Year 2019,
Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 1 - 12, 31.12.2019
Esra Taştan Özkan
Binnaz Kaplangiray
Ufuk Şekir
In this study five different knitted sport clothes were tested in a wear trial test with ten men
subject. After the activity, subjects were included in a rest period of 20 minutes. In this period,
microclimate temperature and relative humidity values were measured with a datalogger from four body
regions (chest, abdomen, back and waist). The results showed that the lowest waist microclimate
temperature value was seen in TS tencel single jersey fabric like the other three body regions. On the
contrary to chest and back regions, the abdomen microclimate temperature values increase during the
relaxing period. Also the lowest microclimate temperature values were seen in abdomen region. On the
other hand the highest microclimate relative humidity values were seen in abdomen region ( 93-96 %).
- Afzal, A., Hussain, T., Mohsin, M., Rasheed, A. and Ahmad, S.( 2014) Statistical models for predicting the thermal resistance of polyester/cotton blended interlock knitted fabric, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 85, 40-46.
- Atasağun, H.G., Öner, E., Okur, A., Beden, A.R.A. (2015) Comprehensive study on the general performance properties of Viloft-blended knitted fabrics, The Journal of The Textile Institute , 106(5), 523-535.
- Brazaitis, M., Kamandulis, S., Skurvydas, A., Daniusevičiūtė, L.(2010) The effect of two kinds of T-shirts on physiological and psychological thermal responses during exercise and recovery, Applied Ergonomics, 42(1), 46-51.
- Ciesielska, I..L., Masajtis, J. (2008) The preliminary studies of influence of garments on human beings corona discharge, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 20(5), 299-316. doi: 10.1108/09556220810898917
- Cubric, I.S., Skenderi, Z., Mihelic´-Bogdanic, A., Andrassy, M. (2012) Experimental study of thermal resistance of knitted fabrics, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 38, 223-228.
- Ha, M., Tokura, H., Yanai, Y., Moriyama, T., Tsuchiya, N. (1999) Combined effects of fabric air permeability and moisture absorption on clothing microclimate and subjective
sensation during intermittent exercise at 27 degrees C, Ergonomics, 42(7), 964-79.
- Kaplan S, Okur A. (2012) Thermal comfort performance of sports garments with objective and subjective measurements, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 37(1), 46-54.
- Onofrei, E., Rocha, AM., Catarino, A. (2011) The Influence of Knitted Fabrics Structure on the Thermal and Moisture Management Properties, Journal of Engineered Fibres and
Fabrics, 6 (4), 10-22.
- Özkan, T.E., Meriç, B. (2015) Thermophysiological comfort properties of different knitted fabrics used in cycling clothes, Textile Research Journal , 85(1), 62-70.
- Pac, M. J., Bueno, M. A. and Renner, M. 2001. Warm-cool feeling relative to tribological properties of fabrics, Textile Research Journal, 71(9), 806-812.
- Purvis, A., Tunstall, H. (2004) Effects of sock type on foot skin temperature and thermal demand during exercise, Ergonomics, 47(15), 1657-1668.
- Saville, B. P. (1999) Physical testing of textiles, Woodhead Publishing Ltd.
- Sullivan, P.J., Mekjavik, L.B. (1992) Temperature and humidity within the clothing microenvironment. Aviat Space Environ Med, 63, 186-192.
- Uçar, N. and Yilmaz, T. 2004. Thermal Properties of 1×1, 2×2 and 3×3 rib knit fabrics. Fibers and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 12(3), 34-38.
- Wong, A.S.W., Li, Y. (2004) Relationship between thermophysiological responses and psychological thermal perception during exercise wearing aerobic wear, Journal of Thermal Biology, 29 (7-8), 791-796.
- Yanılmaz, M., Kalaoğlu, F.(2012) Investigation of wicking, wetting and drying properties of acrylic knitted fabrics, Textile Research Journal, 82(8), 820–831.
Bir Aktivite Periyodu Sonrası Farklı Giysilerin Termofizyolojik Konfor Özellikleri
Year 2019,
Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 1 - 12, 31.12.2019
Esra Taştan Özkan
Binnaz Kaplangiray
Ufuk Şekir
Bu çalışmada beş farklı spor giysi belirli bir antreman programında 10 erkek deneğe giydirilmiş ve
aktivite sonrasındaki 20 dakikalık dinlenme periyodunda 4 farklı vücut bölümünün (göğüs, karın, sırt ve
bel) mikroklima sıcaklık ve bağıl nem değerlerinin ortalamaları verilmiştir. Ayrıca dinlenme periyodu
boyunca nabız ve maksimum oksijen tüketimi değerleri nabız ölçer polar saat ve kardiyo solunum
fonksiyonları ölçüm cihazı kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak en düşük mikroklima sıcaklık değeri
diğer üç bölgede olduğu gibi bel bölgesinde de TS kodlu tencel süprem kumaş numunesinde görülmüştür.
Göğüs ve sırt bölgelerinden farklı olarak karın mikroklima sıcaklık değerlerinin dinlenme periyodu
boyunca arttığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca en düşük mikroklima sıcaklık değerleri karın bölgesinde
görülmüştür. Diğer yandan en yüksek mikroklima bağıl nem değerleri karın bölgesinde görülmüştür
- Afzal, A., Hussain, T., Mohsin, M., Rasheed, A. and Ahmad, S.( 2014) Statistical models for predicting the thermal resistance of polyester/cotton blended interlock knitted fabric, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 85, 40-46.
- Atasağun, H.G., Öner, E., Okur, A., Beden, A.R.A. (2015) Comprehensive study on the general performance properties of Viloft-blended knitted fabrics, The Journal of The Textile Institute , 106(5), 523-535.
- Brazaitis, M., Kamandulis, S., Skurvydas, A., Daniusevičiūtė, L.(2010) The effect of two kinds of T-shirts on physiological and psychological thermal responses during exercise and recovery, Applied Ergonomics, 42(1), 46-51.
- Ciesielska, I..L., Masajtis, J. (2008) The preliminary studies of influence of garments on human beings corona discharge, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 20(5), 299-316. doi: 10.1108/09556220810898917
- Cubric, I.S., Skenderi, Z., Mihelic´-Bogdanic, A., Andrassy, M. (2012) Experimental study of thermal resistance of knitted fabrics, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 38, 223-228.
- Ha, M., Tokura, H., Yanai, Y., Moriyama, T., Tsuchiya, N. (1999) Combined effects of fabric air permeability and moisture absorption on clothing microclimate and subjective
sensation during intermittent exercise at 27 degrees C, Ergonomics, 42(7), 964-79.
- Kaplan S, Okur A. (2012) Thermal comfort performance of sports garments with objective and subjective measurements, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 37(1), 46-54.
- Onofrei, E., Rocha, AM., Catarino, A. (2011) The Influence of Knitted Fabrics Structure on the Thermal and Moisture Management Properties, Journal of Engineered Fibres and
Fabrics, 6 (4), 10-22.
- Özkan, T.E., Meriç, B. (2015) Thermophysiological comfort properties of different knitted fabrics used in cycling clothes, Textile Research Journal , 85(1), 62-70.
- Pac, M. J., Bueno, M. A. and Renner, M. 2001. Warm-cool feeling relative to tribological properties of fabrics, Textile Research Journal, 71(9), 806-812.
- Purvis, A., Tunstall, H. (2004) Effects of sock type on foot skin temperature and thermal demand during exercise, Ergonomics, 47(15), 1657-1668.
- Saville, B. P. (1999) Physical testing of textiles, Woodhead Publishing Ltd.
- Sullivan, P.J., Mekjavik, L.B. (1992) Temperature and humidity within the clothing microenvironment. Aviat Space Environ Med, 63, 186-192.
- Uçar, N. and Yilmaz, T. 2004. Thermal Properties of 1×1, 2×2 and 3×3 rib knit fabrics. Fibers and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 12(3), 34-38.
- Wong, A.S.W., Li, Y. (2004) Relationship between thermophysiological responses and psychological thermal perception during exercise wearing aerobic wear, Journal of Thermal Biology, 29 (7-8), 791-796.
- Yanılmaz, M., Kalaoğlu, F.(2012) Investigation of wicking, wetting and drying properties of acrylic knitted fabrics, Textile Research Journal, 82(8), 820–831.