Vital-supporting new therapy in dogs with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and possible bacterial translocation: application of high-volume polyethylene glycol with proctolysis
Year 2021,
, 39 - 44, 30.04.2021
Kerem Ural
Hasan Erdoğan
Songül Erdoğan
Şükran Gözde İçaçan
Cansu Akbaş
In the study of retrospective case series, it was aimed to restrained of sepsis as reconstructing the intestinal barrier via high volume polyethylene glycol administration by rectal enema (proctolysis) in dogs being systemic inflammatory response syndrome with possible bacterial translocation accompanied by laboratory analysis. Regarding high volume polyethylene glycol was administered rectally with standard treatment protocols in 8 different dogs diagnosed different diseases and concomitant with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. It was observed to the systemic inflammatory response scores was 2-4 before the polyethylene glycol application, decreased 0-1 after 5 days of application. In this respect, the use of polyethylene glycol via rectal enema has been demonstrated as a first in this study in cases applied to clinics with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis and we have also received the absence of any side effects favorably although in a limited number of cases.
- Ackland, G. L., Del Arroyo, A. G., Yao, S. T., Stephens, R. C., Dyson, A., Klein, N. J., Gourine, A. V. (2010). Low-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol improves survival in experimental sepsis. Critical Care Medicine, 38(2), 629-636. Doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181c8fcd0.
- Alverdy, J., Piano, G. (1997). Whole gut washout for severe sepsis: Review of technique and preliminary results. Surgery, 121(1), 89-94. Doi:
- Bekkali, N. L., Hoekman, D. R., Liem, O., Bongers, M. E., Van Wijk, M. P., Zegers, B., Benninga, M. A. (2018). Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes versus polyethylene glycol 4000 for constipation: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 66(1), 10. Doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001726.
- Burrows, C. (2004). Rebuilding the Gut Barrier to Prevent Sepsis. Capsules. The current Literature in brief. Clinician’s Brief. 1-1.
- Hauptman, J. G., Walshaw, R., Olivier, N. B. (1997). Evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic criteria for sepsis in dogs. Veterinary Surgery, 26(5), 393-397. Doi:
- Kilpatrick, S., Dreistadt, M., Frowde, P., Powell, R., Milne, E., Smith, S., Mellanby, R. J. (2016). Presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome predicts a poor clinical outcome in dogs with a primary hepatitis. PLoS One, 11(1), e0146560. Doi:
- Valuckaite, V., Seal, J., Zaborina, O., Tretiakova, M., Testa, G., Alverdy, J. C. (2013). High molecular weight polyethylene glycol (PEG 15-20) maintains mucosal microbial barrier function during intestinal graft preservation. Journal of Surgical Research, 183(2), 869-875. Doi:
- Wu, L., Zaborina, O., Zaborin, A., Chang, E. B., Musch, M., Holbrook, C., Alverdy, J. C. (2004). High-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol prevents lethal sepsis due to intestinal Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Gastroenterology, 126(2), 488-498. Doi:
- Yandza, T., Tauc, M., Canioni, D., Rogel-Gaillard, C., Bernard, G., Bernard, A., Gugenheim, J. (2012). Effect of polyethylene glycol in pig intestinal allotransplantation without immunosuppression. Journal of Surgical Research, 176(2), 621-628. Doi:
- Zaborin, A., Defazio, J. R., Kade, M., Kaiser, B. L. D., Belogortseva, N., Camp, D. G., Goldfeld, D. (2014). Phosphate-containing polyethylene glycol polymers prevent lethal sepsis by multidrug-resistant pathogens. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58(2), 966-977. Doi: 10.1128/AAC.02183-13.
Sistemik inflamatuvar cevap sendromu ve muhtemel bakteriyel translokasyonu mevcut köpeklerde vital destekleyici yeni sağaltım: proktolizis ile yüksek hacimde polietilen glikol uygulaması
Year 2021,
, 39 - 44, 30.04.2021
Kerem Ural
Hasan Erdoğan
Songül Erdoğan
Şükran Gözde İçaçan
Cansu Akbaş
Retrospektif vaka serisine ait çalışmada laboratuvar analizleri eşliğinde sistemik inflamatuvar cevap sendromu ile muhtemel bakteriyel translokasyonu mevcut köpeklerde, rektal enema (proktolizis) ile yüksek hacimde polietilen glikol uygulamasının bağırsak bariyerini yeniden inşaası ile sepsisin durdurulması amaçlandı. Bu kapsamda farklı hastalıkları bulunan ve sistemik inflamatuvar cevap sendromu eşlik eden 8 farklı köpekte standart sağaltım protokolleri ile rektal yolla yüksek hacimde polietilen glikol uygulandı. Polietilen glikol uygulama öncesi 2-4 arası saptanan sistemik inflamatuvar cevap skorlarında 5 günlük uygulama sonrası 0-1 arasına düştüğü gözlemlendi. Bu yönü ile sınırlı sayıda olguda da olsa, kliniklerde sistemik inflamatuvar cevap sendromu ve sepsis durumlarında bu çalışmada bir ilk olduğu üzere rektal enema ile polietilen glikol kullanılabilirliği ortaya konulmuş olup herhangi bir yan etki saptanmaması yine tarafımızca olumlu karşılanmıştır.
- Ackland, G. L., Del Arroyo, A. G., Yao, S. T., Stephens, R. C., Dyson, A., Klein, N. J., Gourine, A. V. (2010). Low-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol improves survival in experimental sepsis. Critical Care Medicine, 38(2), 629-636. Doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181c8fcd0.
- Alverdy, J., Piano, G. (1997). Whole gut washout for severe sepsis: Review of technique and preliminary results. Surgery, 121(1), 89-94. Doi:
- Bekkali, N. L., Hoekman, D. R., Liem, O., Bongers, M. E., Van Wijk, M. P., Zegers, B., Benninga, M. A. (2018). Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes versus polyethylene glycol 4000 for constipation: a randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 66(1), 10. Doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000001726.
- Burrows, C. (2004). Rebuilding the Gut Barrier to Prevent Sepsis. Capsules. The current Literature in brief. Clinician’s Brief. 1-1.
- Hauptman, J. G., Walshaw, R., Olivier, N. B. (1997). Evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic criteria for sepsis in dogs. Veterinary Surgery, 26(5), 393-397. Doi:
- Kilpatrick, S., Dreistadt, M., Frowde, P., Powell, R., Milne, E., Smith, S., Mellanby, R. J. (2016). Presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome predicts a poor clinical outcome in dogs with a primary hepatitis. PLoS One, 11(1), e0146560. Doi:
- Valuckaite, V., Seal, J., Zaborina, O., Tretiakova, M., Testa, G., Alverdy, J. C. (2013). High molecular weight polyethylene glycol (PEG 15-20) maintains mucosal microbial barrier function during intestinal graft preservation. Journal of Surgical Research, 183(2), 869-875. Doi:
- Wu, L., Zaborina, O., Zaborin, A., Chang, E. B., Musch, M., Holbrook, C., Alverdy, J. C. (2004). High-molecular-weight polyethylene glycol prevents lethal sepsis due to intestinal Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Gastroenterology, 126(2), 488-498. Doi:
- Yandza, T., Tauc, M., Canioni, D., Rogel-Gaillard, C., Bernard, G., Bernard, A., Gugenheim, J. (2012). Effect of polyethylene glycol in pig intestinal allotransplantation without immunosuppression. Journal of Surgical Research, 176(2), 621-628. Doi:
- Zaborin, A., Defazio, J. R., Kade, M., Kaiser, B. L. D., Belogortseva, N., Camp, D. G., Goldfeld, D. (2014). Phosphate-containing polyethylene glycol polymers prevent lethal sepsis by multidrug-resistant pathogens. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 58(2), 966-977. Doi: 10.1128/AAC.02183-13.