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Fungusit tebukonazolün tatlı su midyelerine (Unio mancus) toksik etkilerinin çoklu biyobelirteçlerle incelenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 284 - 297, 31.12.2021


Triazol fungusitler, geniş spektrumlu, steroidal olmayan antiöstrojenler ve çeşitli endüstriyel uygulamalar için yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Toprak, su gibi çevresel ortamlarda ve canlı organizmaların dokularında bu fungusitlerin kalıntılarına rastlanmaktadır. Giderek artan toksisite raporları, triazol fungusitlerin çevre ve halk sağlığı açısından endişe verici kirleticiler olarak ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, triazol grubu fungusitlerden en yaygın kullanılan türlerinden biri olan tebukonazolün (TEB) hedef dışı organizmalar olan tatlı su midyeleri (Unio mancus) üzerindeki toksik etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, 96 saat boyunca dört TEB konsantrasyonuna (1.5, 15, 150 ve 1500 µg Aİ L-1) maruz bırakılan midyelerin solungaç ve sindirim bezlerinde çeşitli oksidatif stres parametreleri [toplam antioksidan konsantrasyonu (TAC), toplam oksidan konsantrasyonu (TOC), oksidatif stres indeksi (OSI), glutatyon (GSH), malondialdehit (MDA)], antioksidan enzimler [(süperoksit dismutaz (SOD), glutatyon peroksidaz (GPx), glutatyon S-transferaz (GST), glutatyon redüktaz (GR)] ve biyotransformasyon enzimlerinden karboksil esteraz (CaE) aktivitesi değerlendirilmiştir. TEB’e maruz kalmanın, hem solungaçta hem de sindirim bezinde kontrole göre önemli oranda TAC, OSI, MDA seviyelerini arttırdığı, TOC ve GSH düzeylerini düşürdüğü, SOD, GPx, GST aktivitelerini arttırdığı, GR ve CaE’yi ise inhibe ettiği gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, TEB’in U. mancus’da önemli toksik etkiler oluşturduğu ve tatlı su ekosistemlerinde yaşayan midyelerin TEB’e maruz kalma tehdidi altında olabileceği söylenebilir.


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  • Hemalatha, D., Amala, A., Rangasamy, B., Nataraj, B., Ramesh, M. (2015). Sublethal toxicity of quinalphos on oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in a freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio. Environmental Toxicology, 31,1399-406.
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Investigation of toxic effects of fungicide tebuconazole on freshwater mussels (Unio mancus) with multiple biomarkers

Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 284 - 297, 31.12.2021


Triazole fungicides are widely used as broad-spectrum, non-steroidal antiestrogens and for various industrial applications. Residues of these fungicides are found in environments such as soil and water, and in the tissues of living organisms. Increasing toxicity reports have led to the emergence of triazole fungicides as pollutants of environmental and public health concern. In this study, the toxic effects of tebuconazole (TEB), one of the most widely used triazole fungicides, on freshwater mussels (Unio mancus), which are non-target organisms, were investigated. In the study, various oxidative stress parameters [total antioxidant concentration (TAC), total oxidant concentration (TOC), oxidative stress index (OSI), glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA)], antioxidant enzymes [(superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR)] and carboxylesterase (CaE) activity from biotransformation enzymes was evaluated in the gill and digestive glands of mussels exposed to four TEB concentrations (1.5, 15, 150 and 1500 µg AI L-1) for 96 hours. It was observed that TEB exposure significantly increased TAC, OSI, MDA levels, decreased TOC and GSH levels, increased SOD, GPx, GST activities, and inhibited GR and CaE activities in both the gill and digestive gland compared to the control. As a result, it can be said that TEB has significant toxic effects on U. mancus and mussels living in freshwater ecosystems may be under the threat of TEB exposure.


  • Abhijith, B.D., Ramesh, M., Poopal, R.K. (2016). Responses of metabolic and antioxidant enzymatic activities in gill, liver and plasma of Catla catla during methyl parathion exposure. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, 77, 31–40.
  • Allen, D., Wilson, D., Drew, R., Perfect, J. (2015). Azole antifungals: 35 years of invasive fungal infection management. Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy, 13(6), 787-98.
  • Alkan Uçkun, A. (2017). Ecotoxicological evaluation of pesticide pollution in Ataturk dam Lake (Euphrates River), Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 17(2), 313-321.
  • Bell, J.G., Cowey, C.B., Adro, J.W., Shanks, A.M. (1985). Some effects of vitamine and selenium deprivation on tissue enzyme levels and indices of tissue peroxidation in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). British Journal of Nutrition, 53, 149–57.
  • Bhagat, J., Singh, N., Nishimura, N., Shimada, Y. (2021). A comprehensive review on environmental toxicity of azole compounds to fish. Chemosphere, 262, 128335.
  • Bradford, M.M. (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 72, 248-54.
  • Cao, F., Wu, P., Huang, L., Li, H., Qian, L., Pang, S., Qiu, L. (2018). Short-term developmental effects and potential mechanisms of azoxystrobin in larval and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology, 198, 129-40.
  • Chahine, S., O’Donnell, M.J. (2011). Interactions between detoxification mechanisms and excretion in malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214, 462-8.
  • Cribb, A.E., Leeder, J.S., Spielberg, S.P. (1989). Use of a microplate reader in an assay of glutathione reductase using 5,5-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid). Analytical Biochemistry, 183, 195–6.
  • De Lima, D., Roque, G.M., De Almeida, E.A. (2013). In vitro and in vivo inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and carboxylesterase by metals in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Marine Environmental Research, 91, 45–51.
  • De, A., Bose, R., Kumar, A., Mozumdar, S. (2014). Targeted delivery of pesticides using biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles. Springer India, New Delhi, pp 59–81.
  • Denton, D.L., Wheelock, C.E., Murray, S.A., Deanovic, L.A., Hammock, B.D., Hinton, D.E. (2003). Joint acute toxicity of esfenvalerate and diazinon to larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal, 22(2), 336-341.
  • Di Giulio, R.T., Meyer, J.N. (2008). Reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. In: Di Giulio, R.T., Hinton, D.E. (Eds.), The Toxicology of Fishes, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 273-324.
  • Dickinson, D.A., Forman, H.J. (2002). Cellular glutathione and thiols metabolism. Biochemical Pharmacology, 64, 1019–26.
  • Djordjevic, J., Djordjevic, A., Adzic, M., Niciforovic, A., Radojcic, M.B. (2010). Chronic stress differentially affects antioxidant enzymes and modifies the acute stress response in liver of Wistar rats. Physiological Research, 59(5), 729-36.
  • EFSA. (2008). European Food Safety Authority, Conclusion regarding the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance penconazole. EFSA Scientific Report, 175, 1–104.
  • Elia, A.C., Galarini, R., Taticchi, M.I., Dörr, A.J.M., Mantilacci, L. (2003). Antioxidant responses and bioaccumulation in Ictalurus melas under mercury exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 55,162-7.
  • Erel, O. (2005). A new automated colorimetric method for measuring total oxidant status. Clinical Biochemistry, 38, 1103-11.
  • García‐Valcárcel, A.I., Tadeo, J.L. (2012). Influence of moisture on the availability and persistence of clotrimazole and fluconazole in sludge-amended soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31, 501-7.
  • Habig, W.H., Pabst, M.J., Jakoby, W.B. (1974.) Glutathione S-transferases, the first enzymatic step in mercapturic acid formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 249, 7130–39.
  • Hamed, M., Soliman, H.A.M., Osman, A.G.M., Sayed, A.E.H. (2020). Antioxidants and molecular damage in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) after exposure to microplastics. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 14581-8.
  • Hemalatha, D., Amala, A., Rangasamy, B., Nataraj, B., Ramesh, M. (2015). Sublethal toxicity of quinalphos on oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in a freshwater fish Cyprinus carpio. Environmental Toxicology, 31,1399-406.
  • Hongyi, N., Wenjing, D., Qunhe, W., Xingeng, C. (2009). Potential toxic risk of heavy metals from sediment of the Pearl River in South China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21, 1053–58.
  • IUCN. (2021, October 24). Unio mancus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014: e.T22737A42466471. (Lopes-Lima, M., Seddon, M.B. (2014)).
  • IUPAC (2021, October 5) Tebuconazole (Ref: HWG 1608), Environmental fate-ecotoxicology-human health-A to Z index. Retrieved from
  • Janna, H., Scrimshaw, M.D., Williams, R.J., Churchley, J., Sumpter, J.P. (2011). From Dishwasher to Tap? Xenobiotic Substances Benzotriazole and Tolyltriazole in the Environment. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(9), 3858–64.
  • Jiang, J., Chen, L., Liu, X., Wang, L., Wu, S., & Zhao, X. (2021). Histology and multi-omic profiling reveal the mixture toxicity of tebuconazole and difenoconazole in adult zebrafish. Science of The Total Environment, 795, 148777.
  • Jiang, J., Shi, Y., Yu, R., Chen, L., Zhao, X. (2018). Biological response of zebrafish after short-term exposure to azoxystrobin. Chemosphere, 202, 56-64.
  • Korkmaz, V., Güngördü, A., Ozmen, M. (2018). Comparative evaluation of toxicological effects and recovery patterns in zebrafish (Danio rerio) after exposure to phosalone-based and cypermethrin-based pesticides. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 160, 265-72.
  • Lenfant, N., Hotelier, T., Velluet, E., Bourne, Y., Marchot, P., Chatonnet, A. (2012). ESTHER, the database of the α/β-hydrolase fold superfamily of proteins: tools to explore diversity of functions. Nucleic Acids Research, 41, 423-29.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Miraç Uçkun 0000-0002-9018-8515

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date October 25, 2021
Acceptance Date December 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Uçkun, M. (2021). Fungusit tebukonazolün tatlı su midyelerine (Unio mancus) toksik etkilerinin çoklu biyobelirteçlerle incelenmesi. Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques, 6(3), 284-297.

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