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Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 949 - 968, 24.12.2024


Hibrit üretim teknolojileri, otomasyon, veri analitiği ve yapay zekâ kullanımıyla endüstriyel operasyonları daha verimli, esnek ve rekabetçi hale getirmiştir. Üretimdeki kesintilerin azaltılması, ürün kalitesinin artırılması ve üretim süreçlerinin daha etkili bir şekilde optimize edilmesine olanak sağlar. Yapay zekâ ve veri analitiğinin hibrit imalata entegre kullanımı, büyük veri analizi, nesnelerin interneti ve robotik sistemlerle birlikte endüstri 4.0 dönüşümünü hızlandırır ve gelecekteki potansiyeli büyük ölçüde şekillendirir. Hibrit imalat teknolojilerinin ve yapay zekânın endüstriyel uygulamalardaki rolünün yanı sıra bu teknolojilerin gelecekteki potansiyeli de yüksektir. Hibrit imalat teknolojilerinin geleceği, bu iki alanın daha fazla entegrasyonu ve yenilikçi uygulamaları ile şekillenecektir. İmalattaki bu dönüşümün detaylarını incelemek ve endüstriyel uygulamalardaki yapay zekâ etkisini anlamak için bir başlangıç noktası olacaktır.


  • AB Proje Yönetimi, (2023). Proje Yönetim Okulu. Erişim Adresi:, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2023).
  • Acar, O. (2020). Yapay zekâ fırsat mı yoksa tehdit mi? Kriter Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • AI & Machine Learning, Google Cloud Blog, (2021). Erişim Adresi:, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2024).
  • Amanov, F., & Pradeep, A. (2023, June). The Significance of Artificial Intelligence in the Second Scientific Revolution-A Review. In 2023 15th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 01-05). IEEE. 10.1109/ECAI58194.2023.10194056
  • Avalle, G., De Pace, F., Fornaro, C., Manuri, F., Sanna, A. (2019). An augmented reality system to support fault visualization in industrial robotic tasks. Ieee Access, 7, 132343-132359.
  • Bartsch, K., Pettke, A., Hübert, A., Lakämper, J., Lange, F. (2021). On the digital twin application and the role of artificial intelligence in additive manufacturing: a systematic review. Journal of Physics: Materials, 4(3), 032005.
  • Bhat, N. N., Kumari, K., Dutta, S., Pal, S. K., Pal, S. (2015). Friction stir weld classification by applying wavelet analysis and support vector machine on weld surface images. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 20, 274-281.
  • Bilik, M., Aydın, Ü. (2018). Finansal hizmetlerde dijital dönüşüm ve etkileri. In Book Of Proceedıngs 3rd Internatıonal Congress On Economıcs, Fınance And Energy ISBN: 978-601-7805-32-6, 22.
  • Bragança, S., Costa, E., Castellucci, I., Arezes, P. M. (2019). A brief overview of the use of collaborative robots in industry 4.0: Human role and safety. Occupational And Environmental Safety And Health, 641-650.
  • BrainyQuote, (2021). Warren Bennis Quotes. Erişim Adresi:; (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2024).
  • Chen, C., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Yang, D., Yao, F., Zhang, W., ... Hu, D. (2020). Additive manufacturing of piezoelectric materials. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(52), 2005141.
  • Cañas, H., Mula, J., Campuzano-Bolarín, F., & Poler, R. (2022). A conceptual framework for smart production planning and control in Industry 4.0. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 173, 108659.
  • Cioffi, R., Travaglioni, M., Piscitelli, G., Petrillo, A., De Felice, F. (2020). Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in smart production: Progress, trends, and directions. Sustainability, 12(2), 492.
  • Çakır, N.N. (2019). Endüstri 4.0 ve Çalışmanın Geleceği, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 8(2),97-105
  • Devagiri JS, Paheding S, Niyaz Q et al (2022) Augmented reality and artifcial intelligence in industry: trends, tools, and future challenges. Expert Systems with Applications, 207, 118002. 2022.118002
  • Dumitrache I, Caramihai SI, Moisescu MA, Sacala IS (2019) Neuro-inspired Framework for cognitive manufacturing control. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 910–915.
  • Egwim, C. N., Alaka, H., Egunjobi, O. O., Gomes, A., & Mporas, I. (2024). Comparison of machine learning algorithms for evaluating building energy efficiency using big data analytics. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 22(4), 1325-1350.
  • Gao, X., You, D., Katayama, S. (2012). Infrared image recognition for seam tracking monitoring during fiber laser welding. Mechatronics, 22(4), 370-380.
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  • Grzesik, W. (2018). Hybrid additive and subtractive manufacturing processes and systems: A review. Journal of Machine Engineering, 18(4), 5-24.
  • Grzesik, W. and Ruszaj, A. (2021) Hybrid Manufacturing Processes, Springer, 150- 166.
  • Güler, S., Serindağ, H. T., Gürel, Ç. A. M. (2022). Tel ark eklemeli imalat: son gelişmeler ve değerlendirmeler. Mühendis ve Makina, 63(706), 82-116.
  • Gürsoy Ulusoy, Ş. (2024). Artificial Intelligence & Chatgpt For Communication Science. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi/The Journal of Social Sciences. Doi:
  • Haiming Shen (2016) A study of welding robot path planning application based on Genetic Ant Colony Hybrid Algorithm. In: 2016 IEEE Advanced information management, communicates, electronic and automation control conference (IMCEC). IEEE, 1743–1746.
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  • Hosseini E, Ghanbari PG, Keller F et al (2021) Deploying artifcial intelligence for component-scale multiphysical feld simulation of metal additive manufacturing. In: Meboldt M, Klahn C (eds) Industrializing additive manufacturing. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 268–276.
  • Iarovyi S, Lastra JLM, Haber R, Del Toro R (2015) From artifcial cognitive systems and open architectures to cognitive manufacturing systems. Proceeding: 2015 IEEE Int Conf Ind Informatics, INDIN 2015, 1225–1232.
  • Jandric, Z., Labudovic, M., and Kovacevic, R., 2004. Effect of heat sink on microstructure of three-dimensional parts built by welding-based deposition. International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacture, 44 (7–8), 785–796.
  • Jagatheesaperumal, S. K., Rahouti, M., Ahmad, K., Al-Fuqaha, A., Guizani, M. (2021). The duo of artificial intelligence and big data for industry 4.0: Applications, techniques, challenges, and future research directions. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(15), 12861-12885.
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  • Kaya, M. (2021). Sanayi 4.0’da yapay zekâ ve Türkiye. Fırat Üniversitesi Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 5(2), 63-94.
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  • Mypati, O., Mukherjee, A., Mishra, D., Pal, S. K., Chakrabarti, P. P., Pal, A. (2023). A critical review on applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing. Artificial Intelligence Review, 56(Suppl 1), 661-768.
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Investigating the Role of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in Hybrid Manufacturing

Year 2024, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 949 - 968, 24.12.2024


Hybrid production technologies have made industrial operations more efficient, flexible and competitive with the use of automation, data analytics and artificial intelligence. It allows reducing production interruptions, improving product quality and optimizing production processes more effectively. The integrated use of artificial intelligence and data analytics in hybrid manufacturing, together with big data analysis, the Internet of things and robotic systems accelerates the transformation of industry 4.0 and greatly shapes the future potential. In addition to the role of hybrid manufacturing technologies and artificial intelligence in industrial applications, the future potential of these technologies is high. The future of hybrid manufacturing technologies will be shaped by the further integration of these two areas and their innovative applications. It will be a starting point to examine the details of this transformation in manufacturing and to understand the impact of artificial intelligence in industrial applications.


  • AB Proje Yönetimi, (2023). Proje Yönetim Okulu. Erişim Adresi:, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.11.2023).
  • Acar, O. (2020). Yapay zekâ fırsat mı yoksa tehdit mi? Kriter Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • AI & Machine Learning, Google Cloud Blog, (2021). Erişim Adresi:, (Erişim Tarihi: 18.08.2024).
  • Amanov, F., & Pradeep, A. (2023, June). The Significance of Artificial Intelligence in the Second Scientific Revolution-A Review. In 2023 15th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 01-05). IEEE. 10.1109/ECAI58194.2023.10194056
  • Avalle, G., De Pace, F., Fornaro, C., Manuri, F., Sanna, A. (2019). An augmented reality system to support fault visualization in industrial robotic tasks. Ieee Access, 7, 132343-132359.
  • Bartsch, K., Pettke, A., Hübert, A., Lakämper, J., Lange, F. (2021). On the digital twin application and the role of artificial intelligence in additive manufacturing: a systematic review. Journal of Physics: Materials, 4(3), 032005.
  • Bhat, N. N., Kumari, K., Dutta, S., Pal, S. K., Pal, S. (2015). Friction stir weld classification by applying wavelet analysis and support vector machine on weld surface images. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 20, 274-281.
  • Bilik, M., Aydın, Ü. (2018). Finansal hizmetlerde dijital dönüşüm ve etkileri. In Book Of Proceedıngs 3rd Internatıonal Congress On Economıcs, Fınance And Energy ISBN: 978-601-7805-32-6, 22.
  • Bragança, S., Costa, E., Castellucci, I., Arezes, P. M. (2019). A brief overview of the use of collaborative robots in industry 4.0: Human role and safety. Occupational And Environmental Safety And Health, 641-650.
  • BrainyQuote, (2021). Warren Bennis Quotes. Erişim Adresi:; (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2024).
  • Chen, C., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Yang, D., Yao, F., Zhang, W., ... Hu, D. (2020). Additive manufacturing of piezoelectric materials. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(52), 2005141.
  • Cañas, H., Mula, J., Campuzano-Bolarín, F., & Poler, R. (2022). A conceptual framework for smart production planning and control in Industry 4.0. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 173, 108659.
  • Cioffi, R., Travaglioni, M., Piscitelli, G., Petrillo, A., De Felice, F. (2020). Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in smart production: Progress, trends, and directions. Sustainability, 12(2), 492.
  • Çakır, N.N. (2019). Endüstri 4.0 ve Çalışmanın Geleceği, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, 8(2),97-105
  • Devagiri JS, Paheding S, Niyaz Q et al (2022) Augmented reality and artifcial intelligence in industry: trends, tools, and future challenges. Expert Systems with Applications, 207, 118002. 2022.118002
  • Dumitrache I, Caramihai SI, Moisescu MA, Sacala IS (2019) Neuro-inspired Framework for cognitive manufacturing control. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 910–915.
  • Egwim, C. N., Alaka, H., Egunjobi, O. O., Gomes, A., & Mporas, I. (2024). Comparison of machine learning algorithms for evaluating building energy efficiency using big data analytics. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 22(4), 1325-1350.
  • Gao, X., You, D., Katayama, S. (2012). Infrared image recognition for seam tracking monitoring during fiber laser welding. Mechatronics, 22(4), 370-380.
  • G. Immerman,(2022). Production and Process Optimization in Manufacturing, MachineMetrics, 2022. Erişim Adresi: https://www.machine, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.04.2022).
  • Grzesik, W. (2018). Hybrid additive and subtractive manufacturing processes and systems: A review. Journal of Machine Engineering, 18(4), 5-24.
  • Grzesik, W. and Ruszaj, A. (2021) Hybrid Manufacturing Processes, Springer, 150- 166.
  • Güler, S., Serindağ, H. T., Gürel, Ç. A. M. (2022). Tel ark eklemeli imalat: son gelişmeler ve değerlendirmeler. Mühendis ve Makina, 63(706), 82-116.
  • Gürsoy Ulusoy, Ş. (2024). Artificial Intelligence & Chatgpt For Communication Science. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi/The Journal of Social Sciences. Doi:
  • Haiming Shen (2016) A study of welding robot path planning application based on Genetic Ant Colony Hybrid Algorithm. In: 2016 IEEE Advanced information management, communicates, electronic and automation control conference (IMCEC). IEEE, 1743–1746.
  • Heiden B, Alieksieiev V, Volk M, Tonino-Heiden B (2021) Framing artifcial intelligence (AI) additive manufacturing (AM). Procedia Comput Sci, 186:387–394.
  • Hosseini E, Ghanbari PG, Keller F et al (2021) Deploying artifcial intelligence for component-scale multiphysical feld simulation of metal additive manufacturing. In: Meboldt M, Klahn C (eds) Industrializing additive manufacturing. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 268–276.
  • Iarovyi S, Lastra JLM, Haber R, Del Toro R (2015) From artifcial cognitive systems and open architectures to cognitive manufacturing systems. Proceeding: 2015 IEEE Int Conf Ind Informatics, INDIN 2015, 1225–1232.
  • Jandric, Z., Labudovic, M., and Kovacevic, R., 2004. Effect of heat sink on microstructure of three-dimensional parts built by welding-based deposition. International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacture, 44 (7–8), 785–796.
  • Jagatheesaperumal, S. K., Rahouti, M., Ahmad, K., Al-Fuqaha, A., Guizani, M. (2021). The duo of artificial intelligence and big data for industry 4.0: Applications, techniques, challenges, and future research directions. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(15), 12861-12885.
  • Kamath C, Fan YJ (2018) Regression with small data sets: a case study using code surrogates in additive manufacturing. Knowledge and Information Systems, 57:475–493.
  • Kayıran, H. F. (2022). The function of artificial intelligence and its sub-branches in the field of health. Engineering Applications, 1 (2), 99-107
  • Kaya, M. (2021). Sanayi 4.0’da yapay zekâ ve Türkiye. Fırat Üniversitesi Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 5(2), 63-94.
  • Kim, S. W., Kong, J. H., Lee, S. W., & Lee, S. (2022). Recent advances of artificial intelligence in manufacturing industrial sectors: A review. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 1-19. s12541-021-00600-3
  • Ko, H., Witherell, P., Lu, Y., Kim, S., & Rosen, D. W. (2021). Machine learning and knowledge graph based design rule construction for additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 37, 101620. 101620
  • Liu, H., Fang, T., Zhou, T., & Wang, L. (2018). Towards robust human-robot collaborative manufacturing: Multimodal fusion. IEEE Access, 6, 74762-74771.
  • Martins, H., & Puga, H. (2023). Ultrasonic assisted machining overview: Accessing feasibility and overcoming challenges for milling applications. Metals, 13(5), 908.
  • Matheson, E., Minto, R., Zampieri, E. G., Faccio, M., & Rosati, G. (2019). Human–robot collaboration in manufacturing applications: A review. Robotics, 8(4), 100.
  • McAndrew, A. R., Rosales, M. A., Colegrove, P. A., Hönnige, J. R., Ho, A., Fayolle, R., ... & Pinter, Z. (2018). Interpass rolling of Ti-6Al-4V wire+ arc additively manufactured features for microstructural refinement. Additive Manufacturing, 21, 340-349.
  • Mikalef, P., Pappas, I. O., Krogstie, J., Giannakos, M. (2018). Big data analytics capabilities: a systematic literature review and research agenda. Information systems and e-business management, 16, 547-578.
  • Milazzo M, Libonati F (2022) The synergistic role of additive manufacturing and artifcial intelligence for the design of new advanced intelligent systems. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(6),2100278. aisy.202100278
  • Mypati, O., Mukherjee, A., Mishra, D., Pal, S. K., Chakrabarti, P. P., Pal, A. (2023). A critical review on applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing. Artificial Intelligence Review, 56(Suppl 1), 661-768.
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There are 82 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mechanical Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Survey Articles

Büşra Çerçer 0009-0004-2159-831X

Şeref Öcalır 0000-0003-0123-2295

Early Pub Date December 18, 2024
Publication Date December 24, 2024
Submission Date May 21, 2024
Acceptance Date September 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 29 Issue: 3


APA Çerçer, B., & Öcalır, Ş. (2024). HİBRİT İMALATTA YAPAY ZEKÂ VE VERİ ANALİTİĞİNİN ROLÜNÜN ARAŞTIRILMASI. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(3), 949-968.
AMA Çerçer B, Öcalır Ş. HİBRİT İMALATTA YAPAY ZEKÂ VE VERİ ANALİTİĞİNİN ROLÜNÜN ARAŞTIRILMASI. UUJFE. December 2024;29(3):949-968. doi:10.17482/uumfd.1486513
Chicago Çerçer, Büşra, and Şeref Öcalır. “HİBRİT İMALATTA YAPAY ZEKÂ VE VERİ ANALİTİĞİNİN ROLÜNÜN ARAŞTIRILMASI”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 29, no. 3 (December 2024): 949-68.
EndNote Çerçer B, Öcalır Ş (December 1, 2024) HİBRİT İMALATTA YAPAY ZEKÂ VE VERİ ANALİTİĞİNİN ROLÜNÜN ARAŞTIRILMASI. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 29 3 949–968.
IEEE B. Çerçer and Ş. Öcalır, “HİBRİT İMALATTA YAPAY ZEKÂ VE VERİ ANALİTİĞİNİN ROLÜNÜN ARAŞTIRILMASI”, UUJFE, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 949–968, 2024, doi: 10.17482/uumfd.1486513.
ISNAD Çerçer, Büşra - Öcalır, Şeref. “HİBRİT İMALATTA YAPAY ZEKÂ VE VERİ ANALİTİĞİNİN ROLÜNÜN ARAŞTIRILMASI”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi 29/3 (December 2024), 949-968.
MLA Çerçer, Büşra and Şeref Öcalır. “HİBRİT İMALATTA YAPAY ZEKÂ VE VERİ ANALİTİĞİNİN ROLÜNÜN ARAŞTIRILMASI”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 29, no. 3, 2024, pp. 949-68, doi:10.17482/uumfd.1486513.


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