Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 206 - 215, 11.11.2021


Keeping honey bee colonies in isolated areas can cause inbreeding. The inbreeding over a long period is good for the purity of bee subspecies but also has some negative effects including the low performance of colonies. This study was performed on hybrid honey bee colonies placed in an isolated location for about five years to check the effects of inbreeding on them. The bees were able to mate with each other during this period of time without introducing new bee queens or bee packages. Some morphological characteristics and parameters were studied to test the purity of the bees and the presence of any negative effects due to inbreeding. The results showed the presence of variations between studied colonies without any negative effects on bee morphology, hygienic behavior, bee larvae development, brood rearing activity, and food storing activity. The study highlighted the absence of deleterious effects on honey bees due to inbreeding under isolation conditions.


  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Ahmed, ME. 2015. Characterisation and tracking changes of morphological characteristics in honey bee, Apis mellifera, colonies, Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research, 47(3), 103-108.
  • Abou-Shaara, H.F., Kelany, M.M. 2021. A methodology to assist in locating drone congregation area using remote sensing technique. J. Apic. Res. 1-3.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Al-Ghamdi, AA., Mohamed, AA. 2013a. Body morphological characteristics of honey bees, Agricultura, 10, 45-49.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Al-Ghamdi, AA., Mohamed, AA. 2013b. Honey bee colonies performance enhance by newly modified beehives, Journal of Apicultural Science, 57(2), 45-57.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Owayss, AA., Ibrahim, YY., Basuny, NK. 2017. A review of impacts of temperature and relative humidity on various activities of honey bees, Insectes sociaux, 64(4), 455-463.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., M. Poliak, M., Čermáková, T. 2018. Field and laboratory assessment to hygienic behavior of Carniolan honey bees with studying impacts of oxalic acid on grooming behavior, Munis Entomology and Zoology, 13 (1): 256-265.
  • Al-Ghamdi, AA., Abou-Shaara, HF., Mohamed, AA. 2014. Hatching rates and some characteristics of Yemeni and Carniolan honey bee eggs, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, , 2(1), 6-10.
  • Balhareth, HM., Alqarni, AS., Owayss, AA. 2012. Comparison of hygienic and grooming behaviors of indigenous and exotic honeybee, Apis mellifera races in central Saudi Arabia, Int. J. Agric. Biol., 14: 1005‒1008.
  • Beye, M., Hasselmann, M., Fondrk, MK., Page, RE., Omholt, SW. 2003. The gene csd is the primary signal for sexual development in the honeybee and encodes an SR-type protein, Cell, ,114, 419-429.
  • Bienefeld, K., Reinhardt, F., Pirchner, F. 1989. Inbreeding effects of queen and workers on colony traits in the honey bee, Apidologie, 20(5), 439-450.
  • Bienefeld, K., Tahmasebi, GH., Keller, R., Kauhausen-Keller, D., Ruttner, F. 1996. Report on the Present Situation of Apis mellifera meda in Iran, Apidologie, 4(27), 307-308.
  • Bigio, G., Schürch, R., Ratnieks, FLW. 2013. Hygienic behavior in honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae): effects of brood, food, and time of the year, Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(6):2280-2285.
  • Brückner, D. 1979. Effects of inbreeding on worker honeybees, Bee World, 60:3, 137-140, DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.1979.11097746.
  • Brückner, D,1980. Hoarding behaviour and life span of inbred, non-inbred and hybrid honeybees, Journal of Apicultural Research, 19(1), 35-41.
  • Cermak K. 1996. Effect of inbreeding on some characters of bees. Journal of Farm Animal Science (Slovakia), 29:217-222.
  • Cobey, SW. 2007. Comparison studies of instrumentally inseminated and naturally mated honey bee queens and factors affecting their performance, Apidologie, 38, 390-410.
  • Delaplane, KS., Pietravalle, S., Brown, MA., Budge, GE. 2015. Honey bee colonies headed by hyperpolyandrous queens have improved brood rearing efficiency and lower infestation rates of parasitic Varroa mites, PLoS ONE, 10, e0142985. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142985.
  • den Boer SP, Boomsma JJ, Baer B. 2009. Honey bee males and queens use glandular secretions to enhance sperm viability before and after storage. Journal of Insect Physiology. Jun 1;55(6):538-43.
  • El-Aw, MAM., Draz, KAA., Eid, KS., Abou-Shaara, HFI. 2012. Measuring the morphological characters of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) using a simple semi-automatic technique, J. Am. Sci, 8, 558-564.
  • Gerula, D., Węgrzynowicz, P., Panasiuk, B., Bieńkowska, M., Skowronek W. 2015. Hygienic behaviour of honeybee colonies with different levels of polyandry and genotypic composition, J. Apic. Sci.,59 (2): 107-113.
  • Ilyasov, R.A., Poskryakov, A.V., Petukhov, A.V., Nikolenko, A.G. 2015. Genetic differentiation of local populations of the dark European bee Apis mellifera mellifera L. in the Urals. Rus. J. Genet. 51: 677-682.
  • Ilyasov, R.A., Poskryakov, A.V., Petukhov, A.V., Nikolenko, A.G. 2016. Molecular genetic analysis of five extant reserves of black honeybee Apis mellifera mellifera in the Urals and the Volga region. Rus. J. Genet. 52: 828-839.
  • Jeffree, EP.1958. A shaped wire grid for estimating quantities of brood and pollen in combs, Bee World, 58(3): 105-110.
  • Kaftanoglu, O., Peng, Y.-S. 1982. Effects of insemination on the initiation of oviposition in the queen honeybee, Journal of Apicultural Research, 21, 3-6.
  • Kelany, MM. 2018. Studies on some factors affecting honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in Toshka region, Egypt, PhD. Thesis, Fac. Agric. Sohag Univ.202 pp.
  • Moore, PA., Wilson, ME., Skinner, JA. 2015. Honey bee queens: Evaluating the most important colony member, Accessed on 20/3/2017.
  • Moritz, RFA., Kryger, P., Allsopp, M. 1996. Competition for royalty in bees. Nature, 384, 522.
  • Oldroyd, BP., Allsopp, MH., Lim, J., Beekman, M. 2011. A thelytokous lineage of socially parasitic honey bees has retained heterozygosity despite at least 10 years of inbreeding. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution, 65(3), 860-868.
  • Oldroyd, BP., Goodman, RD. 1988. Inbreeding and heterosis in queen bees in relation to brood area and honey production, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 39(5), 959-964.
  • Palacio, MA., Figini, E., Runengo, S., Rodriguez, E., del Hoyo, ML., Bedascarrasbure, EL. 2000. Changes in a population of Apis mellifera L. selected for hygienic behaviour and its relation to brood disease tolerance, Apidologie, 31 (4): 471-478.
  • Pernal, SF., Sewalem, A., Melathopoulos, AP. 2012. Breeding for hygienic behaviour in honeybees (Apis mellifera) using free-mated nucleus colonies, Apidologie, 43:403-416.
  • Radloff, SE., Hepburn, R., Bangay, LJ. 2003. Quantitative analysis of intracolonial and intercolonial morphometric variance in honeybees, Apis mellifera and Apis cerana, Apidologie, 34(4), 339-351.
  • Ratnieks, FLW., Keller, L. 1998. Queen control of egg fertilization in the honey bee. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 44, 57-61.
  • Roberts, WC. 1961. Heterosis in the honey bee as shown by morphological characters in inbred and hybrid bees, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 54(6), 878-882.
  • Smith, NM., Wade, C., Allsopp, MH., Harpur, BA., Zayed, A., Rose, SA., Engelstädter, J., Chapman, NC., Yagound, B., Oldroyd, BP. 2019. Strikingly high levels of heterozygosity despite 20 years of inbreeding in a clonal honey bee, Journal of evolutionary biology, 32(2), 144-152.
  • Taber, III S., Wendel, J. 1985. Concerning the number of times queen bees mate. Journal of Economic Entomology, 51, 786-789.
  • Tarpy, DR., Keller, JJ., Caren, JR., Delaney, DA. 2012. Assessing the mating 'Health' of commercial honey bee queens. Journal of Economic Entomology, 105, 20-25.
  • Woyke J. 1963. What happens to diploid drone larvae in a honeybee colony. Journal of Apicultural Research, 2, 73-75.
  • Woyke J. 1964. Genetic proof of the origin of drones from fertilized eggs of the honeybee. Journal of Apicultural Research, 4, 7-11.
  • Xonis, C., Thrasyvoulou, A., El Taj, HF. 2015. Variability of hygienic behavior in bee Apis mellifera macedonica, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015,21 (No 3) 674-679.
  • Yakoub, WA. Genetic improvement of some characteristics of the Syrian honey bee race. Ph.D. Thesis in Economic Entomology, Fac. of Agric., Alex. Univ. 2002.
  • Zmarlicki C., Morse RA. 1963. Drone congregation areas. J. Apic. Res. 2: 64–66.

İzolasyon Koşullarının Bal Arılarının Morfolojisi ve Performansına Etkileri

Year 2021, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 206 - 215, 11.11.2021


Bal arısı kolonilerinin izole alanlarda tutulması akrabalı üremeye neden olabilir. Akrabalı yetiştirmenin uzun bir süre boyunca yapılması, arı alt türlerinin saflığı için iyidir ancak aynı zamanda kolonilerin düşük performansı da dahil olmak üzere bazı olumsuz etkileri de vardır. Bu çalışma, akrabalı yetiştirmenin etkilerini kontrol etmek için yaklaşık beş yıl boyunca izole bir yere yerleştirilen hibrit bal arısı kolonileri üzerinde yapıldı. Arılar, bu süre zarfında yeni ana arılar veya arı paketleri sunmadan birbirleriyle çiftleşebildiler. Arıların saflığını ve akrabalı yetiştirmeden kaynaklanan olumsuz etkilerin varlığını test etmek için bazı morfolojik özellikler ve parametreler incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar, arı morfolojisi, hijyenik davranış, arı larva gelişimi, yavru yetiştirme aktivitesi ve gıda depolama aktivitesi üzerinde herhangi bir olumsuz etki olmaksızın çalışılan koloniler arasında varyasyonların varlığını göstermiştir. Çalışma, izolasyon koşulları altında akrabalı yetiştirme nedeniyle bal arıları üzerinde zararlı etkilerin olmadığını vurguladı.


  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Ahmed, ME. 2015. Characterisation and tracking changes of morphological characteristics in honey bee, Apis mellifera, colonies, Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research, 47(3), 103-108.
  • Abou-Shaara, H.F., Kelany, M.M. 2021. A methodology to assist in locating drone congregation area using remote sensing technique. J. Apic. Res. 1-3.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Al-Ghamdi, AA., Mohamed, AA. 2013a. Body morphological characteristics of honey bees, Agricultura, 10, 45-49.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Al-Ghamdi, AA., Mohamed, AA. 2013b. Honey bee colonies performance enhance by newly modified beehives, Journal of Apicultural Science, 57(2), 45-57.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., Owayss, AA., Ibrahim, YY., Basuny, NK. 2017. A review of impacts of temperature and relative humidity on various activities of honey bees, Insectes sociaux, 64(4), 455-463.
  • Abou-Shaara, HF., M. Poliak, M., Čermáková, T. 2018. Field and laboratory assessment to hygienic behavior of Carniolan honey bees with studying impacts of oxalic acid on grooming behavior, Munis Entomology and Zoology, 13 (1): 256-265.
  • Al-Ghamdi, AA., Abou-Shaara, HF., Mohamed, AA. 2014. Hatching rates and some characteristics of Yemeni and Carniolan honey bee eggs, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, , 2(1), 6-10.
  • Balhareth, HM., Alqarni, AS., Owayss, AA. 2012. Comparison of hygienic and grooming behaviors of indigenous and exotic honeybee, Apis mellifera races in central Saudi Arabia, Int. J. Agric. Biol., 14: 1005‒1008.
  • Beye, M., Hasselmann, M., Fondrk, MK., Page, RE., Omholt, SW. 2003. The gene csd is the primary signal for sexual development in the honeybee and encodes an SR-type protein, Cell, ,114, 419-429.
  • Bienefeld, K., Reinhardt, F., Pirchner, F. 1989. Inbreeding effects of queen and workers on colony traits in the honey bee, Apidologie, 20(5), 439-450.
  • Bienefeld, K., Tahmasebi, GH., Keller, R., Kauhausen-Keller, D., Ruttner, F. 1996. Report on the Present Situation of Apis mellifera meda in Iran, Apidologie, 4(27), 307-308.
  • Bigio, G., Schürch, R., Ratnieks, FLW. 2013. Hygienic behavior in honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae): effects of brood, food, and time of the year, Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(6):2280-2285.
  • Brückner, D. 1979. Effects of inbreeding on worker honeybees, Bee World, 60:3, 137-140, DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.1979.11097746.
  • Brückner, D,1980. Hoarding behaviour and life span of inbred, non-inbred and hybrid honeybees, Journal of Apicultural Research, 19(1), 35-41.
  • Cermak K. 1996. Effect of inbreeding on some characters of bees. Journal of Farm Animal Science (Slovakia), 29:217-222.
  • Cobey, SW. 2007. Comparison studies of instrumentally inseminated and naturally mated honey bee queens and factors affecting their performance, Apidologie, 38, 390-410.
  • Delaplane, KS., Pietravalle, S., Brown, MA., Budge, GE. 2015. Honey bee colonies headed by hyperpolyandrous queens have improved brood rearing efficiency and lower infestation rates of parasitic Varroa mites, PLoS ONE, 10, e0142985. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142985.
  • den Boer SP, Boomsma JJ, Baer B. 2009. Honey bee males and queens use glandular secretions to enhance sperm viability before and after storage. Journal of Insect Physiology. Jun 1;55(6):538-43.
  • El-Aw, MAM., Draz, KAA., Eid, KS., Abou-Shaara, HFI. 2012. Measuring the morphological characters of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) using a simple semi-automatic technique, J. Am. Sci, 8, 558-564.
  • Gerula, D., Węgrzynowicz, P., Panasiuk, B., Bieńkowska, M., Skowronek W. 2015. Hygienic behaviour of honeybee colonies with different levels of polyandry and genotypic composition, J. Apic. Sci.,59 (2): 107-113.
  • Ilyasov, R.A., Poskryakov, A.V., Petukhov, A.V., Nikolenko, A.G. 2015. Genetic differentiation of local populations of the dark European bee Apis mellifera mellifera L. in the Urals. Rus. J. Genet. 51: 677-682.
  • Ilyasov, R.A., Poskryakov, A.V., Petukhov, A.V., Nikolenko, A.G. 2016. Molecular genetic analysis of five extant reserves of black honeybee Apis mellifera mellifera in the Urals and the Volga region. Rus. J. Genet. 52: 828-839.
  • Jeffree, EP.1958. A shaped wire grid for estimating quantities of brood and pollen in combs, Bee World, 58(3): 105-110.
  • Kaftanoglu, O., Peng, Y.-S. 1982. Effects of insemination on the initiation of oviposition in the queen honeybee, Journal of Apicultural Research, 21, 3-6.
  • Kelany, MM. 2018. Studies on some factors affecting honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in Toshka region, Egypt, PhD. Thesis, Fac. Agric. Sohag Univ.202 pp.
  • Moore, PA., Wilson, ME., Skinner, JA. 2015. Honey bee queens: Evaluating the most important colony member, Accessed on 20/3/2017.
  • Moritz, RFA., Kryger, P., Allsopp, M. 1996. Competition for royalty in bees. Nature, 384, 522.
  • Oldroyd, BP., Allsopp, MH., Lim, J., Beekman, M. 2011. A thelytokous lineage of socially parasitic honey bees has retained heterozygosity despite at least 10 years of inbreeding. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution, 65(3), 860-868.
  • Oldroyd, BP., Goodman, RD. 1988. Inbreeding and heterosis in queen bees in relation to brood area and honey production, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 39(5), 959-964.
  • Palacio, MA., Figini, E., Runengo, S., Rodriguez, E., del Hoyo, ML., Bedascarrasbure, EL. 2000. Changes in a population of Apis mellifera L. selected for hygienic behaviour and its relation to brood disease tolerance, Apidologie, 31 (4): 471-478.
  • Pernal, SF., Sewalem, A., Melathopoulos, AP. 2012. Breeding for hygienic behaviour in honeybees (Apis mellifera) using free-mated nucleus colonies, Apidologie, 43:403-416.
  • Radloff, SE., Hepburn, R., Bangay, LJ. 2003. Quantitative analysis of intracolonial and intercolonial morphometric variance in honeybees, Apis mellifera and Apis cerana, Apidologie, 34(4), 339-351.
  • Ratnieks, FLW., Keller, L. 1998. Queen control of egg fertilization in the honey bee. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 44, 57-61.
  • Roberts, WC. 1961. Heterosis in the honey bee as shown by morphological characters in inbred and hybrid bees, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 54(6), 878-882.
  • Smith, NM., Wade, C., Allsopp, MH., Harpur, BA., Zayed, A., Rose, SA., Engelstädter, J., Chapman, NC., Yagound, B., Oldroyd, BP. 2019. Strikingly high levels of heterozygosity despite 20 years of inbreeding in a clonal honey bee, Journal of evolutionary biology, 32(2), 144-152.
  • Taber, III S., Wendel, J. 1985. Concerning the number of times queen bees mate. Journal of Economic Entomology, 51, 786-789.
  • Tarpy, DR., Keller, JJ., Caren, JR., Delaney, DA. 2012. Assessing the mating 'Health' of commercial honey bee queens. Journal of Economic Entomology, 105, 20-25.
  • Woyke J. 1963. What happens to diploid drone larvae in a honeybee colony. Journal of Apicultural Research, 2, 73-75.
  • Woyke J. 1964. Genetic proof of the origin of drones from fertilized eggs of the honeybee. Journal of Apicultural Research, 4, 7-11.
  • Xonis, C., Thrasyvoulou, A., El Taj, HF. 2015. Variability of hygienic behavior in bee Apis mellifera macedonica, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2015,21 (No 3) 674-679.
  • Yakoub, WA. Genetic improvement of some characteristics of the Syrian honey bee race. Ph.D. Thesis in Economic Entomology, Fac. of Agric., Alex. Univ. 2002.
  • Zmarlicki C., Morse RA. 1963. Drone congregation areas. J. Apic. Res. 2: 64–66.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Entomology
Journal Section Research Articles

Mahmoud Kelany 0000-0003-3337-7552

Hossam Abou-shaara This is me 0000-0001-7208-6526

Publication Date November 11, 2021
Acceptance Date October 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 21 Issue: 2



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