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Politik Karar, Tutum ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji

Year 2020, Issue: 10, 37 - 62, 24.06.2020


Politik psikoloji alanı 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren oldukça hızlı gelişen interdisipliner bir bilgi alanıdır. Bu disiplin, genellikle siyaset bilimi ile psikoloji bilim alanlarının kesişim noktası olarak bilinse de, tarihten ekonomiye, antropolojiden felsefeye kadar uzanan geniş bir yelpazede bağlantı noktaları bulmaya ve çok perspektifli bir analiz sistemi oluşturmaya odaklıdır. İlgi alanı yalnızca bireylerin siyasal davranışların psikolojik kökenlerini ya da siyasi profillerin psikanalitik değerlendirmesini kapsamaz. Özellikle son on yıllarda büyük grupların toplumsal tutumlarını, kolektif belleklerinden yansıyan anlatıların etkilerini, travmalarını, öfkelerini, ötekileştirme ve düşmanlaştırma süreçlerini vs. inceleme konusundaki yönelimi çok daha fazla ön plana çıkmıştır. Günümüz bilim dünyası, insanı ve toplumu tanıma amacıyla yürüttüğü araştırmalarını, giderek daha fazla teknoloji kullanımıyla sürdürmektedir. Doğal olarak politik psikolojinin yeni açılımları ve derinliği de bu yönde şekillenecektir.


  • Ataöv, Türkkaya. “Mısır Devlet Başkanı Enver Sedat’ın Yargılanması,” Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 3, 1978.
  • Beisel, David R.. “Introducing the Joys of Psychohistory,” The Journal of Psychohistory 25, Erişim 20 Kasım 2019, Sayı: 4 Spring 1998, Borum, Randy. Psychology of Terrorism. 2004. Erişim 13 Şubat 2020,
  • Burns, William J. Burns. Economic Aid and American Diplomacy Toward Egypt 1955-1981 Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985.
  • Clark, Anna M.. “George Lakoff to Gren Marketers: Use the F-word,” The Guardian 27 Ağustos 2013, Erişim 15 Ocak 2020.
  • Cooper, H.H.A.. “Psychopat as Terrorist: Apsychological Perspective.” Legal Medical Quarterly 2, 1978, 188-197.
  • Cooper, H. H. A.. “What Is a Terrorist? A Psychological Perspective,” Legal Medical Quarterly 1. 1977. 16-32.
  • Cooper, Barry. New Political Religions, or an Analysis of Modern Terrorism. Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 2004.
  • Cottam, Martha L., Elena Mastors, Thomas Preston ve Beth Dietz. Siyaset Psikolojisine Giriş, Çev. Mesut Şenol, Ankara: BB101 Yayınevi, 2017.
  • De Mause, Llyod, “Chilhood Origins Of Terrorism,” Journal of Psychohistory 29/4, 1991, 340-348.
  • Dupuis, Mariana Gallegos. “The Visit: How Sadat’s Visit to Jerusalem Changed the Israeli-Egyptian Conflict and the Course of History in the Middle East,” The Corvette 3, Sayı: 1, 2014-2015.
  • Elad-Strenger, Julia ve Alex Mintz. “Political Psychology,” The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, ed. Gianpietro Mazzoleni, John Wiley & Sons 2015, Erişim 22 Mart 2020,
  • Erikson, Eric H.. Identity: Youth and Crisis, New York: W.W. Norton Company, 1968.
  • Feuer, Lewis S. The Conflict of Generations: The Character and Significance of Student Movements. New York: Basic Books, 1969.
  • Freud, Bibliography.
  • Freud, Sigmund. The Ego and the Id. Pacific Publishing Studio, 2010.
  • Freud, Sigmund. Haz İlkesinin Ötesinde, Çev. Mehmet Ökten. İstanbul, Tutku Yayınevi, 2014.
  • Friston, Karl J. Friston. “Modalities, Modes, and Models in Functional Neuroimaging.” Science 326, 2009, 399-403.
  • Gilderhus, Mark T.. Tarih ve Tarihçiler; Tarih Yazıcılığına Giriş, Çev. Emine Sonnur Özcan Ankara, Atıf Yayınları, 2014.
  • Hacker, Frederick J.. Crusaders, Criminals, Crazies: Terror and Terrorism in Our Time. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
  • Handel, Michael I.. The Diplomacy of Surprise, Hitler, Nixon, Sadat Cambridge: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University Press, 1981.
  • Hollis, Martin ve Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International Relations. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991.
  • Hurwitz, Harry ve Ysrael Medad (Ed). Peace in the Making, The Menachem Begin- Anwar El-Sadat Personal Correspondence. Jerusalem, Menahem Begin Heritage Center, 2011, 13.
  • International Society of Political Psychology.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “73 Statement to Knesset by President Sadat,” MFA. 20 Kasım 1977, Erişim 16 Mart 2020,
  • Jiryis, Sabri. “The Arab World at the Crossroads: An Analysis of the Arab Opposition to the Sadat Initiative,” Journal of Palestine Studies 7, Sayı: 2, Kış 1978.
  • Keohane, Robert. Realism, Neorealism and the Study of World Politics, Neorealism and its Critics, New York: Columbia University Press, 1985. 7, 163-164.
  • Kent, Ian, I., & William Nicholls, “The Psychodynamics of Terrorism,” Mental Health & Society 4, 1977, 1-8.
  • Kepel, Gilles ve Jon Rothschild. Muslim Extremism in Egypt: The Prophet and the Pharaoh Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
  • Lenzen, Manuela. “Feeling our Emotions,” SA Mind 16 April 2005, Erişim 20.01.2020,
  • Mc Guire, William J.. “The Poly-Psy Relationsship: Three Phases of a Long Relationship”, in Political Psychology, Key Readings, ed. John T. Jost ve Jim Sidanius New York: Psychology Press, 2004.
  • Milgram, Stanley. Behavioral Study of Obedience. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 67/4. 1963, 371–378.
  • Milgram, Stanley. Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View. New York: Harper and Row, 1974, 162.
  • Morf, Gustave. Terror in Quebec - Case Studies of the FLQ. Toronto, Clark, Irwin, 1970.
  • Perez, Adela, Garzon Perez. “Political Psychology as Disipline and Resource.” Political Psychology Erişim 20 Mart 2020 22/2, 2001: 347.
  • Randall Kevin. “Neuropolitics Where Campaingns Try to Read Your Mind.” Erişim 16 Şubat 2020,
  • Russell, Bertrand. Batı Felsefesi Tarihi, İlkçağ, Ortaçağ, Yeniçağ. İstanbul, Say Yayınları, 1983, 19.
  • Sheehan, Edward R. H. Sheehan. “Why Sadat Packed off the Russians,” The New York Times 6 Ağustos 1972, Erişim 21 Şubat 2020,
  • Shoufani, Elias. “The Reaction in Israel to the Sedat Initiative.” Journal of Palestine Studies 17, sayı: 2, Kış 1978.
  • Internet Archive, Studieson Hysteria, Preface to the Second Edition, J. Breuer, S. Freud,
  • Silverstein, Brett. “Toward a Science of Propaganda.” Political Psychology 8, Sayı: 1, 1987.
  • Skinner, Burrhus, F.. The Behaviour of Organisms: An experimental Analysis. New York, Appleton-Century, 1938. Erişim 20 Ocak 2020,
  • Skinner, Burrhus F.. How to Teach Animals. Erişim 25 Ocak 2020, pdf
  • Staerklé, Christian. “Political Psychology,” International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2015. Erişim 23 Mart 2020,
  • Stein, Kenneth W. Stein. Heroic Diplomacy Sadat, Kissinger, Carter, Beginand the Quest for Arap-Israel Peace. New York: Routhledge, 1999, 196.
  • Tajfel, Henri Tajfel. “Social Categorization, Social Identity, and Social Comparison”, Ed. Henri Tajfel, Differenciation Between Social Groups: Studies in the Socialpsychology of Intergroup Relations. New York, Academic Presss, 1978.
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment. Stanford University. Ağustos 1971. Erişim 22 Ocak 2010.
  • Thukydides. Peleponnesos’lularla Atina’lıların Savaşı 3. Çev. Halil Demircioğlu, Ankara: A.Ü. Basımevi, 1972.
  • Volkan, Vamık D.. “Large-Group Identity: Border Psychology and Related Societal Processes.” Mind and Human Interaction 13, Erişim 13 Mart 2020, 2003. 49-76,
  • Ward, Dana. “Political Psychology: Origins and Development,” in Political psychology, Ed. Kristine Renwick Moore, Taylor and Francis, NewJersey, 2008.
  • Watson, John B.. Behaviorism, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1930.
  • Woodruff, Paul. Thucydides, On Justice, Power and and Human Nature, Trans, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 1993, xxviii.
  • Zimbardo, Philip. Lucifer Effect; How Good People Turn Evil. London, Ebury Publishing, 2011.
Year 2020, Issue: 10, 37 - 62, 24.06.2020


Political psychology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge that has been developing rapidly since the second half of the 20th century. Although this discipline is generally known as the intersection of the fields of political science and psychology, it focuses on finding a wide range of connection points from history to economy and from anthropology to philosophy, and creating a multi-perspective analysis system. This discipline’s area of interest does not only cover the psychological origins of individuals’ political behavior or the psychoanalytic evaluation of political profiles. Especially in the last decades, the tendency to study the social attitudes of large groups, the effects of narratives reflected from their collective memories, their trauma, their anger, the processes of marginalization and enmity have become much more prominent. Nowadays, the scientific world uses technology increasingly in research with the aim of getting to know people and society. Naturally, new expansions and depth of political psychology will be shaped in this direction.


  • Ataöv, Türkkaya. “Mısır Devlet Başkanı Enver Sedat’ın Yargılanması,” Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 3, 1978.
  • Beisel, David R.. “Introducing the Joys of Psychohistory,” The Journal of Psychohistory 25, Erişim 20 Kasım 2019, Sayı: 4 Spring 1998, Borum, Randy. Psychology of Terrorism. 2004. Erişim 13 Şubat 2020,
  • Burns, William J. Burns. Economic Aid and American Diplomacy Toward Egypt 1955-1981 Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985.
  • Clark, Anna M.. “George Lakoff to Gren Marketers: Use the F-word,” The Guardian 27 Ağustos 2013, Erişim 15 Ocak 2020.
  • Cooper, H.H.A.. “Psychopat as Terrorist: Apsychological Perspective.” Legal Medical Quarterly 2, 1978, 188-197.
  • Cooper, H. H. A.. “What Is a Terrorist? A Psychological Perspective,” Legal Medical Quarterly 1. 1977. 16-32.
  • Cooper, Barry. New Political Religions, or an Analysis of Modern Terrorism. Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 2004.
  • Cottam, Martha L., Elena Mastors, Thomas Preston ve Beth Dietz. Siyaset Psikolojisine Giriş, Çev. Mesut Şenol, Ankara: BB101 Yayınevi, 2017.
  • De Mause, Llyod, “Chilhood Origins Of Terrorism,” Journal of Psychohistory 29/4, 1991, 340-348.
  • Dupuis, Mariana Gallegos. “The Visit: How Sadat’s Visit to Jerusalem Changed the Israeli-Egyptian Conflict and the Course of History in the Middle East,” The Corvette 3, Sayı: 1, 2014-2015.
  • Elad-Strenger, Julia ve Alex Mintz. “Political Psychology,” The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, ed. Gianpietro Mazzoleni, John Wiley & Sons 2015, Erişim 22 Mart 2020,
  • Erikson, Eric H.. Identity: Youth and Crisis, New York: W.W. Norton Company, 1968.
  • Feuer, Lewis S. The Conflict of Generations: The Character and Significance of Student Movements. New York: Basic Books, 1969.
  • Freud, Bibliography.
  • Freud, Sigmund. The Ego and the Id. Pacific Publishing Studio, 2010.
  • Freud, Sigmund. Haz İlkesinin Ötesinde, Çev. Mehmet Ökten. İstanbul, Tutku Yayınevi, 2014.
  • Friston, Karl J. Friston. “Modalities, Modes, and Models in Functional Neuroimaging.” Science 326, 2009, 399-403.
  • Gilderhus, Mark T.. Tarih ve Tarihçiler; Tarih Yazıcılığına Giriş, Çev. Emine Sonnur Özcan Ankara, Atıf Yayınları, 2014.
  • Hacker, Frederick J.. Crusaders, Criminals, Crazies: Terror and Terrorism in Our Time. New York: W.W. Norton, 1996.
  • Handel, Michael I.. The Diplomacy of Surprise, Hitler, Nixon, Sadat Cambridge: Center for International Affairs, Harvard University Press, 1981.
  • Hollis, Martin ve Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International Relations. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991.
  • Hurwitz, Harry ve Ysrael Medad (Ed). Peace in the Making, The Menachem Begin- Anwar El-Sadat Personal Correspondence. Jerusalem, Menahem Begin Heritage Center, 2011, 13.
  • International Society of Political Psychology.
  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “73 Statement to Knesset by President Sadat,” MFA. 20 Kasım 1977, Erişim 16 Mart 2020,
  • Jiryis, Sabri. “The Arab World at the Crossroads: An Analysis of the Arab Opposition to the Sadat Initiative,” Journal of Palestine Studies 7, Sayı: 2, Kış 1978.
  • Keohane, Robert. Realism, Neorealism and the Study of World Politics, Neorealism and its Critics, New York: Columbia University Press, 1985. 7, 163-164.
  • Kent, Ian, I., & William Nicholls, “The Psychodynamics of Terrorism,” Mental Health & Society 4, 1977, 1-8.
  • Kepel, Gilles ve Jon Rothschild. Muslim Extremism in Egypt: The Prophet and the Pharaoh Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
  • Lenzen, Manuela. “Feeling our Emotions,” SA Mind 16 April 2005, Erişim 20.01.2020,
  • Mc Guire, William J.. “The Poly-Psy Relationsship: Three Phases of a Long Relationship”, in Political Psychology, Key Readings, ed. John T. Jost ve Jim Sidanius New York: Psychology Press, 2004.
  • Milgram, Stanley. Behavioral Study of Obedience. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 67/4. 1963, 371–378.
  • Milgram, Stanley. Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View. New York: Harper and Row, 1974, 162.
  • Morf, Gustave. Terror in Quebec - Case Studies of the FLQ. Toronto, Clark, Irwin, 1970.
  • Perez, Adela, Garzon Perez. “Political Psychology as Disipline and Resource.” Political Psychology Erişim 20 Mart 2020 22/2, 2001: 347.
  • Randall Kevin. “Neuropolitics Where Campaingns Try to Read Your Mind.” Erişim 16 Şubat 2020,
  • Russell, Bertrand. Batı Felsefesi Tarihi, İlkçağ, Ortaçağ, Yeniçağ. İstanbul, Say Yayınları, 1983, 19.
  • Sheehan, Edward R. H. Sheehan. “Why Sadat Packed off the Russians,” The New York Times 6 Ağustos 1972, Erişim 21 Şubat 2020,
  • Shoufani, Elias. “The Reaction in Israel to the Sedat Initiative.” Journal of Palestine Studies 17, sayı: 2, Kış 1978.
  • Internet Archive, Studieson Hysteria, Preface to the Second Edition, J. Breuer, S. Freud,
  • Silverstein, Brett. “Toward a Science of Propaganda.” Political Psychology 8, Sayı: 1, 1987.
  • Skinner, Burrhus, F.. The Behaviour of Organisms: An experimental Analysis. New York, Appleton-Century, 1938. Erişim 20 Ocak 2020,
  • Skinner, Burrhus F.. How to Teach Animals. Erişim 25 Ocak 2020, pdf
  • Staerklé, Christian. “Political Psychology,” International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2015. Erişim 23 Mart 2020,
  • Stein, Kenneth W. Stein. Heroic Diplomacy Sadat, Kissinger, Carter, Beginand the Quest for Arap-Israel Peace. New York: Routhledge, 1999, 196.
  • Tajfel, Henri Tajfel. “Social Categorization, Social Identity, and Social Comparison”, Ed. Henri Tajfel, Differenciation Between Social Groups: Studies in the Socialpsychology of Intergroup Relations. New York, Academic Presss, 1978.
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment. Stanford University. Ağustos 1971. Erişim 22 Ocak 2010.
  • Thukydides. Peleponnesos’lularla Atina’lıların Savaşı 3. Çev. Halil Demircioğlu, Ankara: A.Ü. Basımevi, 1972.
  • Volkan, Vamık D.. “Large-Group Identity: Border Psychology and Related Societal Processes.” Mind and Human Interaction 13, Erişim 13 Mart 2020, 2003. 49-76,
  • Ward, Dana. “Political Psychology: Origins and Development,” in Political psychology, Ed. Kristine Renwick Moore, Taylor and Francis, NewJersey, 2008.
  • Watson, John B.. Behaviorism, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1930.
  • Woodruff, Paul. Thucydides, On Justice, Power and and Human Nature, Trans, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co., 1993, xxviii.
  • Zimbardo, Philip. Lucifer Effect; How Good People Turn Evil. London, Ebury Publishing, 2011.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science, International Relations, Psychology
Journal Section Articles

Deniz Ülke Arıboğan 0000-0001-9397-1241

Publication Date June 24, 2020
Submission Date May 6, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 10


APA Arıboğan, D. Ü. (2020). Politik Karar, Tutum ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(10), 37-62.
AMA Arıboğan DÜ. Politik Karar, Tutum ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji. JOSOC. June 2020;(10):37-62.
Chicago Arıboğan, Deniz Ülke. “Politik Karar, Tutum Ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama Ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 10 (June 2020): 37-62.
EndNote Arıboğan DÜ (June 1, 2020) Politik Karar, Tutum ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 10 37–62.
IEEE D. Ü. Arıboğan, “Politik Karar, Tutum ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji”, JOSOC, no. 10, pp. 37–62, June 2020.
ISNAD Arıboğan, Deniz Ülke. “Politik Karar, Tutum Ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama Ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 10 (June 2020), 37-62.
JAMA Arıboğan DÜ. Politik Karar, Tutum ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji. JOSOC. 2020;:37–62.
MLA Arıboğan, Deniz Ülke. “Politik Karar, Tutum Ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama Ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji”. Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 10, 2020, pp. 37-62.
Vancouver Arıboğan DÜ. Politik Karar, Tutum ve Davranışlarımızı Bireyselden Toplumsala Uzanan Bir Yelpazede Anlama ve Açıklama Kılavuzu Olarak Politik Psikoloji. JOSOC. 2020(10):37-62.

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