Complementary Nutrition and Breastfeeding In Rotavirus Diarrhea
Year 2018,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 97 - 102, 01.04.2018
Cigdem El
Mehmet Emin Celikkaya
Background: Rotavirus is the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis due to severe diarrhea and related hospitalizations and infant deaths, especially in the infant stage in both developed and developing countries. The aim of this study is to retrospectively determine the frequency, seasonal distribution and nutritional relationship of rotavirus in infants who were admitted to our hospital with the diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis. Material and Method: 383 infants who were admitted to the hospital between October 2016 and March 2018 with the diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis and examined for rotavirus antigen in feces. Results: The average age of 383 infants taken to study is 8.2 months. 41.8% of the patients were female n:160 and 58.2% were male n:223 . When stool specimens were examined, 33.68% n:129 rotavirus antigens were detected in 383 cases. Of these 129 cases in whom rotavirus antigen was detected, 41.9% were female n:54 and 58.1% were male n:75 . Discussion: We think that rotavirus should be kept in mind as an agent of acute diarrhea especially in winter and spring in infants. Thus unnecessary and costly investigations and treatments can be prevented. Additionally, breastfeeding only in the first 180 days will reduce the frequency of rotavirus diarrhea in the infant period.
- Barbhuiya, NI, et al. Incidence and clinical profile of rotaviral infection among children below 5 years of age admitted with acute diarrhea in a tertiary care hospital of Tripura. Indian Journal of Child Health, 2018;5(2).
- Kurugöl Z. and Salman N. Rotavirus infeksiyonları ve aşıları. ANKEM, 2008;22(3):160-70.
- Bekdaş M, et al. Acute gastroenteritis during childhood in Bolu, Turkey: 3 years of experience. 2013, GJMEDPH.
- Hiçer S et al. Incidence assessment of rotavirus and adeno virus associated acute gastroenteritis cases in early child hood. Infez Med, 2011. 19(2):113-9.
- Bozdayi G et al. Diversity of human rotavirus G9 among children in Turkey. Journal of medical virology, 2008: 80(4): 740.
- Soriano-Gabarró M et al. Burden of rotavirus disease in European Union countries. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 2006;25(1):7-11.
- Elliott EJ. Acute gastroenteritis in children. British Medical Journal, 2007;334(7583):35.
- Kosek M, C. Bern, R.L. Guerrant. The global burden of diarrhoeal disease, as estimated from studies published between 1992 and 2000. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2003;81:197-204.
- Guarino A et al. European Society for Pediatric Gastro enterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases evidence-based guidelines for the management of acute gastroenteritis in children in Europe: update 2014. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2014;59(1):132-152.
- Guarino A et al. European Society for Paediatric Gastro enterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases evidence-based guidelines for the management of acute gastroenteritis in children in Europe: executive summary. Journal of pediatric gastro enterology and nutrition, 2008;46(5):619-621.
- Regagnon C et al. Rapid diagnosis of rotavirus infections: comparative prospective study of two techniques for antigen detection in stool. Pathologie-biologie, 2006;54(6):343-346.
- Rodriguez-Baez N et al. Astrovirus, adenovirus, and rotavirus in hospitalized children: prevalence and association with gastroenteritis. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2002;35(1):64-68.
- Enweronu-Laryea CC et al. Prevalence of severe acute rotavirus gastroenteritis and intussusceptions in Ghanaian children under 5 years of age. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2011;6(02):148-155.
- Biçer S et al. Çocuk Acil Servisinde Saptanan Rotavirus Gastro enteriti Olgulannın Sıklığı. Journal of Pediatric Infection/ Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi, 2008;2(3).
- Kurugol Z et al. Rotavirus gastroenteritis among children under five years of age in Izmir, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 2003;45(4):290-294.
- Akıncı N et al. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda adenovirus ve rotavirus. J Pediatr Inf, 2007;1(3):98-101.
- Gürbüz F, Tezer H, Sayli TR, Akut gastroenterit nedeniyle hastaneye yatan hastalarda etkenler ve klinik bulgular: Epidemiyolojik çalışma. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, ;4(4). Organization, WH. Global Rotavirus Information and Surveillance Bulletin, Vol: 3. 2011, WHO Press, Geneva.
- Bicer S et al. Frequency of gastroenteritis in pediatric emergency department/Cocuk acil servisinde saptanan rotavirus gastroenteriti olgularinin sikligi. Journal of Pediatric Infection, 2008;96-100.
- İlktaç M.Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirus sikliğinin araştirilmasi ve rotavirus sezonunun takibi: beş yillik sonuçlarin değerlendirilmesi. Ankem Derg, 2012;26(1):25-29.
- Yüksel P et al. Çocukluk yaş grubu gastroenteritlerinde rota virus antijen pozitifliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Klimik Derg, ;24(1):48-51.
- Inci, A, Kurtoglu M, Baysal B. Bir Eğitim Ve Araştirma Hastanesinde Rotavirus Gastro-Enteriti Prevalansinin Araştirilmasi. İnfeksiyon Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Infection), ;23(2):79-82.
- Tünger O. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirus ve adeno virus tip, 1997;40:41.
- Yaman Aet al. İshalli çocuklarda rotavirüs prevalansının ELISA ve Lateks aglütinasyon metodu ile araştırılması. İnfeksion Derg, 1997;11(3):279-281.
- Şimşek Y et al. Çocuklarda Akut Gastroenteritte Rotavirüs Sıklığı ve Serotip Özellikleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatrics, 2007;16(3):165-170.
- Öner N et al. Trakya bölgesinde hastaneye yatan ishalli çocuklarda infeksiyon etkenleri diğer bölgelerden farklılık gösteriyor mu. The Journal of the Child, 2003;3:13-15.
- Lee BP et al. Nonmedical costs associated with rotavirus disease requiring hospitalization. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 2005;24(11):984-988.
- Chen SY et al. Molecular epidemiology and clinical manifestations of viral gastroenteritis in hospitalized pediatric patients in Northern Taiwan. Journal of clinical microbiology, 2007;45(6):2054-2057.
- Kahraman F, Gül SS. Türkiye’de Çocuk Yoksulluğu: Gaziantep Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015;8(1).
Year 2018,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 97 - 102, 01.04.2018
Cigdem El
Mehmet Emin Celikkaya
- Barbhuiya, NI, et al. Incidence and clinical profile of rotaviral infection among children below 5 years of age admitted with acute diarrhea in a tertiary care hospital of Tripura. Indian Journal of Child Health, 2018;5(2).
- Kurugöl Z. and Salman N. Rotavirus infeksiyonları ve aşıları. ANKEM, 2008;22(3):160-70.
- Bekdaş M, et al. Acute gastroenteritis during childhood in Bolu, Turkey: 3 years of experience. 2013, GJMEDPH.
- Hiçer S et al. Incidence assessment of rotavirus and adeno virus associated acute gastroenteritis cases in early child hood. Infez Med, 2011. 19(2):113-9.
- Bozdayi G et al. Diversity of human rotavirus G9 among children in Turkey. Journal of medical virology, 2008: 80(4): 740.
- Soriano-Gabarró M et al. Burden of rotavirus disease in European Union countries. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 2006;25(1):7-11.
- Elliott EJ. Acute gastroenteritis in children. British Medical Journal, 2007;334(7583):35.
- Kosek M, C. Bern, R.L. Guerrant. The global burden of diarrhoeal disease, as estimated from studies published between 1992 and 2000. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2003;81:197-204.
- Guarino A et al. European Society for Pediatric Gastro enterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases evidence-based guidelines for the management of acute gastroenteritis in children in Europe: update 2014. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2014;59(1):132-152.
- Guarino A et al. European Society for Paediatric Gastro enterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition/European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases evidence-based guidelines for the management of acute gastroenteritis in children in Europe: executive summary. Journal of pediatric gastro enterology and nutrition, 2008;46(5):619-621.
- Regagnon C et al. Rapid diagnosis of rotavirus infections: comparative prospective study of two techniques for antigen detection in stool. Pathologie-biologie, 2006;54(6):343-346.
- Rodriguez-Baez N et al. Astrovirus, adenovirus, and rotavirus in hospitalized children: prevalence and association with gastroenteritis. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2002;35(1):64-68.
- Enweronu-Laryea CC et al. Prevalence of severe acute rotavirus gastroenteritis and intussusceptions in Ghanaian children under 5 years of age. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2011;6(02):148-155.
- Biçer S et al. Çocuk Acil Servisinde Saptanan Rotavirus Gastro enteriti Olgulannın Sıklığı. Journal of Pediatric Infection/ Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi, 2008;2(3).
- Kurugol Z et al. Rotavirus gastroenteritis among children under five years of age in Izmir, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 2003;45(4):290-294.
- Akıncı N et al. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda adenovirus ve rotavirus. J Pediatr Inf, 2007;1(3):98-101.
- Gürbüz F, Tezer H, Sayli TR, Akut gastroenterit nedeniyle hastaneye yatan hastalarda etkenler ve klinik bulgular: Epidemiyolojik çalışma. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, ;4(4). Organization, WH. Global Rotavirus Information and Surveillance Bulletin, Vol: 3. 2011, WHO Press, Geneva.
- Bicer S et al. Frequency of gastroenteritis in pediatric emergency department/Cocuk acil servisinde saptanan rotavirus gastroenteriti olgularinin sikligi. Journal of Pediatric Infection, 2008;96-100.
- İlktaç M.Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirus sikliğinin araştirilmasi ve rotavirus sezonunun takibi: beş yillik sonuçlarin değerlendirilmesi. Ankem Derg, 2012;26(1):25-29.
- Yüksel P et al. Çocukluk yaş grubu gastroenteritlerinde rota virus antijen pozitifliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Klimik Derg, ;24(1):48-51.
- Inci, A, Kurtoglu M, Baysal B. Bir Eğitim Ve Araştirma Hastanesinde Rotavirus Gastro-Enteriti Prevalansinin Araştirilmasi. İnfeksiyon Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Infection), ;23(2):79-82.
- Tünger O. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirus ve adeno virus tip, 1997;40:41.
- Yaman Aet al. İshalli çocuklarda rotavirüs prevalansının ELISA ve Lateks aglütinasyon metodu ile araştırılması. İnfeksion Derg, 1997;11(3):279-281.
- Şimşek Y et al. Çocuklarda Akut Gastroenteritte Rotavirüs Sıklığı ve Serotip Özellikleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatrics, 2007;16(3):165-170.
- Öner N et al. Trakya bölgesinde hastaneye yatan ishalli çocuklarda infeksiyon etkenleri diğer bölgelerden farklılık gösteriyor mu. The Journal of the Child, 2003;3:13-15.
- Lee BP et al. Nonmedical costs associated with rotavirus disease requiring hospitalization. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 2005;24(11):984-988.
- Chen SY et al. Molecular epidemiology and clinical manifestations of viral gastroenteritis in hospitalized pediatric patients in Northern Taiwan. Journal of clinical microbiology, 2007;45(6):2054-2057.
- Kahraman F, Gül SS. Türkiye’de Çocuk Yoksulluğu: Gaziantep Üzerine Bir Araştirma. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015;8(1).