Research Article
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Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War

Year 2023, Issue: 11, 44 - 66, 21.04.2023


The main purpose of this study is to examine the statements of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine about the war through critical discourse analysis. The research data were obtained from Anadolu Agency between February 24, 2022, and August 10, 2022. Data from secondary sources; thematic analysis, situation analysis, sentence structures, word choices, and persuasion strategies. Research findings show that Putin preferred to use authoritarian language emphasizing "power" as they would determine the course of the war, while Zelensky preferred a discourse emphasizing that the war is continuing on his soil; therefore, Ukraine is "right" in any case.


  • Anthony R. & Pratkanis, Aronson, E., (2008). Propaganda Çağı, (Çev. Nagihan Haliloğlu), İstanbul, Paradigma Yayınları.
  • Batstone, R. (1995). Grammar in discourse: Attitude and deniability. Principle & practice in applied linguistics, 197-213. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Barlas, M. (2008). İstihbarat İncelemeleri, 21. Yüzyıl Dergisi, Ekim-Kasım sayısı, Aralık, s. 211.
  • Bayram, K. (2006), Milli Mücadeleden Günümüze Silahsız Terör Propaganda, İstanbul, IQ Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
  • Beard, A. (2000). The Language of Politics. London: Routledge.
  • Brown, J.A.C. (2012). Beyin Yıkama, (Çev. Behzat Tanç), İstanbu, Boğaziçi Yayınları, l
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2005). Research methods in education. (5th ed.). London: Routledge Falmer.
  • Çelik, H. & Ekşi, H. (2008). Söylem Analizi. Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. (27), 99-117.
  • Eggins, S. (1994). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics. London: Pinter.
  • Elliott, R. (1996). Discourse analysis: exploring action, function and conflict in social texts. Marketing Intelligence & Planning.
  • Fairclough, N. (1989) Language and Power, London: Longman.
  • Fairclough, N. (1993). Critical discourse analysis and the marketization of public discourse: The universities. Discourse & Society, 4(2), 133-168.
  • Fasold, R. W. & Connor-Linton, J. (2006) An introduction to language and linguistics. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Feyzioğlu, N. (2012). Köroğlu Destanı’nın Batı Kolları Üzerinde Eleştirel Söylem Çözümlemesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Bahar (16), 57-86.
  • Fowler, R. (2013). Language in the News: Discourse and Ideology in the Press. Routledge.
  • Gabsi, Z. (2015). Response to Islamophobia in the Arabic Islamic discourse: A critical discourse analysis. Intellectual Discourse, 23(2)
  • Güner, S. (2018), Küresel Siyasette Psikolojik Savaş, İstanbul, İşaret Yayınları,
  • Holmes, J. (2001) An introduction to sociolinguistics. Harlow, Eng.: Longman.
  • İnal, A. (1996). Haberi Okumak. İstanbul: Temuçin Yay.
  • Jones, J. & Peccei, J. S. (2004). Language and politics", in Thomas, L. (ed), Language, society, and power. New York: Routledge.
  • Jowett, G.S. and V. O'Donnel (2012) Propaganda and Persuasion, Sage Publications, Fifth Edition, USA.
  • Kocaman, A. (2009). Söylem Üzerine. Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık.
  • Lendman, S. (2019, March 4). Human Rights Abuses in Ukraine. The Stephen Lendman Blog.
  • Luntz, F. (2007). Words That Work. New York: Hyperion.
  • Mills, S. (1997). Discourse, The New Critical Idiom, Routledge, London.
  • Ng, A. (7 Nisan 2022). Why a Russia-Ukraine deal will be difficult to reach. CNBC.
  • Paltridge, B. (2006). Discourse analysis: An introduction. London: Continuum.
  • Pifer, S. (12 Nisan 2017). Why should the United States be interested in Ukraine? Brookings.
  • Potter, J. & Wetherell, M. (2001). Unfolding discourse Analysis. In M. Wetherell, S. Taylor, & S. J. Yates (Eds.), Discourse theory and practice: A reader (s. 198-209). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Pratkanis, A. R., Pratkanis, A., & Aronson, E. (2001). Age of propaganda: The everyday use and abuse of persuasion. Macmillan.
  • Reuters (24 Şubat 2022). Is Ukraine strong enough to defend itself against the Russian invasion? Hindustan Times.
  • Rudenko, O. (2022, April 3). Hundreds of murdered civilians discovered as Russians withdrew from towns near Kyiv (GRAPHIC IMAGES). The Kyiv Independent.
  • Sauer, P. (12 Mayıs 2022). 'They were furious': the Russian soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine. The Guardian.
  • Schmitt, E.; Cooper, H. ve Barnes, J. E. (3 Mart 2022). How Ukraine's Military Has Resisted Russia So Far. The New York Times.
  • Sharma, M. (15 Nisan 2022). Five Ways How Ukraine Has Defended Itself Against Russian Invasion So Far. Outlook.
  • Simpson, P. (1993). Language, ideology and point of view. London: Routledge.
  • Solak, Ö. (2011). Küçük ağa romanının eleştirel söylem analizi. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 26, 1-14.
  • Sözen, E. (1999). Söylem. İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları.
  • St. Pete for Peace (2022). Us Support Of White Supremacists & Nationalists In Ukraine. Statista (10 Mayıs 2022). Number of civilian casualties in Ukraine during Russia's invasion verified by OHCHR as of May 9, 2022,
  • Tarhan, N., (2006). Psikolojik Savaş, İstanbul, Timaş Yayınları.
  • Taylan, H. H. (2011). The comparison of content analysis and discourse analysis, which are used in social sciences. Bingol University Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 63-76.
  • Tehrani, N. J. F.; Yeganeh, A. S., & Bahrami, A. (1999). A dictionary of discourse analysis. Rahnama publications.
  • The White House. (16 Mart 2022). Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance for Ukraine.
  • Tischer, S.; Meyer, M.; Wodak, R.; & Vetter, E. (2000). Methods of text and discourse analysis. London: Sage.
  • Trask, R. L., & Stockwell, P. (2007). Language and linguistics: The key concepts. Routledge.
  • Trudgill, P. (1992) Introducing language and society. London: Penguin Books.
  • Tutar, H., & Erdem, A. T. (2020). Örnekleriyle bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri ve SPSS uygulamaları. Seçkin Yayıncılık,
  • Ülkü, G. (2004). Söylem Çözümlemesinde Yöntem Sorunu ve Van Dijk Yöntemi, Dursun, Ç. (Der.), Haber-Hakikat ve İktidar İlişkisi, Ankara: Elips Yayınları.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2001). Critical Discourse Analysis, The Handbook Of Discourse Analysis. Deborah Schiffrin. (Ed.), United Kingdom: Malden Blackwell Publishers.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2006). Discourse and manipulation. Discourse & Society, 17(3).
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2015). Söylem ve İdeoloji Çok Alanlı Bir Yaklaşım. N. Ateş (Çev.), B. Çoban (Ed.), Söylem ve İdeoloji. İstanbul: Su Yayınları.
  • Wareing, S. (2004). "What is language and what does it do?", in Thomas, L. (ed), language, society, and power. New York: Routledge.
  • Wood, L. A., & Kroger, R. O. (2000). Doing discourse analysis: Methods for studying action in talk and text. Sage.
  • Yalçın, H., (2006). Psikolojik Savaş, İstanbul, Kaynak Yayınları.

Liderlerin Rusya-Ukrayna Savaşına Dair İfadeleri Üzerine Eleştirel Söylem Analizi

Year 2023, Issue: 11, 44 - 66, 21.04.2023


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Rusya ve Ukrayna’nın liderlerinin savaşla ilgili ifadelerini eleştirel söylem analiziyle incelemektir. Araştırmanın verileri, 24 Şubat 2022 tarihinden 10 Ağustos 2022 tarihleri arasında Anadolu Ajansı’ndan elde edilmiştir. İkincil kaynaklardan elde edilen veriler; tematik analiz, durum değerlendirme analizi, cümle yapıları, sözcük seçimleri ve ikna stratejileri çerçevesinde yorumlanmıştır. Araştırma bulguları Putin’in savaşın seyrini kendilerinin belirleyeceği şeklinde “gücü” vurgulayan otoriter bir dili kullanmayı tercihi ettiği gösterirken, Zelensky’nin savaşın kendi topraklarında sürdüğünü, dolayısıyla Ukrayna’nın her durumda “haklı” olduğunu vurgulayan bir söylemi tercih ettiği görülmüştür


  • Anthony R. & Pratkanis, Aronson, E., (2008). Propaganda Çağı, (Çev. Nagihan Haliloğlu), İstanbul, Paradigma Yayınları.
  • Batstone, R. (1995). Grammar in discourse: Attitude and deniability. Principle & practice in applied linguistics, 197-213. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Barlas, M. (2008). İstihbarat İncelemeleri, 21. Yüzyıl Dergisi, Ekim-Kasım sayısı, Aralık, s. 211.
  • Bayram, K. (2006), Milli Mücadeleden Günümüze Silahsız Terör Propaganda, İstanbul, IQ Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
  • Beard, A. (2000). The Language of Politics. London: Routledge.
  • Brown, J.A.C. (2012). Beyin Yıkama, (Çev. Behzat Tanç), İstanbu, Boğaziçi Yayınları, l
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2005). Research methods in education. (5th ed.). London: Routledge Falmer.
  • Çelik, H. & Ekşi, H. (2008). Söylem Analizi. Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. (27), 99-117.
  • Eggins, S. (1994). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics. London: Pinter.
  • Elliott, R. (1996). Discourse analysis: exploring action, function and conflict in social texts. Marketing Intelligence & Planning.
  • Fairclough, N. (1989) Language and Power, London: Longman.
  • Fairclough, N. (1993). Critical discourse analysis and the marketization of public discourse: The universities. Discourse & Society, 4(2), 133-168.
  • Fasold, R. W. & Connor-Linton, J. (2006) An introduction to language and linguistics. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Feyzioğlu, N. (2012). Köroğlu Destanı’nın Batı Kolları Üzerinde Eleştirel Söylem Çözümlemesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Bahar (16), 57-86.
  • Fowler, R. (2013). Language in the News: Discourse and Ideology in the Press. Routledge.
  • Gabsi, Z. (2015). Response to Islamophobia in the Arabic Islamic discourse: A critical discourse analysis. Intellectual Discourse, 23(2)
  • Güner, S. (2018), Küresel Siyasette Psikolojik Savaş, İstanbul, İşaret Yayınları,
  • Holmes, J. (2001) An introduction to sociolinguistics. Harlow, Eng.: Longman.
  • İnal, A. (1996). Haberi Okumak. İstanbul: Temuçin Yay.
  • Jones, J. & Peccei, J. S. (2004). Language and politics", in Thomas, L. (ed), Language, society, and power. New York: Routledge.
  • Jowett, G.S. and V. O'Donnel (2012) Propaganda and Persuasion, Sage Publications, Fifth Edition, USA.
  • Kocaman, A. (2009). Söylem Üzerine. Ankara: ODTÜ Yayıncılık.
  • Lendman, S. (2019, March 4). Human Rights Abuses in Ukraine. The Stephen Lendman Blog.
  • Luntz, F. (2007). Words That Work. New York: Hyperion.
  • Mills, S. (1997). Discourse, The New Critical Idiom, Routledge, London.
  • Ng, A. (7 Nisan 2022). Why a Russia-Ukraine deal will be difficult to reach. CNBC.
  • Paltridge, B. (2006). Discourse analysis: An introduction. London: Continuum.
  • Pifer, S. (12 Nisan 2017). Why should the United States be interested in Ukraine? Brookings.
  • Potter, J. & Wetherell, M. (2001). Unfolding discourse Analysis. In M. Wetherell, S. Taylor, & S. J. Yates (Eds.), Discourse theory and practice: A reader (s. 198-209). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Pratkanis, A. R., Pratkanis, A., & Aronson, E. (2001). Age of propaganda: The everyday use and abuse of persuasion. Macmillan.
  • Reuters (24 Şubat 2022). Is Ukraine strong enough to defend itself against the Russian invasion? Hindustan Times.
  • Rudenko, O. (2022, April 3). Hundreds of murdered civilians discovered as Russians withdrew from towns near Kyiv (GRAPHIC IMAGES). The Kyiv Independent.
  • Sauer, P. (12 Mayıs 2022). 'They were furious': the Russian soldiers refusing to fight in Ukraine. The Guardian.
  • Schmitt, E.; Cooper, H. ve Barnes, J. E. (3 Mart 2022). How Ukraine's Military Has Resisted Russia So Far. The New York Times.
  • Sharma, M. (15 Nisan 2022). Five Ways How Ukraine Has Defended Itself Against Russian Invasion So Far. Outlook.
  • Simpson, P. (1993). Language, ideology and point of view. London: Routledge.
  • Solak, Ö. (2011). Küçük ağa romanının eleştirel söylem analizi. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 26, 1-14.
  • Sözen, E. (1999). Söylem. İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları.
  • St. Pete for Peace (2022). Us Support Of White Supremacists & Nationalists In Ukraine. Statista (10 Mayıs 2022). Number of civilian casualties in Ukraine during Russia's invasion verified by OHCHR as of May 9, 2022,
  • Tarhan, N., (2006). Psikolojik Savaş, İstanbul, Timaş Yayınları.
  • Taylan, H. H. (2011). The comparison of content analysis and discourse analysis, which are used in social sciences. Bingol University Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 63-76.
  • Tehrani, N. J. F.; Yeganeh, A. S., & Bahrami, A. (1999). A dictionary of discourse analysis. Rahnama publications.
  • The White House. (16 Mart 2022). Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance for Ukraine.
  • Tischer, S.; Meyer, M.; Wodak, R.; & Vetter, E. (2000). Methods of text and discourse analysis. London: Sage.
  • Trask, R. L., & Stockwell, P. (2007). Language and linguistics: The key concepts. Routledge.
  • Trudgill, P. (1992) Introducing language and society. London: Penguin Books.
  • Tutar, H., & Erdem, A. T. (2020). Örnekleriyle bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri ve SPSS uygulamaları. Seçkin Yayıncılık,
  • Ülkü, G. (2004). Söylem Çözümlemesinde Yöntem Sorunu ve Van Dijk Yöntemi, Dursun, Ç. (Der.), Haber-Hakikat ve İktidar İlişkisi, Ankara: Elips Yayınları.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2001). Critical Discourse Analysis, The Handbook Of Discourse Analysis. Deborah Schiffrin. (Ed.), United Kingdom: Malden Blackwell Publishers.
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2006). Discourse and manipulation. Discourse & Society, 17(3).
  • Van Dijk, T. A. (2015). Söylem ve İdeoloji Çok Alanlı Bir Yaklaşım. N. Ateş (Çev.), B. Çoban (Ed.), Söylem ve İdeoloji. İstanbul: Su Yayınları.
  • Wareing, S. (2004). "What is language and what does it do?", in Thomas, L. (ed), language, society, and power. New York: Routledge.
  • Wood, L. A., & Kroger, R. O. (2000). Doing discourse analysis: Methods for studying action in talk and text. Sage.
  • Yalçın, H., (2006). Psikolojik Savaş, İstanbul, Kaynak Yayınları.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication and Media Studies
Journal Section Research Articles

Hasan Tutar 0000-0001-8383-1464

Sadullah M. Bağ 0000-0002-0463-0822

Publication Date April 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 11


APA Tutar, H., & Bağ, S. M. (2023). Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War. Etkileşim(11), 44-66.
AMA Tutar H, Bağ SM. Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War. Etkileşim. April 2023;(11):44-66. doi:10.32739/etkilesim.2023.6.11.189
Chicago Tutar, Hasan, and Sadullah M. Bağ. “Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War”. Etkileşim, no. 11 (April 2023): 44-66.
EndNote Tutar H, Bağ SM (April 1, 2023) Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War. Etkileşim 11 44–66.
IEEE H. Tutar and S. M. Bağ, “Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War”, Etkileşim, no. 11, pp. 44–66, April 2023, doi: 10.32739/etkilesim.2023.6.11.189.
ISNAD Tutar, Hasan - Bağ, Sadullah M. “Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War”. Etkileşim 11 (April 2023), 44-66.
JAMA Tutar H, Bağ SM. Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War. Etkileşim. 2023;:44–66.
MLA Tutar, Hasan and Sadullah M. Bağ. “Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War”. Etkileşim, no. 11, 2023, pp. 44-66, doi:10.32739/etkilesim.2023.6.11.189.
Vancouver Tutar H, Bağ SM. Critical Discourse Analysis on Leader Statements in the Russia-Ukraine War. Etkileşim. 2023(11):44-66.
