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Bal Arısı Kolonilerinde (Apis mellifera L.) Varroa Destructor Bulaşıklığı Üzerine Akarisitlerin Etkisi ve Hipofaringeal Glandlar Üzerindeki Histolojik Etkileri

Year 2024, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 53 - 63, 29.05.2024


Bu çalışma, bal arılarının (Apis mellifera L.) Hipofaringeal Bezleri (HPG'ler) üzerinde Varroa destructor'u kontrol etmek için Mısır'da en yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı akarisitlerin rastgele rolünü belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan akarisitler Varroakiller®, Menthocaros®, Amitraz®, Varroby® ve formik asittir. Sonuçlar, düşen toplam akar sayısının kontrol grubundaki 16 akara kıyasla Varroakiller®, Menthocaros®, Amitraz®, Varroby® ve formik asit için sırasıyla 53,5, 47, 28,6, 26 ve 24,5 olduğunu göstermiştir. Kapalı işçi kuluçka alanları (SWBA) için, uygulamalar Varroakiller® (129,125 in2), formik asit (90,125 in2), Varroby® (87,50 in2), Menthocaros® (51,07 in2) ve Amitraz® (40,05 in2) içerirken, kontrol kolonileri için SWBA 17,65 in2 olarak belirlenmiştir. HPG'lerin histolojik çalışmaları, Varroakiller®'in Varroa akarlarını etkili bir şekilde kontrol etmesine ve işçi arılar veya yumurtlama alanları üzerinde doğrudan bir etkisi olmamasına rağmen, sonuçta arı kolonisini etkileyebilecek olan HPG'leri önemli ölçüde etkilediğini göstermiştir. Dahası, formik asit yumurta bırakma alanları ve kapalı işçiler için kabul edilebilir sonuçlarla birlikte daha düşük sayıda düşen Varroa kaydetmiştir. Bu durum, formik asidin kısa süredeki etkinliği nedeniyle en önemli olarak kabul edilmesiyle birleştiğinde, 24 gün sonra %100'lük bir azalma yüzdesi ile sonuçlanmıştır.


  • Abu-Zeid, MI, Ghoniemy, HA. Evaluation of the role of some chemical compounds for controlling Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans in Egypt. Minufiya journal of agricultural research, 1992;17(3):1465- 1470.
  • Al-Abbadi, A, Nazer, IK. Control of Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) on honey bees by aromatic oils and plant materials. Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2003;8(1):15-20.
  • Aljedani, DM. Controlling Varroa mites infesting honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) Using some essential oils and Amitraz® under colony conditions. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2021;9(6):01-07
  • Anderson, DL, Trueman, JWH. Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae) is more than one species. Experimental and applied acarology, 2000;24.165-189.
  • Bancroft, JD, Stevens, A, Turner, DR. Theory and practice of histological techniques. 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, New York, London, San Francisco, Tokyo. 1996.
  • Charpentier, G, Vidau, C, Ferdy, J, Tabart, J, Vetillard, A. Lethal and sub-lethal effects of thymol on honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae reared in vitro. Pest management science, 2014;70(1):140–147.
  • Colin, T, Lim, MY, Quarrell, SR, Allen, GR, Barron, AB. Effects of thymol on European honey bee hygienic behaviour. Apidologie, 2019;50.141–152.
  • da Costa, RA, Cruz-Landim, C. Comparative study of the ultrastructure and secretory dynamic of hypopharyngeal glands in queens, workers and males of Scaptotrigona postica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Apinae, Meliponini). Biocell: Official Journal of the Sociedades Latinoamericanas de Microscopia Electronica et. al, 2000;24(1):39-48.
  • Dade, HA. Anatomy and dissection of honey bee. Book published by the London Internet Bee Research association. 1977;158p.
  • de Moraes, RLS, Bowen, ID. Modes of cell death in the hypopharyngeal gland of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L). Cell Biology International, 2000;24(10):737-743.
  • Duncan, DB. Multiple Range and Multiple F-Test. Biometrics, 1955;11.1-5. Eguaras, M, Palacio, MA, Faverin, C, Basualdo, M, Del Hoyo, ML, Velis, G, Bedascarrasbure, E. Efficacy of formic acid in gel for Varroa control en Apis mellifera L.: importance of the dispenser position inside the hive. Veterinary Parasitology, 2003;111(2-3):241-245.
  • Fluri, PLM, Wille, H, Gerig, L. Changes in weight of the pharyngeal gland and haemolymph titres of juvenile hormone, protein and vitellogenin in worker honey bees. Journal of Insect Physiology, 1982;28:61–8.
  • Gashout, HA, Guzman-Novoa, E, Goodwin, PH, Correa-Benítez, A. Impact of sublethal exposure to synthetic and natural acaricides on honey bee (Apis mellifera) memory and expression of genes related to memory. Journal of insect physiology, 2020;121,104014.
  • Ghoniemy, HAA. comparison between different techniques for controlling varroa jacobsoni (using formic acid) under Fayoum condition. Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Science, 1998;23(7):1110- 0346.
  • Ghoniemy, HA, Abu-Zeid, MI. The use of formic acid for control of Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans on honey bees in Egypt. Egypt J. Applied Science, 1993;8 (1):240-245.
  • Glinski, Z. The effect of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. on the incidence and cause of chalk brood disease in Apis mellifera L. colonies. Review of Agricultural Entomology, 1991; 79-97.
  • Gregorc, A, Evans, JD, Scharf, M, Ellis, JD. Gene expression in honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae exposed to pesticides and varroa mites (Varroa destructor). Journal of insect physiology, 2012;58(8):1042-1049.
  • Hernández-Rodríguez, CS, Marín, Ó, Calatayud, F, Mahiques, MJ, Mompó, A, Segura, I, Simó, E, González-Cabrera, J. Large-scale monitoring of resistance to coumaphos, amitraz, and pyrethroids in Varroa destructor. Insects, 2021;12(1): 12-27. 10.3390/insects12010027.
  • Jeffree, E. P. (1958). A shaped wire grid for estimating quantities of brood and pollen in combs. Bee World, 39(5), 115–118.
  • Kanga, LH, James, RR. Varroa control with fungal pathogens may be an option soon. American Bee Journal, 2002;142(7):519-520. Kubo, T, Sasaki, M, Nakamura, J, Sasagawa, H, Ohashi, K, Takeuchi, H,
  • Natori, S. Change in the expression of hypopharyngeal-gland proteins of the worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) with age and/or role. The journal of biochemistry, 1996;119(2):291–295.
  • Lodesani, M, Colombo, M, Spreafico, M. Ineffectiveness of Apistan® treatment against the mite Varroa jacobsoni Oud. In several districts of Lombardy (Italy). Apidologie, 1995;26(1):67-72.
  • Mahmoud, SOM, Mohamed, SH, Mohamed, SY, Wael, MM. Efficiency assessment of modified defined chemical compounds for controlling Varroa mite, Varroa destructor (Parasitiformes: Varroidae) in Egyptian apiaries. Egyptian Journal of Plant Protection Research Institute, 2019;2(1):123-133. 20219903146.
  • Murilhas, AM. Varroa destructor infestation impact on Apis mellifera carnica capped worker brood production, bee population and honey storage in a Mediterranean climate. Apidologie, 2002;33(3):271-281.
  • Pettis, JS. A scientific note on Varroa destructor resistance to Coumaphos in the United States. Apidologie, 2004;35(1):91–92.
  • Pietropaoli, M, Gajger, IT, Costa, C, Gerula, D, Wilde, J, Adjlane, N, Aldea-Sánchez, P, Smodiš Škerl, MI, Bubnič, J, Formato, G. Evaluation of two commonly used field tests to assess Varroa destructor infestation on honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. Applied Sciences, 2021;11(10): 4458.
  • Shapiro, SS, Wilk, MB. An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika, 1965 52(3–4), 591–611.
  • Sharaf El-Din, HA, Elenany, YE. Assessment of Newly Registered Varroa destructor Infestation Control Acaricides in the Colonies of Honey Bees Apis mellifera L. Under Egyptian Conditions. Mansoura University. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2020;11(10):489-491.
  • Snedecor, GW, Cochran, WG. Statistical method 7th Ed. The Iowa state university press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 1980;39-63.
  • Tihelka, E. Effects of synthetic and organic acaricides on honey bee health: a review. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 2018;55(3):22.
  • Tiwari, R, Dhami, M, Mathur, V, Bisht, B. Efficacy of animal origin products and ajwain powder against honey bee diseases in Apis mellifera (Linnaeus) colonies in Uttarakhand-A novel eco-friendly approach. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2014;6(1):68-75.
  • Ueno, T, Nakaoka, T, Takeuchi, H, Kubo, T. Differential gene expression in the hypopharyngeal glands of worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) associated with an age-dependent role change. Zoological science 2009;26(8):557–563.
  • Yousef, SI, El Basheir, ZM, Teleb, SS, Ibraheem, E. Effect of Varroa infestation on the morphological and histological structure of the hypopharyngeal glands of Apis mellifera workers. Journal of American Science, 2014;10(12):69-78.
  • Zhang, Y, Liu, A, Huang, SK, Evans, JD, Cook, SC, Palmer-Young, E, Corona, M, Alburaki, M, Liu, G, Han, RC, Li, WF. Mediating a host cell signaling pathway linked to overwinter mortality offers a promising therapeutic approach for improving bee health. Journal of Advanced Research, 2023;53,99-114.


Year 2024, Volume: 24 Issue: 1, 53 - 63, 29.05.2024


This study aimed to determine the random role of some acaricides, which are the most commonly used in Egypt for controlling Varroa destructor on Hypopharyngeal Glands (HPGs) of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). The acaricides used in this study were Varroakiller®, Menthocaros®, Amitraz®, Varroby®, and formic acid. Results showed that the total number of fallen mites was 53.5, 47, 28.6, 26, and 24.5 for Varroakiller®, Menthocaros®, Amitraz®, Varroby®, and formic acid, respectively, compared to 16 mites in the control group. For sealed worker brood areas (SWBA), the treatments included Varroakiller® (327.98 cm2), formic acid (228.92 cm2), Varroby® (222.25 cm2), Menthocaros® (129.72 cm2), and Amitraz® (101.73 cm2), while the SWBA for control colonies was 44.83 cm2. Histological studies of the HPGs showed that although Varroakiller® effectively controlled Varroa mites and had no direct impact on worker bees or egg-laying areas, it considerably impacted the HPGs, which could ultimately affect the bee colony. Moreover, formic acid recorded a lower number of fallen Varroa with acceptable outcomes for egg-laying areas and sealed workers. This, coupled with the fact that formic acid was deemed the most significant due to its effectiveness over a short period, resulted in a reduction of 100% after 24 days.


  • Abu-Zeid, MI, Ghoniemy, HA. Evaluation of the role of some chemical compounds for controlling Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans in Egypt. Minufiya journal of agricultural research, 1992;17(3):1465- 1470.
  • Al-Abbadi, A, Nazer, IK. Control of Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) on honey bees by aromatic oils and plant materials. Agricultural and Marine Sciences, 2003;8(1):15-20.
  • Aljedani, DM. Controlling Varroa mites infesting honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) Using some essential oils and Amitraz® under colony conditions. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2021;9(6):01-07
  • Anderson, DL, Trueman, JWH. Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae) is more than one species. Experimental and applied acarology, 2000;24.165-189.
  • Bancroft, JD, Stevens, A, Turner, DR. Theory and practice of histological techniques. 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, New York, London, San Francisco, Tokyo. 1996.
  • Charpentier, G, Vidau, C, Ferdy, J, Tabart, J, Vetillard, A. Lethal and sub-lethal effects of thymol on honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae reared in vitro. Pest management science, 2014;70(1):140–147.
  • Colin, T, Lim, MY, Quarrell, SR, Allen, GR, Barron, AB. Effects of thymol on European honey bee hygienic behaviour. Apidologie, 2019;50.141–152.
  • da Costa, RA, Cruz-Landim, C. Comparative study of the ultrastructure and secretory dynamic of hypopharyngeal glands in queens, workers and males of Scaptotrigona postica Latreille (Hymenoptera, Apinae, Meliponini). Biocell: Official Journal of the Sociedades Latinoamericanas de Microscopia Electronica et. al, 2000;24(1):39-48.
  • Dade, HA. Anatomy and dissection of honey bee. Book published by the London Internet Bee Research association. 1977;158p.
  • de Moraes, RLS, Bowen, ID. Modes of cell death in the hypopharyngeal gland of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L). Cell Biology International, 2000;24(10):737-743.
  • Duncan, DB. Multiple Range and Multiple F-Test. Biometrics, 1955;11.1-5. Eguaras, M, Palacio, MA, Faverin, C, Basualdo, M, Del Hoyo, ML, Velis, G, Bedascarrasbure, E. Efficacy of formic acid in gel for Varroa control en Apis mellifera L.: importance of the dispenser position inside the hive. Veterinary Parasitology, 2003;111(2-3):241-245.
  • Fluri, PLM, Wille, H, Gerig, L. Changes in weight of the pharyngeal gland and haemolymph titres of juvenile hormone, protein and vitellogenin in worker honey bees. Journal of Insect Physiology, 1982;28:61–8.
  • Gashout, HA, Guzman-Novoa, E, Goodwin, PH, Correa-Benítez, A. Impact of sublethal exposure to synthetic and natural acaricides on honey bee (Apis mellifera) memory and expression of genes related to memory. Journal of insect physiology, 2020;121,104014.
  • Ghoniemy, HAA. comparison between different techniques for controlling varroa jacobsoni (using formic acid) under Fayoum condition. Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Science, 1998;23(7):1110- 0346.
  • Ghoniemy, HA, Abu-Zeid, MI. The use of formic acid for control of Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans on honey bees in Egypt. Egypt J. Applied Science, 1993;8 (1):240-245.
  • Glinski, Z. The effect of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. on the incidence and cause of chalk brood disease in Apis mellifera L. colonies. Review of Agricultural Entomology, 1991; 79-97.
  • Gregorc, A, Evans, JD, Scharf, M, Ellis, JD. Gene expression in honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae exposed to pesticides and varroa mites (Varroa destructor). Journal of insect physiology, 2012;58(8):1042-1049.
  • Hernández-Rodríguez, CS, Marín, Ó, Calatayud, F, Mahiques, MJ, Mompó, A, Segura, I, Simó, E, González-Cabrera, J. Large-scale monitoring of resistance to coumaphos, amitraz, and pyrethroids in Varroa destructor. Insects, 2021;12(1): 12-27. 10.3390/insects12010027.
  • Jeffree, E. P. (1958). A shaped wire grid for estimating quantities of brood and pollen in combs. Bee World, 39(5), 115–118.
  • Kanga, LH, James, RR. Varroa control with fungal pathogens may be an option soon. American Bee Journal, 2002;142(7):519-520. Kubo, T, Sasaki, M, Nakamura, J, Sasagawa, H, Ohashi, K, Takeuchi, H,
  • Natori, S. Change in the expression of hypopharyngeal-gland proteins of the worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) with age and/or role. The journal of biochemistry, 1996;119(2):291–295.
  • Lodesani, M, Colombo, M, Spreafico, M. Ineffectiveness of Apistan® treatment against the mite Varroa jacobsoni Oud. In several districts of Lombardy (Italy). Apidologie, 1995;26(1):67-72.
  • Mahmoud, SOM, Mohamed, SH, Mohamed, SY, Wael, MM. Efficiency assessment of modified defined chemical compounds for controlling Varroa mite, Varroa destructor (Parasitiformes: Varroidae) in Egyptian apiaries. Egyptian Journal of Plant Protection Research Institute, 2019;2(1):123-133. 20219903146.
  • Murilhas, AM. Varroa destructor infestation impact on Apis mellifera carnica capped worker brood production, bee population and honey storage in a Mediterranean climate. Apidologie, 2002;33(3):271-281.
  • Pettis, JS. A scientific note on Varroa destructor resistance to Coumaphos in the United States. Apidologie, 2004;35(1):91–92.
  • Pietropaoli, M, Gajger, IT, Costa, C, Gerula, D, Wilde, J, Adjlane, N, Aldea-Sánchez, P, Smodiš Škerl, MI, Bubnič, J, Formato, G. Evaluation of two commonly used field tests to assess Varroa destructor infestation on honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. Applied Sciences, 2021;11(10): 4458.
  • Shapiro, SS, Wilk, MB. An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika, 1965 52(3–4), 591–611.
  • Sharaf El-Din, HA, Elenany, YE. Assessment of Newly Registered Varroa destructor Infestation Control Acaricides in the Colonies of Honey Bees Apis mellifera L. Under Egyptian Conditions. Mansoura University. Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology, 2020;11(10):489-491.
  • Snedecor, GW, Cochran, WG. Statistical method 7th Ed. The Iowa state university press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 1980;39-63.
  • Tihelka, E. Effects of synthetic and organic acaricides on honey bee health: a review. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 2018;55(3):22.
  • Tiwari, R, Dhami, M, Mathur, V, Bisht, B. Efficacy of animal origin products and ajwain powder against honey bee diseases in Apis mellifera (Linnaeus) colonies in Uttarakhand-A novel eco-friendly approach. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2014;6(1):68-75.
  • Ueno, T, Nakaoka, T, Takeuchi, H, Kubo, T. Differential gene expression in the hypopharyngeal glands of worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) associated with an age-dependent role change. Zoological science 2009;26(8):557–563.
  • Yousef, SI, El Basheir, ZM, Teleb, SS, Ibraheem, E. Effect of Varroa infestation on the morphological and histological structure of the hypopharyngeal glands of Apis mellifera workers. Journal of American Science, 2014;10(12):69-78.
  • Zhang, Y, Liu, A, Huang, SK, Evans, JD, Cook, SC, Palmer-Young, E, Corona, M, Alburaki, M, Liu, G, Han, RC, Li, WF. Mediating a host cell signaling pathway linked to overwinter mortality offers a promising therapeutic approach for improving bee health. Journal of Advanced Research, 2023;53,99-114.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Entomology, Bee and Silkworm Breeding and Improvement
Journal Section Research Articles

Rasha A. Salem This is me 0009-0007-7887-9755

Hashish M. El-sayıed This is me

Abdulraouf Amro 0000-0001-6837-2298

Asmaa Abd Alla

Early Pub Date May 25, 2024
Publication Date May 29, 2024
Submission Date December 26, 2023
Acceptance Date February 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 24 Issue: 1



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