The relationship between the rate of incidence for ketosis seen in the livestock in this study, the best pearl sac formation was investigated in two different implantation areas of the freshwater mussel (Unio terminalis) using two different graft materials. Average dorso-ventral length, height, width and weight of used Unio terminalis mussel were 7.80 ± 0.22 cm, 4.12 ± 0.21 cm, 3.14 ± 0.19 cm and 45.74 ± 0.23 g, respectively. The mantle cavity and intra-gonad regions were determined as pearl pouch formation implantation site and 2 grafts were applied to each region. Mantle tissue slices obtained from the pallial part of the mantle tissue in the size of 3 × 3 mm and the same species mussel shell with 3 mm diameter were used as the graft material. 50 different mussels were used in each application with a total of a total of 300 mussels, three replicated. At the end of the 3-month pearl culture, highest rate of formation (60%) and number (35) of the pearl sac was observed in mantle cavity region compared to intra-gonad region. However, the muscular graft and nucleus removal was detected at the lowest rate (20%) in the region of the gonad which is the best obtained result. This research is important for commercial pearl production studies on the most suitable graft implantation site in the production of cultured pearls.
Alagarswami, K. (1970). Pearl culture in Japan and its lessons for India. Proc. Symp. Mollusca. 3 : 975-993.
Aldridge, D. C. (1999). The morphology, growth and reproduction of Unionidae (Bivalvia) in a fenland waterway. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 65(1), 47-60.
APHA, (1999). Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste Water. American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation New York, U. S.A.
APHA-AWWA-WPCF. (1981). American Public Health Association Standart Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater. 15th ed. Washington, D.C.
Barik, S. K., Jena, J. K., & Ram, K. J. (2004). CaCO 3 crystallization in primary culture of mantle epithelial cells of freshwater pearl mussel. Current Science, 730-734.
Berni, P., Bitossi, S., Salvato, M., Orlandi, M., Salviati, J., Silvestri, M., & Billiard, R. (2004). Enhancing the Local Production of Alternative Freshwater Pearls, High quality, Environmentally Sustainable Mixed Farming Techniques. Italy: Freshwater Pearl Culture. Ceresole d’Alba Pr. p, 179-185.
Bhowmick, G.C. (1996). Effect of water calcium on freshwater pearl culture. M.F.Sc., Dissertation submitted to Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University),
Mumbai, 49 pp.
Bhusan, P. (1997). Multiple implantation trials in freshwater pearl culture. M.F.Sc., Dissertation submitted to Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University), Mumbai, 47 pp.
Çek, Ş. & Şereflişan, H. (2006). Certain reproductive characteristics of the freshwater mussel Unio terminalis delicates (Lea, 1863) in Gölbaşı Lake, Turkey. Aquaculture Research, 37: 1305–1315.
Dan, H., Mazid, M.A., & Hussain, M.G. (2001). Freshwater Pearl Culture: Principles and Techniques. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh 2201. 104 pp.
Dan, H., & Ruobo, G. (2002). Freshwater pearl culture and production in China. Aquaculture Asia, 7(1), 6-8.
Dix, T. G. (1973). Histology of the mantle and pearl sac of the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima (Lamellibranchia). Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 2(4), 365-375.
George, D.C. (1978). Debunking a Widely Held Japan Myth –Historical aspects on the early discovery of the pearl cultivating technique. The International Pearling Journal, 10-16
Gogoi, S., & Mandal, S. C. (2011). Present status and future prospects of freshwater pearl production in India. World Aquaculture, 42(2), 21.
Graf, D. L. (2002). Molecular phylogenetic analysis of two problematic freshwater mussel genera (Unio and Gonidea) and a re-evaluation of the classification of Nearctic Unionidae (Bivalvia: Palaeoheterodonta: Unionoida). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 68(1), 65-71.
Guiry, M.D., & Guiry, G.M. (2019). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Available from:
Hanni, H. A. (2012). Natural pearls and cultured pearls: A basic concept and its variations. The Australian Gemmologist, 24(11), 256-266.
Hossain M.A., Sultana, N., Azimuddin, K., Hussain, M.G., & Mazid, M.A. (2004). Selection of freshwater pearl mussel species for mantle transplantation in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 8(2): 113-116.
İşcan, Y., & Şereflişan, H. (2014). Investıgatıon of Shell Structure of Lake Gölbaşı Freshwater Mussels in The Crystallızed Level. Aquaculture Studies, 14(3), 013-021.
Janaki Ram, K., KUMAR, K., & MISRA, G. (1994). Possible use of different graft donors in freshwater pearl mussel surgery. Indian journal of experimental biology, 32(5), 366-368.
Janakiram, K. (2003). Freshwater Pearl Culture Technology Development in India. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. 13 (3-4) : 341-349.
Li, J., Y. Li, Q. Liu, & Zhang, G. (2007). Aquaculture in China-freshwater pearl culture. Aquaculture 2007-Meeting Abstract.(Available from: ( AbstractData.asp?AbstractID=14278)
Liu, F.G. (1993). Freshwater pearl culture. Infofish. Int. 1: 49-51.
Mamangkey N.G.F., Salmon, H.A., & Southgate, P.C. (2009). Use of Anaesthetics with the Silver Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada maxima (Jameson). Aquaculture 288:280-284. http://dx.
Mian, M.I., Rahman, A.S.M.K., Rahmatullah, S.M., Saha, J.K., Islam, M.A. (2000). Culture of pearl in freshwater mussels (Lamellidens marginalis). Bangladesh. Fish. Res. 4: 57-61.
Nagai, K. (2013). A History of the Cultured Pearl Industry. Zoological Science, 30: 783-793.
Ninawe, A.S. (2006). Pearl culture-promises lucrative returns. Infofish International 5: 9-12.
Pahna, S., & Kosavititkul, P. (1997). Mantle transplantation in freshwater pearl mussels in Thailand. Aquaculture Int.5: 1-10.
Pandey, A. & Singh, A. (2015). Effect of different pearl nuclei implantation and rearing methods on survival, growth and pearl formation in freshwater mussel, Lamellidens marginalis in Punjab. Eco. Env. & Cons. 21 (August Suppl.): 2015; pp. (AS331-AS335) Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971–765X
Rachman B., Winanto, T., & Maskur (2006). Effect of various depth against implantation process and nucleus coating pearls in oysters Margaritifera sp. on controlled pool. Impasja 2:86-95.
Rahayu, S. Y. S., Duryadi, D., Affandi, R., & Manalu, W. (2009). Ekobiologi kerang mutiara air tawar (Anodonta woodiana, Lea). Omni Akuatika, 8, 27-32.
Rahayu, S. Y. S., Solihin, D. D., Manalu, W., & Affandi, R. (2013). Nucleus pearl coating process of freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana (Unionidae). HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 20(1), 24-30.
Ram, J.K., & Tripathi, S. D. (1992). Manual on freshwater pearl culture.
Ram, J.K., & Gayatri, M. (2003). Homogenic and xenogenic implantation in pearl mussel surgery. Curr Sci 85(6), 727-729.
Sakpal, R.R., & Singh, H. (2000). Effect of different methods on implantation of nucleus in freshwater mussel Lamillidens marginalis. Proc. of the National Symposium in Fish Health Management and Sustainable Aquaculture, Pantnagar, India, November 1-2, 2000.
Salmon A.H., Fernandez, E.M., & Southgate, P.C. (2005). Use of relaxants to obtain saibo tissue from the blacklip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) and the Akoya pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata). Aquaculture 246:167-172.
Sengupta, R.C. (1994). Check list of freshwater pearl culture. p.15-17 In : Pearl Culture in Freshwater Mussels (Lamellidens marginalis, Lamarck) (Ed by K.K.Sengupta), Kulia Kalyani, India.
Şereflişan, H. (2014). Gölbaşı Gölü (Hatay) tatlı su midyelerinin ekonomik değer taşı yan özelliklerinin araştırılması. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 3: 43-49.
Şereflişan, H. (2019). Comparison of Pearl Sac Formation in Four Mussel Species (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida) at the Graft Implantation. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(10): 1699-1704, 019
Taylor, J., & Strack, E. (2008). Pearl Production. The Pearl Oyster, eds. Southgate PC and Lucas J, pp 273–301.
Yan, L. L., Zhang, G. F., & Liu, Q. G. (2009). Optimization of culturing the freshwater pearl mussels, Hyriopsis cumingii with filter feeding Chinese carps (bighead carp and silver carp) by orthogonal array design. Aquaculture, 292(1-2), 60-66.
Winanto, T., Soedharma, D., Affandi, R., Sanusi, H. (2009). Effect of temperature and salinity on physiological response pinctada maxima pearl oyster larvae (Jameson). J Biol Indon 6:51- 69.
Tatlı su midyesinin (Unio terminalis) farklı iki bölgesine yapılan greft naklinin karşılaştırılması
Year 2020,
Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 96 - 105, 31.12.2020
Bu çalışmada, tatlı su midyesinin (Unio terminalis) iki farklı implantasyon bölgesinde, iki farklı greft malzemesi kullanılarak en iyi inci kesesi oluşumu incelenmiştir. Araştırmada ortalama dorso-ventral uzunluğu 7.80±0.22 cm, yüksekliği 4.12±0.21 cm, genişliği 3.14±0.19 cm ve ağırlığı 45.74±0.23 g olan Unio terminalis midye türü kullanılmıştır. İnci kese oluşumu için implantasyon bölgesi olarak manto boşluğu ve gonad içi bölgesi belirlenmiş ve her bir bölgeye 2’şer adet greft uygulanmıştır. Greft malzemesi olarak manto dokusunun pallial bölümünden 3×3 mm büyüklüğünde elde edilen manto doku dilimleri ile 3 mm çapında sedefli midye kabuğu kullanılmıştır. Her bir uygulama için 50’şer adet olmak üzere, üç tekerrürlü toplamda 300 adet midye kullanılmıştır. 3 aylık inci kültürü sonunda, manto boşluğu ve gonad içi bölgesinde inci kesesi oluşumu karşılaştırıldığında; nitelikli inci kesesi oluşum oranı (% 60) ve sayısının (35) en iyi olduğu bölgenin manto boşluğu bölgesi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak, midye tarafından greft ve nükleus atımı bakımından gonad içi uygulaması daha başarılı sonuç vermiştir (%20). Bu araştırma, kültür inci üretiminde önemli görülen sedef oluşum süresi ve en uygun greft implantasyon bölgesi konusunda, ticari inci üretim çalışmaları için önem taşımaktadır.
Alagarswami, K. (1970). Pearl culture in Japan and its lessons for India. Proc. Symp. Mollusca. 3 : 975-993.
Aldridge, D. C. (1999). The morphology, growth and reproduction of Unionidae (Bivalvia) in a fenland waterway. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 65(1), 47-60.
APHA, (1999). Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste Water. American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation New York, U. S.A.
APHA-AWWA-WPCF. (1981). American Public Health Association Standart Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater. 15th ed. Washington, D.C.
Barik, S. K., Jena, J. K., & Ram, K. J. (2004). CaCO 3 crystallization in primary culture of mantle epithelial cells of freshwater pearl mussel. Current Science, 730-734.
Berni, P., Bitossi, S., Salvato, M., Orlandi, M., Salviati, J., Silvestri, M., & Billiard, R. (2004). Enhancing the Local Production of Alternative Freshwater Pearls, High quality, Environmentally Sustainable Mixed Farming Techniques. Italy: Freshwater Pearl Culture. Ceresole d’Alba Pr. p, 179-185.
Bhowmick, G.C. (1996). Effect of water calcium on freshwater pearl culture. M.F.Sc., Dissertation submitted to Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University),
Mumbai, 49 pp.
Bhusan, P. (1997). Multiple implantation trials in freshwater pearl culture. M.F.Sc., Dissertation submitted to Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University), Mumbai, 47 pp.
Çek, Ş. & Şereflişan, H. (2006). Certain reproductive characteristics of the freshwater mussel Unio terminalis delicates (Lea, 1863) in Gölbaşı Lake, Turkey. Aquaculture Research, 37: 1305–1315.
Dan, H., Mazid, M.A., & Hussain, M.G. (2001). Freshwater Pearl Culture: Principles and Techniques. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh 2201. 104 pp.
Dan, H., & Ruobo, G. (2002). Freshwater pearl culture and production in China. Aquaculture Asia, 7(1), 6-8.
Dix, T. G. (1973). Histology of the mantle and pearl sac of the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima (Lamellibranchia). Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 2(4), 365-375.
George, D.C. (1978). Debunking a Widely Held Japan Myth –Historical aspects on the early discovery of the pearl cultivating technique. The International Pearling Journal, 10-16
Gogoi, S., & Mandal, S. C. (2011). Present status and future prospects of freshwater pearl production in India. World Aquaculture, 42(2), 21.
Graf, D. L. (2002). Molecular phylogenetic analysis of two problematic freshwater mussel genera (Unio and Gonidea) and a re-evaluation of the classification of Nearctic Unionidae (Bivalvia: Palaeoheterodonta: Unionoida). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 68(1), 65-71.
Guiry, M.D., & Guiry, G.M. (2019). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Available from:
Hanni, H. A. (2012). Natural pearls and cultured pearls: A basic concept and its variations. The Australian Gemmologist, 24(11), 256-266.
Hossain M.A., Sultana, N., Azimuddin, K., Hussain, M.G., & Mazid, M.A. (2004). Selection of freshwater pearl mussel species for mantle transplantation in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 8(2): 113-116.
İşcan, Y., & Şereflişan, H. (2014). Investıgatıon of Shell Structure of Lake Gölbaşı Freshwater Mussels in The Crystallızed Level. Aquaculture Studies, 14(3), 013-021.
Janaki Ram, K., KUMAR, K., & MISRA, G. (1994). Possible use of different graft donors in freshwater pearl mussel surgery. Indian journal of experimental biology, 32(5), 366-368.
Janakiram, K. (2003). Freshwater Pearl Culture Technology Development in India. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. 13 (3-4) : 341-349.
Li, J., Y. Li, Q. Liu, & Zhang, G. (2007). Aquaculture in China-freshwater pearl culture. Aquaculture 2007-Meeting Abstract.(Available from: ( AbstractData.asp?AbstractID=14278)
Liu, F.G. (1993). Freshwater pearl culture. Infofish. Int. 1: 49-51.
Mamangkey N.G.F., Salmon, H.A., & Southgate, P.C. (2009). Use of Anaesthetics with the Silver Lip Pearl Oyster, Pinctada maxima (Jameson). Aquaculture 288:280-284. http://dx.
Mian, M.I., Rahman, A.S.M.K., Rahmatullah, S.M., Saha, J.K., Islam, M.A. (2000). Culture of pearl in freshwater mussels (Lamellidens marginalis). Bangladesh. Fish. Res. 4: 57-61.
Nagai, K. (2013). A History of the Cultured Pearl Industry. Zoological Science, 30: 783-793.
Ninawe, A.S. (2006). Pearl culture-promises lucrative returns. Infofish International 5: 9-12.
Pahna, S., & Kosavititkul, P. (1997). Mantle transplantation in freshwater pearl mussels in Thailand. Aquaculture Int.5: 1-10.
Pandey, A. & Singh, A. (2015). Effect of different pearl nuclei implantation and rearing methods on survival, growth and pearl formation in freshwater mussel, Lamellidens marginalis in Punjab. Eco. Env. & Cons. 21 (August Suppl.): 2015; pp. (AS331-AS335) Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971–765X
Rachman B., Winanto, T., & Maskur (2006). Effect of various depth against implantation process and nucleus coating pearls in oysters Margaritifera sp. on controlled pool. Impasja 2:86-95.
Rahayu, S. Y. S., Duryadi, D., Affandi, R., & Manalu, W. (2009). Ekobiologi kerang mutiara air tawar (Anodonta woodiana, Lea). Omni Akuatika, 8, 27-32.
Rahayu, S. Y. S., Solihin, D. D., Manalu, W., & Affandi, R. (2013). Nucleus pearl coating process of freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana (Unionidae). HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 20(1), 24-30.
Ram, J.K., & Tripathi, S. D. (1992). Manual on freshwater pearl culture.
Ram, J.K., & Gayatri, M. (2003). Homogenic and xenogenic implantation in pearl mussel surgery. Curr Sci 85(6), 727-729.
Sakpal, R.R., & Singh, H. (2000). Effect of different methods on implantation of nucleus in freshwater mussel Lamillidens marginalis. Proc. of the National Symposium in Fish Health Management and Sustainable Aquaculture, Pantnagar, India, November 1-2, 2000.
Salmon A.H., Fernandez, E.M., & Southgate, P.C. (2005). Use of relaxants to obtain saibo tissue from the blacklip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) and the Akoya pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata). Aquaculture 246:167-172.
Sengupta, R.C. (1994). Check list of freshwater pearl culture. p.15-17 In : Pearl Culture in Freshwater Mussels (Lamellidens marginalis, Lamarck) (Ed by K.K.Sengupta), Kulia Kalyani, India.
Şereflişan, H. (2014). Gölbaşı Gölü (Hatay) tatlı su midyelerinin ekonomik değer taşı yan özelliklerinin araştırılması. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 3: 43-49.
Şereflişan, H. (2019). Comparison of Pearl Sac Formation in Four Mussel Species (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionoida) at the Graft Implantation. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 7(10): 1699-1704, 019
Taylor, J., & Strack, E. (2008). Pearl Production. The Pearl Oyster, eds. Southgate PC and Lucas J, pp 273–301.
Yan, L. L., Zhang, G. F., & Liu, Q. G. (2009). Optimization of culturing the freshwater pearl mussels, Hyriopsis cumingii with filter feeding Chinese carps (bighead carp and silver carp) by orthogonal array design. Aquaculture, 292(1-2), 60-66.
Winanto, T., Soedharma, D., Affandi, R., Sanusi, H. (2009). Effect of temperature and salinity on physiological response pinctada maxima pearl oyster larvae (Jameson). J Biol Indon 6:51- 69.
Şereflişan, H. (2020). Tatlı su midyesinin (Unio terminalis) farklı iki bölgesine yapılan greft naklinin karşılaştırılması. Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques, 5(3), 96-105.