Research Article
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Investigation of Oral Pathologies: A 3 Year Retrospective Study

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 22 - 27, 01.06.2021


The aim of our study is to
examine the distribution of lesions by
evaluating the data obtained from the patients
who referred to Harran University Faculty of
Dentistry Periodontology Department and
who were diagnosed histopathologically after
treatment. This retrospective study was carried
out by retrospective evaluation of the data
obtained from 30 patients who were diagnosed
histopathologically in Harran University
Faculty of Dentistry Periodontology
department between 2017-2020. The age and
gender of the patients included in the study
and also the area where the biopsy was taken
and the clinical features of the tissues were
analyzed. As a result of our study, 22 of 30
cases were female and 8 were male and the
female:male ratio was found to be 1:0.36. The
average age of the patients included in the
study was 33.6 and the age range is between 15-62. As a result of our study, it was seen that
the most common lesion was inflammatory
fibrous hyperplasia (n: 9, 30%) followed by
pyogenic granuloma with 6 cases (20%),
irritation fibroma with 6 cases (20%),
peripheral giant cell ganuloma with 4 cases
(13.3%), inflammatory papillary hyperplasia
with 2 cases (% 6,6), 2 (6.6%) cases diagnosed
as squamous cell carcinoma, and 1 (3.3%) case
diagnosed as epulis fissuratium. In the light of
the data obtained, it was concluded that the
most common lesion was inflammatory
fibrous hyperplasia and there is a women
predominance in reactive lesions.


  • 1. Regezi JA. Odontogenic cysts, odontogenic tumors, fibroosseous, and giant cell lesions of the jaws. Mod Pathol 2002;15(3): 331-341.
  • 2. Brown A, Ravichandran K, Warnakulasuriya S. The unequal burden related to the risk of oral cancer in the different regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Community Dent Health. 2006; 23(2): 101- 106.
  • 3. Jones AV, Franklin CD. An Analysis Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology Found İn Adults Over A 30- Year Period. J Oral Pathol Med 2006; 35(7): 392–401.
  • 4. Parkins GE, Armah GA, Tettey Y. Orofacial Tumours And Tumour-Like Lesions İn Ghana: A 6- Year Prospective Study. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 47(7): 550–4.
  • 5. Lingen MW, Kalmar JR, Karrison T, Speight PM. Critical evaluation of diagnostic aids for the detection of oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 2008; 44(1): 10-22.
  • 6. Whitaker SB, Waldron CA. Central giant cell lesions of the jaws. A clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol.1993; 75(2): 199-208.
  • 7. Tandon P, Pathak VP, Zaheer A, Chatterjee A, Walford N. Cancer in the Gizan province of Saudi Arabia: An elev- en year study. Ann Saudi Med. 1995; 15(1): 14-20.
  • 8. Regezi JA, Sciubba JJ. Oral pathology, clinical pathologic correlation: 3rd ed. Philadelphia. WB Saunders Company. 1999; 69.
  • 9. Sekerci AE, Nazlim S, Etoz M Denız K, Yasa Y. Odontogenic tumors: A collaborative study of 218 cases diagnosed over 12 years and comprehensive review of the literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2015; 20(1): e34-44.
  • 10. Monteiro LS, Albuquerque R, Paiva A, de la Peña-Moral J, Amaral JB et al. A comparative analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology over a 16-year period, in the north of Portugal. Int Dent J. 2017; 67(1): 38-45.
  • 11. Effiom OA, Adeyemo WL, Soyele OO. Focal Reactive Lesions Of The Gingiva: An Analysis Of 314 Cases At A Tertiary Health Institution in Nigeria. Niger Med J. 2011; 52(1): 35–40.
  • 12. Kashyap B, Reddy P.S, Nalini P. Reactive Lesions Of Oral Cavity: A Survey Of 100 Cases In Eluru, West Godavari District. Contemp Clin Dent. 2012; 3(3): 294–7.
  • 13. Ala Aghbali A, Vosough Hosseini S, Harasi B, Janani M, Mahmoudi SM. Reactive Hyperplasia Of The Oral Cavity: A Survey Of 197 Cases In Tabriz, Northwest Iran. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect. 2010; 4(3): 87-9
  • 14. Johnson NR, Savage NW, Kazoullis S, Batstone MD. A prospective epidemiological study for odontogenic and non-odontogenic lesions of the maxilla and mandible in Queensland. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2013; 115(4): 515-522.
  • 15. Meningaud JP, Oprean N, Pitak-Arnnop P, Bertrand JC. Odontogenic cysts: A clinical study of 695 cases. J Oral Sci. 2006; 48(2): 59- 62.
  • 16. Sharifian MJ, Khalili M. Odontogenic cysts: A retro- spective study of 1227 cases in an Iranian population from 1987 to 2007. J Oral Sci. 2011; 53(3): 361-367.
  • 17. Peker E, Öğütlü F, Karaca İR, Gültekin ES, Çakır M. A 5 year retrospective study of biopsied jaw lesions with the assessment of concordance between clinical and histopathological diagnoses. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2016; 20(1): 78-85.
  • 18. Kalyanyama BM, Matee MI, Vuhahula E. Oral tumours in Tanzanian children based on biopsy materials examined over a 15-year period from 1982 to 1997. Int Dent J. 2002; 52(1): 10-14.
  • 19. Naderi NJ, Eshghyar N, Esfehanian H. Reactive Lesions Of The Oral Cavity: A Retrospective Study On 2068 Cases. Dent Res J. 2012; 9(3): 251–5.
  • 20. Toida M; Murakami T; Kato K; Kusunoki Y; Yasuda S Et Al.Irritation Fibroma Of The Oral Mucosa: A Clinicopathological Study Of 129 Lesions In 124 cases. Oral Med Pathol 2001; 6(2): 91-94
  • 21. Özeç İ, Kılıç E. Nadir Lokalizasyonda Görülen Epulis Fissuratum: Vaka Raporu. Cumhuriyet Üniv. Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2004; 7(1): 34-6.
  • 22. Zarei MR, Chamani G, Amanpoor S. Reactive Hyperplasia Of The Oral Cavity İn Kerman Province, Iran: A Review Of 172 Cases. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007; 45(4): 288–92.
  • 23. Dundar N, Ilhan Kal B. Oral mucosal conditions and risk factors among elderly in a Turkish school of dentistry. Gerontology. 2007;53(3):165-72.

İntraoral Patolojilerin İncelenmesi: 3 Yıllık Retrospektif Çalışma

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 22 - 27, 01.06.2021


Çalışmamızın amacı Harran
Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi
Periodontoloji Anabilim Dalına başvuran ve
tedavi edildikten sonra histopatolojik olarak
tanı konulmuş hastalardan elde edilen verileri
değerlendirerek lezyonların dağılımını
incelemektir. Bu retrospektif çalışma Harran
Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi
Periodontoloji Anabilim Dalına 2017-2020
yılları arasında başvuran intraoral bölgede
yerleşim göstermiş yumuşak dokuda lezyonu
olan hastalardan alınan biyopsi sonucunda
histopatolojik tanı konulmuş 22 kadın 8 erkek
toplam 30 hastadan elde edilen verilerin
retrospektif değerlendirilmesi yöntemi ile
yapıldı. Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastaların yaşı,
cinsiyeti, biyopsi alınan bölge, alınan
dokuların klinik özellikleri analiz edildi.
Çalışmamız sonucunda 30 olgunun 22’si kadın
8’ i erkek olup kadın: erkek oranı 1:0,36 olarak
bulundu. Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastaların yaş
ortalamasının 33,6 ve yaş aralığının 15-62
arasında olduğu görüldü. Çalışmamız
sonucunda en sık rastlanan lezyonun
inflamatuar fibroz hiperplazi olduğu görüldü
(n:9 %30). Pyojenik granülom tanısı almış vaka
sayısının 6 (%20), irritasyon fibromu tanısı
almış vaka sayısının 6 (%20), periferal dev
hücreli ganülom tanısı almış vaka sayısının 4
(%13,3), inflamatuar papiller hiperplazi tanısı
almış vaka sayısının 2 (%6,6), skuamöz hücreli
karsinom tanısı almış vaka sayısının 2 (%6,6)
ve epulis fissüratum tanısı almış vaka sayısının
ise 1 (%3,3) olduğu görüldü. Elde edilen veriler
ışığında en fazla görülen lezyonun inflamatuar
fibröz hiperplazi olduğu ve reaktif lezyonların
kadınlarda erkeklerden daha fazla görüldüğü
sonucuna varıldı.


  • 1. Regezi JA. Odontogenic cysts, odontogenic tumors, fibroosseous, and giant cell lesions of the jaws. Mod Pathol 2002;15(3): 331-341.
  • 2. Brown A, Ravichandran K, Warnakulasuriya S. The unequal burden related to the risk of oral cancer in the different regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Community Dent Health. 2006; 23(2): 101- 106.
  • 3. Jones AV, Franklin CD. An Analysis Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology Found İn Adults Over A 30- Year Period. J Oral Pathol Med 2006; 35(7): 392–401.
  • 4. Parkins GE, Armah GA, Tettey Y. Orofacial Tumours And Tumour-Like Lesions İn Ghana: A 6- Year Prospective Study. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 47(7): 550–4.
  • 5. Lingen MW, Kalmar JR, Karrison T, Speight PM. Critical evaluation of diagnostic aids for the detection of oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 2008; 44(1): 10-22.
  • 6. Whitaker SB, Waldron CA. Central giant cell lesions of the jaws. A clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol.1993; 75(2): 199-208.
  • 7. Tandon P, Pathak VP, Zaheer A, Chatterjee A, Walford N. Cancer in the Gizan province of Saudi Arabia: An elev- en year study. Ann Saudi Med. 1995; 15(1): 14-20.
  • 8. Regezi JA, Sciubba JJ. Oral pathology, clinical pathologic correlation: 3rd ed. Philadelphia. WB Saunders Company. 1999; 69.
  • 9. Sekerci AE, Nazlim S, Etoz M Denız K, Yasa Y. Odontogenic tumors: A collaborative study of 218 cases diagnosed over 12 years and comprehensive review of the literature. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2015; 20(1): e34-44.
  • 10. Monteiro LS, Albuquerque R, Paiva A, de la Peña-Moral J, Amaral JB et al. A comparative analysis of oral and maxillofacial pathology over a 16-year period, in the north of Portugal. Int Dent J. 2017; 67(1): 38-45.
  • 11. Effiom OA, Adeyemo WL, Soyele OO. Focal Reactive Lesions Of The Gingiva: An Analysis Of 314 Cases At A Tertiary Health Institution in Nigeria. Niger Med J. 2011; 52(1): 35–40.
  • 12. Kashyap B, Reddy P.S, Nalini P. Reactive Lesions Of Oral Cavity: A Survey Of 100 Cases In Eluru, West Godavari District. Contemp Clin Dent. 2012; 3(3): 294–7.
  • 13. Ala Aghbali A, Vosough Hosseini S, Harasi B, Janani M, Mahmoudi SM. Reactive Hyperplasia Of The Oral Cavity: A Survey Of 197 Cases In Tabriz, Northwest Iran. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospect. 2010; 4(3): 87-9
  • 14. Johnson NR, Savage NW, Kazoullis S, Batstone MD. A prospective epidemiological study for odontogenic and non-odontogenic lesions of the maxilla and mandible in Queensland. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2013; 115(4): 515-522.
  • 15. Meningaud JP, Oprean N, Pitak-Arnnop P, Bertrand JC. Odontogenic cysts: A clinical study of 695 cases. J Oral Sci. 2006; 48(2): 59- 62.
  • 16. Sharifian MJ, Khalili M. Odontogenic cysts: A retro- spective study of 1227 cases in an Iranian population from 1987 to 2007. J Oral Sci. 2011; 53(3): 361-367.
  • 17. Peker E, Öğütlü F, Karaca İR, Gültekin ES, Çakır M. A 5 year retrospective study of biopsied jaw lesions with the assessment of concordance between clinical and histopathological diagnoses. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2016; 20(1): 78-85.
  • 18. Kalyanyama BM, Matee MI, Vuhahula E. Oral tumours in Tanzanian children based on biopsy materials examined over a 15-year period from 1982 to 1997. Int Dent J. 2002; 52(1): 10-14.
  • 19. Naderi NJ, Eshghyar N, Esfehanian H. Reactive Lesions Of The Oral Cavity: A Retrospective Study On 2068 Cases. Dent Res J. 2012; 9(3): 251–5.
  • 20. Toida M; Murakami T; Kato K; Kusunoki Y; Yasuda S Et Al.Irritation Fibroma Of The Oral Mucosa: A Clinicopathological Study Of 129 Lesions In 124 cases. Oral Med Pathol 2001; 6(2): 91-94
  • 21. Özeç İ, Kılıç E. Nadir Lokalizasyonda Görülen Epulis Fissuratum: Vaka Raporu. Cumhuriyet Üniv. Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2004; 7(1): 34-6.
  • 22. Zarei MR, Chamani G, Amanpoor S. Reactive Hyperplasia Of The Oral Cavity İn Kerman Province, Iran: A Review Of 172 Cases. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007; 45(4): 288–92.
  • 23. Dundar N, Ilhan Kal B. Oral mucosal conditions and risk factors among elderly in a Turkish school of dentistry. Gerontology. 2007;53(3):165-72.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Oral Medicine and Pathology
Journal Section Research Article

Yusuf Ziya Yüncü

Mehmet Gül

Publication Date June 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Yüncü, Y. Z., & Gül, M. (2021). İntraoral Patolojilerin İncelenmesi: 3 Yıllık Retrospektif Çalışma. Van Diş Hekimliği Dergisi, 2(1), 22-27.