Review Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 156 - 181, 02.09.2024


Bu makale, 21. yüzyılda ABD ve Yunanistan arasında gelişen ittifakı incelemekte ve ortak zorlukların, karşılıklı bağımlılığın ve ortak bir dünya görüşünün bu ortaklığı nasıl güçlendirdiğini vurgulamaktadır. Çalışma, ittifakın Soğuk Savaş kökenlerinden günümüzdeki haline kadar olan gelişimini ve Doğu Akdeniz’deki jeopolitik değişimlerin ortasında artan önemini analiz etmek amacıyla Realizm, Liberalizm ve Konstrüktivizmi bir araya getiren çok yönlü bir teorik çerçeve kullanmaktadır. Rusya ve Türkiye ile ilgili güvenlik endişeleri ile NATO ve AB üyeliğinin güven ve iş birliğini teşvik etmedeki rolü gibi iş birliğini yönlendiren stratejik zorunluluklar da incelenmektedir. Analiz, Yunanistan’ın istikrarsız bir bölgede istikrar sağlayıcı bir güç olarak konumunu vurgularken, ortaklığı şekillendiren değişen kimlikler ve algıları da gözler önüne sermektedir. Bu ittifakın motivasyonları ve sonuçları üzerine önemli soruları ele alan çalışma, politika yapıcılar ve akademisyenler için değerli bilgiler sunmakta ve karmaşık bir jeopolitik ortamda bölgesel güvenlik ile uluslararası ortaklıkların dinamikleri üzerine tartışmalara katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • • Adler, Emanuel (1997), “Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 3, no: 3, pp. 319-363.
  • • Al Sharq Strategic Research (2020), “The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis: Scenarios and Implications”, 20.12.2020, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Altunışık, Meliha Benli (2013), “The Middle East in Turkey-USA Relations: Managing the Alliance”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 15, no: 2, pp. 157-173.
  • • Bakhshandeh, Ehsan & Yeganeh, Yasaman (2023), “Geopolitical Transformation in Eastern Mediterranean; Restructuring Role of Greece and the Impact of Abraham Accord”, International Studies, Vol. 60, no: 2, pp. 231-249.
  • • Brewer, David (2016), Greece, the Decade of War: Occupation, Resistance and Civil War, London & New York: I.B. Tauris, pp. 261-271.
  • • Brunnermeier, Markus K. & James, Harold & Landau, Jean-Pierre (2016), The Euro and the Battle of Ideas, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
  • • Cheliotis, Leonidas K. & Xenakis, Sappho (2021), “What’s Left? Political Orientation, Economic Conditions and Incarceration in Greece under Syriza-Led Government”, European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 18, no: 1, pp. 74-100.
  • • Chryssogelos, Angelos (2017), “Populism in Foreign Policy”, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • • Chryssogelos, Angelos (2017), “The People in the ‘Here and Now’: Populism, Modernization and the State in Greece”, International Political Science Review, Vol. 38, no: 4, pp. 473-487.
  • • Chryssogelos, Angelos (2021), “The Dog That Barked but Did Not Bite: Greek Foreign Policy under the Populist Coalition of SYRIZA-Independent Greeks, 2015–2019”, Comparative European Politics, Vol. 19, no: 6, pp. 722-738.
  • • Clymer, Kenton (2003), “Jimmy Carter, Human Rights, and Cambodia”, Diplomatic History, Vol. 27, no: 2, pp. 245-278.
  • • Couloumbis, Theodore A. (1983), The United States, Greece, and Turkey: The Troubled Triangle, New York, N.Y: Praeger
  • • Economides, Spyros (2005), “The Europeanisation of Greek Foreign Policy”, West European Politics, Vol. 28, no: 2, pp. 471-491.
  • • Finnemore, Martha (1996), National Interests in International Society, Cornell Studies in Political Economy, Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press.
  • • Foreign Relations Committee (2021), “Menendez, Rubio Introduce US-Greece Defense And...”, 09.06.2021, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024
  • • Goren, Nimrod & Asseburg, Muriel & Dokos, Thanos & Eiran, Ehud & Mitchell, Gabriel & Tsakonas, Panayotis (2018), “The Eastern Mediterranean: New Dynamics and Potential for Cooperation”, EuroMeSCo Joint Policy Study, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), March 2018, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Greek City Times (2022), “Turkish Analyst: US Base In Alexandroupolis Wants To Prevent Our ‘Ability To Act’ On The Evros”, 15.11.2022, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. (2020), “The Eastern Mediterranean as an Emerging Crisis Zone: Greece and Cyprus in a Volatile Regional Environment”, Eastern Mediterranean in Unchartered Waters: Perspectives on Emerging Geopolitical Realities, Ankara Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS4Security).
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. & Tsourapas, Gerasimos (2024), “Understanding Greece’s New Foreign Policy towards the Arab World: Instrumentalisation, Balancing, and Emerging Opportunities”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 29, no: 3, pp. 307-330.
  • • Hitchcock, William I. (2008), The Bitter Road to Freedom: The Human Cost of Allied Victory in World War II Europe, Simon and Schuster.
  • • Huliaras, Asteris & Tsardanidis, Charalambos (2006), “(Mis)Understanding the Balkans: Greek Geopolitical Codes of the Post-Communist Era”, Geopolitics, Vol. 11, no: 3, pp. 465-483.
  • • Iatrides, John O. (1987), “Perceptions of Soviet Involvement in the Greek Civil War 1945-1949”, in (eds. by Lars Bærentzen & John O Iatrides & Ole Langwitz Smith) Studies in the History of the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, pp. 225-248.
  • • Ioakimidis, Panagiotis C. (2019), “The Europeanisation of Greece’s Foreign Policy: Progress and Problems”, in (eds. by Achilleas Mitsos & Elias Mossialos) Contemporary Greece and Europe, Oxon & New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • • Javaid, Umbreen & Waheed, Punjab Meer (2016), “China’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East”, Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 31, no: 2, pp. 321-331.
  • • Karamouzi, Eirini (2014), Greece, the EEC and the Cold War, 1974-1979: The Second Enlargement, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • • Karbuz, Sohbet (2014), “EU-Turkey Energy Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities”, IAI Working Papers.
  • • Kariotis, Theodore C. (1992), The Greek Socialist Experiment: Papandreou’s Greece 1981-1989, Pella Pub Co.
  • • Kassimeris, Christos (2010), Greece and the American Embrace: Greek Foreign Policy Towards Turkey, the US and the Western Alliance, London & New York: Tauris Academic Publishers. • Kassimeris, George (2001), Europe’s Last Red Terrorists: The Revolutionary Organization 17 November, New York: New York University Press.
  • • Keohane, Robert Owen & Nye, Joseph S. (1977), Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, Little, Brown.
  • • Keyman, E. Fuat (2016), “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Arab Spring Era: From Proactive to Buffer State”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 37, no: 12, pp. 2274-2287.
  • • Kitroeff, Alexander (2011), “Greece and the US during the Cold War”, Diplomatic History, Vol. 35, no: 5, November 2011, pp. 929-932.
  • • Kitsantonis, Niki & Kurmanaev, Anatoly (2022), “Sleepy Greek Port Becomes US Arms Hub, as Ukraine War Reshapes Region”, The New York Times, 18.08.2022, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Klapsis, Antonis (2022), “The Greek Transition to Democracy”, in (eds. by ed. Antonios V. Klapsis et al.) The Greek Junta and the International System: A Case Study of Southern European Dictatorships, 1967-74, London & New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
  • • Kofos, Evangelos (2005), “Athens – Skopje: An Uneasy Symbiosis”, ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, Athens, 30.09.2005, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Korma, Lena (2017), “The Historiography of the Greek Diaspora and Migration in the Twentieth Century”, Historein, Vol. 16, no: 1-2, pp. 47-73.
  • • Kubicek, Paul (2023), Theoretical Approaches to Turkish Foreign Policy, London: Routledge, 2023.
  • • Liptak, Kevin (2017), “Greece’s Alexis Tsipras Praises Trump over ‘Common Values’”, CNN, 17.10.2017, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Litsas, Spyridon N. (2020), “The US in the Eastern Mediterranean: Historical and Political Considerations”, in US Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 41-101.
  • • Makovsky, Alan (2020), “Problematic Prospects for US‑Turkish Ties in the Biden Era Human Rights, Sanctions Likely among Early Tests”, SWP Comment.
  • • Mazis, Ioannis Th. & Troulis, Markos I. (2020), “Israeli–Greek Common Security Concerns: On the Deterrence of Turkey’s Adventurism”, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 14, no: 3, pp. 447-456.
  • • Mikelis, Kyriakos (2015), “Realist Stronghold in the Land of Thucydides? Appraising and Resisting a Realist Tradition in Greece”, European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, Vol. 4, no: 4, pp. 15-32.
  • • Miller, James Edward (2009), The United States and the Making of Modern Greece: History and Power, 1950-1974, Chapel Hill (N. C.): University of North Carolina Press.
  • • Mylonas, Yiannis (2020), “Crisis, Authoritarian Neoliberalism, and the Return of ‘New Democracy’ to Power in Greece”, Stasis, Vol. 10, no: 2, pp. 181-208.
  • • Ogunbanjo, M. Bimbo (2020), “Realism and Liberalism: How Relevant Are They for Explaining or Understanding the Globalization of World Politics?”, NIU Journal of Humanities, Vol. 5, no: 2, pp. 105-125.
  • • Öniş, Ziya (2014), “Turkey and the Arab Revolutions: Boundaries of Regional Power Influence in a Turbulent Middle East”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 19, no: 2, pp. 203-219.
  • • Rizas, Sotiris (2009), “Managing a Conflict between Allies: United States Policy towards Greece and Turkey in Relation to the Aegean Dispute, 1974-76”, Cold War History, Vol. 9, no: 3, pp. 367-387.
  • • Schweller, Randall L. (1994), “Bandwagoning for Profit: Bringing the Revisionist State Back In”, International Security, Vol. 19, no: 1, pp. 72-107.
  • • Seeberg, Peter (2015), “Guest Editor’s Introduction: An Arab World in Transition, Political Changes and Theoretical Discussions in a Post-‘Arab Spring’ Scenario”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 24, no: 1, pp. 1-7.
  • • Shea, Alexandra (2023), “Alexandroupoli Port Continues Growth from US and NATO Presence”, DVIDS, 18.05.2023, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Sokou, Katerina (2023), “Αξιοποιώντας Το Ιστορικό Υψηλό Των Ελληνοαμερικανικών Σχέσεων”, Athens, 26.09.2023, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 fromαξιοποιώντας-το-υψηλό-ιστορικό-των-ελ/.
  • • Stein, Aaron (2014), Turkey’s New Foreign Policy: Davutoglu, the AKP and the Pursuit of Regional Order, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
  • • Stergiou, Andreas (2017), “Russia’s Energy and Defense Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean”, Economics World, Vol. 5, no: 2, pp. 101-119.
  • • The White House (2022), “Remarks By President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and Prime Minister Mitsotakis Of Greece at a Reception Honoring Greek American Relations | The White House”, 16.05.2022, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • The White House (2024), “Remarks by President Biden at Greek Independence Day Reception | The White House”, 04.04.2024, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024
  • • Tziampiris, Aristotle (2015), The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • • Tziampiris, Aristotle (2021), “Greek Foreign Policy in the New Eastern Mediterranean”, in (eds. by Aristotle Tziampiris & Foteini Asderaki) The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-29.
  • • Tziarras, Zenonas (2023), “Drivers of Crisis in the Greek-Turkish Protracted Conflict: A Neoclassical Realist Reading”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 05.08.2023, Date of Accession: 01.08.2024 from
  • • U.S. Census Bureau (2024), “International Trade”, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • U.S. Department of State (2019), “US-Greece Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement”, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Waltz, Kenneth N. (2010), Theory of International Politics, Long Grove, Ill: Waveland Press,
  • • Wendt, Alexander (1999), Social Theory of International Politics, Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Cambridge, UK & New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • • Λαζάκης, Χριστόφορος Θ (2022), Η Πορεία Της Ελλάδας. Από Την Εποχή Τον Εμφυλίου Πολέμου Ως Την Εποχή Της Παγκοσμιοποίησης, Αθήνα : Κορφή.
  • • Ραϋμάνδος, Αλβανός (2022), Ο Ελληνικός Εμφύλιος. Μνήμες Σε Πόλεμος Και Σύγχρονες Πολιτικές Ταυτότητες, Αθήνα: Επίκεντρο.


Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 156 - 181, 02.09.2024


This paper explores the evolving alliance between the United States and Greece in the 21st century, highlighting how shared challenges, interdependence, and a common worldview have strengthened their partnership. The study employs a multifaceted theoretical framework, integrating Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism, to analyze the alliance’s development from its Cold War origins to its contemporary shape and growing significance amidst geopolitical shifts in the Eastern Mediterranean. It examines strategic imperatives driving cooperation, including security concerns regarding Russia and Türkiye, and the role of NATO and European Union membership in fostering trust and collaboration. Additionally, the study delves into the evolving identities and perceptions that shape the partnership, emphasizing Greece’s position as a stabilizing force in a volatile region. By addressing key questions about the motivations and implications of this alliance, the study provides valuable insights for policymakers and scholars, contributing to the discourse on regional security and the dynamics of international partnerships in a complex geopolitical landscape.


  • • Adler, Emanuel (1997), “Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 3, no: 3, pp. 319-363.
  • • Al Sharq Strategic Research (2020), “The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis: Scenarios and Implications”, 20.12.2020, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Altunışık, Meliha Benli (2013), “The Middle East in Turkey-USA Relations: Managing the Alliance”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 15, no: 2, pp. 157-173.
  • • Bakhshandeh, Ehsan & Yeganeh, Yasaman (2023), “Geopolitical Transformation in Eastern Mediterranean; Restructuring Role of Greece and the Impact of Abraham Accord”, International Studies, Vol. 60, no: 2, pp. 231-249.
  • • Brewer, David (2016), Greece, the Decade of War: Occupation, Resistance and Civil War, London & New York: I.B. Tauris, pp. 261-271.
  • • Brunnermeier, Markus K. & James, Harold & Landau, Jean-Pierre (2016), The Euro and the Battle of Ideas, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.
  • • Cheliotis, Leonidas K. & Xenakis, Sappho (2021), “What’s Left? Political Orientation, Economic Conditions and Incarceration in Greece under Syriza-Led Government”, European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 18, no: 1, pp. 74-100.
  • • Chryssogelos, Angelos (2017), “Populism in Foreign Policy”, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • • Chryssogelos, Angelos (2017), “The People in the ‘Here and Now’: Populism, Modernization and the State in Greece”, International Political Science Review, Vol. 38, no: 4, pp. 473-487.
  • • Chryssogelos, Angelos (2021), “The Dog That Barked but Did Not Bite: Greek Foreign Policy under the Populist Coalition of SYRIZA-Independent Greeks, 2015–2019”, Comparative European Politics, Vol. 19, no: 6, pp. 722-738.
  • • Clymer, Kenton (2003), “Jimmy Carter, Human Rights, and Cambodia”, Diplomatic History, Vol. 27, no: 2, pp. 245-278.
  • • Couloumbis, Theodore A. (1983), The United States, Greece, and Turkey: The Troubled Triangle, New York, N.Y: Praeger
  • • Economides, Spyros (2005), “The Europeanisation of Greek Foreign Policy”, West European Politics, Vol. 28, no: 2, pp. 471-491.
  • • Finnemore, Martha (1996), National Interests in International Society, Cornell Studies in Political Economy, Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press.
  • • Foreign Relations Committee (2021), “Menendez, Rubio Introduce US-Greece Defense And...”, 09.06.2021, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024
  • • Goren, Nimrod & Asseburg, Muriel & Dokos, Thanos & Eiran, Ehud & Mitchell, Gabriel & Tsakonas, Panayotis (2018), “The Eastern Mediterranean: New Dynamics and Potential for Cooperation”, EuroMeSCo Joint Policy Study, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), March 2018, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Greek City Times (2022), “Turkish Analyst: US Base In Alexandroupolis Wants To Prevent Our ‘Ability To Act’ On The Evros”, 15.11.2022, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. (2020), “The Eastern Mediterranean as an Emerging Crisis Zone: Greece and Cyprus in a Volatile Regional Environment”, Eastern Mediterranean in Unchartered Waters: Perspectives on Emerging Geopolitical Realities, Ankara Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS4Security).
  • • Grigoriadis, Ioannis N. & Tsourapas, Gerasimos (2024), “Understanding Greece’s New Foreign Policy towards the Arab World: Instrumentalisation, Balancing, and Emerging Opportunities”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 29, no: 3, pp. 307-330.
  • • Hitchcock, William I. (2008), The Bitter Road to Freedom: The Human Cost of Allied Victory in World War II Europe, Simon and Schuster.
  • • Huliaras, Asteris & Tsardanidis, Charalambos (2006), “(Mis)Understanding the Balkans: Greek Geopolitical Codes of the Post-Communist Era”, Geopolitics, Vol. 11, no: 3, pp. 465-483.
  • • Iatrides, John O. (1987), “Perceptions of Soviet Involvement in the Greek Civil War 1945-1949”, in (eds. by Lars Bærentzen & John O Iatrides & Ole Langwitz Smith) Studies in the History of the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, pp. 225-248.
  • • Ioakimidis, Panagiotis C. (2019), “The Europeanisation of Greece’s Foreign Policy: Progress and Problems”, in (eds. by Achilleas Mitsos & Elias Mossialos) Contemporary Greece and Europe, Oxon & New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • • Javaid, Umbreen & Waheed, Punjab Meer (2016), “China’s Foreign Policy in the Middle East”, Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol. 31, no: 2, pp. 321-331.
  • • Karamouzi, Eirini (2014), Greece, the EEC and the Cold War, 1974-1979: The Second Enlargement, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • • Karbuz, Sohbet (2014), “EU-Turkey Energy Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities”, IAI Working Papers.
  • • Kariotis, Theodore C. (1992), The Greek Socialist Experiment: Papandreou’s Greece 1981-1989, Pella Pub Co.
  • • Kassimeris, Christos (2010), Greece and the American Embrace: Greek Foreign Policy Towards Turkey, the US and the Western Alliance, London & New York: Tauris Academic Publishers. • Kassimeris, George (2001), Europe’s Last Red Terrorists: The Revolutionary Organization 17 November, New York: New York University Press.
  • • Keohane, Robert Owen & Nye, Joseph S. (1977), Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, Little, Brown.
  • • Keyman, E. Fuat (2016), “Turkish Foreign Policy in the Post-Arab Spring Era: From Proactive to Buffer State”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 37, no: 12, pp. 2274-2287.
  • • Kitroeff, Alexander (2011), “Greece and the US during the Cold War”, Diplomatic History, Vol. 35, no: 5, November 2011, pp. 929-932.
  • • Kitsantonis, Niki & Kurmanaev, Anatoly (2022), “Sleepy Greek Port Becomes US Arms Hub, as Ukraine War Reshapes Region”, The New York Times, 18.08.2022, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Klapsis, Antonis (2022), “The Greek Transition to Democracy”, in (eds. by ed. Antonios V. Klapsis et al.) The Greek Junta and the International System: A Case Study of Southern European Dictatorships, 1967-74, London & New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
  • • Kofos, Evangelos (2005), “Athens – Skopje: An Uneasy Symbiosis”, ΕΛΙΑΜΕΠ, Athens, 30.09.2005, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Korma, Lena (2017), “The Historiography of the Greek Diaspora and Migration in the Twentieth Century”, Historein, Vol. 16, no: 1-2, pp. 47-73.
  • • Kubicek, Paul (2023), Theoretical Approaches to Turkish Foreign Policy, London: Routledge, 2023.
  • • Liptak, Kevin (2017), “Greece’s Alexis Tsipras Praises Trump over ‘Common Values’”, CNN, 17.10.2017, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Litsas, Spyridon N. (2020), “The US in the Eastern Mediterranean: Historical and Political Considerations”, in US Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 41-101.
  • • Makovsky, Alan (2020), “Problematic Prospects for US‑Turkish Ties in the Biden Era Human Rights, Sanctions Likely among Early Tests”, SWP Comment.
  • • Mazis, Ioannis Th. & Troulis, Markos I. (2020), “Israeli–Greek Common Security Concerns: On the Deterrence of Turkey’s Adventurism”, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Vol. 14, no: 3, pp. 447-456.
  • • Mikelis, Kyriakos (2015), “Realist Stronghold in the Land of Thucydides? Appraising and Resisting a Realist Tradition in Greece”, European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities, Vol. 4, no: 4, pp. 15-32.
  • • Miller, James Edward (2009), The United States and the Making of Modern Greece: History and Power, 1950-1974, Chapel Hill (N. C.): University of North Carolina Press.
  • • Mylonas, Yiannis (2020), “Crisis, Authoritarian Neoliberalism, and the Return of ‘New Democracy’ to Power in Greece”, Stasis, Vol. 10, no: 2, pp. 181-208.
  • • Ogunbanjo, M. Bimbo (2020), “Realism and Liberalism: How Relevant Are They for Explaining or Understanding the Globalization of World Politics?”, NIU Journal of Humanities, Vol. 5, no: 2, pp. 105-125.
  • • Öniş, Ziya (2014), “Turkey and the Arab Revolutions: Boundaries of Regional Power Influence in a Turbulent Middle East”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 19, no: 2, pp. 203-219.
  • • Rizas, Sotiris (2009), “Managing a Conflict between Allies: United States Policy towards Greece and Turkey in Relation to the Aegean Dispute, 1974-76”, Cold War History, Vol. 9, no: 3, pp. 367-387.
  • • Schweller, Randall L. (1994), “Bandwagoning for Profit: Bringing the Revisionist State Back In”, International Security, Vol. 19, no: 1, pp. 72-107.
  • • Seeberg, Peter (2015), “Guest Editor’s Introduction: An Arab World in Transition, Political Changes and Theoretical Discussions in a Post-‘Arab Spring’ Scenario”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 24, no: 1, pp. 1-7.
  • • Shea, Alexandra (2023), “Alexandroupoli Port Continues Growth from US and NATO Presence”, DVIDS, 18.05.2023, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • Sokou, Katerina (2023), “Αξιοποιώντας Το Ιστορικό Υψηλό Των Ελληνοαμερικανικών Σχέσεων”, Athens, 26.09.2023, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 fromαξιοποιώντας-το-υψηλό-ιστορικό-των-ελ/.
  • • Stein, Aaron (2014), Turkey’s New Foreign Policy: Davutoglu, the AKP and the Pursuit of Regional Order, Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
  • • Stergiou, Andreas (2017), “Russia’s Energy and Defense Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean”, Economics World, Vol. 5, no: 2, pp. 101-119.
  • • The White House (2022), “Remarks By President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, and Prime Minister Mitsotakis Of Greece at a Reception Honoring Greek American Relations | The White House”, 16.05.2022, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024 from
  • • The White House (2024), “Remarks by President Biden at Greek Independence Day Reception | The White House”, 04.04.2024, Date of Accession: 20.05.2024
  • • Tziampiris, Aristotle (2015), The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • • Tziampiris, Aristotle (2021), “Greek Foreign Policy in the New Eastern Mediterranean”, in (eds. by Aristotle Tziampiris & Foteini Asderaki) The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-29.
  • • Tziarras, Zenonas (2023), “Drivers of Crisis in the Greek-Turkish Protracted Conflict: A Neoclassical Realist Reading”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 05.08.2023, Date of Accession: 01.08.2024 from
  • • U.S. Census Bureau (2024), “International Trade”, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • U.S. Department of State (2019), “US-Greece Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement”, Date of Accession: 10.05.2024 from
  • • Waltz, Kenneth N. (2010), Theory of International Politics, Long Grove, Ill: Waveland Press,
  • • Wendt, Alexander (1999), Social Theory of International Politics, Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Cambridge, UK & New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • • Λαζάκης, Χριστόφορος Θ (2022), Η Πορεία Της Ελλάδας. Από Την Εποχή Τον Εμφυλίου Πολέμου Ως Την Εποχή Της Παγκοσμιοποίησης, Αθήνα : Κορφή.
  • • Ραϋμάνδος, Αλβανός (2022), Ο Ελληνικός Εμφύλιος. Μνήμες Σε Πόλεμος Και Σύγχρονες Πολιτικές Ταυτότητες, Αθήνα: Επίκεντρο.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects European and Region Studies, Peace Studies, International Politics, Conflict Resolution
Journal Section Research Articles

Nikolaos Stelgias This is me 0000-0003-0010-4697

Publication Date September 2, 2024
Submission Date August 13, 2024
Acceptance Date August 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 2
