Koç spermasının dondurulmasına alfa lipoik asit ve trehalozun etkisi
Year 2020,
, 121 - 127, 31.12.2020
Fatih Avdatek
Muhammed İnanç
Deniz Yeni
Şükrü Güngör
Abuzer Acar
Ayhan Ata
Bu çalışmada, koç sperma sulandırıcısına farklı dozlardaki Alfa Lipoik asit (ALA) ve Trehalozun eklenerek dondurulup çözdürülmesinden sonra spermatozoon motilitesi, plazma membran ve akrozom bütünlüğü (PMAI), mitokondrial membran potansiyeli ve mitokondrial reaktif oksijen türleri üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. 10 adet Pırlak koçtan suni vajen kullanılarak alınan spermalar. üç eşit parçaya bölünerek Alfa lipoik asit (1 mM), Trehaloz (100 mM) içeren ve hiçbir katkı maddesi içermeyen (kontrol) sulandırıcılar ile 5x108/ml spermatozoa olacak şekilde sulandırıldı. Spermalar + 4 ° C'de yaklaşık 2 saat ekibrasyona bırakıldı, sıvı azot buharında (-120 C⁰) donduruldu, 37 C⁰’de 30 saniyede çözdürüldü. Çözdürülen sperma örneklerinde motilite, 37 C⁰'de ısıtma tablalı faz kontrast mikroskop ile subjektif olarak, PMAI, mitokondrial membran potansiyeli ve mitokondrial reaktif oksijen türleri (MitoSOX+) flow sitometre ile değerlendirildi. En düşük motilite kontrol grubunda tespit edilirken en yüksek plazma membran akrozom bütünlüğü Trehaloz ve ALA gruplarında belirlendi (P<0,05). En düşük Hmmp ve en yüksek Lmmp değeri kontrol grubunda tespit edilirken en düşük MitoSOX+ Trehaloz grubunda belirlendi (P<0,05).
Sonuç olarak; Pırlak koçlarda sezon dışı permanın dondurulmasında ALA ve Tehalozun spermatolojik parametreleri iyileştirdiği belirlenmiştir.
- Ahmed, H., Jahan, S., Khan, A., Khan, L., Khan, B.T., Ullah, H., Riaz, M., Ullah, K. (2020) Supplementation of green tea extract (GTE) in extender improves structural and functional characteristics, total antioxidant capacity and in vivo fertility of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bull spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 145, 190-197.
- Ahmed, H., Jahan, S., Salman, M.M., Ullah, F. (2019). Stimulating effects of Quercetin (QUE) in tris citric acid extender on post thaw quality and in vivo fertility of buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) bull spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 134, 18-23.
- Aitken, R.J., Clarkson, J.S., Fishel, S. (1989). Generation of reactive oxygen species, lipit peroxidation, and human sperm function. Biology of Reproduction, 41,183–197.
- Avdatek, F., Yeni,D. Birdane, M.K., Gündoğan, M. (2019). Influence of Trolox and Alpha-Lipoic Acid on Post-Thawed Pırlak Ram Sperm Parameters, Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage in Non-Breeding Season. Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi, 12(3),363-369.
- Avdatek,, F., Gündoğan, M. (2018). Effects of some antioxidant additives on spermatological parameters, oxidative stress and DNA damage after freezing-thawing process in ram semen. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 32 (2), 135 – 142
- Başpınar, N., Çoyan, K., Bucak, M.N., Ömür, A.D., Ataman, M.B., Akalın, P..P, Güngör, Ş., Öztürk, C. (2011). Koç spermasının ekilibrasyon ve dondurma-çözdürme sonrası spermatolojik ve biyokimyasal parametreleri üzerine lipoik asitin etkisi. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Science, 27 (2), 87-92.
- Biewenga, G., Haenen, G.R.M.M., Bast, A. (1997). The pharmacology of antioxidant lipoicacid. General Pharmacology, 29, 315-31.
- Bucak, M. N., Ateşşahin, A., Varışlı, Ö., Yüce, A. A., Tekin, N., Akçay, A. (2007). The influence of trehalose, taurine, cysteamine and hyaluronan on ram semen microscopic and oxidative stress parameters after freeze–thawing process. Theriogenology, 67, 1060–1067.
- Bucak, M.N, Tekin N. Protective effect of taurine, glutathione and trehalose on the liquid storage of ram semen. Small Ruminant Research, 73(1), 103-108.
- Bucak, M.N., Ataman, M.B., Başpınar, N., Uysal, O., Taşpınar, M., Bilgili, A., Ozturk, C., Gungor, Ş., İnanç, M.E., Akal, E. (2015). Lycopene and resveratrol improve post-thaw bull sperm parameters: sperm motility, mitochondrial activity and DNA integrity. Andrologia, 47, 545–552
- Cirit, Ü., Bağış, H., Demir, K., Ağca, C., Pabuccuoğlu, S., Varışlı, Ö., Ağca, Y. (2013). Comparison of cryoprotective effects of iodixanol, trehalose and cysteamine on ram semen. Animal Reproduction Science, 139, 38–44.
- El-Beshbishy, H., Bahashwan, S., Ali, H.A.A., Fakher H. (2011). Abrogation of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice by alpha lipoic acid through ameliorating oxidative stress and enhancing gene expression of antioxidant enzymes. Europian Journal of Pharmacology, 668, 278–284.
- Güngör, Ş., Aksoy, A., Yeni, D., Avdatek, F., Öztürk, C., Ataman, M. B., Çoyan, K., Bucak, M.N., Başpınar, N., Peker Akalın, P. (2016). Combination of cysteamine and lipoic acid improves the post-thawed bull sperm parameters. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 9(2), 88-96.
- Uysal, O., Bucak, M.N. (2009). The role of different trehalose concentrations and coolingrates ,n freezing of ram semen. Ankara Ünversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 56, 99-103.
- Iqbal, S., Andrabi, M.A.A., Durani, A.Z., Ahmad, N. (2016). Trehalose improves semen antioxidant enzymes activity, post-thaw quality, and fertility in Nli Ravi Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Theriogenology, 85, 954-959.
- Iqbal, S., Naz, S., Ahmed, H., Andrabi, S.M.H. (2018).Cryoprotectant effect of trehalose in extender on post-thaw quality and in vivo fertility of Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bull spermatozoa. Andrologia, e12794
- Jafaroghli, M., Khalili, B., Farshad, A., Zamiri, M. J. (2011). The effect of supplementation of cryopreservation diluents with sugars on the post-thawing fertility of ram semen. Small Ruminant Research, 96, 58–63.
- Keskin, N., Erdoğan, C., Bucak, M.N., Öztürk, A.E., Bodu, M., İli, P., Baspinar, N., Dursun, Ş. (2020). Cryopreservation Effects on Ram Sperm Ultrastructure. Biopreservation and Biobanking. Doi: 10.1089/bio.2020.0056
- Kodwicka, M., Skibinska, I., Jendraszak, M., Jendraszak, P. (2016). 17β-estradiol modifies human spermatozoa mitochondrial function in vitro. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 14,50.
- Nishizono, H., Shioda, M., Takeo, T., Irie, T., Nakagata, N. (2004). Decrease of fertilizing ability of mouse spermatozoa after freezing and thawing is related to cellular injury. Biology of Reproduction,71, 973–978.
- Özmen, M. F., Cirit, Ü., Arıcı, R., Demir, K., Kurt, D., Pabuccuoğlu, S., Ak, K. (2020). Evaluation of synergic effects of iodixanol and trehalose on cryosurvival of electroejaculated ram semen. Andrologia, 52:e13656.
- Salamon, S, Maxwell, W.M.C. (1995). Frozen storage of ram semen II. Causes of low fertility after cervical insemination and methods of improvement. Animal Reproduction Science, 38(1), 1-36.
- Salamon, S., Maxwell, W. M. (2000). Storage of ram semen. Animal Reproduction Science, 62, 77–111.
Effect of alpha lipoic acid and trehalose on ram semen cryopreservation
Year 2020,
, 121 - 127, 31.12.2020
Fatih Avdatek
Muhammed İnanç
Deniz Yeni
Şükrü Güngör
Abuzer Acar
Ayhan Ata
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effects on spermatozoon motility, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity (PMAI), mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species after freezing and thawing by adding different doses of A Lipoic acid (ALA) and Trehalose to ram semen extender. Semen was collected from 10 Pirlak rams using artificial vagina, divided into three equal parts, extended with extender containing A lipoic acid (1 mM), Trehalose (100 mM) and no additives (control) to contain 5x108/ ml spermatozoa. Sperm was equilibrated about 2 hours at + 4 ° C, frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor (-120 ° C), thawed in 30 seconds at 37 ° C. Thawed sperm sample were evaluated. Subjective motility evaluated by phase contrast microscope with heating table at 37 °C, PMAI, mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species were evaluated by flow cytometer. While the lowest motility was detected in the control group, the highest plasma membrane integrity was found in the Trehalose group (P <0.05). While the lowest Hmmp and the highest Lmmp value were detected in the control group, the lowest MitoSOX+ was detected in Trehalose group.
It has been determined that ALA and Trehalose improve spermatological parameters in Pirlak ram semen after freezing and thawing procedure on non-breeding season.
- Ahmed, H., Jahan, S., Khan, A., Khan, L., Khan, B.T., Ullah, H., Riaz, M., Ullah, K. (2020) Supplementation of green tea extract (GTE) in extender improves structural and functional characteristics, total antioxidant capacity and in vivo fertility of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bull spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 145, 190-197.
- Ahmed, H., Jahan, S., Salman, M.M., Ullah, F. (2019). Stimulating effects of Quercetin (QUE) in tris citric acid extender on post thaw quality and in vivo fertility of buffalo (Bubalusbubalis) bull spermatozoa. Theriogenology, 134, 18-23.
- Aitken, R.J., Clarkson, J.S., Fishel, S. (1989). Generation of reactive oxygen species, lipit peroxidation, and human sperm function. Biology of Reproduction, 41,183–197.
- Avdatek, F., Yeni,D. Birdane, M.K., Gündoğan, M. (2019). Influence of Trolox and Alpha-Lipoic Acid on Post-Thawed Pırlak Ram Sperm Parameters, Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage in Non-Breeding Season. Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi, 12(3),363-369.
- Avdatek,, F., Gündoğan, M. (2018). Effects of some antioxidant additives on spermatological parameters, oxidative stress and DNA damage after freezing-thawing process in ram semen. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 32 (2), 135 – 142
- Başpınar, N., Çoyan, K., Bucak, M.N., Ömür, A.D., Ataman, M.B., Akalın, P..P, Güngör, Ş., Öztürk, C. (2011). Koç spermasının ekilibrasyon ve dondurma-çözdürme sonrası spermatolojik ve biyokimyasal parametreleri üzerine lipoik asitin etkisi. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Science, 27 (2), 87-92.
- Biewenga, G., Haenen, G.R.M.M., Bast, A. (1997). The pharmacology of antioxidant lipoicacid. General Pharmacology, 29, 315-31.
- Bucak, M. N., Ateşşahin, A., Varışlı, Ö., Yüce, A. A., Tekin, N., Akçay, A. (2007). The influence of trehalose, taurine, cysteamine and hyaluronan on ram semen microscopic and oxidative stress parameters after freeze–thawing process. Theriogenology, 67, 1060–1067.
- Bucak, M.N, Tekin N. Protective effect of taurine, glutathione and trehalose on the liquid storage of ram semen. Small Ruminant Research, 73(1), 103-108.
- Bucak, M.N., Ataman, M.B., Başpınar, N., Uysal, O., Taşpınar, M., Bilgili, A., Ozturk, C., Gungor, Ş., İnanç, M.E., Akal, E. (2015). Lycopene and resveratrol improve post-thaw bull sperm parameters: sperm motility, mitochondrial activity and DNA integrity. Andrologia, 47, 545–552
- Cirit, Ü., Bağış, H., Demir, K., Ağca, C., Pabuccuoğlu, S., Varışlı, Ö., Ağca, Y. (2013). Comparison of cryoprotective effects of iodixanol, trehalose and cysteamine on ram semen. Animal Reproduction Science, 139, 38–44.
- El-Beshbishy, H., Bahashwan, S., Ali, H.A.A., Fakher H. (2011). Abrogation of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice by alpha lipoic acid through ameliorating oxidative stress and enhancing gene expression of antioxidant enzymes. Europian Journal of Pharmacology, 668, 278–284.
- Güngör, Ş., Aksoy, A., Yeni, D., Avdatek, F., Öztürk, C., Ataman, M. B., Çoyan, K., Bucak, M.N., Başpınar, N., Peker Akalın, P. (2016). Combination of cysteamine and lipoic acid improves the post-thawed bull sperm parameters. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 9(2), 88-96.
- Uysal, O., Bucak, M.N. (2009). The role of different trehalose concentrations and coolingrates ,n freezing of ram semen. Ankara Ünversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 56, 99-103.
- Iqbal, S., Andrabi, M.A.A., Durani, A.Z., Ahmad, N. (2016). Trehalose improves semen antioxidant enzymes activity, post-thaw quality, and fertility in Nli Ravi Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Theriogenology, 85, 954-959.
- Iqbal, S., Naz, S., Ahmed, H., Andrabi, S.M.H. (2018).Cryoprotectant effect of trehalose in extender on post-thaw quality and in vivo fertility of Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bull spermatozoa. Andrologia, e12794
- Jafaroghli, M., Khalili, B., Farshad, A., Zamiri, M. J. (2011). The effect of supplementation of cryopreservation diluents with sugars on the post-thawing fertility of ram semen. Small Ruminant Research, 96, 58–63.
- Keskin, N., Erdoğan, C., Bucak, M.N., Öztürk, A.E., Bodu, M., İli, P., Baspinar, N., Dursun, Ş. (2020). Cryopreservation Effects on Ram Sperm Ultrastructure. Biopreservation and Biobanking. Doi: 10.1089/bio.2020.0056
- Kodwicka, M., Skibinska, I., Jendraszak, M., Jendraszak, P. (2016). 17β-estradiol modifies human spermatozoa mitochondrial function in vitro. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 14,50.
- Nishizono, H., Shioda, M., Takeo, T., Irie, T., Nakagata, N. (2004). Decrease of fertilizing ability of mouse spermatozoa after freezing and thawing is related to cellular injury. Biology of Reproduction,71, 973–978.
- Özmen, M. F., Cirit, Ü., Arıcı, R., Demir, K., Kurt, D., Pabuccuoğlu, S., Ak, K. (2020). Evaluation of synergic effects of iodixanol and trehalose on cryosurvival of electroejaculated ram semen. Andrologia, 52:e13656.
- Salamon, S, Maxwell, W.M.C. (1995). Frozen storage of ram semen II. Causes of low fertility after cervical insemination and methods of improvement. Animal Reproduction Science, 38(1), 1-36.
- Salamon, S., Maxwell, W. M. (2000). Storage of ram semen. Animal Reproduction Science, 62, 77–111.