel, F. 1998. Antalya do al florasında bal arısı (Apis mellifera)’nın polen toplama aktivitesi, polen tercihi ve farklı polen tiplerinin morfolojik ve kalite özellikleri. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Foresty, 22: 475–482.
  • Benno, P. 1969. Vliesvleugelige insekten–Hymenoptera angeldragers- Nederlandse bijen (Apoidea). Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, 18: 1–32. De
  • Bosch, J. 1994. Osmia cornuta Latr. (Hym., Megachilidae) as a potential pollinator in almond orchards. Journal of Applied Entomology, 117(2): 151–157.
  • Bosch, J., Kemp, W. P., Peterson, S. S. 2000. Management of Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) populations for almond pollination: methods to advance bee emergence. Environ. Entomol. 25 (5): 874–883.
  • Carey, P.D., Farrell, L. 2002. Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Sprengel. The Journal of Ecology, 90(1): 206– 218.
  • Conner, J. K., Davis R., Rush S. 1995. The effect of wild radish floral morphology on pollination efficiency by four taxa of pollinators. Oecologia, 104: 234– 245.
  • Davis, P.H. 1975. Carduus L., in P.H. Davis (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. University Press, Edinburgh, Vol. 5. 420–437.
  • Dorn, M. & D. Weber, 1988. Die Luzerne– Blattschneiderbiene und ihre verwandten in Mitteleuropa, Megachile rotundata u. a. Die Neue Brehm- Bücherei, Mit 56, Abbildungen und 1 Farbtafel, 112.
  • Erdtman, G. 1969. Handbook of palynology. Hafner Publishing Co. New York. 486 pp.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. 1989. Textbook of pollen analysis, Ed.; Faegri, K., Kaland, P. E., Krzywinski, K. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, IV Edition. 328 pp.
  • Fairey, D. T., Lefkovitch, L. P., Lieverse, A. C. 1989. The Leafcutting Bee, Megachile rotundata (F.): a potential pollinator for red clover, J. Appl. Ent. 107, 52–57.
  • Fitzpatrick, Ú., Murray, T.E., Byrne, A., Paxton R.J., Brown, M.J.F. 2006. Regional red list of Irish bees. Higher Education Authority. 38pp.
  • Frohlich, D.R. 1990. Substrate specificity of esterases in a (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): variability in sex, age and life stage. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. Vol. 18, No.7/8, pp. 539–547. rotundata
  • Gogala, A. 1991. Contribution to the knowledge of the bee fauna of Slovenia (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Scopolia, 25:1–33.
  • Güler, Y., Sorkun, K. 2007. Pollen preferences of Hoplosmia bidentata and Lithurgus cornutus (Hymenoptera: Fennica, 18(3): 274–278. Entomologica
  • Inouye, D. W. 1980. The effect of proboscis and corolla tube lengths on patterns and rates of flower visitation by bumblebees. Oecologia, 45:197–201.
  • Jones, G. D., Bryant, Jr. V. M., Lieux, M.H., Jones, S. D., Lingren, P.D. 1995. Pollen of the Southeastern United melissopalynology Number 30, 76 pp. emphasis on entomopalynology.
  • Jones, G.D., Jones, S.D. 2001. The uses of pollen and its implication Entomology, 30(3): 342–350. Neotropical
  • Laroca, S., Orth, AI. 2002. Melissocoenology: historical perspective, recommendations to the “Program of conservation and sustainable use of pollinators, with emphasis on bees” (ONU). IN: Kevan P & Imperatriz Fonseca VL (eds) - Pollinating Bees–The Conservation Link Between Agriculture and Nature–Ministry of Environment / Brasília. p. 217– 225. of sampling, and
  • Moore, P.D., Webb, J.A., 1983. An illustrated guide to pollen analysis. Hodder and Stoughton, London.
  • Nilsson, S., Praglowski, J., Nilsson, L., 1977. Atlas of airborne pollen grains and spores in Nothern Europea (1 st. ed.). Natur och Kultur, Stockholm.
  • Özbek, H., 1979. Bees of the genera Anthidium, Anthocopa, Hoplitis and Megachile (Hymenoptera: Apoidea; Megachilidae) in some parts of Eastern Anatolia. Türk. Bitki Kor. Derg. 3 (2): 95–107.
  • Özbek, H., Zanden, G. van der 1992. A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey part I. Osmiini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Türk. Entomol. Derg. 16(1): 13–32.
  • Özbek, H., Zanden, G. van der 1993. A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey part III. the Anthidiini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Türk. Entomol. Derg. 17(4): 193–207.
  • Parker, F.D. 1986. Factors influencing mortality and nesting in managed populations of the sunflower leafcutter bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Environ. Entomol. 15: 877–879.
  • Peeters, T.M.J., Reemer, M. 2003. Bedreigde en verdwenen bijen in Nederland. Stichting European Invertebrate Survey–Leiden. 98pp.
  • Pehlivan, S., 1995. Türkiye’nin alerjen polenleri atlası. Ünal Ofset, Ankara, 191s.
  • Pendleton, M. W., Bryant, Jr. V. M., Pendleton, B. B. 1996. entomopalynology. Chapter 23E, pp. 939–943. In Jan Jansonius and D. C. McGregor [eds.], Palynology: principles and applications. Volume 2. American Palynologists Foundation. in palynology- Association of Stratigraphic
  • Pinzauti, M., Lazzarini, D., Felicioli, A., Richards, K.W. 1997. Preliminary investigation of Osmia cornuta Latr. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) as a potential pollinator for blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) under confined environment. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Pollination, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. 23-28 June 1996., 329–333.
  • Ricciardelli D’Albore, G. R. 1997. Textbook of melissopalynology. Apimondia Publishing House, Bucharest. 308 pp.
  • Ricciardelli D’Albore, G .R., Intoppa F. 2000. Fiori e api. la flora visitata dalle api e dagli altri apoidei in Europa. Edagricole. Bologna. 253 pp.
  • Richards, K. W. & Kevan, P. G. 2002. Aspects of bee biodiversity, crop pollination, and conservation in Canada. IN: Kevan, P. ve Imperatriz Fonseca, V.L. (eds.)–Pollinating bees–the conservation link between agriculture and nature. Ministry of Environment, Brasilia, p. 77–94.
  • Small, E.B., Brooks, L., Lefkovich, P., Fairey, D.T. 1997. A preliminary analysis of the floral preference of the alfalfa leafcutting bee. Canadian Field Naturalist, 111: 445–453.
  • Wcislo, W. T., Cane, J. H. 1996. Floral resource utilization by solitary bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and exploitation of their stored foods by matural enemies. Annu. Rev. Entomol, 41:257–86.
  • Westrich P., Dathe, H.H. 1997. Die bienenarten Deutschlands aktualisiertes anmerkungen. Mitt. ent. V. Stuttgart, Jg. 32, 3–34. mit kritischen
  • Whitfield, G.H., Richards, K.W., Kveder, T.M. 1987. Number of instars of larvae of the alfalfa leafcutter bee, Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Canadian Entomologist, Vol. 119, 859–865.

An Entomopalynological Study on Megachile maritima (KIRBY) and Icteranthidium cimbiciforme (SMITH) (Hymenoptera:Megachilidae)

Year 2008, Volume: 08 Issue: 1, 30 - 35, 25.02.2008


Entomopalynology is the study of pollen found on the body or in the gut of insects. It is useful for determining insect feeding and migratory habits, especially as it involves economically important insects (as the boll weevil, or bees). Studies on pollen preferences of pollinators are key for the conservation of plant biodiversity, because pollinators play an important role in the reproductive success and gene flow of many important plant groups to agriculture and forestry and these plants in turn are important food sources for pollinators (Laroca & Orth, 2002). However, habitat and life cycle of many pollinators are not known. Such informations are required to answer the questions of which flowers are visited at which frequency, the effects of genetically modified plants on them and what if they disappear (Jones & Jones 2001). Species belonging to the Megachilidae familya are the pollinators of many plants with economic significance. Megachile spp., Osmia spp. and Anthidium spp. are used as commercial pollinators since they have high levels of pollination on lucerne (Medicago sativa), clover (Trifolium spp.) and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) (Whitfield et al. 1987; Frohlich 1990; Özbek & Zanden 1992).It is also known that these species are influential in pollination of economically significant products such as sunflower (Helianthus annus), strawberry (Fragaria xananassa), shrubby blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), almond (Prunus amygdalus), plum (Prunus domestica), cherry (Prunus avium), common pear (Pyrus communis) and apple (Malus pumila) (Parker 1986; Fairey et al. 1989; Torchio 1990; Bosch 1994; Pinzauti et al. 1997; Bosch et al. 2000). M. maritima is included under the red list in Germany, Holland and Ireland (Westrich & Dathe 1997; Peeters & Reemer 2003; Fitzpatrick et al. 2006). There is not enough studies on the pollen preferences of I. cimbiciforme. Therefore, the plant species preferred by Megachile maritima (Kirby, 1802) and Icteranthidium cimbiciforme (Smith, 1854) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) were investigated in this study. Samples are collected by insect net from Ankara (AyaĢ, GölbaĢı, Güdül ve Kızılcahamam) and EskiĢehir (Alpu ve Sivrihisar) provinces during June- August periods of 2000 and 2001. In pollen preparation, abdominal scopas of females of species with the equal number (22+22) were used. Pollen diagnose was carried out based on previous studies and reference preparation. The findings of the study shown that M. maritima collects the pollen of Asteraceae (81,62%) and Rosaceae (18,25%), while I. cimbiciforme of Asteraceae (68,03%) and Fabaceae (31,84%). Therefore, both species are proved again to be polylectic species. Firstly it is found that Rosaceae is preferred by M. maritima and Fabaceae by I. cimbiciforme. Although their highest preferences is common, namely Carduus spp. (Asteraceae) their lowest preferences vary. In the second order, M. maritima again prefers Asteraceae spp. but I. cimbiciforme prefers Fabaceae.


  • Aytu , B., Aykut, S., Merev, N., Edis, G. 1971. stanbul çevresi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Sayı 1650, O. F. Yayın No: 174, stanbul, 330s. atlası. stanbul
  • Banaszak, J. & Romasenko, L. 1998. Megachilid bees of Europe. Pedagogical University of Bydgoszcz. 239 pp.
  • Baydar, H., Gürel, F. 1998. Antalya do al florasında bal arısı (Apis mellifera)’nın polen toplama aktivitesi, polen tercihi ve farklı polen tiplerinin morfolojik ve kalite özellikleri. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Foresty, 22: 475–482.
  • Benno, P. 1969. Vliesvleugelige insekten–Hymenoptera angeldragers- Nederlandse bijen (Apoidea). Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, 18: 1–32. De
  • Bosch, J. 1994. Osmia cornuta Latr. (Hym., Megachilidae) as a potential pollinator in almond orchards. Journal of Applied Entomology, 117(2): 151–157.
  • Bosch, J., Kemp, W. P., Peterson, S. S. 2000. Management of Osmia lignaria (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) populations for almond pollination: methods to advance bee emergence. Environ. Entomol. 25 (5): 874–883.
  • Carey, P.D., Farrell, L. 2002. Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Sprengel. The Journal of Ecology, 90(1): 206– 218.
  • Conner, J. K., Davis R., Rush S. 1995. The effect of wild radish floral morphology on pollination efficiency by four taxa of pollinators. Oecologia, 104: 234– 245.
  • Davis, P.H. 1975. Carduus L., in P.H. Davis (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. University Press, Edinburgh, Vol. 5. 420–437.
  • Dorn, M. & D. Weber, 1988. Die Luzerne– Blattschneiderbiene und ihre verwandten in Mitteleuropa, Megachile rotundata u. a. Die Neue Brehm- Bücherei, Mit 56, Abbildungen und 1 Farbtafel, 112.
  • Erdtman, G. 1969. Handbook of palynology. Hafner Publishing Co. New York. 486 pp.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. 1989. Textbook of pollen analysis, Ed.; Faegri, K., Kaland, P. E., Krzywinski, K. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, IV Edition. 328 pp.
  • Fairey, D. T., Lefkovitch, L. P., Lieverse, A. C. 1989. The Leafcutting Bee, Megachile rotundata (F.): a potential pollinator for red clover, J. Appl. Ent. 107, 52–57.
  • Fitzpatrick, Ú., Murray, T.E., Byrne, A., Paxton R.J., Brown, M.J.F. 2006. Regional red list of Irish bees. Higher Education Authority. 38pp.
  • Frohlich, D.R. 1990. Substrate specificity of esterases in a (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae): variability in sex, age and life stage. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. Vol. 18, No.7/8, pp. 539–547. rotundata
  • Gogala, A. 1991. Contribution to the knowledge of the bee fauna of Slovenia (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Scopolia, 25:1–33.
  • Güler, Y., Sorkun, K. 2007. Pollen preferences of Hoplosmia bidentata and Lithurgus cornutus (Hymenoptera: Fennica, 18(3): 274–278. Entomologica
  • Inouye, D. W. 1980. The effect of proboscis and corolla tube lengths on patterns and rates of flower visitation by bumblebees. Oecologia, 45:197–201.
  • Jones, G. D., Bryant, Jr. V. M., Lieux, M.H., Jones, S. D., Lingren, P.D. 1995. Pollen of the Southeastern United melissopalynology Number 30, 76 pp. emphasis on entomopalynology.
  • Jones, G.D., Jones, S.D. 2001. The uses of pollen and its implication Entomology, 30(3): 342–350. Neotropical
  • Laroca, S., Orth, AI. 2002. Melissocoenology: historical perspective, recommendations to the “Program of conservation and sustainable use of pollinators, with emphasis on bees” (ONU). IN: Kevan P & Imperatriz Fonseca VL (eds) - Pollinating Bees–The Conservation Link Between Agriculture and Nature–Ministry of Environment / Brasília. p. 217– 225. of sampling, and
  • Moore, P.D., Webb, J.A., 1983. An illustrated guide to pollen analysis. Hodder and Stoughton, London.
  • Nilsson, S., Praglowski, J., Nilsson, L., 1977. Atlas of airborne pollen grains and spores in Nothern Europea (1 st. ed.). Natur och Kultur, Stockholm.
  • Özbek, H., 1979. Bees of the genera Anthidium, Anthocopa, Hoplitis and Megachile (Hymenoptera: Apoidea; Megachilidae) in some parts of Eastern Anatolia. Türk. Bitki Kor. Derg. 3 (2): 95–107.
  • Özbek, H., Zanden, G. van der 1992. A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey part I. Osmiini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Türk. Entomol. Derg. 16(1): 13–32.
  • Özbek, H., Zanden, G. van der 1993. A preliminary review of the Megachilidae of Turkey part III. the Anthidiini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Türk. Entomol. Derg. 17(4): 193–207.
  • Parker, F.D. 1986. Factors influencing mortality and nesting in managed populations of the sunflower leafcutter bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Environ. Entomol. 15: 877–879.
  • Peeters, T.M.J., Reemer, M. 2003. Bedreigde en verdwenen bijen in Nederland. Stichting European Invertebrate Survey–Leiden. 98pp.
  • Pehlivan, S., 1995. Türkiye’nin alerjen polenleri atlası. Ünal Ofset, Ankara, 191s.
  • Pendleton, M. W., Bryant, Jr. V. M., Pendleton, B. B. 1996. entomopalynology. Chapter 23E, pp. 939–943. In Jan Jansonius and D. C. McGregor [eds.], Palynology: principles and applications. Volume 2. American Palynologists Foundation. in palynology- Association of Stratigraphic
  • Pinzauti, M., Lazzarini, D., Felicioli, A., Richards, K.W. 1997. Preliminary investigation of Osmia cornuta Latr. (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) as a potential pollinator for blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) under confined environment. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Pollination, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. 23-28 June 1996., 329–333.
  • Ricciardelli D’Albore, G. R. 1997. Textbook of melissopalynology. Apimondia Publishing House, Bucharest. 308 pp.
  • Ricciardelli D’Albore, G .R., Intoppa F. 2000. Fiori e api. la flora visitata dalle api e dagli altri apoidei in Europa. Edagricole. Bologna. 253 pp.
  • Richards, K. W. & Kevan, P. G. 2002. Aspects of bee biodiversity, crop pollination, and conservation in Canada. IN: Kevan, P. ve Imperatriz Fonseca, V.L. (eds.)–Pollinating bees–the conservation link between agriculture and nature. Ministry of Environment, Brasilia, p. 77–94.
  • Small, E.B., Brooks, L., Lefkovich, P., Fairey, D.T. 1997. A preliminary analysis of the floral preference of the alfalfa leafcutting bee. Canadian Field Naturalist, 111: 445–453.
  • Wcislo, W. T., Cane, J. H. 1996. Floral resource utilization by solitary bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and exploitation of their stored foods by matural enemies. Annu. Rev. Entomol, 41:257–86.
  • Westrich P., Dathe, H.H. 1997. Die bienenarten Deutschlands aktualisiertes anmerkungen. Mitt. ent. V. Stuttgart, Jg. 32, 3–34. mit kritischen
  • Whitfield, G.H., Richards, K.W., Kveder, T.M. 1987. Number of instars of larvae of the alfalfa leafcutter bee, Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Canadian Entomologist, Vol. 119, 859–865.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Yasemin Güler This is me

Burcu Bursalı This is me

Publication Date February 25, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 08 Issue: 1


Vancouver Güler Y, Bursalı B. Megachile maritima (KIRBY) ve Icteranthidium cimbiciforme (SMITH) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) Türleri Üzerinde Entomopalinolojik Bir Çalışma. U. Arı. D.-U. Bee J. 2008;08(1):30-5.

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