Research Article
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The Relationship Between of Emotional İntelligence and Mental Toughness in Athletes Studying in Universities

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 117 - 128, 15.12.2020


Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between mental toughness and emotional intelligence in athletes studying in university and to examine mental toughness and emotional intelligence in terms of various demographic variables.

Methods: The research sample of the study consisted of 203 (126 males, 77 females) athletes studying in universities in the Aegean Region in the academic year of 2016-2017. “Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ)” developed by Scheard et al. (2009), “Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri (SZDE)” adapted with validity and reliability for the Turkish population by Altıntas (2015) and “Emotional Intelligence Scale for use in Sport (EISS)” developed by Lane et al. (2009) as well as “Sporda Duygusal Zekâ Envanteri (SDZE)” adapted with validity and reliability for Turkish population by Adilogullari and Gorgulu (2015) collecting data for emotional intelligence were used during the research. The collected data were analyzed by a statistical package program (SPSS 22), and the results were interpreted. Data were analyzed with the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Independent samples t-test was used in the two groups because the data were distributed normally. The Pearson correlation test analyzed the relationship between the data

Results: According to the research results, a significant relationship was found between the mental toughness levels and emotional intelligence levels of the elite athletes. In comparison, there were significant differences between mental toughness and subscales and gender, age, and weekly training. There was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and subscales and gender variable.

Conclusion: It can be said that as the mental toughness levels of the participants increase, their emotional intelligence levels also increase.


  • Adiloğulları, İ., Görgülü, R. (2015). Sporda duygusal zekâ envanterinin uygulama çalışması. Uluslararası Spor, Egzersiz ve Antrenman Bilimi Dergisi. 2: 83-94.
  • Ahadi, H. Kajbafnezhad, H., Heidarie, A. R., Askari, P., & Enayati, M.(2011). Difference between team and individual sports with respect to psychological skills, overall emotional intelligence and athletic success motivation in Shiraz city athletes. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research. 1(11), 1904-1909.
  • Altıntaş, A.(2015). Sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının belirlenmesinde optimal performans duygu durumu, güdülenme düzeyi ve hedef yöneliminin rolü. Ankara Üniversitesi (Doktora Tezi), Ankara.
  • Baba, H. (2012). Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulundaki öğrencilerin kinestetik ve duygusal zekâlarının iç-dış kontrol odaklarının akademik başarılarına etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Ankara.
  • Baltaş, A. (2001). Değişimin İçinden Geleceğe Doğru. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, s. 19.
  • Bar-On R. (1997). Development of the Bar-ON EQ-i: A measure of emotional and social intelligence. The 105 th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 3.
  • Bar-On, R. (1997). The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i): A test of emotional intelligence. Toronto, Canada: Multi-Health Systems, Inc.
  • Boroujeni, S. T., Mirheydari, S. B., Kaviri, Z., Shahhosseini, S. (2012). The survey of relationship and comparison: emotional intelligence, competitive anxiety and mental toughness female super league basketball players. Social and Behavioral Science, 46, 1440-1444.
  • Bull, S. J., Shambrook, C. J., James, W., Brooks, J. E. (2006). Towards and understanding of mental toughness in elite English cricketers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 209-227.
  • Butt, J., Weinberg, R., & Culp, B. (2010). Exploring mental toughness in NCAA athletes. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 3, 316–332.
  • Cattell, R. B. (1957). Personality and motivation structure and measurement. New York: Harcort, Brace and World.
  • Connaughton, D., Hanton, S., Jones, G. (2010). The development and maintenance of mental toughness in the world’s best performers. The Sport Psychologist, 24: 168- 193.
  • Coulter, T., Mallett, C., & Gucciardi, D. (2010). Understanding mental toughness in Australian soccer: Perceptions of players, parents, and coaches. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28, 699–716. doi:10.1080/02640411003734085
  • Cowden, R. G. (2016). Mental toughness, emotional intelligence, and coping effectiveness: an analysis of construct interrelatedness among high-performing adolescent male athletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1W17.
  • Crust L.(2011). Mental toughness in sport: A Review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 270-290.
  • Dosseville, F., Laborde, S., Guillen F., Chaves E.(2014). Validity of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire in sports and its links with performance satisfaction. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(5): 481-490.
  • Erbektaş, E., Üzüm, H., Özen, G. Arslan, T. Ertan, G. Elveren, A. (2017). Amatör ve profesyonel sporcuların duygusal zekalarının bazı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, V:4, 263-274.
  • Gibson, A. (1998). Mental Toughness. New York, Vantage Press.
  • Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam.
  • Goleman D. (1998). İş başında Duygusal Zekâ. Varlık Yayınları., İstanbul s. 14.
  • Graham, J. Hanton, S., Connaughton, D. (2002). What is this thing called mental toughness? An investigation of elite sport performers. Journal Applied Sport Psychology. 205-218.
  • Güven, Ş., Yazıcı, A. (2020). türkiye’de zihinsel dayanıklılık konusunda yapılmış araştırmaların analizi ve incelenmesi. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 82-93. DOI: 10.30769/usbd.749719.
  • Jones, G., Hanton, S., & Connaughton, D. (2007). A framework of mental toughness in the world’s best performers. The Sport Psychologist, 21, 243–264.
  • Jones, M. (2003). Controlling emotions in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 17, 471–486.
  • Karaoğlu, B., Turan, M. B., Pepe, O. (2016). Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin yaratıcılık düzeyleri ile duygusal zekâ seviyelerinin incelenmesi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2). 85-99.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. 15. Baskı. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Lane, A. M., Meyer, B. M., Devenport, T. J., Davies, K. A., Thelwell, R., Gill, G. S. and Weston, N. (2009). Validity of the emotional intelligence scale for use in sport. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 289-295.
  • Lane, A., Beedie, C., Jones, M., Uphill, M., & Devonport, T. (2012). The BASES expert statement on emotion regulation in sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 1189–1195. doi:10.1080/02640414.2012.693621.
  • Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P. ve Caruso, D. R. (2000). “Competing models of emotional intelligence”, in Sternberg Robert., “Handbook of Intelligence”, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P. (1993). The Intelligence of emotional Intelligence. Intelligence, 17 (4): 433– 442.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P. (1995). Emotional intelligence and the construction and regulation of feelings. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 4, 197–208.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P. (1997). “What Is Emotional Intelligence”, In P. Salovey, & D. Sluyter, Emotional Development And Emotional Intelligence: Educational Implications (pp. 3-34). New York: Basicbooks, Inc.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P., Caruso, DR. (2004). Emotional intelligence: Theory, findings, and implications. Psychological Inquiry, 15(3), 197–215.
  • Nazaritab, N., Zarei, S., Gharayagh Zandi, H., Mohebi, M. (2018). The relationship between emotional intelligence and mental toughness in elite and amateurs Taekwondo athletes. Journal of Psychological Science, 2018 (Winter) Vol. 16, Issue 64
  • Newland, A., Newton, M., Finch, L., Harbke, C., R., Podlog, L. (2012). Moderating variables in the relationship between mental toughness and performance in basketball. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2: 1-9.
  • Nicholls, A. R., Polman, C. J., Levy, A. R. and Backhouse, S. H.(2009). Mental toughness in sport: achievement level, gender, age, experience and sport type differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 47: 73-75.
  • Özdenk, S. (2018). Spor eğitimi alan üniversite öğrencilerinin duygusal zekâ düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Turkish Studies Social Sciences, 13/18 (1033-1045).
  • Parker, Summerfeldt, Hogan, Majeski (2004). Emotional intelligence and academic success: Examining the transition from high school to university. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 163-172.
  • Petrides, K. V., & Furnham, A. (2003). Trait Emotional Intelligence: Behavioral Validation in Two Studies of Emotion Recognition and Reactivity to Mood Induction. European Journal of Personality, 17, 39-57.
  • Salovey, P., Mayer, J.D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 185-211.
  • Schutte, N. S., Malouff, J. M., Hall, L. H., Haggerty, D. J., Cooper, J. T., Golden, C. J. and Dornheim, L. (1998). Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 167-177.
  • Sheard, M. (2013). Mental Toughness: The Mindset Behind Sporting Achievement. Second Edition. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.
  • Sheard, M., Golby, J., Van Wersch, A. (2009). Progress towards construct validation of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25: 186-193.
  • Slack, L., Butt, J., Maynard, I., & Olusoga, P. (2014). Understanding mental toughness in elite football officiating: Perceptions of English Premier League referees. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 10, 4–24.
  • Soflu, G. H., Esfahani, N., Aassadi, H. (2011). The Comparison of emotional intelligence and psychological skills and their relationship with experience among individual and Team athletes in superior league. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30: 2394-2400.
  • Soylu, E., Serin, E. (2017). Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin duygusal zeka düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Sportif Bakış: Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, (1), 1-9.
  • Thelwell, R., Weston, N. Greenlees, I. (2005). Defining and understanding mental toughness within soccer. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology,17: 326-332.
  • Tienphati, K., Julvanichpong, T., Vongjaturapat, T., Sabvirapakorn, W. (2016). The relationship between mental toughness and emotional Quotient of rugby football players. Journal of Sport Science Technology, 16(1).
  • Van Rooy, D. L., Alonso, A., Viswevaran, C. (2005). Group differences in emotional intelligence scores: theoretical and practical implications. Personality and Individual Differences, 167-177.
  • Yarayan, Y. E., Yıldız, A. B., Gülşen, D. B. A. (2018). Elit düzeyde bireysel ve takım sporu yapan sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılık düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(57). 992-999.
  • Yazıcı, A., Güçlü M. (2016). Psikolojik performans farklılıkları açısından profesyonel basketbol. Lambert Academic Publishing,

Spor Yapan Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Zihinsel Dayanıklılık İle Duygusal Zekâ Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 117 - 128, 15.12.2020


Amaç: Bu araştırma, spor yapan üniversite öğrencilerinde zihinsel dayanıklılık ve duygusal zekâ arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemeyi, zihinsel dayanıklılığı ve duygusal zekâyı çeşitli demografik değişkenler açısından incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır

Materyal ve Metot: Araştırmanın evrenini 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında Ege Bölgesindeki Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokullarında öğrenim gören 203 (126 erkek, 77 kadın) sporcu oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verilerinin toplanmasında Zihinsel Dayanıklılık için Sheard ve arkadaşları (2009) tarafından geliştirilen “Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ)” ve Türkçe’ye uyarlayarak geçerlik ve güvenirliğini Altıntaş (2015) tarafından “Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri (SZDE)” ile Duygusal Zekâ için Lane ve arkadaşları (2009) tarafından geliştirilen geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan “Emotional Intelligence Scale for use in Sport (EISS)”, envanterin Türkçeye uyarlanarak geçerlik ve güvenirliliği Adiloğulları ve Görgülü (2015) tarafından yapılan “Sporda Duygusal Zekâ Envanteri (SDZE)” kullanılmıştır. Toplanan veriler istatistiksel paket programı (SPSS 22) aracılığıyla analiz edilip sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır. Verilerin normallik dağılımına Kolmogorov Smirnov testiyle bakılmıştır. Veriler normal dağıldığından dolayı ikili gruplarda bağımsız örneklem t testi yapılmıştır. Veriler arasındaki ilişkiye ise Pearson korelasyon testiyle bakılmıştır.

Bulgular: Araştırma sonucuna göre; spor yapan üniversite öğrencilerinin zihinsel dayanıklılık düzeyleri ve duygusal zekâ düzeyleri arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Zihinsel dayanıklılık ve alt boyutları ile cinsiyet, yaş değişkenleri arasında anlamlı farklılıklar bulunurken, duygusal zekâ ve alt boyutları ile cinsiyet değişkeni arasında da anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur.

Sonuç: Katılımcıların zihinsel dayanıklılık düzeyleri arttıkça duygusal zekâ düzeylerinin de arttığı söylenebilir.


  • Adiloğulları, İ., Görgülü, R. (2015). Sporda duygusal zekâ envanterinin uygulama çalışması. Uluslararası Spor, Egzersiz ve Antrenman Bilimi Dergisi. 2: 83-94.
  • Ahadi, H. Kajbafnezhad, H., Heidarie, A. R., Askari, P., & Enayati, M.(2011). Difference between team and individual sports with respect to psychological skills, overall emotional intelligence and athletic success motivation in Shiraz city athletes. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research. 1(11), 1904-1909.
  • Altıntaş, A.(2015). Sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının belirlenmesinde optimal performans duygu durumu, güdülenme düzeyi ve hedef yöneliminin rolü. Ankara Üniversitesi (Doktora Tezi), Ankara.
  • Baba, H. (2012). Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulundaki öğrencilerin kinestetik ve duygusal zekâlarının iç-dış kontrol odaklarının akademik başarılarına etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Ankara.
  • Baltaş, A. (2001). Değişimin İçinden Geleceğe Doğru. Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul, s. 19.
  • Bar-On R. (1997). Development of the Bar-ON EQ-i: A measure of emotional and social intelligence. The 105 th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 3.
  • Bar-On, R. (1997). The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i): A test of emotional intelligence. Toronto, Canada: Multi-Health Systems, Inc.
  • Boroujeni, S. T., Mirheydari, S. B., Kaviri, Z., Shahhosseini, S. (2012). The survey of relationship and comparison: emotional intelligence, competitive anxiety and mental toughness female super league basketball players. Social and Behavioral Science, 46, 1440-1444.
  • Bull, S. J., Shambrook, C. J., James, W., Brooks, J. E. (2006). Towards and understanding of mental toughness in elite English cricketers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 209-227.
  • Butt, J., Weinberg, R., & Culp, B. (2010). Exploring mental toughness in NCAA athletes. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 3, 316–332.
  • Cattell, R. B. (1957). Personality and motivation structure and measurement. New York: Harcort, Brace and World.
  • Connaughton, D., Hanton, S., Jones, G. (2010). The development and maintenance of mental toughness in the world’s best performers. The Sport Psychologist, 24: 168- 193.
  • Coulter, T., Mallett, C., & Gucciardi, D. (2010). Understanding mental toughness in Australian soccer: Perceptions of players, parents, and coaches. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28, 699–716. doi:10.1080/02640411003734085
  • Cowden, R. G. (2016). Mental toughness, emotional intelligence, and coping effectiveness: an analysis of construct interrelatedness among high-performing adolescent male athletes. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1W17.
  • Crust L.(2011). Mental toughness in sport: A Review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 270-290.
  • Dosseville, F., Laborde, S., Guillen F., Chaves E.(2014). Validity of the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire in sports and its links with performance satisfaction. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(5): 481-490.
  • Erbektaş, E., Üzüm, H., Özen, G. Arslan, T. Ertan, G. Elveren, A. (2017). Amatör ve profesyonel sporcuların duygusal zekalarının bazı değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, V:4, 263-274.
  • Gibson, A. (1998). Mental Toughness. New York, Vantage Press.
  • Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam.
  • Goleman D. (1998). İş başında Duygusal Zekâ. Varlık Yayınları., İstanbul s. 14.
  • Graham, J. Hanton, S., Connaughton, D. (2002). What is this thing called mental toughness? An investigation of elite sport performers. Journal Applied Sport Psychology. 205-218.
  • Güven, Ş., Yazıcı, A. (2020). türkiye’de zihinsel dayanıklılık konusunda yapılmış araştırmaların analizi ve incelenmesi. Ulusal Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 82-93. DOI: 10.30769/usbd.749719.
  • Jones, G., Hanton, S., & Connaughton, D. (2007). A framework of mental toughness in the world’s best performers. The Sport Psychologist, 21, 243–264.
  • Jones, M. (2003). Controlling emotions in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 17, 471–486.
  • Karaoğlu, B., Turan, M. B., Pepe, O. (2016). Beden eğitimi ve spor yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin yaratıcılık düzeyleri ile duygusal zekâ seviyelerinin incelenmesi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2). 85-99.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. 15. Baskı. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Lane, A. M., Meyer, B. M., Devenport, T. J., Davies, K. A., Thelwell, R., Gill, G. S. and Weston, N. (2009). Validity of the emotional intelligence scale for use in sport. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 289-295.
  • Lane, A., Beedie, C., Jones, M., Uphill, M., & Devonport, T. (2012). The BASES expert statement on emotion regulation in sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 1189–1195. doi:10.1080/02640414.2012.693621.
  • Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P. ve Caruso, D. R. (2000). “Competing models of emotional intelligence”, in Sternberg Robert., “Handbook of Intelligence”, Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P. (1993). The Intelligence of emotional Intelligence. Intelligence, 17 (4): 433– 442.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P. (1995). Emotional intelligence and the construction and regulation of feelings. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 4, 197–208.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P. (1997). “What Is Emotional Intelligence”, In P. Salovey, & D. Sluyter, Emotional Development And Emotional Intelligence: Educational Implications (pp. 3-34). New York: Basicbooks, Inc.
  • Mayer, J.D., Salovey, P., Caruso, DR. (2004). Emotional intelligence: Theory, findings, and implications. Psychological Inquiry, 15(3), 197–215.
  • Nazaritab, N., Zarei, S., Gharayagh Zandi, H., Mohebi, M. (2018). The relationship between emotional intelligence and mental toughness in elite and amateurs Taekwondo athletes. Journal of Psychological Science, 2018 (Winter) Vol. 16, Issue 64
  • Newland, A., Newton, M., Finch, L., Harbke, C., R., Podlog, L. (2012). Moderating variables in the relationship between mental toughness and performance in basketball. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2: 1-9.
  • Nicholls, A. R., Polman, C. J., Levy, A. R. and Backhouse, S. H.(2009). Mental toughness in sport: achievement level, gender, age, experience and sport type differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 47: 73-75.
  • Özdenk, S. (2018). Spor eğitimi alan üniversite öğrencilerinin duygusal zekâ düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Turkish Studies Social Sciences, 13/18 (1033-1045).
  • Parker, Summerfeldt, Hogan, Majeski (2004). Emotional intelligence and academic success: Examining the transition from high school to university. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 163-172.
  • Petrides, K. V., & Furnham, A. (2003). Trait Emotional Intelligence: Behavioral Validation in Two Studies of Emotion Recognition and Reactivity to Mood Induction. European Journal of Personality, 17, 39-57.
  • Salovey, P., Mayer, J.D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 185-211.
  • Schutte, N. S., Malouff, J. M., Hall, L. H., Haggerty, D. J., Cooper, J. T., Golden, C. J. and Dornheim, L. (1998). Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 167-177.
  • Sheard, M. (2013). Mental Toughness: The Mindset Behind Sporting Achievement. Second Edition. Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.
  • Sheard, M., Golby, J., Van Wersch, A. (2009). Progress towards construct validation of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25: 186-193.
  • Slack, L., Butt, J., Maynard, I., & Olusoga, P. (2014). Understanding mental toughness in elite football officiating: Perceptions of English Premier League referees. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 10, 4–24.
  • Soflu, G. H., Esfahani, N., Aassadi, H. (2011). The Comparison of emotional intelligence and psychological skills and their relationship with experience among individual and Team athletes in superior league. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30: 2394-2400.
  • Soylu, E., Serin, E. (2017). Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin duygusal zeka düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Sportif Bakış: Spor ve Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, (1), 1-9.
  • Thelwell, R., Weston, N. Greenlees, I. (2005). Defining and understanding mental toughness within soccer. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology,17: 326-332.
  • Tienphati, K., Julvanichpong, T., Vongjaturapat, T., Sabvirapakorn, W. (2016). The relationship between mental toughness and emotional Quotient of rugby football players. Journal of Sport Science Technology, 16(1).
  • Van Rooy, D. L., Alonso, A., Viswevaran, C. (2005). Group differences in emotional intelligence scores: theoretical and practical implications. Personality and Individual Differences, 167-177.
  • Yarayan, Y. E., Yıldız, A. B., Gülşen, D. B. A. (2018). Elit düzeyde bireysel ve takım sporu yapan sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılık düzeylerinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(57). 992-999.
  • Yazıcı, A., Güçlü M. (2016). Psikolojik performans farklılıkları açısından profesyonel basketbol. Lambert Academic Publishing,
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine

Gülpınar Bahadır This is me 0000-0003-0297-6157

İlhan Adiloğulları 0000-0002-8974-2507

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Submission Date September 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Bahadır, G., & Adiloğulları, İ. (2020). Spor Yapan Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Zihinsel Dayanıklılık İle Duygusal Zekâ Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences - IJSETS, 6(4), 117-128.