Manuscripts prepared for publication in Van Dentistry should only be submitted electronically to the journal at with the 'Transfer of Publication Rights Agreement Form' (signed by all authors). In accordance with the Copyright Act 1976, all types of publication rights in articles accepted for publication belong to the institution publishing the journal. The opinions and suggestions contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. Authors will not be paid for their articles, nor will they be asked for a fee at any stage.
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The journal accepts the principle of adherence to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki in all studies involving 'human subjects'. Authors must state in the Materials and Methods section of the article that they have conducted the study in accordance with these principles, that they have obtained approval from the ethics committees of their institutions (for those working privately, from the institution to which they have applied), and that they have obtained 'informed consent' (for all studies) from the subjects of the study (except case reports). The date and number of the ethics committee approval document must be included in the articles.
If the 'animal' element is used in the study, the authors must state in the Materials and Methods section of the article that they respect the rights of animals in their studies and that they have obtained approval from the ethics committees of their institutions (the institution to which they apply for those working privately). The date and number of the ethics committee approval document must be included in the article.
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If it is necessary to obtain 'Ethics Committee Approval' for the manuscripts, the received document should be sent with the manuscript. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their articles are ethically sound.
During the article evaluation phase, if deemed necessary by the Editorial Board, authors may be asked to submit research data related to the articles.
Original research article: The abstract should not exceed 250 words, the number of references should not exceed 40, and the total number of tables and figures should not exceed 10.
General format;
Title page,
Body (without any information about the authors): Title (Turkish and English), Abstract (Turkish and English), Text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion), Acknowledgements (if applicable), Conflict of Interest, Declaration of Financial Support (if applicable), References, List of Tables (if tables), List of Figures (if figures), Tables and Figures.
are configured as
Compilations: Reviews should be written on current scientific topics. Reviews should not exceed 3500 words and abstracts should not exceed 250 words. The number of references should not exceed 60 and the total number of tables and figures should not exceed 10.
General format;
Title page,
Body (without any information about the authors): Title (Turkish and English), Abstract (Turkish and English), Text, Acknowledgements (if applicable), Conflict of Interest, Declaration of Financial Support (if applicable), References, List of Tables (if tables), List of Figures (if figures), Tables and Figures
is structured as follows
Case presentation: Case presentations should be brief and concise and should not exceed 2000 words and the abstract should not exceed 250 words. The informed consent form should be mentioned in the text. The number of references should not exceed 20 and the number of tables and figures should not exceed 10 in total.
General format,
Title page,
Body (without any information about the authors): Title (Turkish and English), Abstract (Turkish and English), Text (Introduction, Facts, Discussion and Conclusion), Acknowledgements (if applicable), Conflict of Interest, Declaration of Financial Support (if applicable), References, List of Tables (if applicable), List of Figures (if applicable), Tables and Figures
is structured as a letter to the editor.
Letter to the editor: Letters written to critique or contribute to previously published articles will be accepted or rejected after review and evaluation by the Editorial Board. Letters should not exceed 750 words and 10 references. The volume, year, issue, number, page numbers, title and authors' names of the publication about which the letter is written should be clearly stated in the letter.
General format,
Title page,
Body (without information about the authors)
The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English.
If the article contains previously published articles, tables, pictures, etc., the authors of the article are obliged to indicate this in the article or to cite it as a source by obtaining written permission from the publisher and the authors. Papers presented at scientific meetings will not be accepted as references.
Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word with double-spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font.
There should be 2.5 cm margins at the top, bottom and on both sides of the page.
All pages must be numbered consecutively. Page numbers should be at the bottom and centre of the page.
Abbreviations should not be used in the title, abstract, table titles, figure legends or at the beginning of sentences. In the text, the abbreviation may be used throughout the text if it is given first in parentheses.
Abbreviations in the text should be continued according to the pronunciation of the abbreviation after the separator. Foreign words should not be used in terms that have a Turkish equivalent and are widely used. The names of anatomical formations, diseases and syndromes mentioned in the text should be written according to their Turkish pronunciation, unless they are special names. SI (Systems International) units must be used in writing. There should be no dot after the units (e.g. mg, kg, ml). All tables, figures, drawings and graphs in the text must be referenced in the text. The pages of the manuscript should be numbered from the introductory page.
Articles should not exceed 16 pages.
The Turkish title of the article, the English title of the article, the authors' names (surname, full name); the authors' institutions, Orcid numbers, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses; the corresponding author's name and surname, the corresponding author's contact information (e-mail, telephone, full address) should be included. In addition, the title page should indicate the authors' contributions to the publication, the number of words in the main text, the number of references, and the number of tables/figures. The title page should be sent as a separate document (Word) from the main text.
If the article has previously been presented as a paper, the place and date of the paper should be indicated on the title page.
This section should not contain any information about the authors. Manuscripts should be organised in the following order to include the sections specified in the article types above:
Title: It should be short, clear, capitalised and easy to write. The article should have Turkish and English titles only.
Abstract: Turkish and English manuscripts should have Turkish and English abstracts. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.
Keywords: 3-5 keywords should be given under the abstract. Turkish keywords should be given according to 'Turkish Scientific Terms (TBT)' (see English keywords should be listed according to 'Medical Subject Headings (MESH)'. Commas should be used between keywords and all words except the first word should begin with a lower case letter.
Introduction: Very long general information and repetition should be avoided. The purpose or hypothesis must be stated at the end.
Materials and methods: The study plan, the analytical methods used and the statistical analysis should be included. Statistical analysis should be presented under a separate sub-heading in the Materials and methods section, and the software used should be strictly defined. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the manuscript complies with biostatistical rules.
Results: Results not presented in tables and figures should be reported in the text, and for those presented in tables and figures, the relevant tables and figures should be cited.
Discussion and conclusion: The results obtained should be discussed with the current literature data and the main conclusion of the article should be stated in one or two sentences.
Subheadings may be used in the Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion sections to facilitate the understanding of the manuscript.
Acknowledgement: In the articles, the authors should thank the organisation that funded the research or the relevant individuals for various contributions other than authorship, indicating their institutions.
Conflict of interest: Authors should declare in the article that they have no conflict of interest.
Declaration of financial support: Financial support, if any, should be declared in the articles.
References: The references section should start on a new page. References should be organised according to the Vancouver style. References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, in parentheses, in 12 point font, and before the period at the end of the sentence. Single line spacing (1.0) should be used when writing references.
- If there are more than two articles cited and the reference numbers are consecutive, a (-) should be placed between the first and last digits (example: 3-6); otherwise, a (,) should be placed between them.
- If the source is to be cited in a sentence in the article, it should be given in parentheses immediately after the author's name. Example: In the study by Greenblatt et al. (reference number) .........
- If there are six or fewer authors in the cited article, the names of all authors should be written; if there are seven or more authors, the names of the first six authors should be written, then "ve et al." should be used for Turkish sources and "et al." for non-Turkish sources.
- All literatures mentioned in the text should be cited in the References section; all literatures cited in the references should be cited in the text.
- The arrangement of references and punctuation should follow the examples below (please pay attention to punctuation):
In-text citation: It is preferable to use citation software such as Endnote or Mendeley. The citation model should be set by selecting the Vancouver style in the programme, and then editing manually if necessary. All punctuation should be used.
If the source is an article; Author A (surname initials), Author B, Author C, Author Ç, Author D, Author E. Article title. Journal name (abbreviation if available; abbreviations of journal names can be found in either Medline, CAplus Core Journal Coverage list or Pubmed Journals Database). Year of publication; volume (issue): page numbers.
Example: Sahin H, Taskin C, Eskin K. Comparison of adenosine deaminase and catalase levels in teeth with different diagnoses in smokers. Van Sag Bil. 2019;12(2):1-7.
If it is a chapter from the source book: Emmerson BT. Gout and kidney disease. In: Massry SG, Glassock RJ (editors). Textbook of Nephrology. 1st edition, Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1989: 756-760.
When the source is a book: Author A, Author B, Author C, Author C, Author C, Author D, Author D, Author E, et al. Book title. Number of editions, place of publication: Publisher; year of publication: page numbers.
Example: Özcan R. Heart Diseases. 1st edition, Istanbul: Sanal Matbaacılık, 2003: 185-194.
If the source is a dissertation:
Example: Polat C. General Health Questionnaire: Reliability and Validity Study. Doctoral thesis, Ankara: Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, 1997: 20-38.
If the source is an Internet address: Non-commercial and official websites of governments, national and international scientific bodies and organisations can be cited as a source by indicating the date of access.
Example: Health Statistics Yearbook 2019, T.C. Ministry of Health,,84966/saglik-istatistikleri-yilligi-2019-yayinlanmistir.html (access date: 17.01.2022).
For online publications only; DOI is the only acceptable online reference.
Papers presented at congresses are not accepted as references.
Table legends: Tables should be included if available.
Figure legends: Figures should be included if available.
References to figures, pictures, tables and graphs in the text should be made at the end of the relevant sentence. Explanations of figures, pictures, tables and graphs should be added at the end of the article.
Illustrations/photographs should be colourful, high-contrast and clear enough to show details. For clear printing, figures, pictures/photographs should be submitted to the journal as a separate jpeg file (pixel size approximately 500x400, 8 cm wide and 300 dpi resolution).
Abbreviations used should be indicated in the description below the figures, pictures, tables and graphs.
Written permission must be obtained for the use of previously published figures, pictures, tables and graphs, and this permission must be indicated in the description of the figure, picture, table or graph.
Table titles should be written above the table, and figure and graph titles should be written below the figure and graph, with the first letters capitalised (example: Table 1. and Figure 1.).
Tables and figures should be presented on separate pages at the end of the main text.
- Abbreviations used should be explained below the figures, pictures, tables and graphs.
- Written permission must be obtained for the use of previously published figures, pictures, tables and graphs, and this permission must be indicated in the description of the figure, picture, table and graph.
- Images must be in colour, with sufficient contrast and clarity to show details.
Transfer of publication rights form (signed by all authors)
Similarity report (iThenticate: maximum 20%)
Ethics Committee Report (for studies with human and animal components)
Title page
Main text (without any information about the authors) Title (Turkish and English), Abstract (Turkish and English), Text, Acknowledgements (if applicable), Conflict of Interest, Declaration of Financial Support (if applicable), References, List of Tables (if tables), List of Figures (if figures), Tables and Figures.