Year 2021,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 8 - 20, 12.05.2021
Serengül Kartal
Rahşan İvgin Tunca
Okan Özgül
Kemal Karabağ
Hasan Koç
Beekeeping, performed in many parts of the world, has a very large place in the world trade market with bee products such as wax, bee venom, propolis and royal jelly, especially honey production. However, honey bee diseases are quite common and restricted the production of bee products. One of the most important of these diseases, Nosema, is caused by spores in intestinal epithelium cells of the honeybee. Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are the factors of this disease and also common in our country. These two species can be distinguished from each other by molecular diagnostic methods. In this study, materials collected from 152 apiaries located in 13 districts of Muğla province and 62 water sources close to these apiaries. The spores were counted using Thoma lame under light microscope. DNA isolation was carried out from spore positive samples. 218MITOC FOR-REV and 321APIS FOR-REV primers were used to figure out the N. apis and N. ceranae species. After DNA sequence analysis of the obtained amplifications, it was determined that all samples formed 3 haplotypes according to studied sequences for the first time. In Muğla region, the presence of only N. ceranae as a disease agent was determined and the prevalence of the disease was detected at a rate of 71.53±6.02%. Moreover, blast analysis showed that the N. ceranae sequence detected high similarity (94-100 %) with the previously reported in Lebanon, France, Morocco and Thailand samples.
Supporting Institution
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Scientific Research Projects Coordinator
Project Number
project number 17/010
we would like to thank Veterinary of Muğla Provincial Directorate of Agriculture, Muğla Province Bee Keeping Association, MSKU Scientific Research Projects Coordinator and Emel Tüten SEVİM who provided support in the supply of samples. This article was created from Serengül KARTAL's Master Thesis.
- Antúnez, K., Martin-Hernandez, R., Prieto, L., Meana, A., Zunino, P., Higes, M., (2009). Immune Suppression in the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Following Infection by Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia), Environ. Microbiol., doi:10.1111/j.1462- 2920.2009.01953x.
- Badaoui F., Amar A., Hassou L., Zoglat A., Okou CG. (2017). Dimensionality Reduction And Class Prediction Algorithm With Application To Microarray Big Data, Journal of Big Data, 4: 32. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-017-0093-4.
- Bandelt, HJ., Forster, P., Röhl, A., (1999). Median-Joining Networks For Inferring Intraspecific Phylogenies, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 16:37-48.
- Başar, E. (1990). Ülkemizdeki Bal Arılarında (Apis mellifera) Acarapis woodi ve Nosema apis Parazitlerinin Araştırılması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Büyük, M., (2016). Kırşehir İlindeki Arılarda Nosema Hastalığının Belirlenmesi, Yüksek lisans Tezi Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı.
- Büyük, M., Tunca, Rİ., Taşkın, A. (2014). ‘Türkiye’de Nosema spp. Varlığına Yönelik Yapılmış Çalışmalar’, Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 234–238.
- Chauzat, MP., Higes, M., Martín-Hernández, R., Meana, A., Cougoule, N., Faucon, JP. (2007). Presence of Nosema ceranae in French Honey Bee Colonies, J. Apic. Res. 46, 127–128.
- Chen, Y., Evans, JD., Smith, IB., Pettis, JS. (2008). Nosema ceranae is a Long-Present And Wide-Spread Microsporidian Infection of the European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) in the United States, J. Invertebr. Pathol. 97, 186–188.
- Chen YP, Evans JD, Murphy C, Gutell R, Zuker M, Gundensen- Rindal D, Pettis JS (2009). Morphological, Molecular, And Phylogenetic Characterization of Nosema ceranae, a Microsporidian Parasite Isolated From The European Honey Bee, Apis mellifera, J Eukaryot Microbiol 56:142–147.
- Cox-Foster, DL., Conlan, S., Holmes, EC., Palacios, G., Evans, JD., Moran, NA., Lipkin, WI. (2007). A Metagenomic Survey of Microbes in Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder, Science, 318, 283–287.
- Doğaroğlu, M. (1999). Modern Arıcılık Teknikleri, Anadolu Matbaa ve Ambalaj San. Tic. Ltd. Sti., İstanbul.
- Dussaubat, C., Brunet, JL., Higes, M., Colbourne, JK., Lopez, J., Choi, JH., Martín-Hernández, R., Botias, C., Moritz, RF., Le Conte, Y., Alaux, C, (2012). Gut Pathology And Responses To The Microsporidium, Nosema ceranae in the Honey Bee Apis mellifera, PLoS One, 7(5): e37017.
- Fayer, R., Santín, M., Trout, JM., (2003). First Detection Of Microsporidia in Dairy Calves in North America, Parasitol Res 90:383–386.
- Fries, I. (2010). Nosema ceranae in European Honey Bees, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 103, 73-79.
- Fries, I., Chauzat, MP., Chen, YP., Doublet, V., Genersch, E., Gisder, S., Higes, M., Mcmahon, DP., Martínhernández, R., Natsopoulou, M., Paxton, RJ., Tanner, G., Webster, TC., Williams, GR. (2013). Standard Methods for Nosema research. In: The COLOSS BEEBOOK: Volume II: Standard methods for Apis mellifera Pest and Pathogen Research, Dietemann V, Ellis J.D. & Neumann P, eds. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52 (1):http://dx.doi.org/10.3896/IBRA.
- Fries, I., Feng. F., Da Silva, A., Slemenda, SB., Pieniazek, NJ. (1996). Nosema ceranae (Microspora, Nosematidae), Morphological And Molecular Characterization Of A Microsporidian Parasite Of The Asian Honeybee Apis cerana (Hymenoptera, Apidae), European Journal of Protistology 32, 356-365.
- Fries, I., Martín, R., Meana, A., García-Palencia, P., Higes, M. (2006). Natural Infections of Nosema ceranae in European Honeybees, Journal of Apicultural Research 45, 230-233.
- Garrido, PM., Porrini, MP., Antúnez, K., Branchiccela, B., Martinez‑Noel, GMA., Zunino, P., Salerno, G., Eguaras, MJ., Leno, E., (2016). Sublethal Effects Of Acaricides and Nosema ceranae Infection On Immune Related Gene Expression in honeybees, Garrido et al. Vet Res 47:51DOI 10.1186/s13567-016-0335-z
- Gatehouse, HS., Malone LA., (1998). The Ribosomal RNA Gene Region of Nosema apis (Microspora): DNA Sequence for Small and Large Subunit rRNA Genes and Evidence of a Large Tandem Repeat Unit Size, J Invertebr Pathol. Mar;71(2):97-105.
- GenBank: ACCESSION No LC510254.1 AUTHORS Takashima, S., Ohari, Y. and Itagaki, T. TITLE The prevalence of newly found Nosema species and Nosema ceranae from honeybees, Apis cerana japonica and Apis mellifera in Tohoku region of Japan.
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Güneybatı Ege Bölgesi’nde Nosema Türlerinin Mikroskobik ve Moleküler Olarak Belirlenmesi
Year 2021,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 8 - 20, 12.05.2021
Serengül Kartal
Rahşan İvgin Tunca
Okan Özgül
Kemal Karabağ
Hasan Koç
Dünya’nın pek çok yerinde hayvansal üretim faaliyeti olarak yapılan arıcılık, başta bal üretimi olmak üzere bal mumu, arı zehri, propolis, arı sütü gibi arı ürünleri ile de dünya ticaret pazarında oldukça geniş bir yere sahiptir. Ancak, arıcılıktan elde edilecek verimi kısıtlayan bal arısı hastalıkları oldukça yaygınlaşmış durumdadır. Bu hastalıkların en önemlilerinden biri olan Nosema, bal arısının bağırsak epitelyum hücrelerinde sporların neden olduğu hastalıktır. Ülkemizde de yaygın bulunan bu hastalığın etmeni olarak Nosema apis ve Nosema ceranae gösterilmektedir. Bu iki tür birbirlerinden en iyi şekilde moleküler tanı yöntemleri ile ayırt edilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Muğla ilinin 13 farklı lokasyonunda bulunan 152 arılıktan ve bu arılıklara yakın 62 su kaynağından alınan örneklerde Nosema sporları ışık mikroskobu altında Thoma lamı kullanılarak spor sayımı yapılmıştır. Nosema sporu gözlemlenen örneklerden DNA izolasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nosema tür taraması için 218MITOC FOR- REV ve 321APIS FOR-REV primerleri kullanılarak ilgili gen bölgeleri çoğaltılmıştır. Yapılan network analizinde bu gen bölgelerine göre ilk kez 3 haplotipi belirlenmiştir. Muğla yöresinde Nosema hastalığı yaygınlığı %71,53±6,02 oranında tespit edilmiş ve hastalık etmeni olarak sadece N. ceranae’nın varlığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, blast analizi, daha önce Lübnan, Fransa, Fas ve Tayland ülkelerinden bildirilen N. ceranae örnekleri ile yüksek benzerlik (%94-100) tespit edilmiştir.
Project Number
project number 17/010
- Antúnez, K., Martin-Hernandez, R., Prieto, L., Meana, A., Zunino, P., Higes, M., (2009). Immune Suppression in the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Following Infection by Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia), Environ. Microbiol., doi:10.1111/j.1462- 2920.2009.01953x.
- Badaoui F., Amar A., Hassou L., Zoglat A., Okou CG. (2017). Dimensionality Reduction And Class Prediction Algorithm With Application To Microarray Big Data, Journal of Big Data, 4: 32. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-017-0093-4.
- Bandelt, HJ., Forster, P., Röhl, A., (1999). Median-Joining Networks For Inferring Intraspecific Phylogenies, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 16:37-48.
- Başar, E. (1990). Ülkemizdeki Bal Arılarında (Apis mellifera) Acarapis woodi ve Nosema apis Parazitlerinin Araştırılması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
- Büyük, M., (2016). Kırşehir İlindeki Arılarda Nosema Hastalığının Belirlenmesi, Yüksek lisans Tezi Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı.
- Büyük, M., Tunca, Rİ., Taşkın, A. (2014). ‘Türkiye’de Nosema spp. Varlığına Yönelik Yapılmış Çalışmalar’, Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 234–238.
- Chauzat, MP., Higes, M., Martín-Hernández, R., Meana, A., Cougoule, N., Faucon, JP. (2007). Presence of Nosema ceranae in French Honey Bee Colonies, J. Apic. Res. 46, 127–128.
- Chen, Y., Evans, JD., Smith, IB., Pettis, JS. (2008). Nosema ceranae is a Long-Present And Wide-Spread Microsporidian Infection of the European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) in the United States, J. Invertebr. Pathol. 97, 186–188.
- Chen YP, Evans JD, Murphy C, Gutell R, Zuker M, Gundensen- Rindal D, Pettis JS (2009). Morphological, Molecular, And Phylogenetic Characterization of Nosema ceranae, a Microsporidian Parasite Isolated From The European Honey Bee, Apis mellifera, J Eukaryot Microbiol 56:142–147.
- Cox-Foster, DL., Conlan, S., Holmes, EC., Palacios, G., Evans, JD., Moran, NA., Lipkin, WI. (2007). A Metagenomic Survey of Microbes in Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder, Science, 318, 283–287.
- Doğaroğlu, M. (1999). Modern Arıcılık Teknikleri, Anadolu Matbaa ve Ambalaj San. Tic. Ltd. Sti., İstanbul.
- Dussaubat, C., Brunet, JL., Higes, M., Colbourne, JK., Lopez, J., Choi, JH., Martín-Hernández, R., Botias, C., Moritz, RF., Le Conte, Y., Alaux, C, (2012). Gut Pathology And Responses To The Microsporidium, Nosema ceranae in the Honey Bee Apis mellifera, PLoS One, 7(5): e37017.
- Fayer, R., Santín, M., Trout, JM., (2003). First Detection Of Microsporidia in Dairy Calves in North America, Parasitol Res 90:383–386.
- Fries, I. (2010). Nosema ceranae in European Honey Bees, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 103, 73-79.
- Fries, I., Chauzat, MP., Chen, YP., Doublet, V., Genersch, E., Gisder, S., Higes, M., Mcmahon, DP., Martínhernández, R., Natsopoulou, M., Paxton, RJ., Tanner, G., Webster, TC., Williams, GR. (2013). Standard Methods for Nosema research. In: The COLOSS BEEBOOK: Volume II: Standard methods for Apis mellifera Pest and Pathogen Research, Dietemann V, Ellis J.D. & Neumann P, eds. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52 (1):http://dx.doi.org/10.3896/IBRA.
- Fries, I., Feng. F., Da Silva, A., Slemenda, SB., Pieniazek, NJ. (1996). Nosema ceranae (Microspora, Nosematidae), Morphological And Molecular Characterization Of A Microsporidian Parasite Of The Asian Honeybee Apis cerana (Hymenoptera, Apidae), European Journal of Protistology 32, 356-365.
- Fries, I., Martín, R., Meana, A., García-Palencia, P., Higes, M. (2006). Natural Infections of Nosema ceranae in European Honeybees, Journal of Apicultural Research 45, 230-233.
- Garrido, PM., Porrini, MP., Antúnez, K., Branchiccela, B., Martinez‑Noel, GMA., Zunino, P., Salerno, G., Eguaras, MJ., Leno, E., (2016). Sublethal Effects Of Acaricides and Nosema ceranae Infection On Immune Related Gene Expression in honeybees, Garrido et al. Vet Res 47:51DOI 10.1186/s13567-016-0335-z
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- GenBank: ACCESSION No LC510254.1 AUTHORS Takashima, S., Ohari, Y. and Itagaki, T. TITLE The prevalence of newly found Nosema species and Nosema ceranae from honeybees, Apis cerana japonica and Apis mellifera in Tohoku region of Japan.
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