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Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 112 - 121, 31.12.2024


Bu makale, İran'daki doğrudan yabancı yatırım (FDI) ile ilgili tarihsel bağlamı ve güncel araştırmaları inceleyerek, ülkenin ekonomik gelişimi için kritik önemini vurgulamaktadır. Çalışma, İran'daki FDI'nin evrimine ilişkin kapsamlı bir genel bakış sunarak, özellikle değişen politik, ekonomik ve sosyal manzaralara yanıt olarak zaman içinde yatırım modellerindeki önemli kilometre taşlarını ve değişimleri izlemektedir. Ek olarak, İran ekonomisindeki FDI'nin belirleyicileri ve etkileriyle ilgili mevcut literatürü gözden geçirerek, politik istikrar, düzenleyici çerçeveler ve piyasa potansiyeli gibi önemli faktörlere odaklanmaktadır. Çalışma, FDI'deki dalgalanmaların hem hükümet politikaları ve ekonomik koşullar gibi iç dinamiklere hem de uluslararası ilişkiler ve küresel piyasa eğilimleri gibi dış etkilere nasıl atfedilebileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu makale, önceki araştırmaları sentezleyerek, İran'daki FDI'yi çevreleyen karmaşıklıkları aydınlatmayı, ekonomik büyüme, iş yaratma ve teknolojik ilerleme üzerindeki etkisine ilişkin içgörüler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Dahası, bulgular, daha elverişli bir yatırım ortamını teşvik eden reformları savunarak yatırım çekiciliğini artırmak için stratejik politika çıkarımlarının altını çizmektedir. Sonuç olarak bu makale, doğrudan yabancı yatırımların İran'ın ekonomik gidişatını şekillendirmedeki rolünün ve daha geniş Orta Doğu bölgesi üzerindeki etkilerinin daha derin bir şekilde anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.


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  • Aktij Shokrolah Tabar, M. (2019). The situation of foreign direct investment in Iran-. Iran Chamber of Cooperatives.
  • Amiri, M. H., Kifo, N., & Kusakci, S. (2022). Diversity in the board of directors and the social sustainability pillar of the firm: Evidence from countries with high environmental, social, and governance scores. The International Journal of Organizational Diversity, 22(1), 63-83.
  • Bishak, M. S., Karimi, Z., Masumi, U., & Bastan, F. (2011). The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Institutional gap between Iran and Selected Countries-. Journal of International Business Administration, 2(2), 1–20.
  • Daliri, H. (2021). History of foreign direct investment in Iran-. Vista News Hub.
  • Davoodi, P., & Shahmoradi, A. (2004). Recognition of factors affecting the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the economy of Iran and 46 countries in the framework of an integrated model- (FDI). Iranian Journal of Economic Research, 20, 81–113.
  • De Mello Jr, L. R. (1997). Foreign direct investment in developing countries and growth: A selective survey. The Journal of Development Studies, 34(1), 1–34.
  • Habibi, F., & Karimi, M. S. (2017). Foreign direct investment and economic growth: Evidence from Iran and GCC. Iranian Economic Review, 21(3), 601–620.
  • Herzer, D. (2012). How does foreign direct investment really affect developing countries’ growth? Review of International Economics, 20(2), 396–414.
  • IMF. (2003). Foreign Direct Investment Trends and Statistics: A Summary.
  • Jamaran News. (2020). Https://Www.Jamaran.News/. -13/1455315-
  • Kiani, K. H., & Kiomers, S. (2006). Estimation for the supply function of foreign direct investment in Iran-. Economic Research Journal, 22, 161–204.
  • Loungani, P., & Razin, A. (2001). How beneficial is foreign direct investment for developing countries? Finance and Development, 38(2), 6–9.
  • Mohammadvandnahidi, M. R., Jaberikhosroshahi, N., & Norouzi, D. (2012). The Determinants of Foreıgn Direct Investment In Iran : Bounds Testing Approach. Economic Research - Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 25(03), 560–579.
  • Negahdari, E. (2014). The Role of Human Capital in the Effectiveness of External Foreign Funding on the Economic Growth of Persian Gulf Countries. Quarterly Journal of The Macro and Strategic Policies, 2(05), 67–75.
  • Nejati, M., & Bahmani, M. (2020). The economic impacts of foreign direct investment in oil and gas sector: A CGE analysis for iranian economy. Energy Strategy Reviews, 32, 100579.
  • Nuruzzaman, M. (2020). President Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’campaign and Iran’s endgame. Strategic Analysis, 44(6), 570–582.
  • Ostadi, H., Rafaat, B., & Raasi, A. (2013). The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Iran’s Economic Growth (1978-2008) and the Study of its Interrelationship-. Quarterly Journal of Economic Development Research, 09.
  • Özeren, Ö., Özeren, E. B., Top, S. M., & Qurraie, B. S. (2023). Learning-by-Doing using 3D printers: Digital fabrication studio experience in architectural education. Journal of Engineering Research, 11(3), 1–6.
  • Rafat, M. (2018). The Effects of Trade Integration , Globalization and Foreign Direct Investments on Employment in Iranian Manufacturing Sector. Iranian Economic Review, 22(3), 815–835.
  • Rafat, M., & Farahani, M. (2019). The Country Risks and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Iranian Economic Review, 23(1), 235–260.
  • Udemba, E. N. (2020). Ecological implication of offshored economic activities in Turkey: foreign direct investment perspective. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 38015–38028.
  • UNCTAD. (2007). World Investment Report 2007: Transnational Corporations, Extractive Industries and Development- Definitions and Sources. World Investment Report, 463–466.
  • UNCTAD. (2020). International production beyond the pandemic. In World Investment Report 2020.
  • Yavar, K., & Rahman, S. (2005). The Effect of Foreign Investment on Iran’s Economic Growth: Import Alternatives and Export Development Strategies. Research Quarterly of Imam Sadegh University, 27.
  • Zomordian, G., Hanifi, F., & Mahboobi, B. (2018). Investigating the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Development of the Monetary and Financial Market in the Iranian Economy. Journal of Investment Knowledge, 7(25), 223–243.


Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 112 - 121, 31.12.2024


This paper examines the historical context and contemporary research on foreign direct investment (FDI) in Iran, a topic with limited prior research. The study aims to fill this gap by highlighting FDI critical significance for the country's economic development. The study provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of FDI in Iran, tracing key milestones and shifts in investment patterns over time, particularly in response to changing political, economic, and social landscapes. Additionally, it reviews existing literature on the determinants and effects of FDI in the Iranian economy, focusing on crucial factors such as political stability, regulatory frameworks, and market potential. The study reveals how fluctuations in FDI can be attributed to both internal dynamics, such as government policies and economic conditions, and external influences, including international relations and global market trends. By synthesizing previous research, this paper aims to illuminate the complexities surrounding FDI in Iran, offering insights into its impact on economic growth, job creation, and technological advancement. Furthermore, the findings underscore strategic policy implications for enhancing investment attractiveness, advocating for reforms that promote a more favorable investment climate. Ultimately, this article contributes to a deeper understanding of FDI's role in shaping Iran's economic trajectory and its implications for the broader Middle Eastern region.


  • Abbasi, E. (2004). Attracting foreign capital in. Hamshahri Online.
  • Aktij Shokrolah Tabar, M. (2019). The situation of foreign direct investment in Iran-. Iran Chamber of Cooperatives.
  • Amiri, M. H., Kifo, N., & Kusakci, S. (2022). Diversity in the board of directors and the social sustainability pillar of the firm: Evidence from countries with high environmental, social, and governance scores. The International Journal of Organizational Diversity, 22(1), 63-83.
  • Bishak, M. S., Karimi, Z., Masumi, U., & Bastan, F. (2011). The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Institutional gap between Iran and Selected Countries-. Journal of International Business Administration, 2(2), 1–20.
  • Daliri, H. (2021). History of foreign direct investment in Iran-. Vista News Hub.
  • Davoodi, P., & Shahmoradi, A. (2004). Recognition of factors affecting the attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the economy of Iran and 46 countries in the framework of an integrated model- (FDI). Iranian Journal of Economic Research, 20, 81–113.
  • De Mello Jr, L. R. (1997). Foreign direct investment in developing countries and growth: A selective survey. The Journal of Development Studies, 34(1), 1–34.
  • Habibi, F., & Karimi, M. S. (2017). Foreign direct investment and economic growth: Evidence from Iran and GCC. Iranian Economic Review, 21(3), 601–620.
  • Herzer, D. (2012). How does foreign direct investment really affect developing countries’ growth? Review of International Economics, 20(2), 396–414.
  • IMF. (2003). Foreign Direct Investment Trends and Statistics: A Summary.
  • Jamaran News. (2020). Https://Www.Jamaran.News/. -13/1455315-
  • Kiani, K. H., & Kiomers, S. (2006). Estimation for the supply function of foreign direct investment in Iran-. Economic Research Journal, 22, 161–204.
  • Loungani, P., & Razin, A. (2001). How beneficial is foreign direct investment for developing countries? Finance and Development, 38(2), 6–9.
  • Mohammadvandnahidi, M. R., Jaberikhosroshahi, N., & Norouzi, D. (2012). The Determinants of Foreıgn Direct Investment In Iran : Bounds Testing Approach. Economic Research - Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 25(03), 560–579.
  • Negahdari, E. (2014). The Role of Human Capital in the Effectiveness of External Foreign Funding on the Economic Growth of Persian Gulf Countries. Quarterly Journal of The Macro and Strategic Policies, 2(05), 67–75.
  • Nejati, M., & Bahmani, M. (2020). The economic impacts of foreign direct investment in oil and gas sector: A CGE analysis for iranian economy. Energy Strategy Reviews, 32, 100579.
  • Nuruzzaman, M. (2020). President Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’campaign and Iran’s endgame. Strategic Analysis, 44(6), 570–582.
  • Ostadi, H., Rafaat, B., & Raasi, A. (2013). The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Iran’s Economic Growth (1978-2008) and the Study of its Interrelationship-. Quarterly Journal of Economic Development Research, 09.
  • Özeren, Ö., Özeren, E. B., Top, S. M., & Qurraie, B. S. (2023). Learning-by-Doing using 3D printers: Digital fabrication studio experience in architectural education. Journal of Engineering Research, 11(3), 1–6.
  • Rafat, M. (2018). The Effects of Trade Integration , Globalization and Foreign Direct Investments on Employment in Iranian Manufacturing Sector. Iranian Economic Review, 22(3), 815–835.
  • Rafat, M., & Farahani, M. (2019). The Country Risks and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Iranian Economic Review, 23(1), 235–260.
  • Udemba, E. N. (2020). Ecological implication of offshored economic activities in Turkey: foreign direct investment perspective. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 38015–38028.
  • UNCTAD. (2007). World Investment Report 2007: Transnational Corporations, Extractive Industries and Development- Definitions and Sources. World Investment Report, 463–466.
  • UNCTAD. (2020). International production beyond the pandemic. In World Investment Report 2020.
  • Yavar, K., & Rahman, S. (2005). The Effect of Foreign Investment on Iran’s Economic Growth: Import Alternatives and Export Development Strategies. Research Quarterly of Imam Sadegh University, 27.
  • Zomordian, G., Hanifi, F., & Mahboobi, B. (2018). Investigating the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Development of the Monetary and Financial Market in the Iranian Economy. Journal of Investment Knowledge, 7(25), 223–243.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Macroeconomics (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Misagh Haji Amiri 0000-0001-7227-3372

Early Pub Date December 31, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date November 10, 2024
Acceptance Date December 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Haji Amiri, M. (2024). THE EVOLUTION OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN IRAN: DETERMINANTS AND ECONOMIC IMPACT. Karabük Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(2), 112-121.