Sığır sırt yağ kalınlığının transrektal ultrasonografik muayene yöntemi ile belirlenmesi
Year 2019,
, 16 - 21, 30.04.2019
Hasan Atalay
Erdem Danyer
Tanay Bilal
Mikail Arslan
Sinan Toksavul
Kudret Yenilmez
Hudai İpek
Sunulan çalışmanın amacı, süt sığırlarında sırt yağ kalınlığını
inspeksiyon ve palpasyonla ( gözle ve elle) subjektif olarak ölçülen Vücut
Kondisyon Skorunu (VKS), doğum sonrası transrektal ultrasonografik muayene
yöntemi ile objektif olarak belirlemektir. İşletmedeki 350 adet süt sığırı
içerisinden rastgele seçilen ortalama 650 kg canlı ağırlıkta, 2 - 6.laktasyonda
44 adet inek kullanılmıştır. İnekler BCS göre; 1. grup (BCS ≤ 3) 22 inek
(Pelvis bölgesine yandan bakıldığında BCS’nin 3 veya 3 ‘ ün altında olduğunda
“V” şeklinin görülmesi) ve 2. grup (BCS ˃ 3) 22 inek (Pelvis bölgesine yandan
bakıldığında BCS’ nin 3’ ün üstünde olduğunda “U” şeklinin görülmesi) olmak
üzere inekler iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Derinin üstünden ultrasonografik görüntü
elde edilerek deri altı yağ kalınlığı (Subcutaneous fat thickness)
belirlenebilmekte, vücut yağ oranı ile ilgili bilgiler elde edilmektedir. Bu
çalışmada ilk kez transrektal ultrason muayene yöntemi ile ultrasonografik
görüntü elde edilmiş, sırt yağ kalınlığı tespit edilmiş ve literatüre
sunulmuştur. Transrektal ultrason muayenesinde; avuç içine alınan prob,
rektumdan içeriye sokularak, rektumun boşaltılması sağlanmış, daha sonra cavum
pelvis içinde ilerletilerek son bel omurları, sakrum ve tuber coxa’ların üst
kısımları arasında kalan sakral bölge prob ile dikey (vertically) taranarak,
kas ile deri tabakası arasındaki yağ dokusu tespit edilmiştir. Muayene sonucu
elde edilen görüntüler (corresponding images) ultrasonografi cihazına
kaydedilmiş ve bilgisayar ortamına aktarılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma
sonucunda transrektal ultrasonografi muayene yöntemine göre BCS ≤ 3 ve BCS ˃ 3
gruplarının yağ kalınlıkları tespit edilmiş ve gruplar arasında gözlenen
farklılık önemli bulunmuştur (p<0,05).
- AOAC (1998) Official Methods of Analysis (16th. Edition) Association of Analytical Chemist Vols. I and II, Revision. Gait hersburg, Maryland; 20877-2417 USA.
- Atasever, S., Erdem H. (2009). Association between subclinical mastitis markers and body condition scores of Holstein cows in the Black Sea region, Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv, 8: 476-480.
- Berry, D.P., Lee, J.M., Macdonald, K.A., Roche, J.R. (2007). Body condition score and body weight effects on dystocia and stillbirths and consequent effects on postcalving performance. J Dairy Sci, 90: 4201-4211, DOI:10.3168/jds.2007-0023
- Cameron, R.E.B., Dyk, P.B., Herdt, T.H., Kaneene, J.B., Miller, R., Bucholtz, H.F., Liesman, J.S., Vandehaar, M.J., Emery, R.S. (1998). Dry cow diet, management, and energy balance as risk factors for displaced abomasum in high producing dairy herds. J Dairy Sci, 81: 132-139, 1998. DOI:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(98)75560-2
- Çitil, M., Uzlu, E. (2005) Die Bedeurteilung der Körperkondition mit Hilfe des Ultraschalls bei der Frühdiagnose der Postpartaten Erkrankungen bei Milchkuh. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 11: 201-206.
- Daetz, C. (2009) Untersuchungen zur Konditionsentwicklung bei Milchkühen in der Trockenstehperiode mittels ultrasonographischer Messung der Rückenfettdicke und deren Einfluss auf Leistung, Fruchtbarkeit und Tiergesundheit in der Frühlaktation, Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Veterinärmedizin an der Freien Universität Berlin,, Date of access: 06.10.2018.
- Edmenson, A.J., Lean, I.J., Wear, L.D., Farver, T., Webster, G. (1989) A body condition scoring chart for holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 72: 68-78, DOI:
- Ferguson, J.D. (1996) Implementation of a body condition scoring programme in dairy herd. Proceeding of the Penn Conference. University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Date of access: 10.08.2018.
- Gillund, P., Reksen, O., Gröhn, Y.T., Karlberg, K. (2001). Body condition related to ketosis and reproductive performance in Norwegian dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 84: 1390-1396, DOI:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(01)70170-1.
- Hayırlı, A., Dogan, V., Kaynar, O., Cengiz, M., Balli, B. (2016) Evaluation of Peripartum Prognostic and Diagnostic Markers in Dairy Cattle. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci, 2: 63-80..
- Hussein, H.A., Westphalb, A., Staufenbiel, R. (2013). Relationship between body condition score and ultrasound measurement of backfat thickness in multiparous Holstein dairy cows at different production phases. Australian Vet J, 91: 185-189, DOI:10.1111/avj.12033.
- Kus, C., Keskin, I. (2008). A study on levene and bartlett tests. Selcuk Tar Gida Bil Derg, 22: 78-83.
- NRC (National Research Council) (2001). Nutrient Requirements of dairy cattle. Washington DC: National Academies Press,
- Özdamar, K. (2015). Biostatistics with SPSS (10th ed.). Eskisehir: Nisan Kitabevi Yayınları.
- Schäfers, M. (2000). Untersuchungen zur Körperkonditionsbeurteilung bei Milchkühen der Rasse „Fleckvieh“ unter den Haltungsbedingungen des nördlichen Oberbayerns, Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der tiermedizinischen Doktorwürde der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitätMünchen, Matthias.pdf., Date of access: 05.10.2018.
- Schroeder, U.J., Staufenbiel, R. (2006). Invited review: methods to determine body fat reserves in dairy cow with special regard to ultrasonographic measurement of backfat thickness. J Dairy Sci, 89, 1-14, DOI:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(06)72064-1.
- Sen, I., Wittek, T., Guzelbektes, H. (2015). Metabolic indicators and risk factors of left displaced abomasum in dairy cattle. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 31: 63-69.
- Sümbüloglu, K., Sümbüloglu, V. (2016). Biostatistics (17. ed). Ankara: Hatiboglu Yayinevi.Valde, J.P., Lystad, M.L., Simensen, E., Østerås, O. (2007). Comparison of feeding management and body condition of dairy cows in herds with low and high mastitis rates. J Dairy Sci, 90: 4317-4324, DOI:10.3168/jds.2007-0129.
- Wesley, A.M. (2002). The relationship between prepartum dietary energy intake and pelvic area on dystocia. Texas A&M University PhD Dissertation. Texas, USA.
- Yildiz, H., Saat, N., Simsek, H. (2011). An investigation on body condition score, body weight, calf weight and hematological profile in crossbred dairy cows suffering from dystocia. Pak Vet J, 31: 125-128.
- Zaborski, D. Grzesiak, W., Szatkowska, I., Dybus, A., Muszynska, M., Jedrzejczak, M. (2009). Factors affecting dystocia in cattle. Reprod Domest Anim, 44: 540-551, DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0531.2008.01123.x.
- Zonturlu, A.K., Uren, N., Ozyurtlu, N., Bozkurt, G., Alpaslan, B.M. (2008) Comparison of Ages, Milk yield, Body Condition Score (BCS) and Serum Selenium Levels in Cows with Retained Placenta. FU Sag Bil Derg, 22: 127-130.
Determination of backfat thickness with transrectal ultrasonography in cattle
Year 2019,
, 16 - 21, 30.04.2019
Hasan Atalay
Erdem Danyer
Tanay Bilal
Mikail Arslan
Sinan Toksavul
Kudret Yenilmez
Hudai İpek
The purpose of this
study is to determine the Body Condition Score (BCS), which is subjectively
measured in dairy cattle with inspection and palpation of backfat thickness,
objectively by using transrectal ultrasonography examination method after
delivery. Forty-four cows, randomly selected, average 650 kg live weight, 2 - 6 lactation from 350 dairy cattle have
been used. Cows have been separated into two groups according to BCS; which are:
group 1 (n = 22) (BCS ≤ 3) and group 2 (n=22) (BCS ˃ 3). In previous studies, subcutaneous fat thickness has been determined by examining body thickness
using ultrasonographic imaging above the skin. In the transrectal ultrasound
examination; A hand-held probe was inserted from the rectum after rectum is
cleared, it was pushed forward inside the cavum pelvis, and measurements were
performed on the fat tissue between the muscle and skin layers by scanning
vertically using the probe on the sacral region between the upper parts of last
lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and tuber coxae. Corresponding images resulting from
the examination were saved on the ultrasonography device and evaluated after
being transferred in software. In the result of this study, backfat thickness of
BCS ≤ 3 and BCS ˃ 3 groups were determined according to ultrasonography
examination, and a difference was observed between groups (p < 0.05). 305- day milk yield between the groups and
TMR analysis have been determined in this study and no difference has been
determined between groups (p ˃ 0,05)
- AOAC (1998) Official Methods of Analysis (16th. Edition) Association of Analytical Chemist Vols. I and II, Revision. Gait hersburg, Maryland; 20877-2417 USA.
- Atasever, S., Erdem H. (2009). Association between subclinical mastitis markers and body condition scores of Holstein cows in the Black Sea region, Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv, 8: 476-480.
- Berry, D.P., Lee, J.M., Macdonald, K.A., Roche, J.R. (2007). Body condition score and body weight effects on dystocia and stillbirths and consequent effects on postcalving performance. J Dairy Sci, 90: 4201-4211, DOI:10.3168/jds.2007-0023
- Cameron, R.E.B., Dyk, P.B., Herdt, T.H., Kaneene, J.B., Miller, R., Bucholtz, H.F., Liesman, J.S., Vandehaar, M.J., Emery, R.S. (1998). Dry cow diet, management, and energy balance as risk factors for displaced abomasum in high producing dairy herds. J Dairy Sci, 81: 132-139, 1998. DOI:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(98)75560-2
- Çitil, M., Uzlu, E. (2005) Die Bedeurteilung der Körperkondition mit Hilfe des Ultraschalls bei der Frühdiagnose der Postpartaten Erkrankungen bei Milchkuh. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 11: 201-206.
- Daetz, C. (2009) Untersuchungen zur Konditionsentwicklung bei Milchkühen in der Trockenstehperiode mittels ultrasonographischer Messung der Rückenfettdicke und deren Einfluss auf Leistung, Fruchtbarkeit und Tiergesundheit in der Frühlaktation, Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Veterinärmedizin an der Freien Universität Berlin,, Date of access: 06.10.2018.
- Edmenson, A.J., Lean, I.J., Wear, L.D., Farver, T., Webster, G. (1989) A body condition scoring chart for holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 72: 68-78, DOI:
- Ferguson, J.D. (1996) Implementation of a body condition scoring programme in dairy herd. Proceeding of the Penn Conference. University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Date of access: 10.08.2018.
- Gillund, P., Reksen, O., Gröhn, Y.T., Karlberg, K. (2001). Body condition related to ketosis and reproductive performance in Norwegian dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 84: 1390-1396, DOI:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(01)70170-1.
- Hayırlı, A., Dogan, V., Kaynar, O., Cengiz, M., Balli, B. (2016) Evaluation of Peripartum Prognostic and Diagnostic Markers in Dairy Cattle. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci, 2: 63-80..
- Hussein, H.A., Westphalb, A., Staufenbiel, R. (2013). Relationship between body condition score and ultrasound measurement of backfat thickness in multiparous Holstein dairy cows at different production phases. Australian Vet J, 91: 185-189, DOI:10.1111/avj.12033.
- Kus, C., Keskin, I. (2008). A study on levene and bartlett tests. Selcuk Tar Gida Bil Derg, 22: 78-83.
- NRC (National Research Council) (2001). Nutrient Requirements of dairy cattle. Washington DC: National Academies Press,
- Özdamar, K. (2015). Biostatistics with SPSS (10th ed.). Eskisehir: Nisan Kitabevi Yayınları.
- Schäfers, M. (2000). Untersuchungen zur Körperkonditionsbeurteilung bei Milchkühen der Rasse „Fleckvieh“ unter den Haltungsbedingungen des nördlichen Oberbayerns, Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der tiermedizinischen Doktorwürde der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitätMünchen, Matthias.pdf., Date of access: 05.10.2018.
- Schroeder, U.J., Staufenbiel, R. (2006). Invited review: methods to determine body fat reserves in dairy cow with special regard to ultrasonographic measurement of backfat thickness. J Dairy Sci, 89, 1-14, DOI:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(06)72064-1.
- Sen, I., Wittek, T., Guzelbektes, H. (2015). Metabolic indicators and risk factors of left displaced abomasum in dairy cattle. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 31: 63-69.
- Sümbüloglu, K., Sümbüloglu, V. (2016). Biostatistics (17. ed). Ankara: Hatiboglu Yayinevi.Valde, J.P., Lystad, M.L., Simensen, E., Østerås, O. (2007). Comparison of feeding management and body condition of dairy cows in herds with low and high mastitis rates. J Dairy Sci, 90: 4317-4324, DOI:10.3168/jds.2007-0129.
- Wesley, A.M. (2002). The relationship between prepartum dietary energy intake and pelvic area on dystocia. Texas A&M University PhD Dissertation. Texas, USA.
- Yildiz, H., Saat, N., Simsek, H. (2011). An investigation on body condition score, body weight, calf weight and hematological profile in crossbred dairy cows suffering from dystocia. Pak Vet J, 31: 125-128.
- Zaborski, D. Grzesiak, W., Szatkowska, I., Dybus, A., Muszynska, M., Jedrzejczak, M. (2009). Factors affecting dystocia in cattle. Reprod Domest Anim, 44: 540-551, DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0531.2008.01123.x.
- Zonturlu, A.K., Uren, N., Ozyurtlu, N., Bozkurt, G., Alpaslan, B.M. (2008) Comparison of Ages, Milk yield, Body Condition Score (BCS) and Serum Selenium Levels in Cows with Retained Placenta. FU Sag Bil Derg, 22: 127-130.