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Year 2017, Issue: 18, 101 - 126, 01.03.2017


Bu çalışma modern Leh toplumunun Ukrayna algısınıincelemektedir. Bu çerçevede, Polonya’da, Kresy Wschodnie’den (DoğuBölgeleri - Ukrayna, Belarus ve Litvanya’yı iki savaş arası dönemdekiİkinci Polonya Cumhuriyeti’ne dahil olan “Polonya’nın kaybettiğitopraklar” olarak kodlayan post (neo) kolonyal jeopolitik ve kültürelkavram) ve Intermarium düşüncesi (Baltık Denizi ve Karadeniz arasındakalan bölgedeki ulusların siyasi, askeri ve ekonomik güçlü bölgeselittifakı) arasında değişen geleneksel mekansal anlatıları tespit etmekmümkündür. Avrupa’daki çağdaş eğilimle paralel olarak, Polonya’dada, kendine has özellikleriyle birlikte, sağ popülizmin yükseliştedir.Polonya’da iktidarda olan Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS; Hukuk veAdalet Partisi) toplumdaki milliyetçi duygu ve düşünceleri başarılı birşekilde araçsallaştırarak ve “geleneksel değerlere” söyleminedayanarak, ülkedeki aşırı sağı meşrulaştıran bir pratik sergilemektedir.Nitekim, Polonya’da aşırı sağ her geçen gün daha da güçkazanmaktadır. Esasen, Leh toplumunun Ukrayna’ya dair görüşünübelirleyen şey, Polonya’da görülen sağ siyasete doğru kayıştır


  • Ackermann, Alice. “Reconciliation as a Peace-building Process in Postwar Europe: The Franco-German Case.” Peace&Change 19, no. 3 (July 1994): 229–250.
  • Besemeres, John. A Difficult Neighbourhood. ANU Press, 2016.
  • Bimber Bruce, “The Internet and Political Transformation: Populism, Community, and Accelerated Pluralism.” Polity 31, no. 1 (Autumn 1998): 133-160.
  • Czepek, Andrea, Melanie Hellwig, Eva Nowak. Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2006.
  • Feldman, Lily Gardner. “The Principle and Practice of ‘Reconciliation’ in German Foreign Policy: Relations with France, Israel, Poland and the Czech Republic.” International Affairs 75, no. 2, (April 1999): 333–356.
  • Gee, James Paul. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. London and New York: Routledge, 2005.
  • Grzegnik, Marta. “Intermarium: The Baltic and the Black Seas on the Polish mental maps in the interwar period.” The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies 6, no. 1 (April 2014), 81-96.
  • Jackson, J. W. “On the Racial Aspects of the Franco-Prussian War.” The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1 (1872): 30-52.
  • Ingram, Alan. “Alexander Dugin: geopolitics and neo-fascism in post- Soviet Russia.” Political Geography 20, no. 8 (November 2001): 1029-1051.
  • Mink, Georges. Vie et Mort du bloc soviétique [Life and Death of the Soviet Bloc. In French]. Paris: Casterman, 1997.
  • Narvselius, Eleonora. “The “Bandera Debate”: The Contentious Legacy of World War II and Liberalization of Collective Memory in Western Ukraine,” Journal Canadian Slavonic Papers 54, no. 3-4 (2012): 469-490.
  • Petersen, Alexandros. The World Island: Eurasian Geopolitics and the Fate of the West. ABC-CLIO, 2011.
  • Snyder, Timothy. “Federalism and Nationalism in Polish Eastern Policy.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 4, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2003): 111-118.
  • Snyder, Timothy. Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin. New York: Random House, 2011.
  • Snyder, Timothy. “Memory of sovereignty and sovereignty over memory: Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, 1939–1999.” In Memory and Power in Post-War Europe: Studies in the Presence of the Past, edited by Jan-Werner Müller, 39-58. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Suszko, Marek. “Kultura and European Unification, 1948-1953.” The Polish Review 45, no. 2 (2000), 183-195.
  • de Wet, Corene. “A media discourse analysis of racism in South African schools.” International Education Journal 2, no. 5 (July 2001): 98- 112.
  • Zhurzhenko, Tatiana. “Memory Wars and Reconciliation in the Ukrainian–Polish Borderlands: Geopolitics of Memory from a Local Perspective.” In History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Georges Mink and Laure Neumayer, 173-192. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Internet Sources
  • Adekoya, Remi. “Why Poland’s Law and Justice Party Remains So Popular?” Foreign Affairs. Accessed November 3, 2017. 03/why-polands-law-and-justice-party-remains-so-popular.
  • Adekoya, Remi. “Xenophobic, authoritarian – and generous on welfare: how Poland’s right rules.” The Guardian. Accessed November 11, 2017. right-law-justice-party-europe.
  • The American Chesterton Society. “G.K. Chesterton, ILN, 7/16/10.” Accessed October 28, 2017. of-g-k-chesterton.
  • BBC News. “Poland Catholics hold controversial prayer day on borders.” Accessed October 15, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “Глава МЗС Польщі відмовився відвідати музей у Львові через слова про окупацію” [The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry refused to visit the museum in Lviv because of the words of occupation. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 5, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “Львів – то є польське місто: у мережі обурені заявою віце-консула Польщі” [Lviv is a Polish city: people in Internet are outraged by the statement of the Polish Vice-Consul. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 5, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “Польща погодилася на відновлення українських місць пам’яті, які було сплюндровано” [Poland agreed to the restoration of the Ukrainian places of memory, which were plundered. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 21, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “У Польщі рештки демонтованого пам’ятника УПА використали для будівництва дороги” [In Poland, the remnants of the dismantled monument of the UPA were used for the construction of the road. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 22, 2017.
  • Gazeta Polska. “Kresy .” Accessed November 12, 2017. .
  • Google. “Polish version of Google search engine for ukraińcy + banderowcy.” Accessed November 5, 2017. OKnI6AS83buQAQ&q=ukrai%C5%84cy+banderowcy&oq=ukraini ec+bandero&gs_l=psy-ab.3.1.0i22i10i30k1j0i22i30k1.3189.35510. 0.47722. 1.16.1684.0..0j35i39k1j0i131k1j0i10k1j0i203k1.0.5dRd4JB1cTU.
  • Google. “Russian version of Google search engine for украинцы + бандеровцы.” Accessed November 5, 2017. ZWvraBYmE6QS8-7DoCA&q=%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0 %B0% D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%86%D1%8B+%D0%B1%D0%B0 %D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1% 86%D1%8B&oq=%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B 8%D0%BD%D1%86%D1%8B+%D0%B1%D0%B0&gs_l=psy- ab.3.0.0j0i22i30k1l9. y-ab..3.8.1041...0i131k1j0i3k1j0i10k1.0.BvbLbO-xm9E.
  • Hosa, Joanna. “Poland, what went wrong?” The European Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed November 11, 2017.
  • The Kyiv Post. “Warsaw not to disclose list of Ukrainians banned from entering Poland.” Accessed November 13, 2017. ukrainians-banned-entering-poland.html.
  • “USSR.” Accessed November 10, 2017.
  • Loisel, Sébastien. “Discourse Analysis and Foreign Policy Analysis: Introducing Speech Act Theory in European Foreign and Security Policy.” ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops. Accessed November 15, 2017. d870d9b912.pdf.
  • Nasz Dziennik [Our Journal]. “Przed Ukrainą nie widać przyszłości” [There is no future for Ukraine. In Polish]. Accessed November 20, 2017.,przed-ukraina-nie- widac-przyszlosci.html.
  • Noack, Rick. “How Poland became a breeding ground for Europe’s far right.” The Washington Post. Accessed November 14, 2017.
  • Puto, Kaja. “A Film That Divides Poles and Ukrainians.” Political Critique. Accessed November 3, 2017. poland.
  • Puto, Kaja. “Second-hand Europe: Ukrainian Immigrants in Poland.” Political Critique. Accessed October 30, 2017. http://politicalcriti
  • Quora. “About Quora.” Accessed October 30, 2017.
  • Quora. “If purely hypothetically Poland wanted to recapture the city of Lviv and invaded Ukraine who would win this Polish Ukrainian war?” Accessed November 13, 2017. purely-hypothetically-Poland-wanted-to-recapture-the-city-of-Lviv-a nd-invaded-Ukraine-who-would-win-this-Polish-Ukrainian-war.
  • Quora. “Should the west part of Ukraine be given back to Poland?” Accessed November 13, 2017. west-part-of-Ukraine-be-given-back-to-Poland.
  • Quora. “What do Polish people think about Lviv being a Ukrainian city rather than part of Poland?” Accessed November 13, 2017. being-a-Ukrainian-city-rather-than-part-of-Poland.
  • Shapoval, Yurii . “The topical legacy of Jerzy Giedroyc.” The Day. Accessed October 28, 2017.
  • Warszawa [Warsaw]. “Śmierć Ukrainie. Tak stolica Polski wita pasażerów kolejowych ze Wschodu” [Death to Ukraine. This way the capital of Poland welcomes railway passengers from the East. In Polish]. Accessed November 16, 2017.,54420,22656682,smierc- ukrainie-tak-stolica-polski-wita-pasazerow-kolejowych.html.
  • Warszawa [Warsaw]. “Wicemarszałek Bogdan Borusewicz: Lotnisko Chopina zdjęło rewizjonistyczne plakaty” [Vice-Speaker Bogdan Borusewicz: Chopin Airport removed revisionist posters. In Polish]. Accessed November 21, 2017.,54420,22675028,wicemars zalek-bogdan-borusewicz-lotnisko-chopina-zdjelo- rewizjonistyczne.html.
  • Wilczak, Jagienka. “Historia znów nas dopada” [The History is catching up with us again. In Polish]. Polityka [Politics]. Accessed November 10, 2017.,1,kaczynski- ukraina-z-bandera-do-europy-nie-wejdzie-na-kremlu-pewnie-otwier


Year 2017, Issue: 18, 101 - 126, 01.03.2017


This article analyzes modern Polish society’s perception ofUkraine. Several traditional Polish spatial narratives can beidentified, ranging from Kresy Wschodnie (i.e., Eastern Regions - thepost(neo)colonialist geopolitical and cultural concept which regardslands of Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania that belonged to the SecondPolish Republic in the interwar period as a “lost dominion of Poland”)to the idea of Intermarium (the powerful regional political, military,and economic alliance of the nations between Black Sea and BalticSea). Poland has not avoided contemporary European tendency of theright populism’s rise, though not without its own specific. The rulingPolish party Prawo i Sprawiedliwość or PiS (Law and Justice Party)masterfully exploits nationalistic sentiments of the electorate andappeals to the so called “traditional values,” indirectly legitimizingthe ultra-right-wing political movements, the presence of which onsocial and political landscape of Poland is becoming more and morenoticeable. In fact, it is Poland’s shift to the right of the politicalspectrum, which creates the conditions for the change of Polish publicopinion towards Ukraine


  • Ackermann, Alice. “Reconciliation as a Peace-building Process in Postwar Europe: The Franco-German Case.” Peace&Change 19, no. 3 (July 1994): 229–250.
  • Besemeres, John. A Difficult Neighbourhood. ANU Press, 2016.
  • Bimber Bruce, “The Internet and Political Transformation: Populism, Community, and Accelerated Pluralism.” Polity 31, no. 1 (Autumn 1998): 133-160.
  • Czepek, Andrea, Melanie Hellwig, Eva Nowak. Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago, 2006.
  • Feldman, Lily Gardner. “The Principle and Practice of ‘Reconciliation’ in German Foreign Policy: Relations with France, Israel, Poland and the Czech Republic.” International Affairs 75, no. 2, (April 1999): 333–356.
  • Gee, James Paul. An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method. London and New York: Routledge, 2005.
  • Grzegnik, Marta. “Intermarium: The Baltic and the Black Seas on the Polish mental maps in the interwar period.” The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies 6, no. 1 (April 2014), 81-96.
  • Jackson, J. W. “On the Racial Aspects of the Franco-Prussian War.” The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1 (1872): 30-52.
  • Ingram, Alan. “Alexander Dugin: geopolitics and neo-fascism in post- Soviet Russia.” Political Geography 20, no. 8 (November 2001): 1029-1051.
  • Mink, Georges. Vie et Mort du bloc soviétique [Life and Death of the Soviet Bloc. In French]. Paris: Casterman, 1997.
  • Narvselius, Eleonora. “The “Bandera Debate”: The Contentious Legacy of World War II and Liberalization of Collective Memory in Western Ukraine,” Journal Canadian Slavonic Papers 54, no. 3-4 (2012): 469-490.
  • Petersen, Alexandros. The World Island: Eurasian Geopolitics and the Fate of the West. ABC-CLIO, 2011.
  • Snyder, Timothy. “Federalism and Nationalism in Polish Eastern Policy.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 4, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2003): 111-118.
  • Snyder, Timothy. Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin. New York: Random House, 2011.
  • Snyder, Timothy. “Memory of sovereignty and sovereignty over memory: Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, 1939–1999.” In Memory and Power in Post-War Europe: Studies in the Presence of the Past, edited by Jan-Werner Müller, 39-58. Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  • Suszko, Marek. “Kultura and European Unification, 1948-1953.” The Polish Review 45, no. 2 (2000), 183-195.
  • de Wet, Corene. “A media discourse analysis of racism in South African schools.” International Education Journal 2, no. 5 (July 2001): 98- 112.
  • Zhurzhenko, Tatiana. “Memory Wars and Reconciliation in the Ukrainian–Polish Borderlands: Geopolitics of Memory from a Local Perspective.” In History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Georges Mink and Laure Neumayer, 173-192. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Internet Sources
  • Adekoya, Remi. “Why Poland’s Law and Justice Party Remains So Popular?” Foreign Affairs. Accessed November 3, 2017. 03/why-polands-law-and-justice-party-remains-so-popular.
  • Adekoya, Remi. “Xenophobic, authoritarian – and generous on welfare: how Poland’s right rules.” The Guardian. Accessed November 11, 2017. right-law-justice-party-europe.
  • The American Chesterton Society. “G.K. Chesterton, ILN, 7/16/10.” Accessed October 28, 2017. of-g-k-chesterton.
  • BBC News. “Poland Catholics hold controversial prayer day on borders.” Accessed October 15, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “Глава МЗС Польщі відмовився відвідати музей у Львові через слова про окупацію” [The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry refused to visit the museum in Lviv because of the words of occupation. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 5, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “Львів – то є польське місто: у мережі обурені заявою віце-консула Польщі” [Lviv is a Polish city: people in Internet are outraged by the statement of the Polish Vice-Consul. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 5, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “Польща погодилася на відновлення українських місць пам’яті, які було сплюндровано” [Poland agreed to the restoration of the Ukrainian places of memory, which were plundered. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 21, 2017.
  • Європейська правда [European truth]. “У Польщі рештки демонтованого пам’ятника УПА використали для будівництва дороги” [In Poland, the remnants of the dismantled monument of the UPA were used for the construction of the road. In Ukrainian]. Accessed November 22, 2017.
  • Gazeta Polska. “Kresy .” Accessed November 12, 2017. .
  • Google. “Polish version of Google search engine for ukraińcy + banderowcy.” Accessed November 5, 2017. OKnI6AS83buQAQ&q=ukrai%C5%84cy+banderowcy&oq=ukraini ec+bandero&gs_l=psy-ab.3.1.0i22i10i30k1j0i22i30k1.3189.35510. 0.47722. 1.16.1684.0..0j35i39k1j0i131k1j0i10k1j0i203k1.0.5dRd4JB1cTU.
  • Google. “Russian version of Google search engine for украинцы + бандеровцы.” Accessed November 5, 2017. ZWvraBYmE6QS8-7DoCA&q=%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0 %B0% D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%86%D1%8B+%D0%B1%D0%B0 %D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1% 86%D1%8B&oq=%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B 8%D0%BD%D1%86%D1%8B+%D0%B1%D0%B0&gs_l=psy- ab.3.0.0j0i22i30k1l9. y-ab..3.8.1041...0i131k1j0i3k1j0i10k1.0.BvbLbO-xm9E.
  • Hosa, Joanna. “Poland, what went wrong?” The European Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed November 11, 2017.
  • The Kyiv Post. “Warsaw not to disclose list of Ukrainians banned from entering Poland.” Accessed November 13, 2017. ukrainians-banned-entering-poland.html.
  • “USSR.” Accessed November 10, 2017.
  • Loisel, Sébastien. “Discourse Analysis and Foreign Policy Analysis: Introducing Speech Act Theory in European Foreign and Security Policy.” ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops. Accessed November 15, 2017. d870d9b912.pdf.
  • Nasz Dziennik [Our Journal]. “Przed Ukrainą nie widać przyszłości” [There is no future for Ukraine. In Polish]. Accessed November 20, 2017.,przed-ukraina-nie- widac-przyszlosci.html.
  • Noack, Rick. “How Poland became a breeding ground for Europe’s far right.” The Washington Post. Accessed November 14, 2017.
  • Puto, Kaja. “A Film That Divides Poles and Ukrainians.” Political Critique. Accessed November 3, 2017. poland.
  • Puto, Kaja. “Second-hand Europe: Ukrainian Immigrants in Poland.” Political Critique. Accessed October 30, 2017. http://politicalcriti
  • Quora. “About Quora.” Accessed October 30, 2017.
  • Quora. “If purely hypothetically Poland wanted to recapture the city of Lviv and invaded Ukraine who would win this Polish Ukrainian war?” Accessed November 13, 2017. purely-hypothetically-Poland-wanted-to-recapture-the-city-of-Lviv-a nd-invaded-Ukraine-who-would-win-this-Polish-Ukrainian-war.
  • Quora. “Should the west part of Ukraine be given back to Poland?” Accessed November 13, 2017. west-part-of-Ukraine-be-given-back-to-Poland.
  • Quora. “What do Polish people think about Lviv being a Ukrainian city rather than part of Poland?” Accessed November 13, 2017. being-a-Ukrainian-city-rather-than-part-of-Poland.
  • Shapoval, Yurii . “The topical legacy of Jerzy Giedroyc.” The Day. Accessed October 28, 2017.
  • Warszawa [Warsaw]. “Śmierć Ukrainie. Tak stolica Polski wita pasażerów kolejowych ze Wschodu” [Death to Ukraine. This way the capital of Poland welcomes railway passengers from the East. In Polish]. Accessed November 16, 2017.,54420,22656682,smierc- ukrainie-tak-stolica-polski-wita-pasazerow-kolejowych.html.
  • Warszawa [Warsaw]. “Wicemarszałek Bogdan Borusewicz: Lotnisko Chopina zdjęło rewizjonistyczne plakaty” [Vice-Speaker Bogdan Borusewicz: Chopin Airport removed revisionist posters. In Polish]. Accessed November 21, 2017.,54420,22675028,wicemars zalek-bogdan-borusewicz-lotnisko-chopina-zdjelo- rewizjonistyczne.html.
  • Wilczak, Jagienka. “Historia znów nas dopada” [The History is catching up with us again. In Polish]. Polityka [Politics]. Accessed November 10, 2017.,1,kaczynski- ukraina-z-bandera-do-europy-nie-wejdzie-na-kremlu-pewnie-otwier
There are 45 citations in total.


Other ID JA78DF33YZ
Journal Section Research Articles

Roman Baıduk This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 18


Chicago Baıduk, Roman. “KRESY WSCHODNIE YA DA DOĞUDAKİ ORTAK: POLONYA’DA MODERN POPÜLER UKRAYNA ALGISI”. Uluslararası Suçlar Ve Tarih, no. 18 (March 2017): 101-26.