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Year 2020, , 115 - 125, 28.08.2020


Koronavirüsler (CoV), hayvanlarda ve insanlarda hastalıklara neden olabilecek bir RNA (ribonükleik asit) virüs ailesidir. Bazı CoV suşları zoonotik karakterdedir, ancak birçok suş zoonotik değildir. Hayvanlarda ve insanlarda CoV, üst ve alt solunum yolu hastalıklarına, gastroenterit, peritonit, üreme hastalıkları, nefrit, hepatit ve merkezi sinir sistemi enfeksiyonlarına neden olur. Enfeksiyonların bulaşması çoğu hayvan türünde fekal-oral yolla gerçekleşir. Viral RNA'nın revers transkripsiyon polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (RT-PCR) ile saptanması son yıllarda yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yöntemdir ve CoV enfeksiyonlarının serolojik teşhisi için, ELISA, Komplement Fikzasyon (KF), İmmünfloresan veya Virüs Nötralizasyon testleri kullanılmaktadır. Hayvan CoV enfeksiyonlarını tedavisinde, gerektiğinde destekleyici bakım dışında etkili antiviral ilaçlar mevcut değildir. Etkinlikleri sınırlı olmasına rağmen, belirli hayvan türlerini korumak için üretilmiş aşılar mevcuttur.


  • Addie, D., Belak, S., Boucraut-Baralon, C., Egberink, H., Frymus, T., Gruffydd-Jones T., Hartmann, K., Hosie, M.J., Lloret, A., Lutz, H., Marsilio, F., Pennisi, M.G., Radford, A.D., Thiry, E., Truyen, U. and Horzinek, M.C. (2009). Feline infectious peritonitis. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. J Feline Med Surg, 11, 594-604.
  • Addie, D.D., Toth, S., Murray, G.D. and Jarrett, O. (1995). Risk of feline infectious peritonitis in cats naturally infected with feline coronavirus. Am J Vet Res, 56, 429-434.
  • Addie, DD. (2019). Feline infectious peritonitis: answers to frequently asked questions concerning FIP and coronavirus, Veterinary Nursing Journal, 34(8), 201-206.
  • Bande, F., Arshad, SS., Omar, AR., Bejo, MH., Abubakar, MS., Abba, Y. (2016). "Pathogenesis and diagnostic approaches of Avian Infectious Bronchitis". Advances in Virology, 2016, 4, 621-659.
  • Bartels, CJM., Holzhauer, M., Jorritsma, R., Swart, WAJM., Lam, TJGM. (2010). Prevalence, prediction and risk factors of enteropathogens in normal and non-normal faeces of young Dutch dairy calves. Prev Vet Med, 93, 162–169.
  • Berryhill, EH., Magdesian, KG., Aleman, M., Pusterla, N. (2019). Clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, and outcome of adult horses with equine coronavirus infection at a veterinary teaching hospital: 33 cases (2012–2018). The Veterinary Journal, 248, 95–100.
  • Bhatt, PN., Jacoby, RO., Jonas, AM. (1977). Respiratory infection in mice with sialodacryoadenitis virus, a coronavirus of rats. Infect Immun, 18(3), 823-827.
  • Bhatt, PN., Percy, DH., and Jonas, AM. (1972). Characterization of the virus of sialodacryoadenitis of rats: a member of the coronavirus group, J Infect Dis, 126, 123-130.
  • Bijlenga, G., Cook, J.K.A., Gelb, J., Jr. & de Wit, J.J. (2004). Development and use of the H strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus from the Netherlands as a vaccine: a review. Avian Pathology, 33, 550-557.
  • Binn, LN., Alford, JP., Marchwicki, RH., Keefe, TJ., Beattie, RJ., Wall, HG. (1979). Studies of respiratory disease in random-source laboratory dogs: viral infections in unconditioned dogs. Lab Anim Sci, 29(1), 48-52.
  • Boileau, MJ., Kapil, S. (2010). Bovine coronavirus associated syndromes Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 26, 123–146.
  • Casais, R., Thiel, V., Siddell, S.G., Cavanagh, D., Britton, P. (2001). "Reverse genetics system for the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus". Journal of Virology, 75(24), 12359–12369.
  • Cavanagh, D. (2001). "A nomenclature for avian coronavirus isolates and the question of species status". Avian Pathology, 30 (2), 109–115.
  • Cavanagh, D. (2003). Severe acute respiratory syndrome vaccine development: experiences of vaccination against avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus. Avian Pathology, 32(6), 567-582.
  • Cavanagh, D. (2007). "Coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus". Veterinary Research, 38(2), 281–297.
  • Cavanagh, D., Naqi, S. Infectious bronchitis, in: Saif Y.M., Barnes H.J., Glisson J.R., Fadly A.M., McDougald L.R., Swayne D.E. (Eds.), Diseases of poultry, Iowa, 11th edition, Ames, Iowa State University Press, 2003, pp. 101–119.
  • Cho, KO., Hoet, AE., Loerch, SC., et al. (2001). Evaluation of concurrent shedding of bovine coronavirus via the respiratory tract and enteric route in feedlot cattle. Am J Vet Res, 62, 1436–41.
  • Cowley, TJ., Weiss, SR. (2010). Murine coronavirus neuropathogenesis: determinants of virulence. Journal of NeuroVirology, 16, 427–434.
  • De Albuquerque, N., Baig, E., Ma, X., Zhang, J., He, W., Rowe, A., Habal, M., Liu, M., Shalev, I., Downey, GP., Gorczynski, R., Butany, J., Leibowitz, J., Weiss, SR., McGilvray, ID., Phillips, MJ., Fish, EN., Levy, GA. (2006). Murine hepatitis virus strain 1 produces a clinically relevant model of severe acute respiratory syndrome in A/J mice. J Virol 80, 10382–10394.
  • Dhinaker Raj, G., Jones, R.C., (1997). Infectious bronchitis virus: immunopathogenesis of infection in the chicken, Avian Pathol, 26, 677–706.
  • Erles, K., Brownlie, J. Investigation into the causes of canine infectious respiratory disease: antibody responses to canine respiratory coronavirus and canine herpesvirus in two kennelled dog populations. Arch Virol, 150 (2005), pp. 1493-1504.
  • Erles, K., Toomey, C., Brooks, HW., Brownlie. J. (2003). Detection of a group 2 coronavirus in dogs with canine infectious respiratory disease. Virology, 310, 216–23.
  • Erles K, Dubovi, EJ., Brooks, HW. Brownlie, J. (2004). Longitudinal study of viruses associated with canine infectious respiratory disease. J Clin Microbiol, 42, 4524-4529.
  • Erles, K., Brownlie, J. (2008). Canine Respiratory Coronavirus: An Emerging Pathogen in the Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 38(4), 815-825.
  • Ettinger, SJ., Feldman, EC. (1995). Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (4th edition). Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders,
  • Fehr, AR., Perlman, S. (2015). "Coronaviruses: an overview of their replication and pathogenesis". In Maier HJ, Bickerton E, Britton P (eds.). Coronaviruses. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1282. Springer. pp. 1–23.
  • Felten, S., Hartmann, K. (2019). Diagnosis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis: A Review of the Current Literature. Viruses 2019, 11, 1068.
  • Fielding, CL., Higgins, JK., Higgins, JC., McIntosh, S., Scott, E., Giannitti, F., Mete, A., Pusterla, N. (2015). Disease associated with equine coronavirus infection and high case fatality rate. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29, 307–310.
  • Gerber, JD. (1995). Overview of the development of a modified live temperature-sensitive FIP virüs vaccine. Feline Pract, 23, 62–6.
  • Guy, JS., Breslin, JJ., Breuhaus, B., Vivrette, S., Smith, LG. (2000). Characterization of a coronavirus isolated from a diarrheic foal. J. Clin. Microbiol, 38, 4523–4526.
  • Gül, Y. Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi). Sindirim Sistemi Hastalıkları (1. Bölüm), Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları, II Baskı. Medipres Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya, 2012, 147-148.
  • Hartman, K., Ritz, S. (2008). Treatment of cats with feline infectious peritonitis. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 123, 172–175.
  • Hartmann, K. (2005). Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Vet Clin Small Anim, 35, 39–79.
  • Heckert, RA., Saif, LJ., Myers, GW., Agnes, AG. (1991). Epidemiologic factors and isotype-specific antibody responses in serum and mucosal secretions of dairy calves with bovine coronavirus respiratory tract and enteric tract infections. Am J Vet Res, 52, 845–51.
  • Homberger, FR., Zhang, L., and Barthold, SW. (1998). Prevalence of enterotropic and polytropic mouse hepatitis virus in enzootically infected mouse colonies. Lab. Anim. Sci, 48, 50–54.
  • Hooper, BE., Haelterman, EO. (1966). Concepts of pathogenesis and passive immunity in transmissible gastroenteritis of swine. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 149, 1580–1586.
  • Hu H, Jung K, Vlasova AN, Saif LJ. (2016). Experimental infection of gnotobiotic pigs with the cell-culture-adapted porcine deltacoronavirus strain OH-FD22. Arch Virol, 161(12):3421-3434.
  • Jacoby, RO., Bhatt, PN., Jonas, AM. (1975). Pathogenesis of sialodacryoadenitis in gnotobiotic rats. Vet Pathol, 12(3), 196-209.
  • Jacoby, RO., Gaertner, DJ. (2005). Viral disease. In: Suckow, M.A., Weisbroth, S.H., Franklin, C.L. (Eds.), The Laboratory Rat. 2nd edition. San Diego, USA; Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc.
  • Jung, K., Annamalai, T., Lu, Z., Saif, LJ. (2015). Comparative pathogenesis of US porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) strain PC21A in conventional 9-day-old nursing piglets vs. 26-day-old weaned pigs. Vet Microbiol, 178(1-2), 31-40.
  • Kennan, KP., Jervis, HR., Marchwicki, RH., Binn, LN. (1976). Intestinal infection of neonatal dogs with canine coronavirus 1-71: Studies by virologic, histologic, histochemical and immunofluorescent techniques. Am J Vet Res, 37, 247-256.
  • Lai, MMC., Holmes, KV. Coronaviridae: the viruses and their replication. In: Knipe DM, Howley PM, editors. Fields virology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2001. P. 1163–85.
  • Langel, SN., Paim, FC., Lager, KM., Vlasova, AN., Saif, LJ. (2016). Lactogenic immunity and vaccines for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV): Historical and current concepts. Virus Res, 226, 93-107.
  • Martelli, P., Lavazza, A., Nigrelli, AD., Merialdi, G., Alborali, LG., Pensaert, MB. (2008). Epidemic of diarrhoea caused by porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus in Italy. Vet Rec, 162(10), 307-310.
  • Martin, E., De Pauw, B. (2017). Ante-mortem diagnosis of FIP in two cats. Point Veterinaire, 48(373).
  • Mattei, DN., Kopper, JJ., Sanz, MG. (2020). Equine Coronavirus-Associated Colitis in Horses: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 87, 102906.
  • Schaer, M., Gaschen, FP. (2016). Köpek ve Kedilerin Klinik Hekimliği (3. Baskı), Altuğ, N. (Çeviri editörü), London, UK; CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Miszczak, F., Tesson, V., Kin, N., Dina, J., Balasuriya, UBR., Pronost, S., Vabret, A. (2014). First detection of equine coronavirus (ECoV) in Europe. Veterinary Microbiology, 171, 206–209.
  • Murphy, FA., Gibbs, EP., Horzinek, MC., Studdart, MJ. (1999). Veterinary Virology. Boston: Academic Press. pp. 495–508.
  • Oguma, K., Ohno, M., Yoshıda, M., Sentsuı, H. (2018). Mutation of the S and 3c genes in genomes of feline coronaviruses. J Vet Med Sci, 80(7), 1094–1100.
  • Pedersen, NC. (2009). A review of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection: 1963-2008. J. Feline Med. Surg, 11, 225-258.
  • Pedersen, NC. (2014). An update on feline infectious peritonitis: Virology and immunopathogenesis. The Veterinary Journal, 201(2), 123-132.
  • Pratelli, A. (2006). "Genetic evolution of canine coronavirus and recent advances in prophylaxis". Vet Res, 37 (2), 191–200.
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  • Priestnall, S., Brownlie, J., Dubovi, E., Erles, K. (2006). "Serological prevalence of canine respiratory coronavirus". Vet Microbiol, 115 (1–3), 43–53.
  • Pusterla, N., Vin, R., Leuteneggerc, CM., Mitteld, LD., Diversd, TJ. (2018). Enteric coronavirus infection in adult horses. The Veterinary Journal, 231, 13–18.
  • Reeves, NP. (1995). Vaccination against naturally-occurring FIP in a single large cat shelter. Feline Practice, 23(3), 81–82.
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  • Şentürk S. (2012). Olgu Tartışmalı Buzağıların İç Hastalıkları, 2. Baskı, Bursa, Türkiye; F. Özsan Matbaacılık, Uludağ Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Vennema, H., Poland, A., Foley, J., Pedersen, NC. (1998). Feline infectious peritonitis viruses arise by mutation from endemic feline enteric coronaviruses. Virology, 243, 150–157.
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  • Vlasova, AN., Wang, Q., Jung, K., Langel, SN., Malik, YS., Saif, LJ. (2020). Porcine Coronaviruses. Emerging and Transboundary Animal Viruses, 79–110.
  • Wang, H., Miyuki, Hırabayashı., James, K. (2018). Chambers, Kazuyuki Uchıda, Hiroyuki Nakayama. Immunohistochemical studies on meningoencephalitis in feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). J Vet Med Sci, 80(12), 1813–1817.
  • Wang, L., Zhang, Y. Animal Coronaviruses: A Brief Introduction. In, Animal Coronaviruses, L. Wang, 1st ed. New York, USA: Springer Humana Press; 2016. pp. 3–11.
  • Weiss, SR., Navas-Martin, S. (2005). Coronavirus pathogenesis and the emerging pathogen severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev, 69, 635-664.
  • Woo, PC., Lau, SK., Huang, Y., Yuen, KY. (2009). Coronavirus diversity, phylogeny and interspecies jumping. Exp Biol Med, 234, 1117–1127.
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Year 2020, , 115 - 125, 28.08.2020



  • Addie, D., Belak, S., Boucraut-Baralon, C., Egberink, H., Frymus, T., Gruffydd-Jones T., Hartmann, K., Hosie, M.J., Lloret, A., Lutz, H., Marsilio, F., Pennisi, M.G., Radford, A.D., Thiry, E., Truyen, U. and Horzinek, M.C. (2009). Feline infectious peritonitis. ABCD guidelines on prevention and management. J Feline Med Surg, 11, 594-604.
  • Addie, D.D., Toth, S., Murray, G.D. and Jarrett, O. (1995). Risk of feline infectious peritonitis in cats naturally infected with feline coronavirus. Am J Vet Res, 56, 429-434.
  • Addie, DD. (2019). Feline infectious peritonitis: answers to frequently asked questions concerning FIP and coronavirus, Veterinary Nursing Journal, 34(8), 201-206.
  • Bande, F., Arshad, SS., Omar, AR., Bejo, MH., Abubakar, MS., Abba, Y. (2016). "Pathogenesis and diagnostic approaches of Avian Infectious Bronchitis". Advances in Virology, 2016, 4, 621-659.
  • Bartels, CJM., Holzhauer, M., Jorritsma, R., Swart, WAJM., Lam, TJGM. (2010). Prevalence, prediction and risk factors of enteropathogens in normal and non-normal faeces of young Dutch dairy calves. Prev Vet Med, 93, 162–169.
  • Berryhill, EH., Magdesian, KG., Aleman, M., Pusterla, N. (2019). Clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, and outcome of adult horses with equine coronavirus infection at a veterinary teaching hospital: 33 cases (2012–2018). The Veterinary Journal, 248, 95–100.
  • Bhatt, PN., Jacoby, RO., Jonas, AM. (1977). Respiratory infection in mice with sialodacryoadenitis virus, a coronavirus of rats. Infect Immun, 18(3), 823-827.
  • Bhatt, PN., Percy, DH., and Jonas, AM. (1972). Characterization of the virus of sialodacryoadenitis of rats: a member of the coronavirus group, J Infect Dis, 126, 123-130.
  • Bijlenga, G., Cook, J.K.A., Gelb, J., Jr. & de Wit, J.J. (2004). Development and use of the H strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus from the Netherlands as a vaccine: a review. Avian Pathology, 33, 550-557.
  • Binn, LN., Alford, JP., Marchwicki, RH., Keefe, TJ., Beattie, RJ., Wall, HG. (1979). Studies of respiratory disease in random-source laboratory dogs: viral infections in unconditioned dogs. Lab Anim Sci, 29(1), 48-52.
  • Boileau, MJ., Kapil, S. (2010). Bovine coronavirus associated syndromes Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 26, 123–146.
  • Casais, R., Thiel, V., Siddell, S.G., Cavanagh, D., Britton, P. (2001). "Reverse genetics system for the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus". Journal of Virology, 75(24), 12359–12369.
  • Cavanagh, D. (2001). "A nomenclature for avian coronavirus isolates and the question of species status". Avian Pathology, 30 (2), 109–115.
  • Cavanagh, D. (2003). Severe acute respiratory syndrome vaccine development: experiences of vaccination against avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus. Avian Pathology, 32(6), 567-582.
  • Cavanagh, D. (2007). "Coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus". Veterinary Research, 38(2), 281–297.
  • Cavanagh, D., Naqi, S. Infectious bronchitis, in: Saif Y.M., Barnes H.J., Glisson J.R., Fadly A.M., McDougald L.R., Swayne D.E. (Eds.), Diseases of poultry, Iowa, 11th edition, Ames, Iowa State University Press, 2003, pp. 101–119.
  • Cho, KO., Hoet, AE., Loerch, SC., et al. (2001). Evaluation of concurrent shedding of bovine coronavirus via the respiratory tract and enteric route in feedlot cattle. Am J Vet Res, 62, 1436–41.
  • Cowley, TJ., Weiss, SR. (2010). Murine coronavirus neuropathogenesis: determinants of virulence. Journal of NeuroVirology, 16, 427–434.
  • De Albuquerque, N., Baig, E., Ma, X., Zhang, J., He, W., Rowe, A., Habal, M., Liu, M., Shalev, I., Downey, GP., Gorczynski, R., Butany, J., Leibowitz, J., Weiss, SR., McGilvray, ID., Phillips, MJ., Fish, EN., Levy, GA. (2006). Murine hepatitis virus strain 1 produces a clinically relevant model of severe acute respiratory syndrome in A/J mice. J Virol 80, 10382–10394.
  • Dhinaker Raj, G., Jones, R.C., (1997). Infectious bronchitis virus: immunopathogenesis of infection in the chicken, Avian Pathol, 26, 677–706.
  • Erles, K., Brownlie, J. Investigation into the causes of canine infectious respiratory disease: antibody responses to canine respiratory coronavirus and canine herpesvirus in two kennelled dog populations. Arch Virol, 150 (2005), pp. 1493-1504.
  • Erles, K., Toomey, C., Brooks, HW., Brownlie. J. (2003). Detection of a group 2 coronavirus in dogs with canine infectious respiratory disease. Virology, 310, 216–23.
  • Erles K, Dubovi, EJ., Brooks, HW. Brownlie, J. (2004). Longitudinal study of viruses associated with canine infectious respiratory disease. J Clin Microbiol, 42, 4524-4529.
  • Erles, K., Brownlie, J. (2008). Canine Respiratory Coronavirus: An Emerging Pathogen in the Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 38(4), 815-825.
  • Ettinger, SJ., Feldman, EC. (1995). Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (4th edition). Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders,
  • Fehr, AR., Perlman, S. (2015). "Coronaviruses: an overview of their replication and pathogenesis". In Maier HJ, Bickerton E, Britton P (eds.). Coronaviruses. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1282. Springer. pp. 1–23.
  • Felten, S., Hartmann, K. (2019). Diagnosis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis: A Review of the Current Literature. Viruses 2019, 11, 1068.
  • Fielding, CL., Higgins, JK., Higgins, JC., McIntosh, S., Scott, E., Giannitti, F., Mete, A., Pusterla, N. (2015). Disease associated with equine coronavirus infection and high case fatality rate. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29, 307–310.
  • Gerber, JD. (1995). Overview of the development of a modified live temperature-sensitive FIP virüs vaccine. Feline Pract, 23, 62–6.
  • Guy, JS., Breslin, JJ., Breuhaus, B., Vivrette, S., Smith, LG. (2000). Characterization of a coronavirus isolated from a diarrheic foal. J. Clin. Microbiol, 38, 4523–4526.
  • Gül, Y. Geviş Getiren Hayvanların İç Hastalıkları (Sığır, Koyun-Keçi). Sindirim Sistemi Hastalıkları (1. Bölüm), Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları, II Baskı. Medipres Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya, 2012, 147-148.
  • Hartman, K., Ritz, S. (2008). Treatment of cats with feline infectious peritonitis. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 123, 172–175.
  • Hartmann, K. (2005). Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Vet Clin Small Anim, 35, 39–79.
  • Heckert, RA., Saif, LJ., Myers, GW., Agnes, AG. (1991). Epidemiologic factors and isotype-specific antibody responses in serum and mucosal secretions of dairy calves with bovine coronavirus respiratory tract and enteric tract infections. Am J Vet Res, 52, 845–51.
  • Homberger, FR., Zhang, L., and Barthold, SW. (1998). Prevalence of enterotropic and polytropic mouse hepatitis virus in enzootically infected mouse colonies. Lab. Anim. Sci, 48, 50–54.
  • Hooper, BE., Haelterman, EO. (1966). Concepts of pathogenesis and passive immunity in transmissible gastroenteritis of swine. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 149, 1580–1586.
  • Hu H, Jung K, Vlasova AN, Saif LJ. (2016). Experimental infection of gnotobiotic pigs with the cell-culture-adapted porcine deltacoronavirus strain OH-FD22. Arch Virol, 161(12):3421-3434.
  • Jacoby, RO., Bhatt, PN., Jonas, AM. (1975). Pathogenesis of sialodacryoadenitis in gnotobiotic rats. Vet Pathol, 12(3), 196-209.
  • Jacoby, RO., Gaertner, DJ. (2005). Viral disease. In: Suckow, M.A., Weisbroth, S.H., Franklin, C.L. (Eds.), The Laboratory Rat. 2nd edition. San Diego, USA; Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc.
  • Jung, K., Annamalai, T., Lu, Z., Saif, LJ. (2015). Comparative pathogenesis of US porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) strain PC21A in conventional 9-day-old nursing piglets vs. 26-day-old weaned pigs. Vet Microbiol, 178(1-2), 31-40.
  • Kennan, KP., Jervis, HR., Marchwicki, RH., Binn, LN. (1976). Intestinal infection of neonatal dogs with canine coronavirus 1-71: Studies by virologic, histologic, histochemical and immunofluorescent techniques. Am J Vet Res, 37, 247-256.
  • Lai, MMC., Holmes, KV. Coronaviridae: the viruses and their replication. In: Knipe DM, Howley PM, editors. Fields virology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2001. P. 1163–85.
  • Langel, SN., Paim, FC., Lager, KM., Vlasova, AN., Saif, LJ. (2016). Lactogenic immunity and vaccines for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV): Historical and current concepts. Virus Res, 226, 93-107.
  • Martelli, P., Lavazza, A., Nigrelli, AD., Merialdi, G., Alborali, LG., Pensaert, MB. (2008). Epidemic of diarrhoea caused by porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus in Italy. Vet Rec, 162(10), 307-310.
  • Martin, E., De Pauw, B. (2017). Ante-mortem diagnosis of FIP in two cats. Point Veterinaire, 48(373).
  • Mattei, DN., Kopper, JJ., Sanz, MG. (2020). Equine Coronavirus-Associated Colitis in Horses: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 87, 102906.
  • Schaer, M., Gaschen, FP. (2016). Köpek ve Kedilerin Klinik Hekimliği (3. Baskı), Altuğ, N. (Çeviri editörü), London, UK; CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Miszczak, F., Tesson, V., Kin, N., Dina, J., Balasuriya, UBR., Pronost, S., Vabret, A. (2014). First detection of equine coronavirus (ECoV) in Europe. Veterinary Microbiology, 171, 206–209.
  • Murphy, FA., Gibbs, EP., Horzinek, MC., Studdart, MJ. (1999). Veterinary Virology. Boston: Academic Press. pp. 495–508.
  • Oguma, K., Ohno, M., Yoshıda, M., Sentsuı, H. (2018). Mutation of the S and 3c genes in genomes of feline coronaviruses. J Vet Med Sci, 80(7), 1094–1100.
  • Pedersen, NC. (2009). A review of feline infectious peritonitis virus infection: 1963-2008. J. Feline Med. Surg, 11, 225-258.
  • Pedersen, NC. (2014). An update on feline infectious peritonitis: Virology and immunopathogenesis. The Veterinary Journal, 201(2), 123-132.
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There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Sciences
Journal Section Review

Ali Cesur Onmaz 0000-0002-9942-5134

Gencay Ekinci This is me 0000-0002-4551-8749

Publication Date August 28, 2020
Acceptance Date August 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Onmaz, A. C., & Ekinci, G. (2020). VETERİNER HEKİMLİĞİ YÖNÜYLE KORONAVİRUSLAR. Veteriner Farmakoloji Ve Toksikoloji Derneği Bülteni, 11(2), 115-125.