General Principles

1.Those who want to submit articles for publication in the The Journal of International History Researches should submit their articles by entering the journal registration and article tracking system at

2. Adding any manuscript to the electronic system of The Journal of International History Researches is accepted as an application for publication and the evaluation process of the manuscript begins. The average evaluation period of the articles is 60 days.

3. All processes from the application to the publication of the article are carried out electronically.

4. The printing and publication rights of the articles sent to The Journal of International History Researches for publication are transferred to the journal. These articles cannot be published, reproduced or used in another publication without the permission of the journal management. The Journal of International History Researches may also publish the texts it has published in other media.

5. Any legal, economic and ethical responsibility that may arise from the articles sent to tThe Journal of International History Researches belong to the authors, even if the article is published. The journal does not accept any liability.

6. The publication language of The Journal of International History Researches is Turkish, but also English, German, French, Arabic, Persian, etc. Manuscripts in other languages ​​are also evaluated and published if deemed appropriate by the referees.

7. The articles added to the system of The Journal of International History Researches are not named or any reference that deciphers the identity of the author. The information about the authors of the articles that are approved for publication after passing through the referee process are added by the editors at the publication stage.

8. Each article uploaded to the system of the The Journal of International History Researches is first evaluated by the editors considering their compliance with the writing and publishing principles. As a result of this evaluation, if there are corrections to be made by the author, the manuscript is returned to the author by requesting correction by the editors.

9. Manuscripts found suitable for evaluation in terms of writing and publication principles are directed to the referees. At least two referees are assigned to evaluate each manuscript that has been approved by the editor. The referees determined for the articles included in the evaluation process are selected from among those who have expertise in the field and department represented by the article.

10. The names of the referees and authors are kept confidential from each other.

11. The evaluation period of the manuscript sent to the referees is maximum 30 days. At the end of this process, a new referee is appointed for the manuscript that is not reported.

12. The article that receives two positive referee reports from the field evaluation is entitled to be published. The article that receives a positive and negative referee's report is sent to a third referee and whether the manuscript will be published or not is determined in line with the report of the third referee. Reviewers may want to see the article they want to be corrected once more before it is published. If this request is stated in the report, the corrected version of the text is sent to the referee.

13. Authors may object to the referee's report within a reasonable framework and with convincing data. Objections are reviewed by the journal management and, if deemed appropriate, a different referee (or referees) can be consulted on the subject.

14. The stage of the evaluation process of the manuscripts added to the electronic system of The Journal of International History Researches can be followed by the authors using their own membership information.

15. Journal editors meticulously follow the corrections given by the referees. Accordingly, the editors may decide to publish or not publish an article.

Last Update Time: 12/29/23, 5:05:52 PM