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Year 2011, Issue: 11, 161 - 176, 01.11.2011


Patrice Lumumba’nın ailesi, cinayetinde suç ortağı oldukları iddiaedilen on iki Belçikalı polis memuruna karşı Belçika’da bir şikâyettebulunmayı planlıyor. Uluslararası İnsani Hukuk böyle bir cinayeti nasıl elealıyor veya almıştır? Lumumba öleli elli seneden fazla olduğu için, ölümüböyle bir cinayetin sürekli durumuna dayanarak bir savaş suçu olarakgörülürse bu şikâyet sadece Belçika Mahkemelerinin yargısınıtetikleyebilmektedir. 1961 yılında savaş suçları sadece uluslararası silahlısavaşlarda meydana gelebilirdi; savaşın uluslararası olup olmadığınısaptamak ise çok kritiktir. Savaşın nitelendirilmesi hâkim için kolay birgörev mi olacaktır? Bu makalemizde, kanunların geriye yürüyememeğiilkesine, savaşla ilgisi olan tarafların dikkatlice saptanması zorunluluğu ve“uluslararasılaşmış uluslararası olmayan silahlı savaşı” kavramına ilişkinbelirsizliklere dayanarak ulusal bir hâkimin uluslararası insani hukukunkavramlarını uygularken karşılaşabileceği zorluklar ele alınmıştır. Bukonuyu neden şimdi inceliyoruz? Lumumba’nın ölümü çok uzak gibi görünsede Kongo ve Belçika’da hala oldukça hassas bir konudur. Aynı zamanda,doğruyu öğrenme hakkına dair artan ilgi büyük ihtimalle başka yerlerdediğer çözümlenmemiş ve tartışılır cinayetleri ortaya çıkaracaktır


  • Y. Arai-Takahashi, Disentangling Legal Quagmires: The Legal Characterisation of the Armed Conflicts in Afghanistan since 6/7 October 2001 and the Question of Prisoner of War Status, 5 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 2002, 61-105
  • R. Bierzanek, Quelques remarques sur l’applicabilité du droit international humanitaire des conflits armés aux conflits internes internationalisés in C. Swinarski, En l’honneur de Jean Pictet: Etudes et essais sur le droit international humanitaire et sur les principes de la Croix Rouge, The Hague, ICRC, 1984
  • C. Braeckman, L’assassinat de Lumumba s’invite à la fête, Le Soir, 23 juin 2010, fete_t-20100623-00YRML.html?query=lumumba&queryor=lumumba& firstHit=10&by=10&when=-1&sort=datedesc&pos=16&all=562&nav =1
  • A. Cassese, The Nicaragua and Tadic Tests Revisited in Light of the ICJ Judgment on Genocide in Bosnia, 18 EJIL 2007, 649-668
  • A. Cassese, International Criminal Law, Oxford, OUP, 2008
  • E. Clinton, The United Nations and the Congo 47 A.B.A.J. , 1961, 1079- 1083
  • Commission Lumumba (Belgium), Les secrets de l’affaire Lumumba, Bruxelles, Racine, 2005
  • A. Cullen, Key Developments Affecting the Scope of Internal Armed Conflict in International Humanitarian Law, 183 Military L. Rev., 2005, 66-109
  • E. David, Principes de droit des conflits armés, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2008
  • L. de Witte, The Assassination of Lumumba, London, Verso, 2002
  • D. Fleck, Shortcomings of the grave breaches regime, J. Int’l Criminal Justice, 2009, 833-854
  • J. Gérard-Libois, Congo 1960, Bruxelles, CRISP, 1960
  • C. Hoskyns, The Congo since Independence: January 1960 – December 1961, London, OUP, 1965
  • E. LaHaye, War Crimes in Internal Armed Conflicts, Cambridge, CUP, 2008
  • D. McNemar, The Postindependence War in the Congo, in Quincy Wright, The International Law of Civil War, Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1971, 244-302
  • H. Meyrowitz, Le droit de la guerre dans le conflit vietnamien, AFDI, 1967, 153-201
  • J. Pictet, Commentary on the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (1952)
  • W. A. Schabas, Punishment of non-state actors in non-international armed conflict, 26 Fordham Int’l L. J., 2002-2003, 907-933
  • J. G. Stewart, Towards a single definition of armed conflict in international humanitarian law: a critique of internationalized armed conflict, 85 Int’l Rev. of the Red Cross, 2003, 313-348
  • B. Verhaegen, Congo 1961, Bruxelles, CRISP, 1961
  • Onze mois de crise politique au Congo, Courrier Hebdomadaire, 1961
  • Evolution de la crise congolaise, Chronique de politique étrangère, 1961
  • L’ONU et le Congo, Chronique de politique étrangère, 1962
  • Nicaragua Case ICJ (27 June 1986)
  • Tadic Case (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (2 October 1995)
  • Kunarac Case, (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (12 June 2002)
  • Dario Kordic and Lario Cerkez Case, (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (17 December 2004)
  • Naletilic Case (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (3 May 2006)
  • Genocide Case ICJ (18 November 2008)
  • SC Resolution 143 of 14 July 1960 (S/4387)
  • SC Resolution 145 of 22 July 1960 (S/4405)
  • SC Resolution 146 of 9 August 1960 (S/4426)
  • SC Resolution 161 of 21 February 1961 (S/4741)


Year 2011, Issue: 11, 161 - 176, 01.11.2011


The family of Patrice Lumumba is planning to lodge a complaintin Belgium against twelve Belgian officers who allegedly participated in hismurder. How does, or rather how did, international humanitarian law dealwith such a crime? Since Lumumba died more than fifty years ago, thiscomplaint could only trigger Belgian Courts’ jurisdiction if his death wasfound to be a war crime given the imprescriptible nature of such crime. Asin 1961 war crimes could only occur in international armed conflict, thedetermination of the international or the non-international character of theconflict is crucial. Will the characterisation of the conflict be an easy taskfor the judge? This paper illustrates the difficulties a national judge mayface in applying notions of international humanitarian law given theprinciple of non-retroactivity, the need to carefully identify the partiesinvolved in the conflict and the uncertainties surrounding the concept of“internationalised non-international armed conflict”. Why examine thisissue now? If Lumumba’s death may seem far away, it is still a highlysensitive issue in Congo and in Belgium. Furthermore, the growing interestfor the right to truth may likely lead to the excavation of such otherunresolved and controversial crimes elsewhere


  • Y. Arai-Takahashi, Disentangling Legal Quagmires: The Legal Characterisation of the Armed Conflicts in Afghanistan since 6/7 October 2001 and the Question of Prisoner of War Status, 5 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 2002, 61-105
  • R. Bierzanek, Quelques remarques sur l’applicabilité du droit international humanitaire des conflits armés aux conflits internes internationalisés in C. Swinarski, En l’honneur de Jean Pictet: Etudes et essais sur le droit international humanitaire et sur les principes de la Croix Rouge, The Hague, ICRC, 1984
  • C. Braeckman, L’assassinat de Lumumba s’invite à la fête, Le Soir, 23 juin 2010, fete_t-20100623-00YRML.html?query=lumumba&queryor=lumumba& firstHit=10&by=10&when=-1&sort=datedesc&pos=16&all=562&nav =1
  • A. Cassese, The Nicaragua and Tadic Tests Revisited in Light of the ICJ Judgment on Genocide in Bosnia, 18 EJIL 2007, 649-668
  • A. Cassese, International Criminal Law, Oxford, OUP, 2008
  • E. Clinton, The United Nations and the Congo 47 A.B.A.J. , 1961, 1079- 1083
  • Commission Lumumba (Belgium), Les secrets de l’affaire Lumumba, Bruxelles, Racine, 2005
  • A. Cullen, Key Developments Affecting the Scope of Internal Armed Conflict in International Humanitarian Law, 183 Military L. Rev., 2005, 66-109
  • E. David, Principes de droit des conflits armés, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2008
  • L. de Witte, The Assassination of Lumumba, London, Verso, 2002
  • D. Fleck, Shortcomings of the grave breaches regime, J. Int’l Criminal Justice, 2009, 833-854
  • J. Gérard-Libois, Congo 1960, Bruxelles, CRISP, 1960
  • C. Hoskyns, The Congo since Independence: January 1960 – December 1961, London, OUP, 1965
  • E. LaHaye, War Crimes in Internal Armed Conflicts, Cambridge, CUP, 2008
  • D. McNemar, The Postindependence War in the Congo, in Quincy Wright, The International Law of Civil War, Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1971, 244-302
  • H. Meyrowitz, Le droit de la guerre dans le conflit vietnamien, AFDI, 1967, 153-201
  • J. Pictet, Commentary on the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (1952)
  • W. A. Schabas, Punishment of non-state actors in non-international armed conflict, 26 Fordham Int’l L. J., 2002-2003, 907-933
  • J. G. Stewart, Towards a single definition of armed conflict in international humanitarian law: a critique of internationalized armed conflict, 85 Int’l Rev. of the Red Cross, 2003, 313-348
  • B. Verhaegen, Congo 1961, Bruxelles, CRISP, 1961
  • Onze mois de crise politique au Congo, Courrier Hebdomadaire, 1961
  • Evolution de la crise congolaise, Chronique de politique étrangère, 1961
  • L’ONU et le Congo, Chronique de politique étrangère, 1962
  • Nicaragua Case ICJ (27 June 1986)
  • Tadic Case (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (2 October 1995)
  • Kunarac Case, (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (12 June 2002)
  • Dario Kordic and Lario Cerkez Case, (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (17 December 2004)
  • Naletilic Case (Decision Appeals Chamber) ICTY (3 May 2006)
  • Genocide Case ICJ (18 November 2008)
  • SC Resolution 143 of 14 July 1960 (S/4387)
  • SC Resolution 145 of 22 July 1960 (S/4405)
  • SC Resolution 146 of 9 August 1960 (S/4426)
  • SC Resolution 161 of 21 February 1961 (S/4741)
There are 33 citations in total.


Other ID JA92SE87SJ
Journal Section Research Articles

Van Regemorter Maïté This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 11


Chicago Maïté, Van Regemorter. “LUMUMBA’NIN ÖLÜMÜ: ULUSLARARASI SİLAHLI ÇATIŞMADA BİR SAVAŞ SUÇU MU?”. Uluslararası Suçlar Ve Tarih, no. 11 (November 2011): 161-76.