Plagiarism & Fabrication

The submitted articles are analyzed using automated cloud-based plagiarism software. The software currently used by the journal for this purpose is iThenticate (©). The test is commenced upon the first arrival of the submission. In order to avoid false positives usually emerging from the terminology and citations, bibliography and single word matches, as well as matches with similarity ratio 2% or lower are filtered out from plagiarism evaluations.

  • If a manuscript poses 10% or less similarity, it’s deemed to pass the plagiarism test.
  • However, in case of manuscripts with similarity ratio higher than 10%, similarity report about the manuscript is discussed in Editorial Meetings. In general, the outcome of such meetings are to fail/reject. However in rare cases, veracity of the matched content may not be obvious. In those cases the progress of the article is suspended, and notification about the status of the manuscript, including the similarity report is sent to the authors for clarification and/or correction. The authors are expected to analyze the report with great caution, then must return with an explanation and (if necessary) revise the paper accordingly.

Last Update Time: 5/6/17, 4:49:28 PM


30.03.2021-Beginning with our April 2021 (26/1) issue, in accordance with the new criteria of TR-Dizin, the Declaration of Conflict of Interest and the Declaration of Author Contribution forms fulfilled and signed by all authors are required as well as the Copyright form during the initial submission of the manuscript. Furthermore two new sections, i.e. ‘Conflict of Interest’ and ‘Author Contribution’, should be added to the manuscript. Links of those forms that should be submitted with the initial manuscript can be found in our 'Author Guidelines' and 'Submission Procedure' pages. The manuscript template is also updated. For articles reviewed and accepted for publication in our 2021 and ongoing issues and for articles currently under review process, those forms should also be fulfilled, signed and uploaded to the system by authors.