Unlike other animals, honey bees are considered a super-organism consisting of thousands of individuals, including queen, worker and drones. Bacterial diseases such as foulbrood, spiroplasmosis and septicemia are observed in honey bees. In honey bees Among the bacterial diseases of honey bees, foulbroods caused by Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius, which affect the larvae, are more economically important than others. Diagnosis and control of these diseases is critical for the sustainability of the beekeeping sector, as honey bees contribute to the easy spread of infections due to their proximity and foraging habits within the hive. In this context, researchers have been driven to develop new and reliable diagnostic methods for accurate and rapid detection of bee diseases. This review focuses on the diagnosis of bacterial bee diseases of importance for the beekeeping industry and current developments in diagnostics.
Adjlane, N., Haddad, N. & Kechih, S. (2014). Comparative study between techniques for the diagnosis of American foulbrood (Paenibacillus larvae) in honeybee colony. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 13, 970-973.
Applegate, J. R. Jr. & Petritz, O. A. (2020). Common and emerging infectious diseases of honeybees (Apis mellifera). Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice, 23, 285-297.
Arafah, K., Voisin, S. N., Masson, V., Alaux, C., Le Conte, Y., Bocquet, M. & Bulet, P. (2019). MALDI–MS profiling to address honey bee health status under bacterial challenge through computational modeling. Proteomics, 19, 1900268.
Arai, R., Miyoshi-Akiyama, T., Okumura, K., Morinaga, Y., Wu, M., Sugimura, Y., Yoshiyama, M., Okura, M., Kirikae, T. & Takamatsu, D. (2014). Development of duplex pcr assay for detection and differentiation of typical and atypical Melissococcus plutonius strains. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 76, 491-498.
Arai, R., Tominaga, K., Wu, M., Okura, M., Ito, K., Okamura, N., Onishi, H., Osaki, M., Sugimura, Y., Yoshiyama, M. & Takamatsu, D. (2012). Diversity of Melissococcus plutonius from honeybee larvae in japan and experimental reproduction of European foulbrood with cultured atypical isolates. Plos One, 7, e33708.
Arculeo, P., Carpana, E., Di Noto, A. M. & Ferro, A. (2005). Melissococcus plutonius isolation from honeybee brood samples with European foulbrood in some Italian regions. Paper presented at the Apimondia 2005, Dublin.
Bailey, L. (1957). The isolation and cultural characteristics of Streptococcus pluton and further observations on Bacterium eurydice. Microbiology, 17, 39-48.
Bailey, L. & Ball, B. V. (1991). Bacteria. In, L. Bailey & B. V. Ball Eds. Honey Bee Pathology (Second Edition). London: Academic Press; 1991. pp. 35-52.
Bailey, L. & Collins, M. D. (1982). Reclassification of ‘Streptococcus pluton’ (White) in a new genus Melissococcus, as Melissococcus pluton nom. rev.; comb. nov. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 53, 215-217.
Bamrick, J. F. (1967). Resistance to American foulbrood in honey bees: VI. Spore germination in larvae of different ages. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 9, 30-34.
Beims, H., Janke, M., Von der Ohe, W. & Steinert, M. (2020). Rapid identification and genotyping of the honeybee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae by combining culturing and multiplex quantitative PCR. Open Veterinary Journal, 10, 53–58-53–58.
Bikaun, J. M., Bates, T., Bollen, M., Flematti, G. R., Melonek, J., Praveen, P. & Grassl, J. (2022). Volatile biomarkers for non-invasive detection of American foulbrood, a threat to honey bee pollination services. Science of The Total Environment, 845, 157123.
Borum, E. (2014). Arıların yavru çürüklüğü infeksiyonlarinda doğru teşhis, mücadele ve korunma yöntemleri. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 14, 44-55.
Burritt, N. L., Foss, N. J., Neeno-Eckwall, E. C., Church, J. O., Hilger, A. M., Hildebrand, J. A., Warshauer, D. M., Perna, N. T. & Burritt, J. B. (2016). Sepsis and hemocyte loss in honey bees (Apis mellifera) infected with Serratia marcescens strain sicaria. Plos One, 11, e0167752.
Clark, T. B., Whitcomb, R. F., Tully, J. G., Mouches, C., Saillard, C., Bové, J. M., Wróblewski, H., Carle, P., Rose, D. L., Henegar, R. B. & Williamson, D. L. (1985). Spiroplasma melliferum, a new species from the honeybee (Apis mellifera). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 35, 296-308.
Cremer, S., Armitage, S. A. & Schmid-Hempel, P. (2007). Social immunity. Current Biology, 17, R693-R702.
Dainat, B., Grossar, D., Ecoffey, B. & Haldemann, C. (2018). Triplex real-time PCR method for the qualitative detection of European and American foulbrood in honeybee. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 146, 61-63.
Daniels, M. (1983). Mechanisms of Spiroplasma pathogenicity. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 21, 29-43.
De Graaf, D. C., Alippi, A. M., Brown, M., Evans, J. D., Feldlaufer, M., Gregorc, A., Hornitzky, M., Pernal, S. F., Schuch, D. M. T., Titĕra, D., Tomkies, V. & Ritter, W. (2006). Diagnosis of American foulbrood in honey bees: a synthesis and proposed analytical protocols. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 43, 583-590.
Djordjevic, S. P., Noone, K., Smith, L. & Hornitzky, M. A. Z. (1998). Development of a hemi-nested PCR assay for the specific detection of Melissococcus pluton. Journal of Apicultural Research, 37, 165-174.
Dobbelaere, W., C. de Graaf, D. & E. Peeters, J. (2001). Development of a fast and reliable diagnostic method for American foulbrood disease (Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae) using a 16S rRNA gene based PCR. Apidologie, 32, 363-370.
Ehrenberg, S. (2022). Establishment of an ELISA and a lateral flow device for detection of European and American foulbrood including genotype-differentiation of the American foulbrood causing agent (ERIC I & ERIC II) in honey bees. Greifswald, Germany. Thesis of PhD, UG.
El Sanousi, S. M., El Sarag, M. S. A. & Mohamed, S. E. (1987). Properties of Serratia marcescens isolated from diseased honeybee (Apis mellifera) larvae. Microbiology, 133, 215-219.
Erban, T., Ledvinka, O., Kamler, M., Nesvorna, M., Hortova, B., Tyl, J., Titera, D., Markovic, M. & Hubert, J. (2017). Honeybee (Apis mellifera)-associated bacterial community affected by American foulbrood: detection of Paenibacillus larvae via microbiome analysis. Scientific Reports, 7, 5084.
Forsgren, E. (2010). European foulbrood in honey bees. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 103, S5-S9.
Forsgren, E., Budge, G. E., Charrière, J.-D. & Hornitzky, M. A. Z. (2013). Standard methods for European foulbrood research. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52, 1-14.
Forsgren, E. & Laugen, A. T. (2014). Prognostic value of using bee and hive debris samples for the detection of American foulbrood disease in honey bee colonies. Apidologie, 45, 10-20.
Forsgren, E., Locke, B., Sircoulomb, F. & Schäfer, M. O. (2018). Bacterial diseases in honeybees. Current Clinical Microbiology Reports, 5, 18-25.
Forsgren, E., Stevanovic, J. & Fries, I. (2008). Variability in germination and in temperature and storage resistance among Paenibacillus larvae genotypes. Veterinary Microbiology, 129, 342-349.
Fünfhaus, A., Ebeling, J. & Genersch, E. (2018). Bacterial pathogens of bees. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 26, 89-96.
Garrido-Bailón, E., Higes, M., Martínez-Salvador, A., Antúnez, K., Botías, C., Meana, A., Prieto, L. & Martín-Hernández, R. (2013). The prevalence of the honeybee brood pathogens Ascosphaera apis, Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius in Spanish apiaries determined with a new multiplex PCR assay. Microbial Biotechnology, 6, 731-739.
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Bal arıları, diğer hayvanlardan farklı olarak binlerce bireyden oluşan bir süper-organizma olarak kabul edilir ve içinde kraliçe, işçi ve erkek arılar bulunur. Bal arılarında yavru çürüklükleri, spiroplazmoz ve septisemi gibi bakteriyel hastalıklar görülmektedir. Bu hastalıklar arasında larvaları etkileyen Paenibacillus larvae ve Melissococcus plutonius’un neden olduğu yavru çürüklükleri ekonomik açıdan diğer bakteriyel hastalık etkenlerine kıyasla daha fazla öneme sahiptir. Bal arıları, kovan içindeki yakınlıkları ve yiyecek arama alışkanlıkları nedeniyle infeksiyonların kolayca yayılmasına katkıda bulunduklarından bu hastalıkların teşhisi ve kontrolü, arıcılık sektörünün sürdürülebilirliği için kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Bu bağlamda, arı hastalıklarının doğru ve hızlı bir şekilde tespiti için araştırmacılar yeni ve güvenilir teşhis yöntemleri geliştirmeye yönelmişlerdir. Bu derlemede, arıcılık sektörü için önem taşıyan bakteriyel arı hastalıklarının teşhisi ve teşhiste güncel gelişmeler üzerine odaklanılmıştır.
Adjlane, N., Haddad, N. & Kechih, S. (2014). Comparative study between techniques for the diagnosis of American foulbrood (Paenibacillus larvae) in honeybee colony. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 13, 970-973.
Applegate, J. R. Jr. & Petritz, O. A. (2020). Common and emerging infectious diseases of honeybees (Apis mellifera). Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice, 23, 285-297.
Arafah, K., Voisin, S. N., Masson, V., Alaux, C., Le Conte, Y., Bocquet, M. & Bulet, P. (2019). MALDI–MS profiling to address honey bee health status under bacterial challenge through computational modeling. Proteomics, 19, 1900268.
Arai, R., Miyoshi-Akiyama, T., Okumura, K., Morinaga, Y., Wu, M., Sugimura, Y., Yoshiyama, M., Okura, M., Kirikae, T. & Takamatsu, D. (2014). Development of duplex pcr assay for detection and differentiation of typical and atypical Melissococcus plutonius strains. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 76, 491-498.
Arai, R., Tominaga, K., Wu, M., Okura, M., Ito, K., Okamura, N., Onishi, H., Osaki, M., Sugimura, Y., Yoshiyama, M. & Takamatsu, D. (2012). Diversity of Melissococcus plutonius from honeybee larvae in japan and experimental reproduction of European foulbrood with cultured atypical isolates. Plos One, 7, e33708.
Arculeo, P., Carpana, E., Di Noto, A. M. & Ferro, A. (2005). Melissococcus plutonius isolation from honeybee brood samples with European foulbrood in some Italian regions. Paper presented at the Apimondia 2005, Dublin.
Bailey, L. (1957). The isolation and cultural characteristics of Streptococcus pluton and further observations on Bacterium eurydice. Microbiology, 17, 39-48.
Bailey, L. & Ball, B. V. (1991). Bacteria. In, L. Bailey & B. V. Ball Eds. Honey Bee Pathology (Second Edition). London: Academic Press; 1991. pp. 35-52.
Bailey, L. & Collins, M. D. (1982). Reclassification of ‘Streptococcus pluton’ (White) in a new genus Melissococcus, as Melissococcus pluton nom. rev.; comb. nov. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 53, 215-217.
Bamrick, J. F. (1967). Resistance to American foulbrood in honey bees: VI. Spore germination in larvae of different ages. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 9, 30-34.
Beims, H., Janke, M., Von der Ohe, W. & Steinert, M. (2020). Rapid identification and genotyping of the honeybee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae by combining culturing and multiplex quantitative PCR. Open Veterinary Journal, 10, 53–58-53–58.
Bikaun, J. M., Bates, T., Bollen, M., Flematti, G. R., Melonek, J., Praveen, P. & Grassl, J. (2022). Volatile biomarkers for non-invasive detection of American foulbrood, a threat to honey bee pollination services. Science of The Total Environment, 845, 157123.
Borum, E. (2014). Arıların yavru çürüklüğü infeksiyonlarinda doğru teşhis, mücadele ve korunma yöntemleri. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 14, 44-55.
Burritt, N. L., Foss, N. J., Neeno-Eckwall, E. C., Church, J. O., Hilger, A. M., Hildebrand, J. A., Warshauer, D. M., Perna, N. T. & Burritt, J. B. (2016). Sepsis and hemocyte loss in honey bees (Apis mellifera) infected with Serratia marcescens strain sicaria. Plos One, 11, e0167752.
Clark, T. B., Whitcomb, R. F., Tully, J. G., Mouches, C., Saillard, C., Bové, J. M., Wróblewski, H., Carle, P., Rose, D. L., Henegar, R. B. & Williamson, D. L. (1985). Spiroplasma melliferum, a new species from the honeybee (Apis mellifera). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 35, 296-308.
Cremer, S., Armitage, S. A. & Schmid-Hempel, P. (2007). Social immunity. Current Biology, 17, R693-R702.
Dainat, B., Grossar, D., Ecoffey, B. & Haldemann, C. (2018). Triplex real-time PCR method for the qualitative detection of European and American foulbrood in honeybee. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 146, 61-63.
Daniels, M. (1983). Mechanisms of Spiroplasma pathogenicity. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 21, 29-43.
De Graaf, D. C., Alippi, A. M., Brown, M., Evans, J. D., Feldlaufer, M., Gregorc, A., Hornitzky, M., Pernal, S. F., Schuch, D. M. T., Titĕra, D., Tomkies, V. & Ritter, W. (2006). Diagnosis of American foulbrood in honey bees: a synthesis and proposed analytical protocols. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 43, 583-590.
Djordjevic, S. P., Noone, K., Smith, L. & Hornitzky, M. A. Z. (1998). Development of a hemi-nested PCR assay for the specific detection of Melissococcus pluton. Journal of Apicultural Research, 37, 165-174.
Dobbelaere, W., C. de Graaf, D. & E. Peeters, J. (2001). Development of a fast and reliable diagnostic method for American foulbrood disease (Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae) using a 16S rRNA gene based PCR. Apidologie, 32, 363-370.
Ehrenberg, S. (2022). Establishment of an ELISA and a lateral flow device for detection of European and American foulbrood including genotype-differentiation of the American foulbrood causing agent (ERIC I & ERIC II) in honey bees. Greifswald, Germany. Thesis of PhD, UG.
El Sanousi, S. M., El Sarag, M. S. A. & Mohamed, S. E. (1987). Properties of Serratia marcescens isolated from diseased honeybee (Apis mellifera) larvae. Microbiology, 133, 215-219.
Erban, T., Ledvinka, O., Kamler, M., Nesvorna, M., Hortova, B., Tyl, J., Titera, D., Markovic, M. & Hubert, J. (2017). Honeybee (Apis mellifera)-associated bacterial community affected by American foulbrood: detection of Paenibacillus larvae via microbiome analysis. Scientific Reports, 7, 5084.
Forsgren, E. (2010). European foulbrood in honey bees. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 103, S5-S9.
Forsgren, E., Budge, G. E., Charrière, J.-D. & Hornitzky, M. A. Z. (2013). Standard methods for European foulbrood research. Journal of Apicultural Research, 52, 1-14.
Forsgren, E. & Laugen, A. T. (2014). Prognostic value of using bee and hive debris samples for the detection of American foulbrood disease in honey bee colonies. Apidologie, 45, 10-20.
Forsgren, E., Locke, B., Sircoulomb, F. & Schäfer, M. O. (2018). Bacterial diseases in honeybees. Current Clinical Microbiology Reports, 5, 18-25.
Forsgren, E., Stevanovic, J. & Fries, I. (2008). Variability in germination and in temperature and storage resistance among Paenibacillus larvae genotypes. Veterinary Microbiology, 129, 342-349.
Fünfhaus, A., Ebeling, J. & Genersch, E. (2018). Bacterial pathogens of bees. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 26, 89-96.
Garrido-Bailón, E., Higes, M., Martínez-Salvador, A., Antúnez, K., Botías, C., Meana, A., Prieto, L. & Martín-Hernández, R. (2013). The prevalence of the honeybee brood pathogens Ascosphaera apis, Paenibacillus larvae and Melissococcus plutonius in Spanish apiaries determined with a new multiplex PCR assay. Microbial Biotechnology, 6, 731-739.
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