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Peynir Olgunlaşmasında Biyokimyasal Olaylar

Year 2024, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 174 - 182, 29.12.2024


Peynir olgunlaşması, depolama sırasında belirli koşullar altında gerçekleşen spesifik biyokimyasal değişimlerdir. Olgunlaşmadaki değişimler, farklı peynir çeşitlerinin kendine özgü özelliklerini geliştirmesine olanak tanımaktadır. Olgunlaşma süreci, birincil ve ikincil biyokimyasal olaylar tarafından şekillendirilmektedir. Bu olaylar, pıhtılaştırıcı enzimler, sütün doğal enzimleri ile starter ve starter olmayan mikrofloranın enzimleri tarafından yönlendirilmektedir. Peynir olgunlaşması sırasında meydana gelen temel biyokimyasal olaylar arasında proteoliz, lipoliz, sitrat ve laktat metabolizması bulunmaktadır. Birincil metabolik ürünler (örn., laktik asit, yağ asitleri ve amino asitler) ikincil biyokimyasal reaksiyonlarla işlenmekte ve bu süreçte alkol, aldehit, keton, asit, lakton, fenol, ester ve sülfür bileşikleri gibi uçucu bileşikler oluşmaktadır. Bu uçucu bileşikler, peynirin kalitesini belirlemede kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu süreçler, her peynir türüne özgü aroma, tat, renk, doku ve gözenek yapısı gibi ayırt edici özellikler kazandırarak tüketici tercihlerini etkilemektedir. Bu derleme, peynir olgunlaşma dönemi boyunca gerçekleşen biyokimyasal olaylara ilişkin bir bakış sunmaktadır


  • 1..Fox PF, Guinee TP, Cogan TM, McSweeney PLH. Biochemistry of cheese ripening. In: Fox PF, Guinee TP, Cogan TM, McSweeney PLH, eds. Fundamentals of cheese science. New York: Springer; 2017:391-442.
  • 2. Mazlum H, Atasever M. Probiotic cheese as a functional food. Asian Australas. J Food Saf Secur. 2023;7(1):20-32.
  • 3. Zheng X, Shi X, Wang B. A review on the general cheese processing technology, flavor biochemical pathways and the influence of yeasts in cheese. Front Microbiol. 2021;29(12):703284.
  • 4. El‐Shamy S, Farag MA. Volatiles profiling in heated cheese as analyzed using headspace solid‐phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. eFood. 2022;3(1-2): e2.
  • 5. Khattab AR, Guirguis HA, Tawfik SM, Farag MA. Cheese ripening: A review on modern technologies towards flavor enhancement, process acceleration and improved quality assessment. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2019; 88:343-360.
  • 6. Anastasiou R, Kazou M, Georgalaki M, Aktypis A, Zoumpopoulou G, Tsakalidou E. Omics approaches to assess flavor development in cheese. Foods. 2022;11(2):188.
  • 7. Aydemir Atasever M, Özlü H, Atasever M, Zilbeyaz RN. Peynir üretimi prensipleri. Atasever M, editör. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2019:165-171.
  • 8. Xia X, Arju G, Taivosalo A, et al. Effect of β-casein reduction and high heat treatment of micellar casein concentrate on proteolysis, texture and the volatile profile of resultant Emmental cheese during ripening. Int Dairy J. 2023; 138:105540.
  • 9. Molimard P, Spinnler HE. Review: Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mold ripened cheeses: Origins and properties. J Dairy Sci. 1996;79(2):169-184.
  • 10. McSweeney PLH, Sousa MJ. Biochemical pathways for the production of flavour compounds in cheeses during ripening: A review. Le Lait. 2000;80(3):293-324.
  • 11. Vitova E, Mokanova R, Babak L, Zemanova J, Sklenarova K. The changes of flavour and aroma active compounds content during production of Edam cheese. Acta Univ Agric Silvic Mendel Brun. 2011;59(1):255-262.
  • 12. Bansal V, Veena N. Understanding the role of pH in cheese manufacturing: General aspects of cheese quality and safety. J Food Sci Technol. 2024; 61(1):16-26.13. Santiago-Lopez L, Aguilar-Toala JE, Hernandez-Mendoza A, Vallejo-Cordoba B, Liceaga AM, Gonzalez-Cordova AF. Invited review: Bioactive compounds produced during cheese ripening and health effects associated with aged cheese consumption. J Dairy Sci. 2018;101(5):3742-3757.
  • 14. Feeney EL, Lamichhane P, Sheehan JJ. The cheese matrix: understanding the impact of cheese structure on aspects of cardiovascular health–a food science and a human nutrition perspective. Int J Dairy Technol. 2021;74(4):656-670.
  • 15. Blaya J, Barzideh Z, La Pointe G. Symposium review: Interaction of starter cultures and nonstarter lactic acid bacteria in the cheese environment. J Dairy Sci. 2018;101(4): 3611-3629.
  • 16. Beresford TP, Fitzsimons NA, Brennan NL, Cogan TM. Recent advances in cheese microbiology. Int Dairy J. 2001;11(4-7):259-274.
  • 17. Gatti M, Bottari B, Lazzi C, Neviani E, Mucchetti G. Invited review: Microbial evolution in raw-milk, long-ripened cheeses produced using undefined natural whey starters. J Dairy Sci. 2014;97(2):573-591.
  • 18. Tekinşen OC, Atasever M. Süt Ürünleri Üretiminde Starter Kültür. Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın Ünitesi; 1994.
  • 19. Broadbent JR, Houck K, Johnson ME, Oberg CJ. Influence of adjunct use and cheese microenvironment on nonstarter bacteria in reduced-fat Cheddar-type cheese. J Dairy Sci. 2003;86(9):2773-2782.
  • 20. Gürsoy O, Kesenkaş H. Peynir Mikrobiyolojisi. İçinde: Hayaloğlu AA, Özer B, editörler. Peynir Biliminin Temelleri. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık; 2021:99-138.
  • 21. Gandhi DN. Food and industrial microbiology: Microbiology of fermented dairy products. 1st ed. Karnal: Principal Scientist Dairy Microbiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute; 2006.
  • 22. Beresford T, Williams A. The microbiology of cheese ripening. In: Fox PF, McSweeney PLH, Cogan TM, Guinee TP, eds. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. London: Elsevier; 2004:287-318.
  • 23. De Pasquale I, Di Cagno R, Buchin S, De Angelis M, Gobbetti M. Microbial ecology dynamics reveal a succession in the core microbiota involved in the ripening of pasta filata Caciocavallo Pugliese cheese. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2014;80(19):6243-6255.
  • 24. Gobbetti M, De Angelis M, Di Cagno R, Mancini L, Fox PF. Pros and cons for using non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) as secondary/adjunct starters for cheese ripening. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2015;45(2):167-178.
  • 25. Corrigan BM, Kilcawley KN, Sheehan JJ. Validation of a reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatographic method for the quantification of primary proteolysis during cheese maturation. Int J Dairy Technol. 2021;74(4):671-680.
  • 26. Tekin A, Hayaloglu AA. Understanding the mechanism of ripening biochemistry and flavour development in brine ripened cheeses. Int Dairy J. 2023; 137:105508.
  • 27. Murtaza MA, Ur-Rehman S, Anjum FM, Huma N, Hafiz I. Cheddar cheese ripening and flavor characterization: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2014;54(10):1309-1321.
  • 28. McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Ciocia F. Metabolism of residual lactose and of lactate and citrate. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:411-421.
  • 29. McSweeney PLH. Biochemistry of cheese ripening: introduction and overview. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:379-388.
  • 30. Thierry A, Collins YF, Mukdsi MCA, McSweeney PLH, Wilkinson MG, Spinnler HE. Lipolysis and metabolism of fatty acids in cheese. In: McSweeney, PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:423-444.
  • 31. Azarnia S, Robert N, Lee B. Biotechnological methods to accelerate Cheddar cheese ripening. Crit Rev Biotechnol. 2006;26(3):121-143.
  • 32. Alewijn M, Sliwinski EL, Wouters JTM. Production of fat derived (flavor) compounds during the ripening of Gouda cheese. Int Dairy J. 2005;15(6-9):733-740.
  • 33. Bertuzzi AS, McSweeney PLH, Rea MC, Kilcawley KN. Detection of volatile compounds of cheese and their contribution to the flavor profile of surface-ripened cheese. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2018;17(2):371-390.
  • 34. Singh TK, Drake MA, Cadwallader KR. Flavor of cheddar cheese: A chemical and sensory perspective. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2003;2(4):166-189.
  • 35. Atallah AA, Ismail EA, Yehia HM, Elkhadragy MF, Khater ESG. Proteolytic development and volatile compounds profile of Domiati Cheese under modified atmosphere packaging. Fermentation. 2022;8(8):358.
  • 36. Upadhyay VK, McSweeney PLH, Magboul AAA, Fox PF. Proteolysis in cheese during ripening. In: Fox PF, McSweeney PLH, Cogan TM, Guinee TP, eds. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2004:391-433.
  • 37. Ardö Y, McSweeney PLH, Magboul AAA, Upadhyay VK, Fox PF. Biochemistry of cheese ripening: proteolysis. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:445-482.
  • 38. Voigt DD, Chevalier F, Qian MC, Kelly AL. Effect of high-pressure treatment on microbiology, proteolysis, lipolysis and levels of flavour compounds in mature blue-veined cheese. Innov Food Sci Emerg. 2010;11(1):68-77.
  • 39. Sousa MJ, Ardö Y, McSweeney PLH. Advances in the study of proteolysis during cheese ripening. Int Dairy J 2001;11(4-7): 327-345.
  • 40. Farkye NY. Cheese: Microbiology of cheesemaking and maturation. In: Batt CA, Tortorello ML, eds. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press;2014: 395-401.
  • 41. Bintsis T. Lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures: An update in their metabolism and genetics. AIMS microbiology. 2018;4(4):665-684.
  • 42. Zuljan FA, Mortera P, Alarcon SH, Blancato VS, Espariz M, Magni C. Lactic acid bacteria decarboxylation reactions in cheese. Int Dairy J. 2016; 62:53-62.
  • 43. Zuljan FA, Repizo GD, Alarcon SH, Magni C. α-Acetolactate synthase of Lactococcus lactis contributes to pH homeostasis in acid stress conditions. Int J Food Microbiol. 2014; 188:99-107.
  • 44. Smid EJ, Kleerebezem M. Production of aroma compounds in lactic fermentations. Ann Rev Food Sci Technol. 2014; 5:313-326.
  • 45. Ganesan B, Weimer BC. Amino acid catabolism and its relationship to cheese flavor outcomes. Biochemistry of cheese ripening: proteolysis. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:483-516.
  • 46. Yvon M, Rijnen L. Cheese flavour formation by amino acid catabolism. Int Dairy J. 2001;11(4-7):185-201.
  • 47. Smit G, Smit BA, Engels WJ. Flavour formation by lactic acid bacteria and biochemical flavour profiling of cheese products. FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2005;29(3):591-610

Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening

Year 2024, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 174 - 182, 29.12.2024


Cheese ripening entails specific biochemical changes that occur under certain conditions during storage. These changes allow different cheese varieties to develop their unique characteristics. The ripening process is influenced by both primary and secondary biochemical events. These are driven by coagulating enzymes, milk's natural enzymes, and the enzymes of both starter and non-starter microflora. The main biochemical events during cheese ripening include proteolysis, lipolysis, and the metabolism of citrate and lactate. Secondary biochemical reactions then process the primary metabolic products, such as lactic acid, fatty acids, and amino acids. This leads to the formation of volatile compounds like alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, lactones, phenols, esters, and sulfur compounds, which play a crucial role in determining the cheese's quality. These processes give each cheese type its distinctive features, like aroma, taste, color, texture, and pore structure, influencing consumer preferences. This review provides insights into the biochemical events that occur during the cheese ripening period.


  • 1..Fox PF, Guinee TP, Cogan TM, McSweeney PLH. Biochemistry of cheese ripening. In: Fox PF, Guinee TP, Cogan TM, McSweeney PLH, eds. Fundamentals of cheese science. New York: Springer; 2017:391-442.
  • 2. Mazlum H, Atasever M. Probiotic cheese as a functional food. Asian Australas. J Food Saf Secur. 2023;7(1):20-32.
  • 3. Zheng X, Shi X, Wang B. A review on the general cheese processing technology, flavor biochemical pathways and the influence of yeasts in cheese. Front Microbiol. 2021;29(12):703284.
  • 4. El‐Shamy S, Farag MA. Volatiles profiling in heated cheese as analyzed using headspace solid‐phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. eFood. 2022;3(1-2): e2.
  • 5. Khattab AR, Guirguis HA, Tawfik SM, Farag MA. Cheese ripening: A review on modern technologies towards flavor enhancement, process acceleration and improved quality assessment. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2019; 88:343-360.
  • 6. Anastasiou R, Kazou M, Georgalaki M, Aktypis A, Zoumpopoulou G, Tsakalidou E. Omics approaches to assess flavor development in cheese. Foods. 2022;11(2):188.
  • 7. Aydemir Atasever M, Özlü H, Atasever M, Zilbeyaz RN. Peynir üretimi prensipleri. Atasever M, editör. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2019:165-171.
  • 8. Xia X, Arju G, Taivosalo A, et al. Effect of β-casein reduction and high heat treatment of micellar casein concentrate on proteolysis, texture and the volatile profile of resultant Emmental cheese during ripening. Int Dairy J. 2023; 138:105540.
  • 9. Molimard P, Spinnler HE. Review: Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mold ripened cheeses: Origins and properties. J Dairy Sci. 1996;79(2):169-184.
  • 10. McSweeney PLH, Sousa MJ. Biochemical pathways for the production of flavour compounds in cheeses during ripening: A review. Le Lait. 2000;80(3):293-324.
  • 11. Vitova E, Mokanova R, Babak L, Zemanova J, Sklenarova K. The changes of flavour and aroma active compounds content during production of Edam cheese. Acta Univ Agric Silvic Mendel Brun. 2011;59(1):255-262.
  • 12. Bansal V, Veena N. Understanding the role of pH in cheese manufacturing: General aspects of cheese quality and safety. J Food Sci Technol. 2024; 61(1):16-26.13. Santiago-Lopez L, Aguilar-Toala JE, Hernandez-Mendoza A, Vallejo-Cordoba B, Liceaga AM, Gonzalez-Cordova AF. Invited review: Bioactive compounds produced during cheese ripening and health effects associated with aged cheese consumption. J Dairy Sci. 2018;101(5):3742-3757.
  • 14. Feeney EL, Lamichhane P, Sheehan JJ. The cheese matrix: understanding the impact of cheese structure on aspects of cardiovascular health–a food science and a human nutrition perspective. Int J Dairy Technol. 2021;74(4):656-670.
  • 15. Blaya J, Barzideh Z, La Pointe G. Symposium review: Interaction of starter cultures and nonstarter lactic acid bacteria in the cheese environment. J Dairy Sci. 2018;101(4): 3611-3629.
  • 16. Beresford TP, Fitzsimons NA, Brennan NL, Cogan TM. Recent advances in cheese microbiology. Int Dairy J. 2001;11(4-7):259-274.
  • 17. Gatti M, Bottari B, Lazzi C, Neviani E, Mucchetti G. Invited review: Microbial evolution in raw-milk, long-ripened cheeses produced using undefined natural whey starters. J Dairy Sci. 2014;97(2):573-591.
  • 18. Tekinşen OC, Atasever M. Süt Ürünleri Üretiminde Starter Kültür. Konya, Selçuk Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayın Ünitesi; 1994.
  • 19. Broadbent JR, Houck K, Johnson ME, Oberg CJ. Influence of adjunct use and cheese microenvironment on nonstarter bacteria in reduced-fat Cheddar-type cheese. J Dairy Sci. 2003;86(9):2773-2782.
  • 20. Gürsoy O, Kesenkaş H. Peynir Mikrobiyolojisi. İçinde: Hayaloğlu AA, Özer B, editörler. Peynir Biliminin Temelleri. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık; 2021:99-138.
  • 21. Gandhi DN. Food and industrial microbiology: Microbiology of fermented dairy products. 1st ed. Karnal: Principal Scientist Dairy Microbiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute; 2006.
  • 22. Beresford T, Williams A. The microbiology of cheese ripening. In: Fox PF, McSweeney PLH, Cogan TM, Guinee TP, eds. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. London: Elsevier; 2004:287-318.
  • 23. De Pasquale I, Di Cagno R, Buchin S, De Angelis M, Gobbetti M. Microbial ecology dynamics reveal a succession in the core microbiota involved in the ripening of pasta filata Caciocavallo Pugliese cheese. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2014;80(19):6243-6255.
  • 24. Gobbetti M, De Angelis M, Di Cagno R, Mancini L, Fox PF. Pros and cons for using non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) as secondary/adjunct starters for cheese ripening. Trends Food Sci Technol. 2015;45(2):167-178.
  • 25. Corrigan BM, Kilcawley KN, Sheehan JJ. Validation of a reversed‐phase high‐performance liquid chromatographic method for the quantification of primary proteolysis during cheese maturation. Int J Dairy Technol. 2021;74(4):671-680.
  • 26. Tekin A, Hayaloglu AA. Understanding the mechanism of ripening biochemistry and flavour development in brine ripened cheeses. Int Dairy J. 2023; 137:105508.
  • 27. Murtaza MA, Ur-Rehman S, Anjum FM, Huma N, Hafiz I. Cheddar cheese ripening and flavor characterization: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2014;54(10):1309-1321.
  • 28. McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Ciocia F. Metabolism of residual lactose and of lactate and citrate. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:411-421.
  • 29. McSweeney PLH. Biochemistry of cheese ripening: introduction and overview. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:379-388.
  • 30. Thierry A, Collins YF, Mukdsi MCA, McSweeney PLH, Wilkinson MG, Spinnler HE. Lipolysis and metabolism of fatty acids in cheese. In: McSweeney, PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:423-444.
  • 31. Azarnia S, Robert N, Lee B. Biotechnological methods to accelerate Cheddar cheese ripening. Crit Rev Biotechnol. 2006;26(3):121-143.
  • 32. Alewijn M, Sliwinski EL, Wouters JTM. Production of fat derived (flavor) compounds during the ripening of Gouda cheese. Int Dairy J. 2005;15(6-9):733-740.
  • 33. Bertuzzi AS, McSweeney PLH, Rea MC, Kilcawley KN. Detection of volatile compounds of cheese and their contribution to the flavor profile of surface-ripened cheese. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2018;17(2):371-390.
  • 34. Singh TK, Drake MA, Cadwallader KR. Flavor of cheddar cheese: A chemical and sensory perspective. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2003;2(4):166-189.
  • 35. Atallah AA, Ismail EA, Yehia HM, Elkhadragy MF, Khater ESG. Proteolytic development and volatile compounds profile of Domiati Cheese under modified atmosphere packaging. Fermentation. 2022;8(8):358.
  • 36. Upadhyay VK, McSweeney PLH, Magboul AAA, Fox PF. Proteolysis in cheese during ripening. In: Fox PF, McSweeney PLH, Cogan TM, Guinee TP, eds. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2004:391-433.
  • 37. Ardö Y, McSweeney PLH, Magboul AAA, Upadhyay VK, Fox PF. Biochemistry of cheese ripening: proteolysis. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:445-482.
  • 38. Voigt DD, Chevalier F, Qian MC, Kelly AL. Effect of high-pressure treatment on microbiology, proteolysis, lipolysis and levels of flavour compounds in mature blue-veined cheese. Innov Food Sci Emerg. 2010;11(1):68-77.
  • 39. Sousa MJ, Ardö Y, McSweeney PLH. Advances in the study of proteolysis during cheese ripening. Int Dairy J 2001;11(4-7): 327-345.
  • 40. Farkye NY. Cheese: Microbiology of cheesemaking and maturation. In: Batt CA, Tortorello ML, eds. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press;2014: 395-401.
  • 41. Bintsis T. Lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures: An update in their metabolism and genetics. AIMS microbiology. 2018;4(4):665-684.
  • 42. Zuljan FA, Mortera P, Alarcon SH, Blancato VS, Espariz M, Magni C. Lactic acid bacteria decarboxylation reactions in cheese. Int Dairy J. 2016; 62:53-62.
  • 43. Zuljan FA, Repizo GD, Alarcon SH, Magni C. α-Acetolactate synthase of Lactococcus lactis contributes to pH homeostasis in acid stress conditions. Int J Food Microbiol. 2014; 188:99-107.
  • 44. Smid EJ, Kleerebezem M. Production of aroma compounds in lactic fermentations. Ann Rev Food Sci Technol. 2014; 5:313-326.
  • 45. Ganesan B, Weimer BC. Amino acid catabolism and its relationship to cheese flavor outcomes. Biochemistry of cheese ripening: proteolysis. In: McSweeney PLH, Fox PF, Cotter PD, Everett DW, eds. Cheese: chemistry, physics, and microbiology. London: Elsevier Academic Press; 2017:483-516.
  • 46. Yvon M, Rijnen L. Cheese flavour formation by amino acid catabolism. Int Dairy J. 2001;11(4-7):185-201.
  • 47. Smit G, Smit BA, Engels WJ. Flavour formation by lactic acid bacteria and biochemical flavour profiling of cheese products. FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2005;29(3):591-610
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Food Hygiene and Technology
Journal Section Reviews

Mustafa Atasever

Halit Mazlum

Publication Date December 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 19 Issue: 3


APA Atasever, M., & Mazlum, H. (2024). Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening. Veterinary Sciences and Practices, 19(3), 174-182.
AMA Atasever M, Mazlum H. Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening. Veterinary Sciences and Practices. December 2024;19(3):174-182. doi:10.17094/vetsci.1609184
Chicago Atasever, Mustafa, and Halit Mazlum. “Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening”. Veterinary Sciences and Practices 19, no. 3 (December 2024): 174-82.
EndNote Atasever M, Mazlum H (December 1, 2024) Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening. Veterinary Sciences and Practices 19 3 174–182.
IEEE M. Atasever and H. Mazlum, “Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening”, Veterinary Sciences and Practices, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 174–182, 2024, doi: 10.17094/vetsci.1609184.
ISNAD Atasever, Mustafa - Mazlum, Halit. “Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening”. Veterinary Sciences and Practices 19/3 (December 2024), 174-182.
JAMA Atasever M, Mazlum H. Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening. Veterinary Sciences and Practices. 2024;19:174–182.
MLA Atasever, Mustafa and Halit Mazlum. “Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening”. Veterinary Sciences and Practices, vol. 19, no. 3, 2024, pp. 174-82, doi:10.17094/vetsci.1609184.
Vancouver Atasever M, Mazlum H. Biochemical Processes During Cheese Ripening. Veterinary Sciences and Practices. 2024;19(3):174-82.

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