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Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 19 - 28, 23.12.2014


Hadfield steel (X120Mn12) is widely used in the engineering applications due to its excellent wear resistance. In this study, the effects of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness were investigated in relation to the lathe process carried out on Hadfield steel. The experiments were conducted at a cutting speed of 80, 110, 140 m/min, feed rate of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 mm/rev and depth of cut 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 mm, using coated carbide tools. Regarding the evaluation of the machinability of Hadfield steel, a model was formed utilizing the response surface method (RSM). For the determination of the effects of the cutting parameters on the surface roughness, the central composite design (CCD) and variance analysis (ANOVA) were used. By means of the model formed as a result of the experimental study, it was demonstrated that among the cutting parameters, the feed rate is the most effective parameter on the surface roughness, with a contribution ratio of 90.28%. It was determined that the surface roughness increases with increasing feed rate. With respect to the effect on the surface roughness, the feed rate was followed by the cutting speed with a contribution ratio of 3.1% and the cutting depth with a contribution ratio of 1.7%.


  • Baş, D., İsmail, Boyacı, H., (2008). Modeling and Optimization I: Usability of response surface methodology, Journal of Food Engineering, 78, 836–845.
  • Bhattacharyya, B., & Sorkhel, S. K. (1998). Investigation for controlled ellectrochemical machining through response surface methodology-based approach. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 86(1), 200-207.
  • Canadinc, D., Sehitoglu, H., Maier, H.J., Chumlyakov, Y.I., (2005). Strain hardening behavior of aluminum alloyed Hadfield steel single crystals, Acta Materialia, 53, 1831– 1842Maratray, F. (1995) High Carbon Manganese Austenitic Steels. The International Manganese Institute.
  • Chiang, K.T. and Chang, F.P. (2007). Analysis of shrinkage and warpage in an injection- molded part with a thin shell feature using the response surface methodology, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 35, 468–479.
  • Choudhury, I.A. and El-Baradie, M.A. (1997). Surface roughness in the turning of high- strength steel by factorial design of experiments, Journal of Material Processing Technology, 67, 55–61.
  • Collette, G., Crussard, C., Kohn, A., Plateau, J., Pomey, G., Weisz, M., (1957). Contribution à ́létude des transformations des austénites à 12% Mn, Revue de Métallurgie LIV, 6, 433– 481.
  • Davim, J.P. (2003). Design of optimisation of cutting parameters for turning metal matrix composites based on the orthogonal arrays, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 132, 340–344.
  • Deniz, T.Ç., Çoğun, Ç., Özgedik, A., (2005). Elektro Erozyon İle İşlemede İşleme Parametrelerinin Matematiksel Modellenmesi, Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, 7, 11.
  • Dhanasekar, B. and Ramamoorthy, B. (2010). Restoration of blurred images for surface roughness evaluation using machine vision, Tribology International, 4, 3268–276.
  • Gavriljuk, V.G., Tyshchenko, A.I., Razumov, O.N., Petrov, Y., Shanina, B.D., Berns, H., (2005). Corrosion-resistant analogue of Hadfield steel, Materials Science and Engineering, 420, 47–54.
  • Godfrey, C.O. and Kumar, S. (2006). Response surface methodology-based approach to CNC drilling operations, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 171, 41–47.
  • Grum, J. and Slabe, J.M. (2006). The use of factorial design and response surface methodology for fast determination of optimal heat treatment conditions of different Ni–Co– Mo surfaced layers, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 155–156, 2026–2032.
  • Gunaraj, V. and Murugan, N. (1999). Application of response surface methodology for predicting weld bead quality in submerged arc welding of pipes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 88, 266–275.
  • Işık Y., (2007). Investigating the machinability of tool steels in turning operations, Materials and Design, 28, 1417–1424.
  • Ko-Ta, C. (2008). Modeling and analysis of the effects of machining parameters on the performance characteristics in the EDM process of Al2O3+TiC mixed ceramic, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 37, 523–533.
  • Krajnik, P., Kopac, J., Sluga, A., (2005). Design of grinding factors based on response surface methodology, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 162–163;629–636.
  • Mohan, Lal, D., Renganarayanan, S., Kalanidhi, (2001). A Cryogenic treatment to augment wear resistance of tool and die steels, Cryogenics, 41, 149–155.
  • Öktem, H., Erzurumlu, T., Kurtaran, H., (2005). Application of response surface methodology in the optimization of cutting conditions for surface roughness, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 170, 11–16.
  • Savaş, V. and Özay, Ç. (2009). Teğetsel Tornalama-Frezeleme Yöntemi Kullanılarak Ms 58 Pirinç Malzemesinin İşlenmesinde Kesme Parametrelerinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisinin Araştırılması, Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 6, 65-70.
  • Seman, M., Ganesan, G., Karthikeyan, R., Velayudham, A., (2010). Study on tool wear and surface roughness in machining of particulate aluminum metal matrix composite-response surface methodology approach, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 48, 613–624.
  • Shaw, MC. (1984). Metal Cutting Principles. Oxford University Press, Oxford, NY.
  • Vitanov, V.I., Javaid, N., Stephenson, D.J., (2010). Application of response surface methodology for the optimisation of micro friction surfacing process, Surface & Coatings Technology, 204, 3501–3508.
  • Yang, W.H. and Tarng, Y.S. (1998). Design optimization of cutting parameters for turning operations based on the Taguchi method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 84, 122–129.

Hadfield Çeliğinin Tornalanmasında Kesme Parametrelerinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğü Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Yanıt Yüzey Metodu ile Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 2, 19 - 28, 23.12.2014


Hadfield çelii (X120Mn12) sahip olduu mükemmel aınma direncinden dolayı mühendislik uygulamalarında yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalımada Hadfield çeliinin tornalanmasında kesme parametrelerinin yüzey pürüzlülüü üzerindeki etkileri aratırılmıtır. Deneyler 80, 110, 140 m/dak kesme hızı, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 mm/dev ilerleme ve 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 mm kesme derinliinde kaplamalı karbür takımlar kullanılarak gerçekletirilmitir. Halfield çeliinin ilenebilirliinin deerlendirilmesinde yanıt yüzey yöntemi (RSM) kullanılarak bir model oluturulmutur. Kesme parametrelerinin yüzey pürüzlülüü üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesinde merkezi tümleik tasarım (CCD) ve varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıtır. Deneysel çalıma sonrasında oluturulan modelle, yüzey pürüzlülüü üzerinde kesme parametrelerinden ilerlemenin % 90,28 katkı oranı ile en etkili parametre olduu ortaya konulmutur. lerlemenin artmasıyla yüzey pürüzlülüünün arttıı görülmütür. Yüzey pürüzlülüü üzerinde etki bakımından ilerlemeyi % 3,12 katkı oranı ile kesme hızı, % 1,7 katkı oranı ile de kesme derinlii takip etmitir. 


  • Baş, D., İsmail, Boyacı, H., (2008). Modeling and Optimization I: Usability of response surface methodology, Journal of Food Engineering, 78, 836–845.
  • Bhattacharyya, B., & Sorkhel, S. K. (1998). Investigation for controlled ellectrochemical machining through response surface methodology-based approach. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 86(1), 200-207.
  • Canadinc, D., Sehitoglu, H., Maier, H.J., Chumlyakov, Y.I., (2005). Strain hardening behavior of aluminum alloyed Hadfield steel single crystals, Acta Materialia, 53, 1831– 1842Maratray, F. (1995) High Carbon Manganese Austenitic Steels. The International Manganese Institute.
  • Chiang, K.T. and Chang, F.P. (2007). Analysis of shrinkage and warpage in an injection- molded part with a thin shell feature using the response surface methodology, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 35, 468–479.
  • Choudhury, I.A. and El-Baradie, M.A. (1997). Surface roughness in the turning of high- strength steel by factorial design of experiments, Journal of Material Processing Technology, 67, 55–61.
  • Collette, G., Crussard, C., Kohn, A., Plateau, J., Pomey, G., Weisz, M., (1957). Contribution à ́létude des transformations des austénites à 12% Mn, Revue de Métallurgie LIV, 6, 433– 481.
  • Davim, J.P. (2003). Design of optimisation of cutting parameters for turning metal matrix composites based on the orthogonal arrays, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 132, 340–344.
  • Deniz, T.Ç., Çoğun, Ç., Özgedik, A., (2005). Elektro Erozyon İle İşlemede İşleme Parametrelerinin Matematiksel Modellenmesi, Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, 7, 11.
  • Dhanasekar, B. and Ramamoorthy, B. (2010). Restoration of blurred images for surface roughness evaluation using machine vision, Tribology International, 4, 3268–276.
  • Gavriljuk, V.G., Tyshchenko, A.I., Razumov, O.N., Petrov, Y., Shanina, B.D., Berns, H., (2005). Corrosion-resistant analogue of Hadfield steel, Materials Science and Engineering, 420, 47–54.
  • Godfrey, C.O. and Kumar, S. (2006). Response surface methodology-based approach to CNC drilling operations, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 171, 41–47.
  • Grum, J. and Slabe, J.M. (2006). The use of factorial design and response surface methodology for fast determination of optimal heat treatment conditions of different Ni–Co– Mo surfaced layers, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 155–156, 2026–2032.
  • Gunaraj, V. and Murugan, N. (1999). Application of response surface methodology for predicting weld bead quality in submerged arc welding of pipes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 88, 266–275.
  • Işık Y., (2007). Investigating the machinability of tool steels in turning operations, Materials and Design, 28, 1417–1424.
  • Ko-Ta, C. (2008). Modeling and analysis of the effects of machining parameters on the performance characteristics in the EDM process of Al2O3+TiC mixed ceramic, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 37, 523–533.
  • Krajnik, P., Kopac, J., Sluga, A., (2005). Design of grinding factors based on response surface methodology, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 162–163;629–636.
  • Mohan, Lal, D., Renganarayanan, S., Kalanidhi, (2001). A Cryogenic treatment to augment wear resistance of tool and die steels, Cryogenics, 41, 149–155.
  • Öktem, H., Erzurumlu, T., Kurtaran, H., (2005). Application of response surface methodology in the optimization of cutting conditions for surface roughness, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 170, 11–16.
  • Savaş, V. and Özay, Ç. (2009). Teğetsel Tornalama-Frezeleme Yöntemi Kullanılarak Ms 58 Pirinç Malzemesinin İşlenmesinde Kesme Parametrelerinin Yüzey Pürüzlülüğüne Etkisinin Araştırılması, Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 6, 65-70.
  • Seman, M., Ganesan, G., Karthikeyan, R., Velayudham, A., (2010). Study on tool wear and surface roughness in machining of particulate aluminum metal matrix composite-response surface methodology approach, Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 48, 613–624.
  • Shaw, MC. (1984). Metal Cutting Principles. Oxford University Press, Oxford, NY.
  • Vitanov, V.I., Javaid, N., Stephenson, D.J., (2010). Application of response surface methodology for the optimisation of micro friction surfacing process, Surface & Coatings Technology, 204, 3501–3508.
  • Yang, W.H. and Tarng, Y.S. (1998). Design optimization of cutting parameters for turning operations based on the Taguchi method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 84, 122–129.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Ergün Ekı̇cı̇

Gültekin Uzun

Turgay Kıvak

Publication Date December 23, 2014
Submission Date December 23, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 19 Issue: 2


APA Ekı̇cı̇ E., Uzun, G., & Kıvak, T. (2014). Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 19-28. https://doi.org/10.17482/uujfe.38441
AMA Ekı̇cı̇ E, Uzun G, Kıvak T. Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology. UUJFE. December 2014;19(2):19-28. doi:10.17482/uujfe.38441
Chicago Ekı̇cı̇ Ergün, Uzun Gültekin, and Turgay Kıvak. “Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 19, no. 2 (December 2014): 19-28. https://doi.org/10.17482/uujfe.38441.
EndNote Ekı̇cı̇ E, Uzun G, Kıvak T (December 1, 2014) Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 19 2 19–28.
IEEE Ekı̇cı̇ E., G. Uzun, and T. Kıvak, “Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology”, UUJFE, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 19–28, 2014, doi: 10.17482/uujfe.38441.
ISNAD Ekı̇cı̇ Ergün et al. “Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 19/2 (December 2014), 19-28. https://doi.org/10.17482/uujfe.38441.
JAMA Ekı̇cı̇ E, Uzun G, Kıvak T. Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology. UUJFE. 2014;19:19–28.
MLA Ekı̇cı̇ Ergün et al. “Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 2, 2014, pp. 19-28, doi:10.17482/uujfe.38441.
Vancouver Ekı̇cı̇ E, Uzun G, Kıvak T. Evaluation of The Effects of Cutting Parameters On The Surface Roughness During The Turning of Hadfield Steel With Response Surface Methodology. UUJFE. 2014;19(2):19-28.


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