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Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2 - Special edition on Türkiye, 72 - 107, 31.08.2023



  • • Akçay, Ümit & Güngen, Ali Riza (2019), The Making of Turkey’s 2018-2019 Economic Crisis, Berlin: Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Working Paper.
  • • Akman, Beril (2023), “Turkey’s Early-2023 GDP Growth to Slow as Economic Woes Mount”, Bloomberg, 31.05.2023.
  • • Anadolu Ajansı (2022), “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ‘Türkiye Yüzyılı’ Vizyonunu Açıkladı”, 28.10.2022, Date of Accession: 01.08.2023 from
  • • Arısan, Mehmet (2022), “Populism, Victimhood and Turkish Foreign Policy under AK Parti Rule”, Turkish Studies, 23 (5), pp. 681-700.
  • • Aşık, Ozan (2022), “Ideology, Polarization, and News Culture: The Secular-Islamist Tension in Turkish Journalism”, The International Journal of Press/Politics [Online]. Date of Accession: 15.05.2023 from
  • • Atlı, Altay (2011), “Business Associations and Turkey’s Foreign Economic Policy: From the ‘Özal Model’ to the AK Parti Period”, Boğaziçi Journal, 25 (2), pp. 171-188.
  • • Aydın, Mustafa (2000), “Determinants of Turkish Foreign Policy: Changing Patterns and Conjunctures during the Cold War”, Middle Eastern Studies, 36 (1), pp. 103-139.
  • • Bakir, Ali (2019), “The Evolution of Turkey—Qatar Relations Amid a Growing Gulf Divide”, in (eds. by Andreas Krieg) Divided Gulf, New York: Springer, pp. 197-215.
  • • Battaloglu, Nesibe Hicret (2023), “Reflecting on the Turkey-Qatar Partnership, Fifty Years Later”, Gulf International Forum, 22.05.2023.
  • • Bilgin, Mert (2015), “Turkey’s Energy Strategy: Synchronizing Geopolitics and Foreign Policy with Energy Security”, Insight Turkey, 17 (2), pp. 67-81.
  • • Budarina, N. A. & Ibragimov I. R. (2020), “Russia and Turkey: New Trends and Prospects at the Present Stage”, Rudn Journal of Economics, 28 (3), pp. 440-449.
  • • Ciftci, Sabri (2023), “Military Might: A Domestic Economy Explanation of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Turkish Studies (Online), Date of Accession: 05.08.2023 from
  • • Cornell, Svante E. (2012), “What Drives Turkish Foreign Policy?”, Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2012, pp. 13-24.
  • • Coşkun, Alper & Ülgen, Sinan (2022), Political Change and Turkey’s Foreign Policy, Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • • Davies, Jack (2020), “Unmanned Aerial Systems in Nagorno-Karabakh: A Paradigm Shift in Warfare?”, Human Security Centre, 24.11.2020.
  • • Drezner, Daniel W. (2009), “Machiavelli Revisited”, The National Interest, 100, pp. 66-70.
  • • Enwere, Chigozie & Yılmaz, Mesut (2014), “Turkey’s Strategic Economic Relations with Africa: Trends and Challenges”, Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 1 (2), pp. 216-230.
  • • Esen, Berk & Gumuscu, Sebnem (2016), “Rising Competitive Authoritarianism in Turkey”, Third World Quarterly, 37 (9), pp. 1581-1606.
  • • Euronews (2018), “Erdoğan'dan Batı’ya: Cehenneme Kadar Yolunuz Var”, 08.04.2018, Date of Accession: 15.07.2023 from
  • • Fischer, Markus (1995), “Machiavelli's Theory of Foreign Politics”, Security Studies, 5 (2), pp. 248-279.
  • • Göksel, Oğuzhan (2019), “Foreign Policy Making in the Age of Populism: The Uses of Anti-Westernism in Turkish Politics”, New Middle Eastern Studies, 9 (1), pp. 13-35.
  • • Göksel, Oğuzhan (2022), “I Contorni di Una Relazione Speciale: L’Alleanza Turchia-Azerbaijan dalla Rivoluzione del 1917 Alla Guerra del Karabakh del 2020”, CeSPI, pp. 146-168.
  • • Guida, Michelangelo & Göksel, Oğuzhan (2018), “Re-Evaluating the Sources and Fragility of Turkey’s Soft Power After the Arab Uprisings”, in (eds. by Hüseyin Işıksal & Oğuzhan Göksel) Turkey’s Relations with the Middle East: Political Encounters after the Arab Spring, London: Springer, pp. 151-168.
  • • Hagedorn, Elizabeth (2023), “US Targets Firms in UAE, Turkey over Russia Sanctions Evasion”, Al-Monitor, 12.04.2023, Date of Accession: 20.07.2023 from
  • • Hasanoğlu, Murteza & Memmedov, Asim & Maharramov, Bahtiyar (2020), “İkinci Karabağ Savaşı Sonrası Azerbaycan - Türkiye İlişkileri”, Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 3 (3), pp. 522-529.
  • • Ibadoghlu, Gubad (2022), “Who Stands to Gain from Closer Relations between Russia and Turkey?”, London School of Economics, 21.09.2022, Date of Accession: 20.07.2023 from
  • • İpek, Pınar (2017), “Oil and Intra-State Conflict in Iraq and Syria: Sub-State Actors and Challenges for Turkey’s Energy Security”, Middle Eastern Studies, 17 (3), pp. 406-419.
  • • Kaliber, Alper & Kaliber, Esra (2019), “From De-Europeanisation to Anti-Western Populism: Turkish Foreign Policy in Flux”, The International Spectator, 54 (4), pp. 1-16.
  • • Kavakli, Kerim Can (2018), “Domestic Politics and the Motives of Emerging Donors: Evidence from Turkish Foreign Aid”, Political Research Quarterly, 71 (3), pp. 614-627.
  • • Kirdiş, Esen (2015), “The Role of Foreign Policy in Constructing the Party Identity of the Turkish Justice and Development Party (AK Parti)”, Turkish Studies, 16 (2), pp. 178-194.
  • • Kirişçi, Kemal (2009), “The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 40, pp. 29-57.
  • • Kirişçi, Kemal & Kaptanoğlu, Neslihan (2011), “The Politics of Trade and Turkish Foreign Policy”, Middle Eastern Studies, 47 (5), pp. 705-724.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa (2009), “A Political Economy Approach to the Expansion of Turkish-Greek Relations: Interdependence or Not?”, Perceptions, 14 (1), pp. 91-119.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa (2011), “Economy as the ‘Practical Hand’ of ‘New Turkish Foreign Policy’: A Political Economy Explanation”, Insight Turkey, 13 (1), pp. 67-88.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa & Öniş, Ziya (2021/a), “Turkish Foreign Policy in a Post-Western Order: Strategic Autonomy or New Forms of Dependence?”, International Affairs, 97 (4), pp. 1084-1104.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa & Öniş, Ziya (2021/b), “Understanding Oscillations in Turkish Foreign Policy: Pathways to Unusual Middle Power”, Third World Quarterly, 42 (12), pp. 3051-3069.
  • • Nas, Çiğdem (2018), “Turkey-EU Customs Union: Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations”, Insight Turkey, 20 (3), pp. 43-60.
  • • Nye, Joseph S. Jr. (2004), Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, New York: Public Affairs.
  • • OECD (2023), “Türkiye Economic Snapshot”, June 2023, Date of Accession: 04.07.2023 from
  • • Oğuzlu, H. Tarık (2020), “Turkish Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order”, All Azimuth, 9 (1), pp. 127-139.
  • • Orhangazi, Özgür & Yeldan, A. Erinç (2021), “The Re-Making of the Turkish Crisis”, Development and Change, 52 (3), pp. 460-503.
  • • Öniş, Ziya (2019), “Turkey under the Challenge of State Capitalism: The Political Economy of the Late AK Parti Era”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 19 (2), pp. 201-225.
  • • Özcan, Mesut (2017), “Turkish Foreign Policy under the AK Party”, Insight Turkey, 19 (2), pp. 9-19.
  • • Özdemir, Elvan & Serin, Zehra Vildan (2016), “Trading State and Reflections of Foreign Policy: Evidence from Turkish Foreign Policy”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 38, pp. 468-475.
  • • Özpek, Burak Bilgehan & Tanrıverdi Yaşar, Nebahat (2018), “Populism and Foreign Policy in Turkey under the AK PARTİ Rule”, Turkish Studies, 19 (2), pp. 198-216.
  • • Över, Defne (2021), “Democratic Backsliding and the Media: The Convergence of News Narratives in Turkey”, Media, Culture & Society, 43 (2), pp. 343-358.
  • • Pala, Özgür & Al-Jaber, Khalid (2022), Turkish-Qatari Relations: From Past to Present in a Turbulent Geopolitical Landscape, Maryland: Lexington Books.
  • • Parlar Dal, Emel (2018), Middle Powers in Global Governance: The Rise of Turkey, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • • Parlar Dal, Emel (2020), Turkey’s Political Economy in the 21st Century, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • • Rosecrance, Richard N. (1986), The Rise of the Trading State: Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World, New York: Basic Books.
  • • Rosecrance, Richard N. (1993), “Trading States in a New Concert of Europe”, in (eds. by Helga Haftendorn) America and Europe in an Era of Change, London: Routledge, pp. 127-145.
  • • Sönmez, Mustafa (2020), “Turkey Eyes Economic Gains in Backing Azerbaijan against Armenia”, Al-Monitor, 07.10.2020.
  • • Stergiou, Andreas & Kollias, Christos (2022), “The Political Economy of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 24 (1), pp. 42-59.
  • • Tekin, R. Barış & Tekin, Beyza Ç. (2015), The Limits, Dilemmas, and Paradoxes of Turkish Foreign Policy: A Political Economy Perspective, London: LSEE Papers on South Eastern Europe.
  • • TÜİK, Date of Accession: 10.08.2023 from
  • • Tür, Özlem & Han, Ahmet K. (2016), “A Framework for Understanding the Changing Turkish Foreign Policy of the 2000s”, in (eds. by Özden Zeynep Oktav) Turkey in the 21st Century: Quest for a New Foreign Policy, New York: Routledge, pp. 10-16.
  • • Türk, H. Bahadır (2017), “A Glance at the Constitutive Elements of the Leader-Centered Perspective in Turkish Politics”, Turkish Studies, 18 (4), pp. 601-623.
  • • Ülgen, Sinan (2022), “Change and Continuity in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, 20, pp. 220-229.
  • • World Bank, Date of Accession: 10.08.2023 from
  • • Yildiz, Yigit & Oksuz, Deniz Lizge & Ozyegin, Ege (2021), “Turkey and Azerbaijan Sign Preferential Trade Agreement”, Mondaq, 23.03.2021.
  • • Zachariades, Alexandros (2018), “Identity and Turkish Foreign Policy in the AK Parti Era”, E-International Relations, 21.03.2018.
  • • Zawya Gulf Times (2023), “Qatar, Turkiye to Bolster Relations in All Fields”, 19.07.2023, Date of Accession: 22.07.2023 from
  • • Zengin, Hüseyin & Korkmaz, Abdurrahman (2019), “Determinants of Turkey’s Foreign Aid Behavior”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 60, pp. 109-135.
  • • Zentner, René (1987), “A Review of The Rise of the Trading State: Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World”, The Journal of Energy and Development, 13 (1), pp. 154-156.
  • • Zhang, Shuxiu (2016), Chinese Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making Actors and Processes, London and New York: Routledge.


Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2 - Special edition on Türkiye, 72 - 107, 31.08.2023


In 2009, Kemal Kirişçi penned one of the most widely cited articles on the interplay between economic factors and Turkish Foreign Policy – at a time when Turkey was still experiencing the early years of the AK Parti (Justice and Development Party) rule. Kirişçi adopted the concept of “trading state” – originally developed by Richard Rosecrance –and argued that Turkey’s consolidating democratization, rising trade with neighbors and soft power diplomacy could fully transform Turkey into a trading state that would base its foreign economic policy on a peace-seeking, pro-democratic, and free-trade oriented vision. The main research question I tackle with in this article is that if we prepare a report card on the foreign policy performance of the AK Parti, could we realistically evaluate contemporary Turkey as a trading state? As Turkey moved away from a supposedly democratizing polity in the 2000s to an increasingly illiberal regime with by 2023, the Turkish foreign economic policy strategy has assumed a “Machiavellian character”. It will be argued that the vision of the AK Parti administration is not shaped by a liberal outlook, but by a nationalist and party-based understanding of economic benefits. As the AK Parti’s rule has proved durable over the years, we have seen an economistic understanding of foreign policy making but not in ways envisaged by Liberal scholars such as Rosecrance and Kirişçi, and instead in the Neo-Realist – Machiavellian – ways illiberal polities (e.g. China) commonly formulate foreign economic policy.


  • • Akçay, Ümit & Güngen, Ali Riza (2019), The Making of Turkey’s 2018-2019 Economic Crisis, Berlin: Institute for International Political Economy Berlin Working Paper.
  • • Akman, Beril (2023), “Turkey’s Early-2023 GDP Growth to Slow as Economic Woes Mount”, Bloomberg, 31.05.2023.
  • • Anadolu Ajansı (2022), “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ‘Türkiye Yüzyılı’ Vizyonunu Açıkladı”, 28.10.2022, Date of Accession: 01.08.2023 from
  • • Arısan, Mehmet (2022), “Populism, Victimhood and Turkish Foreign Policy under AK Parti Rule”, Turkish Studies, 23 (5), pp. 681-700.
  • • Aşık, Ozan (2022), “Ideology, Polarization, and News Culture: The Secular-Islamist Tension in Turkish Journalism”, The International Journal of Press/Politics [Online]. Date of Accession: 15.05.2023 from
  • • Atlı, Altay (2011), “Business Associations and Turkey’s Foreign Economic Policy: From the ‘Özal Model’ to the AK Parti Period”, Boğaziçi Journal, 25 (2), pp. 171-188.
  • • Aydın, Mustafa (2000), “Determinants of Turkish Foreign Policy: Changing Patterns and Conjunctures during the Cold War”, Middle Eastern Studies, 36 (1), pp. 103-139.
  • • Bakir, Ali (2019), “The Evolution of Turkey—Qatar Relations Amid a Growing Gulf Divide”, in (eds. by Andreas Krieg) Divided Gulf, New York: Springer, pp. 197-215.
  • • Battaloglu, Nesibe Hicret (2023), “Reflecting on the Turkey-Qatar Partnership, Fifty Years Later”, Gulf International Forum, 22.05.2023.
  • • Bilgin, Mert (2015), “Turkey’s Energy Strategy: Synchronizing Geopolitics and Foreign Policy with Energy Security”, Insight Turkey, 17 (2), pp. 67-81.
  • • Budarina, N. A. & Ibragimov I. R. (2020), “Russia and Turkey: New Trends and Prospects at the Present Stage”, Rudn Journal of Economics, 28 (3), pp. 440-449.
  • • Ciftci, Sabri (2023), “Military Might: A Domestic Economy Explanation of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Turkish Studies (Online), Date of Accession: 05.08.2023 from
  • • Cornell, Svante E. (2012), “What Drives Turkish Foreign Policy?”, Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2012, pp. 13-24.
  • • Coşkun, Alper & Ülgen, Sinan (2022), Political Change and Turkey’s Foreign Policy, Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • • Davies, Jack (2020), “Unmanned Aerial Systems in Nagorno-Karabakh: A Paradigm Shift in Warfare?”, Human Security Centre, 24.11.2020.
  • • Drezner, Daniel W. (2009), “Machiavelli Revisited”, The National Interest, 100, pp. 66-70.
  • • Enwere, Chigozie & Yılmaz, Mesut (2014), “Turkey’s Strategic Economic Relations with Africa: Trends and Challenges”, Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 1 (2), pp. 216-230.
  • • Esen, Berk & Gumuscu, Sebnem (2016), “Rising Competitive Authoritarianism in Turkey”, Third World Quarterly, 37 (9), pp. 1581-1606.
  • • Euronews (2018), “Erdoğan'dan Batı’ya: Cehenneme Kadar Yolunuz Var”, 08.04.2018, Date of Accession: 15.07.2023 from
  • • Fischer, Markus (1995), “Machiavelli's Theory of Foreign Politics”, Security Studies, 5 (2), pp. 248-279.
  • • Göksel, Oğuzhan (2019), “Foreign Policy Making in the Age of Populism: The Uses of Anti-Westernism in Turkish Politics”, New Middle Eastern Studies, 9 (1), pp. 13-35.
  • • Göksel, Oğuzhan (2022), “I Contorni di Una Relazione Speciale: L’Alleanza Turchia-Azerbaijan dalla Rivoluzione del 1917 Alla Guerra del Karabakh del 2020”, CeSPI, pp. 146-168.
  • • Guida, Michelangelo & Göksel, Oğuzhan (2018), “Re-Evaluating the Sources and Fragility of Turkey’s Soft Power After the Arab Uprisings”, in (eds. by Hüseyin Işıksal & Oğuzhan Göksel) Turkey’s Relations with the Middle East: Political Encounters after the Arab Spring, London: Springer, pp. 151-168.
  • • Hagedorn, Elizabeth (2023), “US Targets Firms in UAE, Turkey over Russia Sanctions Evasion”, Al-Monitor, 12.04.2023, Date of Accession: 20.07.2023 from
  • • Hasanoğlu, Murteza & Memmedov, Asim & Maharramov, Bahtiyar (2020), “İkinci Karabağ Savaşı Sonrası Azerbaycan - Türkiye İlişkileri”, Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 3 (3), pp. 522-529.
  • • Ibadoghlu, Gubad (2022), “Who Stands to Gain from Closer Relations between Russia and Turkey?”, London School of Economics, 21.09.2022, Date of Accession: 20.07.2023 from
  • • İpek, Pınar (2017), “Oil and Intra-State Conflict in Iraq and Syria: Sub-State Actors and Challenges for Turkey’s Energy Security”, Middle Eastern Studies, 17 (3), pp. 406-419.
  • • Kaliber, Alper & Kaliber, Esra (2019), “From De-Europeanisation to Anti-Western Populism: Turkish Foreign Policy in Flux”, The International Spectator, 54 (4), pp. 1-16.
  • • Kavakli, Kerim Can (2018), “Domestic Politics and the Motives of Emerging Donors: Evidence from Turkish Foreign Aid”, Political Research Quarterly, 71 (3), pp. 614-627.
  • • Kirdiş, Esen (2015), “The Role of Foreign Policy in Constructing the Party Identity of the Turkish Justice and Development Party (AK Parti)”, Turkish Studies, 16 (2), pp. 178-194.
  • • Kirişçi, Kemal (2009), “The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 40, pp. 29-57.
  • • Kirişçi, Kemal & Kaptanoğlu, Neslihan (2011), “The Politics of Trade and Turkish Foreign Policy”, Middle Eastern Studies, 47 (5), pp. 705-724.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa (2009), “A Political Economy Approach to the Expansion of Turkish-Greek Relations: Interdependence or Not?”, Perceptions, 14 (1), pp. 91-119.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa (2011), “Economy as the ‘Practical Hand’ of ‘New Turkish Foreign Policy’: A Political Economy Explanation”, Insight Turkey, 13 (1), pp. 67-88.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa & Öniş, Ziya (2021/a), “Turkish Foreign Policy in a Post-Western Order: Strategic Autonomy or New Forms of Dependence?”, International Affairs, 97 (4), pp. 1084-1104.
  • • Kutlay, Mustafa & Öniş, Ziya (2021/b), “Understanding Oscillations in Turkish Foreign Policy: Pathways to Unusual Middle Power”, Third World Quarterly, 42 (12), pp. 3051-3069.
  • • Nas, Çiğdem (2018), “Turkey-EU Customs Union: Its Modernization and Potential for Turkey-EU Relations”, Insight Turkey, 20 (3), pp. 43-60.
  • • Nye, Joseph S. Jr. (2004), Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, New York: Public Affairs.
  • • OECD (2023), “Türkiye Economic Snapshot”, June 2023, Date of Accession: 04.07.2023 from
  • • Oğuzlu, H. Tarık (2020), “Turkish Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order”, All Azimuth, 9 (1), pp. 127-139.
  • • Orhangazi, Özgür & Yeldan, A. Erinç (2021), “The Re-Making of the Turkish Crisis”, Development and Change, 52 (3), pp. 460-503.
  • • Öniş, Ziya (2019), “Turkey under the Challenge of State Capitalism: The Political Economy of the Late AK Parti Era”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 19 (2), pp. 201-225.
  • • Özcan, Mesut (2017), “Turkish Foreign Policy under the AK Party”, Insight Turkey, 19 (2), pp. 9-19.
  • • Özdemir, Elvan & Serin, Zehra Vildan (2016), “Trading State and Reflections of Foreign Policy: Evidence from Turkish Foreign Policy”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 38, pp. 468-475.
  • • Özpek, Burak Bilgehan & Tanrıverdi Yaşar, Nebahat (2018), “Populism and Foreign Policy in Turkey under the AK PARTİ Rule”, Turkish Studies, 19 (2), pp. 198-216.
  • • Över, Defne (2021), “Democratic Backsliding and the Media: The Convergence of News Narratives in Turkey”, Media, Culture & Society, 43 (2), pp. 343-358.
  • • Pala, Özgür & Al-Jaber, Khalid (2022), Turkish-Qatari Relations: From Past to Present in a Turbulent Geopolitical Landscape, Maryland: Lexington Books.
  • • Parlar Dal, Emel (2018), Middle Powers in Global Governance: The Rise of Turkey, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • • Parlar Dal, Emel (2020), Turkey’s Political Economy in the 21st Century, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • • Rosecrance, Richard N. (1986), The Rise of the Trading State: Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World, New York: Basic Books.
  • • Rosecrance, Richard N. (1993), “Trading States in a New Concert of Europe”, in (eds. by Helga Haftendorn) America and Europe in an Era of Change, London: Routledge, pp. 127-145.
  • • Sönmez, Mustafa (2020), “Turkey Eyes Economic Gains in Backing Azerbaijan against Armenia”, Al-Monitor, 07.10.2020.
  • • Stergiou, Andreas & Kollias, Christos (2022), “The Political Economy of Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 24 (1), pp. 42-59.
  • • Tekin, R. Barış & Tekin, Beyza Ç. (2015), The Limits, Dilemmas, and Paradoxes of Turkish Foreign Policy: A Political Economy Perspective, London: LSEE Papers on South Eastern Europe.
  • • TÜİK, Date of Accession: 10.08.2023 from
  • • Tür, Özlem & Han, Ahmet K. (2016), “A Framework for Understanding the Changing Turkish Foreign Policy of the 2000s”, in (eds. by Özden Zeynep Oktav) Turkey in the 21st Century: Quest for a New Foreign Policy, New York: Routledge, pp. 10-16.
  • • Türk, H. Bahadır (2017), “A Glance at the Constitutive Elements of the Leader-Centered Perspective in Turkish Politics”, Turkish Studies, 18 (4), pp. 601-623.
  • • Ülgen, Sinan (2022), “Change and Continuity in Turkish Foreign Policy”, Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, 20, pp. 220-229.
  • • World Bank, Date of Accession: 10.08.2023 from
  • • Yildiz, Yigit & Oksuz, Deniz Lizge & Ozyegin, Ege (2021), “Turkey and Azerbaijan Sign Preferential Trade Agreement”, Mondaq, 23.03.2021.
  • • Zachariades, Alexandros (2018), “Identity and Turkish Foreign Policy in the AK Parti Era”, E-International Relations, 21.03.2018.
  • • Zawya Gulf Times (2023), “Qatar, Turkiye to Bolster Relations in All Fields”, 19.07.2023, Date of Accession: 22.07.2023 from
  • • Zengin, Hüseyin & Korkmaz, Abdurrahman (2019), “Determinants of Turkey’s Foreign Aid Behavior”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 60, pp. 109-135.
  • • Zentner, René (1987), “A Review of The Rise of the Trading State: Commerce and Conquest in the Modern World”, The Journal of Energy and Development, 13 (1), pp. 154-156.
  • • Zhang, Shuxiu (2016), Chinese Economic Diplomacy: Decision-Making Actors and Processes, London and New York: Routledge.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Comparative Political Movement, International Politics
Journal Section Research Articles

Oğuzhan Göksel

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 - Special edition on Türkiye
