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Bal Arısı Irklarının Çeşitliliğinin Korunması, Kolonilerin Yönetimi ve Genetik Yapılarının İstenen Yönde Geliştirilmesi Üzerine Model Oluşturulması

Year 2008, Volume: 08 Issue: 2, 63 - 72, 28.05.2008


Koloni yönetimi ve genetik geliştirme (ıslah) çalımaları arıcılığın önemli konularındandır. Genetik geliştirme yöntemleri kullanılarak bal arılarının ekonomik açıdan önemli olan genetik özellikleri geliştirilebilir. Bu konu özellikle kendi yerli ırklarına sahip olan ülkelerin gen kaynaklarını koruyup geliştirmeleri için çok önemlidir. Avrupa ve Amerika ülkelerinde kışı iyi geçiren, Avrupa, Amerikan yavru çürüklüü, kireç, nosema hastalığına, Varroa zararlısına dayanıklı yüksek bal verimli ve oğul verme eğilimi düşük olan ırklar ve hatlar oluşturulmuştur. Bu genetik geliştirme kriterlerinin oluşturulmasında koloni yönetiminin, ana arı yetiştirme ve yapay tohumlama tekniklerinin kullanımı arıcılık sektöründe genetik gelitirme programlarının başarıya ulamasında en etkili yollar olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu yazımda ülkemizde yaşayan arı ırklarımızın korunmasının önemi, arıcılık işletmelerinde uygulanan koloni yönetim sistemleri, kapalı toplum genetik geliştirme programı, bu programında kullanılan genetik geliştirme kriterlerinin kolonilerde hangi tekniklerle sınandığı ve bütün bunları bir araya getirerek oluturulan arıcılık modeli sunulacaktır


  • Adam, B. 1987 Breeding the Honeybee. Northern Bee Books, Mytholmroyd:hebden Bridge P: 1- 118
  • Ambrose, J.T. 1993 The Hive and The Honey Bees. Chapter Production. Dadant Publication P: 601-655. for Honey Cobey, S. 1995 Instrumental Insemination Equipment: Sophistication and Simplification in Designs. American Bee Journal. P: 697-7001.
  • Cobey, S. 2004 Yapay Tohumlama ve Islah kurs notları. Ohio State Universitesi Cobey, S. 2007 Comparison studies of instrumentally insemınated and naturally mated honey bee queens and factors affecting their performance. Apidologie 38 P:390-410
  • Collins A. M. 200. Survival of honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) spermatozoa stored at above freezing temperatures, J. Econ. Entomol. 93,568-571.
  • Doğaroğlu, M 1999. Modern Arıcılık Teknikleri. P: 1-295 İstanbul.
  • FAO 2004.
  • Giray,T., Çakmak, Aydın, I., Kandemir,I., Inci, A.,Oskay, D.,Doke, M., Kence, Kence, A., 2007 Preliminary Survey Results on 2006-2007 colony losses in Turkey. Uludag Bee Journal. August 2007, 101-107.
  • Kandemir, İ. Kence, M. and Kence A. 2000. Genetic and morphometric variation in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) populations in Turkey. Apidologie 31:343-356.
  • Kence, A 2006. Türkiye Bal Arılarında Genetik Çeşitlilik ve Korunmasının Önemi. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi Şubat 2006, 25-32.
  • Laidlaw H.H. 1979. Contemporary Queen Rearing. Great River Printing, Hamiton, IL. P: 1-177.
  • Laidlaw H.H.& Page, E. R. 1997. Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding. Wicwas Press. Cheshire, Connecticticut,USA. P: 1-224.
  • Peng,Y.S., Y.Fang, S. Xu, and L.Ge. 1987 The resistance mechanisms of Asian honey bee, Apish cerana Fabr. To an ectoparasitic mıte, Varroa jacobsonia Oudemans. J. Invert. Pathol. 49:54-60
  • Rivera-Marchand, B. 2006. Africanized honey bees in Puerto Rico. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Puerto Rico. P.1-100.
  • Ruttner, F., Tassencourt, L. and Louveaux, J. 1978. Biometrical-Statistical geographic variability of Apis mellifera L. Apidologie 9: 363-381. analysis of the
  • Ruttner, F. 1988 Biogeography and Taxonomy of Honeybees, Springer, Berlin.
  • Sheppard, W. S. and Berlocher, S. H. 1984. Enzyme polymorphisms in Apis mellifera mellifera from Norway. J. Apic. Res. 23: 64-69.
  • Smith, D. R., Slaymaker, A., Palmer, M. and Kaftanoğlu, O. 1997. Turkish honey bees belong to the east Mediterranean mitochondrial lineage. Apidologie 28: 269-27
  • Traynor, K. 2008. Bee Breeding Around the World. American Bee Journal. Volume: 148 No: 2 P:135-139
  • Winston, L, M. 1987 The Biology of the Honey Bee. Harvard University Press P 1-281

Protecting Diversity of Native Honey Bee Subspecies, Developing a Model on Colony Management and Breeding

Year 2008, Volume: 08 Issue: 2, 63 - 72, 28.05.2008


Colony management and stock improvement are very important issues of beekeeping. We can improve important economic genetic characters of honey bees by using breeding techniques. This subject is especially important for the countries that have their own honey bee subspecies for keeping their genetic resources and stock improvement. Programs for honey bee breeding in other countries such as United States of America and members of the European Union have targeted resistance to American and European foul brood, chalk brood, Nosema diseases, Varroa, tracheal mite, and increase in high honey production, decrease in swarm tendency in bee stocks and lines. Colony management, queen bee rearing and instrumental insemination techniques are the core tools for genetic improvement in beekeeping sector. Turkey has a special position in the world because of colony numbers and honey bee genetic diversity. Turkey has over 4 million colonies, making it the second country with the highest number of colonies in the world. Diverse and differentially adapted honey bee genetic sources in Turkey has been of interest for scientists and beekeepers from other countries. A famous example is the use of Apis mellifera bees from Sinop province by Brother Adam in production of the commercial line of bees known as Buckfast. Brother Adam, in his book of 1987 recognizes this bee as Anatolian bee (Apis mellifera anatolica) and tells to be better in many characteristics than other bees. However, Anatolian bee is only one of at least 5 subspecies present in Turkey, each with particular habits that are important for local adaptation. In this article I discuss importance of protecting diversity of native honey bee subspecies, colony management system and closed population breeding techniques. Lastly a model (See Figure 1) is proposed where an expert team provides the link between a conservation population for a local race (Yerli Irk I in Figure 1) and a closed breeding population of the same race (Yerli Irk II in Figure 1). The conservation population is maintained with the aim of preserving the genetic diversity and traits of the particular race or subspecies. The breeding population is maintained with the aim of producing breeder queen bees with improved commercial traits for the benefit of the beekeepers.


  • Adam, B. 1987 Breeding the Honeybee. Northern Bee Books, Mytholmroyd:hebden Bridge P: 1- 118
  • Ambrose, J.T. 1993 The Hive and The Honey Bees. Chapter Production. Dadant Publication P: 601-655. for Honey Cobey, S. 1995 Instrumental Insemination Equipment: Sophistication and Simplification in Designs. American Bee Journal. P: 697-7001.
  • Cobey, S. 2004 Yapay Tohumlama ve Islah kurs notları. Ohio State Universitesi Cobey, S. 2007 Comparison studies of instrumentally insemınated and naturally mated honey bee queens and factors affecting their performance. Apidologie 38 P:390-410
  • Collins A. M. 200. Survival of honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) spermatozoa stored at above freezing temperatures, J. Econ. Entomol. 93,568-571.
  • Doğaroğlu, M 1999. Modern Arıcılık Teknikleri. P: 1-295 İstanbul.
  • FAO 2004.
  • Giray,T., Çakmak, Aydın, I., Kandemir,I., Inci, A.,Oskay, D.,Doke, M., Kence, Kence, A., 2007 Preliminary Survey Results on 2006-2007 colony losses in Turkey. Uludag Bee Journal. August 2007, 101-107.
  • Kandemir, İ. Kence, M. and Kence A. 2000. Genetic and morphometric variation in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) populations in Turkey. Apidologie 31:343-356.
  • Kence, A 2006. Türkiye Bal Arılarında Genetik Çeşitlilik ve Korunmasının Önemi. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi Şubat 2006, 25-32.
  • Laidlaw H.H. 1979. Contemporary Queen Rearing. Great River Printing, Hamiton, IL. P: 1-177.
  • Laidlaw H.H.& Page, E. R. 1997. Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding. Wicwas Press. Cheshire, Connecticticut,USA. P: 1-224.
  • Peng,Y.S., Y.Fang, S. Xu, and L.Ge. 1987 The resistance mechanisms of Asian honey bee, Apish cerana Fabr. To an ectoparasitic mıte, Varroa jacobsonia Oudemans. J. Invert. Pathol. 49:54-60
  • Rivera-Marchand, B. 2006. Africanized honey bees in Puerto Rico. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Puerto Rico. P.1-100.
  • Ruttner, F., Tassencourt, L. and Louveaux, J. 1978. Biometrical-Statistical geographic variability of Apis mellifera L. Apidologie 9: 363-381. analysis of the
  • Ruttner, F. 1988 Biogeography and Taxonomy of Honeybees, Springer, Berlin.
  • Sheppard, W. S. and Berlocher, S. H. 1984. Enzyme polymorphisms in Apis mellifera mellifera from Norway. J. Apic. Res. 23: 64-69.
  • Smith, D. R., Slaymaker, A., Palmer, M. and Kaftanoğlu, O. 1997. Turkish honey bees belong to the east Mediterranean mitochondrial lineage. Apidologie 28: 269-27
  • Traynor, K. 2008. Bee Breeding Around the World. American Bee Journal. Volume: 148 No: 2 P:135-139
  • Winston, L, M. 1987 The Biology of the Honey Bee. Harvard University Press P 1-281
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Devrim Oskay This is me

Publication Date May 28, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 08 Issue: 2


Vancouver Oskay D. Bal Arısı Irklarının Çeşitliliğinin Korunması, Kolonilerin Yönetimi ve Genetik Yapılarının İstenen Yönde Geliştirilmesi Üzerine Model Oluşturulması. U. Arı. D.-U. Bee J. 2008;08(2):63-72.

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