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Neoliberalizmin Acılarını New Age Maneviyatı ile Dindirmek

Year 2023, , 1 - 28, 23.05.2023


New Age inanışlar ile neoliberalizmin yükselişinin bir bağlantısı vardır. Neoliberal birey kolektiviteden uzak bir yalnızlık ortamında bir girişimci gibi kendine özgün yeni bir benlik inşa eder. Bu makale neoliberal öznenin özgün benliğini ve gerçekliğini yaratmaya zorlandığı bir sosyal yapı içerisinde yöneldiği öznel bir inanç sistemini konu almaktadır. Makalenin temel argümanı neoliberal özenin acılarını dindirmeye yönelik pek çok inanç ve uygulama sunan New Age’in geç kapitalizmin bir ürünü olduğu üzerinedir. Bu argüman, önce moderniteden postmoderniteye geçişte öznelliğin dönüşümü konusuna; daha sonra postmodernitenin ekonomik altyapısını oluşturan geç kapitalizmde kültürün depolitizasyonu meselesine; akabinde bu depolitize olmuş kültürün içinde gelişen New Age eğilimlerin iyileştirici vaadinin arka planına; son olarak New Age’in içinde konumlandığı yeni paradigma olan Kuantum mistisizmi ve bunun küresel anlamadaki popülerliğinin ardında yatan psikanalitik kökenlere değinilerek geliştirilmektedir.


  • Albanese, C. L. (1992). The magical staff: quantum healing in the new age. James R. Lewis & J. Gordon Melton (Ed.), Perspectives on the New Age (s. 68–84) içinde. State University of New York Press.
  • Berman, Μ. (2009). The politics of authenticity: Radical individualism and the emergence of modern society (1. Baskı). Verso.
  • Bradshaw, G. A. (2009). Elephants on the edge: What animals teach us about humanity. Yale University Press. Brown, W. (2015). Undoing the demos, neoliberalism’s stealth and revolution (1. Baskı). Zone Books.
  • Bay-Cheng L.,Y., vd. (2015). Tracking homo economicus: Development of the neoliberal beliefs inventory. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3:71-88.
  • Capps, D. (2001). Freud and freudians on religion: a reader (1. Baskı). Yale University Press.
  • Campbell, A. (1976). Subjective measures of well-being. American Psychologist, 31, 117-124.
  • Crawford, R. (1980). Healthism and the medicalization of everyday life. International Journal of Health Services, 10: 365–87.
  • Chryssides, G.D. (1999). Exploring new religions (1. Baskı). Cassell.
  • Çoban, A. (2002). Küreselleşmeye karşı olmak: olanaklar ve sınırlılıklar. Praksis/ Küreselleşme Emperyalizm: Ne Yapmalı, Nasıl Direnmeli?, 7, 117-164.
  • Ehrenberg, A. (2009). The Weariness of the Self: Diagnosing the History of Depression in the Contemporary Age. adresinden 16 Ocak 2023 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Dardot,P. ve Laval, C. (2012). Dünyanın yeni aklı, neoliberal toplum üzerine deneme (I. Ergüden, Çev.) İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Descartes, (1970). Descartes philosophical letters. (Antony Kenny, Çev.). Oxford University Press.
  • Deleuze G. & Guattari F. (2000). Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and schizophrenia. (R. Hurley, M. Seem & H.R. Lane çev). Continuum. (Özgün eser basım 1972)
  • Davies, W. (2015). The happiness ındustry: how the government and big business sold us wellbeing (1. Baskı). Verso Publications.
  • Durkheim, E. (1979). Suicide. (Spaulding, J., Çev.). The Free Press.(Özgün eser basım 1897)
  • Dore, R. (2008). Financialization of the global economy. Industrial and Corporate Change, 17, 1097-1112.
  • Eagleton, T. (1996). The illusions of postmodernism (1. Baskı). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • Ferguson, M. (1980). The aquarian conspiracy: personal and social transformation (1. Baskı). J. P. Tarcher.
  • Feher, M.(2009). Self-appreciation or the aspirations of human capital. Public Culture, 21, 21–41
  • Foucault, M. (2010). The birth of biopolitics: lectures at the collège de france, 1978–79. (Graham Burchell Çev.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Foucault, M. (2011). Özne ve iktidar (I. Ergüden, O. Akınhay, Çev.) Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Faivre, A. & Needleman, J (ed.) (1992). Modern esoteric spirituality. Crossroad Publishing Co.
  • Guignon, C. (2004). On being authentic (1. Baskı). Routledge.
  • Hanegraaff, W. J. (1996). New age religion and western culture: esotericism in the mirror of secular thought. Brill Academic.
  • Hardt, M & Negri, A (2000). Empire. Harvard University Press.
  • Harvey, D. (1989). The condition of postmodernity, an enquiry into the origins of cultural change (1. Baskı). Blackwell.
  • Hanratty, G. (1997). Studies in gnosticism and in the philosophy of religion. Four Courts Press.
  • Haynes, C., J. (2009). Holistic human development. Journal of Adult Development, 16, 53- 60.
  • Heelas, P. (1996). The new age movement: the celebration of the self and the sacralization of modernity (1. Baskı). Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Hedayat-Diba, Z. (1997). The self-object functions of the koran. International Journal For The Psychology Of Religion, 7, 211–236.
  • Hendrich, B. (2011). Introduction–Beyond state islam: Religiosity and spirituality in contemporary Turkey. European Journal of Turkish Studies. Social Sciences on Contemporary Turkey, 13.
  • Illouz, E. (2006). Cold intimacies: the making of emotional capitalism. Polity Press.
  • Jakobsen, M. D. (1999). Shamanism: traditional and contemporary approaches to the mastery of spirits and healing (1. Baskı). Berghahn Books.
  • James, O. (2008). The selfish capitalist: origins of affluenza. Vermilion.
  • Jameson, F. (1991). Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalism. Duke University Press.
  • Jones, J.W. (2002). Terror and transformation (1. Baskı). Taylor and Francis.
  • Julian, R. (1992). Building bridges: teresa of avila and self-psychology. Pastoral Psychology, 41, 89–97.
  • Kyle, R. G. (1995). The New age movement in american culture. Lanham. University Press of America.
  • Krippner, G.R. (2005). The financialization of the american economy. SocioEconomic Review, 3, 173-208.
  • Lazzarato, M (2006). Immaterial labour. Paolo Virno & Michael Hardt (Ed.), Radical Thought in Italy, A Potential Politics (1. Baskı) içinde (s. 133-147). The University of Minnesota Press.
  • Levin, J. (2017). What is “healing”? reflections on diagnostic criteria, nosology, and etiology. Journal of Science and Healing 13, 244–56.
  • Marx K. & Engels F. (1978). Manifesto of the Communist Party. The Marx-Engels Reader. R.C. Tucker (Ed.) (s. 469–500) (2. Baskı) içinde. W. W. Norton & Company
  • Melton, J. G. (1992). New thought and the new age. James R. Lewis & J. Gordon Melton (Ed.), Perspectives on the New Age (s.15–29) (1. Baskı) içinde. State University of New York Press.
  • Melton, J. G. (2001). Encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology (5. Baskı). Gale Research Incorporated. Newport, J. (1998). The new age movement and the biblical worldview: conflict and dialogue. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
  • Peters, T. (1991). The cosmic self: a penetrating look at today's new age movements (1. Baskı). Harper Collins.
  • Pike, S. (2004). New age and neopagan religions in america. Columbia University Press.
  • Pithers, E. (2021). Why new-age healing ıs this year’s buzziest wellness trend. Vogue. adresinden 22 Nisan 2023 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Reveley J. (2016). Neoliberal meditations: how mindfulness training medicalizes education and responsibilizes young people. Policy Futures in Education, 14, 497-511.
  • Reese, W. L. (1980). Concise philosophy and religion: eastern and western thought (1. Baskı). Humanities Press.
  • Rousseau, J.-J. (1953). The confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau. (J.M. Cohen Çev.). Penguin Classics.
  • Sanson, D. (2009). New/old spiritualities in the west: neo-shamans and neoshamanism. P. Murphy, J. R. Lewis (Ed.) (s. 433-462) içinde. Handbook of Contemporary Paganism. E.J. Brill.
  • Simmel, G., (2002). Metropolis and mental life (1903). Bridge G., Watson, S. (Ed.). (s. 11-19) içinde. The Blackwell Reader.
  • Sointu, E., & Woodhead, L. (2008). Spirituality, gender, and expressive selfhood. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 47 (2), 259-276.
  • Taylor, C. (1989). Sources of the self: the making of the modern identity. Harvard University Press.
  • Taylor, C. (1991). The ethics of authenticity. Cambridge Mass
  • Toprak, F. (2022). Feminizmin doğa bilimleri ile buluşması: Kuantum felsefesinden yeni materyalizm ve insan-sonrasına (post-human) eleştirel bir okuma. [Doktora tezi]. Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Vannini, P. & Williams, P. (2009). Authenticity in culture, self, and society. Ashgate Publishing.

Relieving the Pains of Neoliberalism with New Age Spirituality

Year 2023, , 1 - 28, 23.05.2023


There is a connection between New Age beliefs and the rise of neoliberalism. The neoliberal individual builds a unique new self, like an entrepreneur, in an environment of aloneness away from collectivity. This article is about a subjective belief system in which the neoliberal subject is oriented in a social structure in which he is forced to create his original self and reality. The article's main argument is that the New Age, which offers many beliefs and practices to relieve the pain of neoliberal care, is a product of late capitalism. This argument first focuses on the transformation of subjectivity in the transition from modernity to postmodernity; to the question of the depoliticization of culture in late capitalism, which later formed the economic infrastructure of postmodernity, against the background of the healing promise of New Age trends that subsequently developed within this depoliticized culture; Finally, it is created by referring to Quantum mysticism, the new paradigm in which the New Age is located, and the psychoanalytic roots behind its popularity in global understanding.


  • Albanese, C. L. (1992). The magical staff: quantum healing in the new age. James R. Lewis & J. Gordon Melton (Ed.), Perspectives on the New Age (s. 68–84) içinde. State University of New York Press.
  • Berman, Μ. (2009). The politics of authenticity: Radical individualism and the emergence of modern society (1. Baskı). Verso.
  • Bradshaw, G. A. (2009). Elephants on the edge: What animals teach us about humanity. Yale University Press. Brown, W. (2015). Undoing the demos, neoliberalism’s stealth and revolution (1. Baskı). Zone Books.
  • Bay-Cheng L.,Y., vd. (2015). Tracking homo economicus: Development of the neoliberal beliefs inventory. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3:71-88.
  • Capps, D. (2001). Freud and freudians on religion: a reader (1. Baskı). Yale University Press.
  • Campbell, A. (1976). Subjective measures of well-being. American Psychologist, 31, 117-124.
  • Crawford, R. (1980). Healthism and the medicalization of everyday life. International Journal of Health Services, 10: 365–87.
  • Chryssides, G.D. (1999). Exploring new religions (1. Baskı). Cassell.
  • Çoban, A. (2002). Küreselleşmeye karşı olmak: olanaklar ve sınırlılıklar. Praksis/ Küreselleşme Emperyalizm: Ne Yapmalı, Nasıl Direnmeli?, 7, 117-164.
  • Ehrenberg, A. (2009). The Weariness of the Self: Diagnosing the History of Depression in the Contemporary Age. adresinden 16 Ocak 2023 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Dardot,P. ve Laval, C. (2012). Dünyanın yeni aklı, neoliberal toplum üzerine deneme (I. Ergüden, Çev.) İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Descartes, (1970). Descartes philosophical letters. (Antony Kenny, Çev.). Oxford University Press.
  • Deleuze G. & Guattari F. (2000). Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and schizophrenia. (R. Hurley, M. Seem & H.R. Lane çev). Continuum. (Özgün eser basım 1972)
  • Davies, W. (2015). The happiness ındustry: how the government and big business sold us wellbeing (1. Baskı). Verso Publications.
  • Durkheim, E. (1979). Suicide. (Spaulding, J., Çev.). The Free Press.(Özgün eser basım 1897)
  • Dore, R. (2008). Financialization of the global economy. Industrial and Corporate Change, 17, 1097-1112.
  • Eagleton, T. (1996). The illusions of postmodernism (1. Baskı). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • Ferguson, M. (1980). The aquarian conspiracy: personal and social transformation (1. Baskı). J. P. Tarcher.
  • Feher, M.(2009). Self-appreciation or the aspirations of human capital. Public Culture, 21, 21–41
  • Foucault, M. (2010). The birth of biopolitics: lectures at the collège de france, 1978–79. (Graham Burchell Çev.). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Foucault, M. (2011). Özne ve iktidar (I. Ergüden, O. Akınhay, Çev.) Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Faivre, A. & Needleman, J (ed.) (1992). Modern esoteric spirituality. Crossroad Publishing Co.
  • Guignon, C. (2004). On being authentic (1. Baskı). Routledge.
  • Hanegraaff, W. J. (1996). New age religion and western culture: esotericism in the mirror of secular thought. Brill Academic.
  • Hardt, M & Negri, A (2000). Empire. Harvard University Press.
  • Harvey, D. (1989). The condition of postmodernity, an enquiry into the origins of cultural change (1. Baskı). Blackwell.
  • Hanratty, G. (1997). Studies in gnosticism and in the philosophy of religion. Four Courts Press.
  • Haynes, C., J. (2009). Holistic human development. Journal of Adult Development, 16, 53- 60.
  • Heelas, P. (1996). The new age movement: the celebration of the self and the sacralization of modernity (1. Baskı). Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Hedayat-Diba, Z. (1997). The self-object functions of the koran. International Journal For The Psychology Of Religion, 7, 211–236.
  • Hendrich, B. (2011). Introduction–Beyond state islam: Religiosity and spirituality in contemporary Turkey. European Journal of Turkish Studies. Social Sciences on Contemporary Turkey, 13.
  • Illouz, E. (2006). Cold intimacies: the making of emotional capitalism. Polity Press.
  • Jakobsen, M. D. (1999). Shamanism: traditional and contemporary approaches to the mastery of spirits and healing (1. Baskı). Berghahn Books.
  • James, O. (2008). The selfish capitalist: origins of affluenza. Vermilion.
  • Jameson, F. (1991). Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalism. Duke University Press.
  • Jones, J.W. (2002). Terror and transformation (1. Baskı). Taylor and Francis.
  • Julian, R. (1992). Building bridges: teresa of avila and self-psychology. Pastoral Psychology, 41, 89–97.
  • Kyle, R. G. (1995). The New age movement in american culture. Lanham. University Press of America.
  • Krippner, G.R. (2005). The financialization of the american economy. SocioEconomic Review, 3, 173-208.
  • Lazzarato, M (2006). Immaterial labour. Paolo Virno & Michael Hardt (Ed.), Radical Thought in Italy, A Potential Politics (1. Baskı) içinde (s. 133-147). The University of Minnesota Press.
  • Levin, J. (2017). What is “healing”? reflections on diagnostic criteria, nosology, and etiology. Journal of Science and Healing 13, 244–56.
  • Marx K. & Engels F. (1978). Manifesto of the Communist Party. The Marx-Engels Reader. R.C. Tucker (Ed.) (s. 469–500) (2. Baskı) içinde. W. W. Norton & Company
  • Melton, J. G. (1992). New thought and the new age. James R. Lewis & J. Gordon Melton (Ed.), Perspectives on the New Age (s.15–29) (1. Baskı) içinde. State University of New York Press.
  • Melton, J. G. (2001). Encyclopedia of occultism and parapsychology (5. Baskı). Gale Research Incorporated. Newport, J. (1998). The new age movement and the biblical worldview: conflict and dialogue. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
  • Peters, T. (1991). The cosmic self: a penetrating look at today's new age movements (1. Baskı). Harper Collins.
  • Pike, S. (2004). New age and neopagan religions in america. Columbia University Press.
  • Pithers, E. (2021). Why new-age healing ıs this year’s buzziest wellness trend. Vogue. adresinden 22 Nisan 2023 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Reveley J. (2016). Neoliberal meditations: how mindfulness training medicalizes education and responsibilizes young people. Policy Futures in Education, 14, 497-511.
  • Reese, W. L. (1980). Concise philosophy and religion: eastern and western thought (1. Baskı). Humanities Press.
  • Rousseau, J.-J. (1953). The confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau. (J.M. Cohen Çev.). Penguin Classics.
  • Sanson, D. (2009). New/old spiritualities in the west: neo-shamans and neoshamanism. P. Murphy, J. R. Lewis (Ed.) (s. 433-462) içinde. Handbook of Contemporary Paganism. E.J. Brill.
  • Simmel, G., (2002). Metropolis and mental life (1903). Bridge G., Watson, S. (Ed.). (s. 11-19) içinde. The Blackwell Reader.
  • Sointu, E., & Woodhead, L. (2008). Spirituality, gender, and expressive selfhood. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 47 (2), 259-276.
  • Taylor, C. (1989). Sources of the self: the making of the modern identity. Harvard University Press.
  • Taylor, C. (1991). The ethics of authenticity. Cambridge Mass
  • Toprak, F. (2022). Feminizmin doğa bilimleri ile buluşması: Kuantum felsefesinden yeni materyalizm ve insan-sonrasına (post-human) eleştirel bir okuma. [Doktora tezi]. Ankara Üniversitesi.
  • Vannini, P. & Williams, P. (2009). Authenticity in culture, self, and society. Ashgate Publishing.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Feyza Toprak 0000-0003-1036-8055

Publication Date May 23, 2023
Submission Date January 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Toprak, F. (2023). Neoliberalizmin Acılarını New Age Maneviyatı ile Dindirmek. ViraVerita E-Dergi(17), 1-28.