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Neonatal buzağılarda probiyotik katkısının bazı vücut ölçüleri üzerine etkisi

Year 2020, , 48 - 56, 31.08.2020


Bu çalışmada, Holştayn neonatal buzağılarda probiyotik katkısının bazı vücut ölçüleri üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya 21 Holştayn neonatal buzağı dahil edilmiş olup, her grupta n=7 olacak şekilde 3 farklı grup teşkil edilmiştir. I. grup (n=7): doğumdan hemen sonra (0. gün) kolostrumla birlikte probiyotik uygulanan, II. grup (n=7): ilk 2 gün kolostrum tükettikten sonra üçüncü gün süt ile birlikte probiyotik uygulanan, kontrol grubu (n=7): doğum sonrası probiyotik uygulanmayan, ilk 2 gün yeterli kolostrum aldıktan sonra süt tüketiminin gerçekleştirildiği şeklinde probiyotik uygulamasına göre 3 gruba ayrılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında Enterococcus faecium CCM 6226 1x105, E. faecium BIO 34 1x105, Bacillus subtilis MBS-BS-01 1x107, L. brevis IFA 92 1x107, L. buchneri CCM 1819 1x106, L. cellobious Q1 1x106, L. buchneri DSM 16774 1x107, L. paracasei 30151 1x106, L. plantarum 16627 1x106, L. plantarum C KKP/788/p 1x106, L. plantarum ATCC 8014 1x106, L. plantarum DSM 11520 1x107, L. plantarum KKKP/593/p 1x107, L. plantarum LP329 DSM 5258 ATCC 55942 1x106, L. plantarum PL140/CSL 1x106, Pediococcus acidilactici 30005 1x106, P. acidilactici 33-11 NCIMB 30085 1x106, P. pentosaceus NCIMB 30089 1x106, P. pentosaceus NCIMB 30168 1x106, Saccharomyces cerevisiae IFO 0203 1x107 CFU/ml içerikli probiyotik solüsyonu kullanıldı. Gruplar arası farklılıklar değerlendirildiğinde, kontrol grubu (kolostrum+süt) haricinde (p<0.05), diğer uygulama gruplarında ortalamalar arasındaki fark istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmamıştır (p>0.05). İncik çevresi ölçümlerine göre de bir değerlendirme yapıldığında, söz konusu ölçümlerin sadece probiyotik+kolostrum grubunda 28. ölçüm gününe doğru anlamlı bir şekilde artış gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir (p<0.01). Grup X Ölçüm Zamanı interaksiyonu bakımından değerlendirme yapıldığında ise sadece vücut uzunluğunda istatistik bakımdan bir önem söz konusu olmuştur (p<0.01). Mevcut çalışmada neonatal buzağılarda probiyotik katkısının toplam canlı ağırlık, günlük canlı ağırlık kazancı ve bazı vücut ölçüleri üzerine olumlu etkisi olduğunu gösterilmiştir


  • Hrnčár C, Weis J, Minde S, Bujko J (2014). Effect of probiotic addition in drinking water on body weight and body measurements of broiler chickens. J Anim Sci Biotechno. 47(2): 249-253.
  • Frizzo LS, Zbrun MV, Soto LP, Signorini ML (2011). Effects of probiotics on growth performance in young calves: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Anim Feed Sci Tech. 169(3-4): 147-156.
  • Minelli EB, Benini A (2008). Relationship between number of bacteria and their probiotic effects. Microb Ecol 20(4): 180-183.
  • Rouxinol-Dias AL, Pinto AR, Janeiro C, Rodrigues D, Moreira M, Dias J, Pereira P (2016). Probiotics for the control of obesity–Its effect on weight change. Porto Biomed J 1(1): 12-24.
  • Agazzi A, Tirloni E, Stella S, Maroccolo S, Ripamonti B, Bersani C, Savoini G (2014). Effects of species-specific probiotic addition to milk replacer on calf health and performance during the first month of life. Ann Anim Sci 14(1):101-115.
  • Anderson K, Nagaraja J (1987). Ruminal metabolic development in calves weaned conventionally or early. J Dairy Sci 70:1000–1005.
  • Anonymous 2009. Accessien date: 11.11.2019.
  • Arun Nehru P, Sunandhadevi S, Rama T, Muniyappan N (2017). Effect of Probiotic Supplementation on Growth Performance of Crossbred Calves in an organized Cattle Farm. Journal of Animal Health and Production 5(3): 89-91.
  • Bayatkouhsar J, Tahmasebi AM, Naserianb AA, Mokarramc RR, Valizadeh R (2013). Effects of supplementation of lactic acid bacteria on growth performance, blood metabolites and fecal coliform and lactobacilli of young dairy calves. Anim Feed Sci Tech 186: 1–11.
  • Cross DE, Mcdevitt RM, Hillman K, Acamovic T (2007). The effect of herbs and their associated essential oils on performance, dietary digestibility and gut microflora in chickens from 7 to 28 days of age. Brit Poultry Sci 48:496–506.
  • Dimova N, Baltadjieva M, Karabashev V, Laleva S, Popova Y, Slavova P, Krastanov J, Kalaydjiev G (2013). Effect of Supplementation of Probiotic Zoovit in Diets of Calves of Milk Breed. Bulg J Agric Sci 19(1): 94–97.
  • Donovan G, Dohoo I, Montgomery D, Bennet F (1998). Association between passive immunity and morbidity and mortality in dairy heifers in Florida, USA. Prev Vet Med 33:41–46.
  • Duncan DB (1995). Multiple Range and Multiple F Test. Biometrics 11: 42.
  • FAO/WHO (2002). Working group report on drafting guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. London, Ontario (Canada). Guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. Joint working group report on drafting. London, Ontario, 1-11.
  • Fouladgar S, Foroozandeh Shahraki AD, Ghalamkari GR, Khani M, Ahmadi F, Erickson PS (2010). Performance of Holstein calves fed whole milk with or without kefir. J Dairy Sci 99:8081–8089.
  • Furman-Fratczak K, Rzasa A, Stefaniak T (2011). The influence of colostral immunoglobulin concentration in heifer calves’ serum on their health and growth. J Dairy Sci 94(11):5536-5543.
  • Göncü S.Adana Entansif Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Yetiştirilen Saf ve Melez Siyah Alaca İnek Sütlerinde Somatik Hücre Sayısına Etki Eden Faktörler ve Mastitis ile İlişkisi. Doktora Tezi, 2000, Adana.
  • Jarmuz W, Szelag I, Skrzypek R (2001). Relationship between concentration of blood serum immunoglobulins and growth rate in dairy heifers. Pr Mat Zoot 59:93–101.
  • Jatkauskas J, Vrotniakiene V (2010). Effects of probiotic dietary supplementation on diarrhoea patterns, faecal microbiota and performance of early weaned calves. Vet Med-Czech 55(10): 494–503.
  • LeJeune J, Wetzel A (2007). Preharvest control of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle. Sci J Anim Sci 85:73-80.
  • Malmuthuge N, Griebel P, Guan L (2015). The gut microbiome and its potential role in the development and function of newborn calf gastrointestinal tract. Front Vet Sci 2:36.
  • Mohd Nor N, Steeneveld W, Mourits MC, Hogeveen H (2012). Estimating the costs of rearing young dairy cattle in the Netherlands using a simulation model that accounts for uncertainty related to diseases. Prev Vet Med 106:214–224.
  • Mokhber-Dezfouli MR,Tajik P, Bolourchi M, Mahmoudzadeh H (2007).Effects of probiotics supplementation in daily milk intake of newborn calves on body weight gain, body height, diarrhea occurrence and health condition. Pak J Biol Sci 10(18):3136-4310.
  • Morrison S, Dawson S, Carson F (2010). The effects of mannan oligosaccharide and Streptococcus faecium addition to milk replacer on calf health and performance. Livest. Sci 131: 292-296.
  • Murray C, Fick L, Pajor E, Barkema H, Jelinski M, Windeyer M (2016). Calf management practices and associations with herd-level morbidity and mortality on beef cow-calf operations. Animal, 10(3):468-477.
  • Noori M, Alikhani M, Jahanian R (2016).Effect of partial substitution of milk with probiotic yogurt of different pH on performance, body conformation and blood biochemical parameters of Holstein calves. J. Appl. Anim. Res 44(1): 221–229.
  • Riddell J, Gallegos A, Harmon D, McLeod K (2010). Addition of a Bacillus based probiotic to the diet of preruminant calves: influence on growth, health, and blood parameters. Int J Appl Res Vet M 8:78-85.
  • Sema Satık, Mevlüt Günal (2017). Effects of Kefir as a Probiotic Source on the Performance and Health of Young Dairy Calves. TURJAF 5(2): 139-143.
  • Stanton A, Kelton, D, LeBlanc S, Wormuth J, Leslie K (2012). The effect of respiratory disease and a preventative antibiotic treatment on growth, survival, age at first calving, and milk production of dairy heifers. J Dairy Sci 95:4950–4960.
  • Timmerman HM, Mulder H, Everts DC, van Espen E, van der Wal G, Klassen MG, Rouwers R, Hartemink F, Beynen AC (2005). Health and growth of veal calves fed milk replacers with or without probiotics. J Dairy Sci 88:2154–2165.
  • Turgut K, Basoglu A, Sevinc M, Sen I, Yildiz M (1998). Plasma Transfusion in Calves with Failure of Passive Colostral Transfer. urk J Vet Anim Sci 22(2): 123-130.
  • Khuntia A, Chaudhary IC (2002).Performance of male crossbred calves as influenced by substitution of grain by wheat bran and the addition of lactic acid bacteria to diet. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 15:188–194.

Effect of probiotic supplementation on some body measurement

Year 2020, , 48 - 56, 31.08.2020


In this study it was aimed to assessing the effect of probiotic supplementation on some body measurements in neonatal calves. A total of 21 neonatal Holstein calves randomly selected and classified into 3 groups that including n=7 calves in each group. According to probiotic application, 3 group were formed as being group I (probiotic+colostrum) (n=7); applicated probiotic and colostrum at parturiency (day 0), group II (probiotic+milk) (n=7); commenced probiotic as from 3th days, control group (colostrum+milk, control) (n=7); comprised without probiotic only given colostrum and milk following parturiency. Within the scope of study probiotic solution including Enterococcus faecium CCM 6226 1x105, E. faecium BIO 34 1x105, Bacillus subtilis MBS-BS-01 1x107, L. brevis IFA 92 1x107, L. buchneri CCM 1819 1x106, L. cellobious Q1 1x106, L. buchneri DSM 16774 1x107, L. paracasei 30151 1x106, L. plantarum 16627 1x106, L. plantarum C KKP/788/p 1x106, L. plantarum ATCC 8014 1x106, L. plantarum DSM 11520 1x107, L. plantarum KKKP/593/p 1x107, L. plantarum LP329 DSM 5258 ATCC 55942 1x106, L. plantarum PL140/CSL 1x106, Pediococcus acidilactici 30005 1x106, P. acidilactici 33-11 NCIMB 30085 1x106, P. pentosaceus NCIMB 30089 1x106, P. pentosaceus NCIMB 30168 1x106, Saccharomyces cerevisiae IFO 0203 1x107 CFU/ml was used. When the differences between the groups were evaluated, the difference between the averages was not statistically significant (p> 0.05) except for the control group (colostrum-milk) (p<0.05). When evaluation was made according to shinbone circumference measurements, it was found that these measurements increased significantly only in the probiotic-colostrum group towards the 28th measurement day (p<0.01). When evaluated in terms of group X measurement time interaction, only shinebone circumference was statistically significant (p<0.01). In the present study, it was shown that the probiotic contribution in neonatal calves had a positive effect on total body weight, daily body weight gain and some body measurements.


  • Hrnčár C, Weis J, Minde S, Bujko J (2014). Effect of probiotic addition in drinking water on body weight and body measurements of broiler chickens. J Anim Sci Biotechno. 47(2): 249-253.
  • Frizzo LS, Zbrun MV, Soto LP, Signorini ML (2011). Effects of probiotics on growth performance in young calves: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Anim Feed Sci Tech. 169(3-4): 147-156.
  • Minelli EB, Benini A (2008). Relationship between number of bacteria and their probiotic effects. Microb Ecol 20(4): 180-183.
  • Rouxinol-Dias AL, Pinto AR, Janeiro C, Rodrigues D, Moreira M, Dias J, Pereira P (2016). Probiotics for the control of obesity–Its effect on weight change. Porto Biomed J 1(1): 12-24.
  • Agazzi A, Tirloni E, Stella S, Maroccolo S, Ripamonti B, Bersani C, Savoini G (2014). Effects of species-specific probiotic addition to milk replacer on calf health and performance during the first month of life. Ann Anim Sci 14(1):101-115.
  • Anderson K, Nagaraja J (1987). Ruminal metabolic development in calves weaned conventionally or early. J Dairy Sci 70:1000–1005.
  • Anonymous 2009. Accessien date: 11.11.2019.
  • Arun Nehru P, Sunandhadevi S, Rama T, Muniyappan N (2017). Effect of Probiotic Supplementation on Growth Performance of Crossbred Calves in an organized Cattle Farm. Journal of Animal Health and Production 5(3): 89-91.
  • Bayatkouhsar J, Tahmasebi AM, Naserianb AA, Mokarramc RR, Valizadeh R (2013). Effects of supplementation of lactic acid bacteria on growth performance, blood metabolites and fecal coliform and lactobacilli of young dairy calves. Anim Feed Sci Tech 186: 1–11.
  • Cross DE, Mcdevitt RM, Hillman K, Acamovic T (2007). The effect of herbs and their associated essential oils on performance, dietary digestibility and gut microflora in chickens from 7 to 28 days of age. Brit Poultry Sci 48:496–506.
  • Dimova N, Baltadjieva M, Karabashev V, Laleva S, Popova Y, Slavova P, Krastanov J, Kalaydjiev G (2013). Effect of Supplementation of Probiotic Zoovit in Diets of Calves of Milk Breed. Bulg J Agric Sci 19(1): 94–97.
  • Donovan G, Dohoo I, Montgomery D, Bennet F (1998). Association between passive immunity and morbidity and mortality in dairy heifers in Florida, USA. Prev Vet Med 33:41–46.
  • Duncan DB (1995). Multiple Range and Multiple F Test. Biometrics 11: 42.
  • FAO/WHO (2002). Working group report on drafting guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. London, Ontario (Canada). Guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. Joint working group report on drafting. London, Ontario, 1-11.
  • Fouladgar S, Foroozandeh Shahraki AD, Ghalamkari GR, Khani M, Ahmadi F, Erickson PS (2010). Performance of Holstein calves fed whole milk with or without kefir. J Dairy Sci 99:8081–8089.
  • Furman-Fratczak K, Rzasa A, Stefaniak T (2011). The influence of colostral immunoglobulin concentration in heifer calves’ serum on their health and growth. J Dairy Sci 94(11):5536-5543.
  • Göncü S.Adana Entansif Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinde Yetiştirilen Saf ve Melez Siyah Alaca İnek Sütlerinde Somatik Hücre Sayısına Etki Eden Faktörler ve Mastitis ile İlişkisi. Doktora Tezi, 2000, Adana.
  • Jarmuz W, Szelag I, Skrzypek R (2001). Relationship between concentration of blood serum immunoglobulins and growth rate in dairy heifers. Pr Mat Zoot 59:93–101.
  • Jatkauskas J, Vrotniakiene V (2010). Effects of probiotic dietary supplementation on diarrhoea patterns, faecal microbiota and performance of early weaned calves. Vet Med-Czech 55(10): 494–503.
  • LeJeune J, Wetzel A (2007). Preharvest control of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle. Sci J Anim Sci 85:73-80.
  • Malmuthuge N, Griebel P, Guan L (2015). The gut microbiome and its potential role in the development and function of newborn calf gastrointestinal tract. Front Vet Sci 2:36.
  • Mohd Nor N, Steeneveld W, Mourits MC, Hogeveen H (2012). Estimating the costs of rearing young dairy cattle in the Netherlands using a simulation model that accounts for uncertainty related to diseases. Prev Vet Med 106:214–224.
  • Mokhber-Dezfouli MR,Tajik P, Bolourchi M, Mahmoudzadeh H (2007).Effects of probiotics supplementation in daily milk intake of newborn calves on body weight gain, body height, diarrhea occurrence and health condition. Pak J Biol Sci 10(18):3136-4310.
  • Morrison S, Dawson S, Carson F (2010). The effects of mannan oligosaccharide and Streptococcus faecium addition to milk replacer on calf health and performance. Livest. Sci 131: 292-296.
  • Murray C, Fick L, Pajor E, Barkema H, Jelinski M, Windeyer M (2016). Calf management practices and associations with herd-level morbidity and mortality on beef cow-calf operations. Animal, 10(3):468-477.
  • Noori M, Alikhani M, Jahanian R (2016).Effect of partial substitution of milk with probiotic yogurt of different pH on performance, body conformation and blood biochemical parameters of Holstein calves. J. Appl. Anim. Res 44(1): 221–229.
  • Riddell J, Gallegos A, Harmon D, McLeod K (2010). Addition of a Bacillus based probiotic to the diet of preruminant calves: influence on growth, health, and blood parameters. Int J Appl Res Vet M 8:78-85.
  • Sema Satık, Mevlüt Günal (2017). Effects of Kefir as a Probiotic Source on the Performance and Health of Young Dairy Calves. TURJAF 5(2): 139-143.
  • Stanton A, Kelton, D, LeBlanc S, Wormuth J, Leslie K (2012). The effect of respiratory disease and a preventative antibiotic treatment on growth, survival, age at first calving, and milk production of dairy heifers. J Dairy Sci 95:4950–4960.
  • Timmerman HM, Mulder H, Everts DC, van Espen E, van der Wal G, Klassen MG, Rouwers R, Hartemink F, Beynen AC (2005). Health and growth of veal calves fed milk replacers with or without probiotics. J Dairy Sci 88:2154–2165.
  • Turgut K, Basoglu A, Sevinc M, Sen I, Yildiz M (1998). Plasma Transfusion in Calves with Failure of Passive Colostral Transfer. urk J Vet Anim Sci 22(2): 123-130.
  • Khuntia A, Chaudhary IC (2002).Performance of male crossbred calves as influenced by substitution of grain by wheat bran and the addition of lactic acid bacteria to diet. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 15:188–194.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Deniz Alıç Ural 0000-0002-2659-3495

Songül Erdoğan 0000-0002-7833-5519

Hasan Erdoğan 0000-0001-8109-8537

Kerem Ural 0000-0003-1867-7143

Publication Date August 31, 2020
Submission Date February 28, 2020
Acceptance Date August 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Alıç Ural, D., Erdoğan, S., Erdoğan, H., Ural, K. (2020). Neonatal buzağılarda probiyotik katkısının bazı vücut ölçüleri üzerine etkisi. Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques, 5(2), 48-56.

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