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Mahalle ve çocuk suçluluğu: Bir derleme çalışması

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 793 - 812, 01.10.2023


Çocukların büyüdükleri sosyal ve fiziksel bağlamların önemi uzun yıllardır vurgulanmaktadır. Mahalle, çocuğun büyüdüğü mekan olarak, çocuğun gelişimini doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak etkiler. Son yıllarda mahalle bağlamının çocuk suçluluğunu nasıl etkilediği üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sayısında fark edilir bir artış olmasına rağmen, daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Sosyal bilimciler mahalle ve çocuk suçluluğu arasındaki ilişkiyi incelerken, genellikle mahallenin konumu ya da psikososyal özellikleri gibi tek bir özelliğine odaklanmaktadır. Ancak, mahallenin yapısal ve sosyal özellikleri birbiriyle ilişkilidir, bu nedenle tüm bu özelliklerin bir bütün olarak ele alınması önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşitli mahalle özellikleri ile çocuk suçluluğu arasındaki ilişkiyi gözden geçirmektir. Bu derleme çalışmasında, çocuk suçluluğu ile ilişkisi incelenen mahalle ile ilgili faktörler üç başlık altında toplanmıştır: mahallenin konumu, sosyodemografik özellikleri ve psikososyal özellikleri. Bu özelliklerin kapsamlı bir şekilde ele alınması gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalara rehberlik edecektir. Bu konudaki bilgimizi derinleştirmek, önleme ve müdahale programları ile sosyal politikaların geliştirilip uygulanmasına yol açacak ve çocuğun gelişimine çok boyutlu olarak daha iyi katkı sunacaktır.


  • Aksel, E. Ş. (2014). Çocuk suçluluğuna genel bakış. Ş. Aksel ve T. Yılmaz-Irmak (Ed.), Gelişim psikolojisi bakış açısıyla çocuk suçluluğu içinde (ss. 1-21). Ege Üniversitesi
  • Altınsoy, E., & Kara, A. (2022). Suça sürüklenen çocuklar ve çocuk suçlarının kriminal açıdan incelenmesi. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 75-108.
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Beyers, J. M., Loeber, R., Wikström, P. O. H., & Stouthamer-Loeber, M. (2001). What predicts adolescent violence in better-off neighborhoods? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 29(5), 369–381.
  • Blackmon, B. J., Robison, S. B., & Rhodes, J. L. (2016). Examining the influence of risk factors across rural and urban communities. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 7(4), 615-638.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1977). Toward an experimental ecology of human development. American Psychologist, 32(7), 513–531.
  • Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). Children in families in communities: Risk and intervention in the Bronfenbrenner tradition. P. Moen, G. H. Elder, Jr., & K. Lüscher (Ed.), Examining lives in context: Perspectives on the ecology of human development içinde (ss. 467–519). American Psychological Association.
  • Browning, C. R., Cagney, K. A., & Morris, K. (2014). Early Chicago School Theory. G. Bruinsma, & D. Weisburd, D. (eds) Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice içinde (ss. 1233–1242). Springer.
  • Burgess, E. W. (1925). The growth of the city, R. E. Park, E. W. Burgess ve R. D. MacKenzie (Ed.), The city içinde (ss. 47–62). University of Chicago Press
  • Caspi, A., Lynam, D., Moffitt, T. E., & Silva, P. A. (1993). Unraveling girls' delinquency: Biological, dispositional, and contextual contributions to adolescent misbehavior. Developmental Psychology, 29(1), 19-30.
  • Chen, P., Voisin, D. R., & Jacobson, K. C. (2016). Community violence exposure and adolescent delinquency: Examining a spectrum of promotive factors. Youth & Society, 48(1), 33-57.
  • Chouhy, C., & Unnever, J. D. (2022). Is collective efficacy a theory of offending? Unraveling the relationship between individual-level perceptions of collective efficacy and youth offending. Justice Quarterly, 39(1), 51-77.
  • Cömert, Ö. & Sevim, Y. (2017). Çocuk ve suç ilişkisinin sosyolojik suç kuramları ile incelenmesi. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 29-40.
  • Crum, R. M., Lillie-Blanton, M., & Anthony, J. C. (1996). Neighborhood environment and opportunity to use cocaine and other drugs in late childhood and early adolescence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 43(3), 155-161.
  • Elgar, F. J., Knight, J., Worrall, G. J., & Sherman, G. (2003). Attachment characteristics and behavioural problems in rural and urban juvenile delinquents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 34(1), 35-48.
  • Elliott, D. S. (1997). Environmental factors contribute to juvenile crime and violence (from juvenile crime: Opposing viewpoints, P 83-89, AE Sadler, ed.--See NCJ- 167319).
  • Evans, W. P., Fitzgerald, C., Weigel, D., & Chvilicek, S. (1999). Are rural gang members similar to their urban peers? Implications for rural communities. Youth & Society, 30(3), 267-282.
  • Farrell, A. D., Kung, E. M., White, K. S., & Valois, R. F. (2000). The structure of self-reported aggression, drug use, and delinquent behaviors during early adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 29(2), 282-292.
  • Fowler, P. J., Tompsett, C. J., Braciszewski, J. M., Jacques-Tiura, A. J., & Baltes, B. B. (2009). Community violence: A meta-analysis on the effect of exposure and mental health outcomes of children and adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 21(1), 227-259.
  • Gearhart, M. C., & Tucker, R. (2020). Criminogenic risk, criminogenic need, collective efficacy, and juvenile delinquency. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47(9), 1116–1135.
  • Haynie, D. L., Silver, E., & Teasdale, B. (2006). Neighborhood characteristics, peer networks, and adolescent violence. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 22(2), 147-169.
  • Higgins, B. R., & Hunt, J. (2016). Collective efficacy: Taking action to improve neighborhoods. NIJ Journal, 277, 18-21.
  • Hirschi, T. (1969). Causes of delinquency. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Hong, J, S., Huang, H., Golden, M., Patton, D, U., & Washington, T. (2014). Are community violence-exposed youth at risk of engaging in delinquent behavior? A review and implications for residential treatment research and practice. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 31(4), 266-283.
  • Kabiru, C. W., Elung’ata, P., Mojola, S. A., & Beguy, D. (2014). Adverse life events and delinquent behavior among Kenyan adolescents: A cross-sectional study on the protective role of parental monitoring, religiosity, and self-esteem. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 8(1), 1-11.
  • Kelling, G. L., & Wilson, J. Q. (1982). Broken windows. Atlantic Monthly, 249(3), 29-38.
  • Kokoravec, I., Meško, G., & Marshall, I. H. (2021). Juvenile delinquency and victimisation: Urban vs rural environments. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo/Ljubljana, 72(4), 323-336.
  • Kotlaja, M. M., Wright, E. M., & Fagan, A. A. (2018). Neighborhood parks and playgrounds: Risky or protective contexts for youth substance use? Journal of Drugs Issues, 48(4), 657-675.
  • Kratcoski, P. C., Kratcoski, L. D., & Kratcoski, P. C. (2020). Juvenile delinquency: Theory, research, and the juvenile justice process. Springer Nature.
  • Kroneman, L., Loeber, R., & Hipwell, A. E. (2004). Is neighborhood context differently related to externalizing problems and delinquency for girls compared with boys? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 7, 109-122.
  • Lentz, W. P. (1956). Rural urban differentials and juvenile delinquency. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 47, 331.
  • Lyerly, R. R., & Skipper Jr, J. K. (1981). Differential rates of rural‐urban delinquency: A social control approach. Criminology, 19(3), 385-399.
  • Magdalenić, I. (1995). Rural and Urban Juvenile Delinquency in Međimurje. Sociologija i prostor: Časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog razvoja, (127-130), 39-56.
  • Odgers, C. L., Moffitt, T. E., Tach, L. M., Sampson, R. J., Taylor, A., Matthews, C. L., & Caspi, A. (2009). The protective effects of neighborhood collective efficacy on British children growing up in deprivation: A developmental analysis. Developmental Psychology, 45(4), 942–957.
  • Ohmer, M. L. (2016). Strategies for preventing youth violence: Facilitating collective efficacy among youth and adults. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 7(4), 681-705.
  • Onur, E. (1980). Radyo-televizyon ve çocuk suçluluğu. Eğitim ve Bilim, 4(24), 16-26.
  • Pabayo, R., Grinshteyn, E., Avila, O., Azrael, D., & Molnar, B. E. (2020). Relation between neighborhood socio-economic characteristics and social cohesion, social control, and collective efficacy: Findings from the Boston Neighborhood Study. SSM-Population Health, 10, 100552.
  • Patchin, J. W., Huebner, B. M., McCluskey, J. D., Varano, S. P., & Bynum, T. S. (2006). Exposure to community violence and childhood delinquency. Crime & Delinquency, 52(2), 307-332.
  • Rankin, B. H., & Quane, J. M. (2002). Social contexts and urban adolescent outcomes: The interrelated effects of neighborhoods, families, and peers on African-American youth. Social Problems, 49(1), 79–100.
  • Roberson, C., & Azaola, E. (2021). Juvenile delinquency: Why do youths commit crime? Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Rosenthal, B. S., & Wilson, W. C. (2006). Adolescents' psychological response to the experience of community interpersonal violence: A cross-national and a cross-cultural comparison. Adolescence, 41(163), 417-434.
  • Sampson, R. J. (2012). Great American city: Chicago and the enduring neighborhood effect. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Sampson, R. J. (1997). Collective regulation of adolescent misbehavior: Validation results from eighty Chicago neighborhoods. Journal of Adolescent Research, 12(2), 227–244
  • Scarpa, A. (2003). Community violence exposure in young adults. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 4(3), 210–227.
  • Shaw, C. R., & McKay, H. D. (1942). Juvenile delinquency and urban areas. University of Chicago Press.
  • Shen, Y., & Zhong, H. (2018). Rural-to-urban migration and juvenile delinquency in urban China: A social control perspective. Asian Journal of Criminology, 13(3), 207-229.
  • Snodgrass, J. (1975). Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. Mckay: Chicago criminologists. The Origins of American Criminology içinde (ss. 17-35). Routledge.
  • Steele, P. D. (2010). Rotten outcomes: How impoverished neighborhoods influence the life trajectories of children in the United States. Forum on Public Policy Online içinde (Vol. 2010, No. 4). Oxford Round Table.
  • Steketee, M., Junger, M., & Junger-Tas, J. (2013). Sex differences in the predictors of juvenile delinquency: Females are more susceptible to poor environments; males are influenced more by low self-control. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 29(1), 88-105.
  • Tekgöz Obuz, A. (2019). Suça sürüklenen ve hakkında danışmanlık tedbir kararı verilen çocukların suça sürüklenme nedenleri: Nitel bir çalışma. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(67), 630-641.
  • Thompson, W. E., & Bynum, J. E. (2017). Juvenile delinquency: A sociological approach. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Toğuç, D. (2021). Türkiye’de çocuk suçluluğu: Tekirdağ ili örneği [Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi] Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Valasik, M., & Barton, M. S. (2018). The George Wilson effect: Does intergenerational closure and collective efficacy reduce juvenile delinquency in a neighborhood? Deviant Behavior, 39(12), 1658-1671.
  • Weenink, D. (2011). Delinquent behavior of Dutch rural adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40, 1132-1146.
  • Wilson, W. J. (1987). The truly disadvantaged: The inner city, the underclass, and public policy. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press
  • Wong, S. K. (2012). Youth crime and family disruption in Canadian municipalities: An adaptation of Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization theory. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 40(2), 100-114.
  • Zahnow, R., Corcoran, J., Kimpton, A., & Wickes, R. (2022). Neighbourhood places, collective efficacy and crime: A longitudinal perspective. Urban Studies, 59(4), 789–809.

Neighborhood context and juvenile delinquency: A review study

Year 2023, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 793 - 812, 01.10.2023


Previous studies have emphasized the importance of the social and physical contexts in which children grows up on their development for many years. The neighborhood, as an environment in which the child grows up, directly and indirectly affects the child's development. Although there has been a noticeable increase in the number of studies on how the neighborhood context affects juvenile delinquency in recent years, it is still emphasized that there is a need for further research. When social scientists examine the relationship between neighborhoods and juvenile delinquency, they tend to focus on a single characteristic such as the location or psychosocial features of the neighborhood. However, the structural and social features of the neighborhood are interrelated; therefore it is critical to investigate all of these features as a whole. The purpose of the current study was to review the relationship between various neighborhood characteristics and juvenile delinquency. In this review study, factors associated with the neighborhood which are examined in relation to juvenile delinquency are categorized under three headings: the location, socio-demographic characteristics, and psychosocial characteristics of the neighborhood. A comprehensive examination of these characteristics will guide future research. Deepening our knowledge on this topic will lead to the development and implementation of prevention and intervention programs as well as social policies that contribute multidimensionally to the child's development.


  • Aksel, E. Ş. (2014). Çocuk suçluluğuna genel bakış. Ş. Aksel ve T. Yılmaz-Irmak (Ed.), Gelişim psikolojisi bakış açısıyla çocuk suçluluğu içinde (ss. 1-21). Ege Üniversitesi
  • Altınsoy, E., & Kara, A. (2022). Suça sürüklenen çocuklar ve çocuk suçlarının kriminal açıdan incelenmesi. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 75-108.
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Beyers, J. M., Loeber, R., Wikström, P. O. H., & Stouthamer-Loeber, M. (2001). What predicts adolescent violence in better-off neighborhoods? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 29(5), 369–381.
  • Blackmon, B. J., Robison, S. B., & Rhodes, J. L. (2016). Examining the influence of risk factors across rural and urban communities. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 7(4), 615-638.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1977). Toward an experimental ecology of human development. American Psychologist, 32(7), 513–531.
  • Brooks-Gunn, J. (1995). Children in families in communities: Risk and intervention in the Bronfenbrenner tradition. P. Moen, G. H. Elder, Jr., & K. Lüscher (Ed.), Examining lives in context: Perspectives on the ecology of human development içinde (ss. 467–519). American Psychological Association.
  • Browning, C. R., Cagney, K. A., & Morris, K. (2014). Early Chicago School Theory. G. Bruinsma, & D. Weisburd, D. (eds) Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice içinde (ss. 1233–1242). Springer.
  • Burgess, E. W. (1925). The growth of the city, R. E. Park, E. W. Burgess ve R. D. MacKenzie (Ed.), The city içinde (ss. 47–62). University of Chicago Press
  • Caspi, A., Lynam, D., Moffitt, T. E., & Silva, P. A. (1993). Unraveling girls' delinquency: Biological, dispositional, and contextual contributions to adolescent misbehavior. Developmental Psychology, 29(1), 19-30.
  • Chen, P., Voisin, D. R., & Jacobson, K. C. (2016). Community violence exposure and adolescent delinquency: Examining a spectrum of promotive factors. Youth & Society, 48(1), 33-57.
  • Chouhy, C., & Unnever, J. D. (2022). Is collective efficacy a theory of offending? Unraveling the relationship between individual-level perceptions of collective efficacy and youth offending. Justice Quarterly, 39(1), 51-77.
  • Cömert, Ö. & Sevim, Y. (2017). Çocuk ve suç ilişkisinin sosyolojik suç kuramları ile incelenmesi. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 29-40.
  • Crum, R. M., Lillie-Blanton, M., & Anthony, J. C. (1996). Neighborhood environment and opportunity to use cocaine and other drugs in late childhood and early adolescence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 43(3), 155-161.
  • Elgar, F. J., Knight, J., Worrall, G. J., & Sherman, G. (2003). Attachment characteristics and behavioural problems in rural and urban juvenile delinquents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 34(1), 35-48.
  • Elliott, D. S. (1997). Environmental factors contribute to juvenile crime and violence (from juvenile crime: Opposing viewpoints, P 83-89, AE Sadler, ed.--See NCJ- 167319).
  • Evans, W. P., Fitzgerald, C., Weigel, D., & Chvilicek, S. (1999). Are rural gang members similar to their urban peers? Implications for rural communities. Youth & Society, 30(3), 267-282.
  • Farrell, A. D., Kung, E. M., White, K. S., & Valois, R. F. (2000). The structure of self-reported aggression, drug use, and delinquent behaviors during early adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 29(2), 282-292.
  • Fowler, P. J., Tompsett, C. J., Braciszewski, J. M., Jacques-Tiura, A. J., & Baltes, B. B. (2009). Community violence: A meta-analysis on the effect of exposure and mental health outcomes of children and adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 21(1), 227-259.
  • Gearhart, M. C., & Tucker, R. (2020). Criminogenic risk, criminogenic need, collective efficacy, and juvenile delinquency. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 47(9), 1116–1135.
  • Haynie, D. L., Silver, E., & Teasdale, B. (2006). Neighborhood characteristics, peer networks, and adolescent violence. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 22(2), 147-169.
  • Higgins, B. R., & Hunt, J. (2016). Collective efficacy: Taking action to improve neighborhoods. NIJ Journal, 277, 18-21.
  • Hirschi, T. (1969). Causes of delinquency. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Hong, J, S., Huang, H., Golden, M., Patton, D, U., & Washington, T. (2014). Are community violence-exposed youth at risk of engaging in delinquent behavior? A review and implications for residential treatment research and practice. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 31(4), 266-283.
  • Kabiru, C. W., Elung’ata, P., Mojola, S. A., & Beguy, D. (2014). Adverse life events and delinquent behavior among Kenyan adolescents: A cross-sectional study on the protective role of parental monitoring, religiosity, and self-esteem. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 8(1), 1-11.
  • Kelling, G. L., & Wilson, J. Q. (1982). Broken windows. Atlantic Monthly, 249(3), 29-38.
  • Kokoravec, I., Meško, G., & Marshall, I. H. (2021). Juvenile delinquency and victimisation: Urban vs rural environments. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo/Ljubljana, 72(4), 323-336.
  • Kotlaja, M. M., Wright, E. M., & Fagan, A. A. (2018). Neighborhood parks and playgrounds: Risky or protective contexts for youth substance use? Journal of Drugs Issues, 48(4), 657-675.
  • Kratcoski, P. C., Kratcoski, L. D., & Kratcoski, P. C. (2020). Juvenile delinquency: Theory, research, and the juvenile justice process. Springer Nature.
  • Kroneman, L., Loeber, R., & Hipwell, A. E. (2004). Is neighborhood context differently related to externalizing problems and delinquency for girls compared with boys? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 7, 109-122.
  • Lentz, W. P. (1956). Rural urban differentials and juvenile delinquency. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, 47, 331.
  • Lyerly, R. R., & Skipper Jr, J. K. (1981). Differential rates of rural‐urban delinquency: A social control approach. Criminology, 19(3), 385-399.
  • Magdalenić, I. (1995). Rural and Urban Juvenile Delinquency in Međimurje. Sociologija i prostor: Časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog razvoja, (127-130), 39-56.
  • Odgers, C. L., Moffitt, T. E., Tach, L. M., Sampson, R. J., Taylor, A., Matthews, C. L., & Caspi, A. (2009). The protective effects of neighborhood collective efficacy on British children growing up in deprivation: A developmental analysis. Developmental Psychology, 45(4), 942–957.
  • Ohmer, M. L. (2016). Strategies for preventing youth violence: Facilitating collective efficacy among youth and adults. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 7(4), 681-705.
  • Onur, E. (1980). Radyo-televizyon ve çocuk suçluluğu. Eğitim ve Bilim, 4(24), 16-26.
  • Pabayo, R., Grinshteyn, E., Avila, O., Azrael, D., & Molnar, B. E. (2020). Relation between neighborhood socio-economic characteristics and social cohesion, social control, and collective efficacy: Findings from the Boston Neighborhood Study. SSM-Population Health, 10, 100552.
  • Patchin, J. W., Huebner, B. M., McCluskey, J. D., Varano, S. P., & Bynum, T. S. (2006). Exposure to community violence and childhood delinquency. Crime & Delinquency, 52(2), 307-332.
  • Rankin, B. H., & Quane, J. M. (2002). Social contexts and urban adolescent outcomes: The interrelated effects of neighborhoods, families, and peers on African-American youth. Social Problems, 49(1), 79–100.
  • Roberson, C., & Azaola, E. (2021). Juvenile delinquency: Why do youths commit crime? Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Rosenthal, B. S., & Wilson, W. C. (2006). Adolescents' psychological response to the experience of community interpersonal violence: A cross-national and a cross-cultural comparison. Adolescence, 41(163), 417-434.
  • Sampson, R. J. (2012). Great American city: Chicago and the enduring neighborhood effect. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Sampson, R. J. (1997). Collective regulation of adolescent misbehavior: Validation results from eighty Chicago neighborhoods. Journal of Adolescent Research, 12(2), 227–244
  • Scarpa, A. (2003). Community violence exposure in young adults. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 4(3), 210–227.
  • Shaw, C. R., & McKay, H. D. (1942). Juvenile delinquency and urban areas. University of Chicago Press.
  • Shen, Y., & Zhong, H. (2018). Rural-to-urban migration and juvenile delinquency in urban China: A social control perspective. Asian Journal of Criminology, 13(3), 207-229.
  • Snodgrass, J. (1975). Clifford R. Shaw and Henry D. Mckay: Chicago criminologists. The Origins of American Criminology içinde (ss. 17-35). Routledge.
  • Steele, P. D. (2010). Rotten outcomes: How impoverished neighborhoods influence the life trajectories of children in the United States. Forum on Public Policy Online içinde (Vol. 2010, No. 4). Oxford Round Table.
  • Steketee, M., Junger, M., & Junger-Tas, J. (2013). Sex differences in the predictors of juvenile delinquency: Females are more susceptible to poor environments; males are influenced more by low self-control. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 29(1), 88-105.
  • Tekgöz Obuz, A. (2019). Suça sürüklenen ve hakkında danışmanlık tedbir kararı verilen çocukların suça sürüklenme nedenleri: Nitel bir çalışma. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(67), 630-641.
  • Thompson, W. E., & Bynum, J. E. (2017). Juvenile delinquency: A sociological approach. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Toğuç, D. (2021). Türkiye’de çocuk suçluluğu: Tekirdağ ili örneği [Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi] Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Valasik, M., & Barton, M. S. (2018). The George Wilson effect: Does intergenerational closure and collective efficacy reduce juvenile delinquency in a neighborhood? Deviant Behavior, 39(12), 1658-1671.
  • Weenink, D. (2011). Delinquent behavior of Dutch rural adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40, 1132-1146.
  • Wilson, W. J. (1987). The truly disadvantaged: The inner city, the underclass, and public policy. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press
  • Wong, S. K. (2012). Youth crime and family disruption in Canadian municipalities: An adaptation of Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization theory. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 40(2), 100-114.
  • Zahnow, R., Corcoran, J., Kimpton, A., & Wickes, R. (2022). Neighbourhood places, collective efficacy and crime: A longitudinal perspective. Urban Studies, 59(4), 789–809.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Applied and Developmental Psychology (Other)
Journal Section Derlemeler

Rukiye Kızıltepe 0000-0001-8076-3419

Publication Date October 1, 2023
Submission Date August 15, 2023
Acceptance Date September 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 5 Issue: 9


APA Kızıltepe, R. (2023). Mahalle ve çocuk suçluluğu: Bir derleme çalışması. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Ve Eğitim Dergisi, 5(9), 793-812.

Editor in Chief:  Prof. Dr. Aytekin DEMİRCİOĞLU