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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 79 - 93, 15.09.2022


The research investigates the impact of international trade on the Nigerian economy. This research looks at the effects of FDI, exports, imports, and inflation on Nigeria's growth. According to research, FDI boosts Nigeria's short-term economic development. Long-term FDI harms Nigeria's economic growth. Nigeria should increase FDI and market size to stimulate low-capital startup development, banking, and information technology. According to the research, exports and imports have no effect on Nigeria's short- or long-term economic growth. Nigeria's exports and imports are hampered by a lack of funds, technology, management, and unskilled labor. Reduce import tariffs. Export subsidies lower imports, promoting growth. Short-term, inflation boosts Nigeria's economy, but long-term, it harms.


  • ABURIME, U. T. 2009 . Why African economies should open up to foreign banks. AfricaGrowth Agenda, 2009 10 , 20-21.
  • ADARAMOLA, O. A., & DADA, O. 2020 . Impact of inflation on economic growth: Evidence from Nigeria. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 17 2 , 1–13.
  • ADELEYE, J. O., ADETEYE, O. S., & ADEWUYI, M. O. 2015 . Impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria 1988-2012 . International Journal of Financial Research, 6 3 , 163-172.
  • AGBO, E. I., AGU, A. E., & EZE, L. O. 2018 . Impact of international trade on the economic growth of Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 10 18 , 22-30.
  • AGRAWAL, G., 2015 . Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in BRICS Economies: A Panel Data Analysis, Journal of Economics Business and Mangement, vol.3 4 .
  • ALFARO, L., CHANDA, A., KALEMLI-OZCAN, S., & SAYEK, S. 2004 . FDI and economic growth: the role of local financial markets. Journal of international economics, 64 1 , 89-112.
  • AL-TAESHI, H. T. A. 2016 . The impact of inflation on economic growth: evidence of Malaysia from the period 1970-2014 Published Master Thesis Submitted to Near East University Graduate School of Social Sciences Economics Master’s Programme . Retrieved from
  • ANDREWS, A. P. 2015 . “Exports, Imports, and Economic Growth in Liberia: Evidence from Causality and Cointegration Analysis”. Journal of Management Policy and Practice. 16 3
  • ANIDIOBU, G. A., OKOLIE, P. I. P., & OLEKA, D. C. 2018 . Analysis of inflation and its effect on economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Finance, 9 1 , 28-36. Retrieved from https://pdfs.seman- efb5c3da40e0aadc8bf38e.pdf
  • ASIEDU, E. 2001 . “On the determinants of foreign direct investment to developing countries: Is Africa different?” World Development, 30 1 : 107–19.
  • BAKARI, S., & MABROUKI, M. 2017 . Impact of Exports and Imports on Economic Growth: New Evidence From Panama. Journal of Smart Economic Growth, 2 1 , 67–79
  • BBAALE, E., & MUTENYO, J. 2011 . Export composition and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A panel analysis. Consilience, 6 , 1-19
  • BLOOMBERG BUSINESS, 2015 . Oil’s Slump Gives Nigeria Chance to End $7-Billion Subsidy, December 23, 2014 . 34 Oil & Gas Journal, Worldwide Look at Reserves and Production, April 1, 2022 .
  • BORENSZTEIN E., DE GREGORIO J., LEE J.W., 1998 . How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Growth? », Journal of International Economic, vol. 45 , pp.115-135.
  • BOUCHOUCHA, N., & ALI, W. 2019 . The Impact of FDI on Economic Growth: Evidence from Tunisia. Journal of Smart Economic Growth, 4 3 , 23–46.
  • BRINKMAN, R. 1995 . Economic growth versus economic development: Toward a conceptual clarification. Journal of Economic Issues, 29 4 , 1171-1188.
  • CHINODA, T. 2020 . The nexus between financial inclusion, trade and economic growth in Africa?. Transnational Corporations Review, 12 3 , 266-275.
  • CHUDE, D. I., & CHUDE, N. P. 2015 . Impact of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management Review, 3 5 , 26-34
  • DE BRABANDERE, E., GAZZINI, T., & KENT, A. EDS. . 2021 . Public Participation and Foreign Investment Law: From the Creation of Rights and Obligations to the Settlement of Disputes. Brill.
  • DENBEL, F. S., AYEN, Y. W., & REGASA, T. A. 2016 . The relationship between inflation, money supply and economic growth in Ethiopia: Co- integration and causality analysis. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 6 1 , 556-565.
  • DEWETT, K. K., & NAVALUR, M. H. 2010 . Modern economic theory. Shyam lal charitable trust. Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110 055.
  • DOGUWA, S. I. 2013 . Inflation and economic growth in Nigeria: Detecting the threshold level. CBN Journal of Applied Statistics, 3 2 , 99-124. Retrieved from https:// cbn%20jas%20volume%203%20 number%202_article%206.pd
  • DURHAM, J.B. 2004 . “Absorptive capacity and the effects of foreign direct investment and equity foreign portfolio investment on economic growth”. European Economic Review, 48 2 : 285–306
  • EGGOH, J. C., & MUHAMMAD, K. 2014 . On the nonlinear relationship between inflation and economic growth. Research in Economics, 68 2 , 133-143. http://
  • EGORO, S., & OBAH, O. D. 2017 . The impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria: An econometric analysis. Asian Finance & Banking Review, 1 1 , 28-47.African Journal of Business Management, 3 5 , 178-183.
  • EMEHELU, C. I. 2021 . Effects of international trade on economic growth of Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Finance and Economics Research, 9 1 , 144-157.
  • ENEJOH, S. Y., & TSAUNI, A. M. 2017 . An analytical study of the impact of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria 1970–2016 . International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 7 4 , 110-120. IJARAFMS/v7-i4/3438
  • GOKMENOGLU, K. K., AMIN, M. Y., & TASPINAR, N. 2015 . The Relationship among International Trade, Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Pakistan. Procedia Economics and Finance, 25 May , 489–496
  • HELLEINER, G. K. 1986 ‘Outward Orientation, Import Instability and African Economic Growth: an Empirical Investigation’, in S. Lall and F. Stewart eds , Theory and Reality in Development. London: Macmillan
  • IDRIS, T. S., & SULEIMAN, S. 2019 . Effect of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria: 1980–2017. MAJASS, 18, 33-48
  • INSAH, B. 2013 . Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Economic Growth in Ghana, International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, vol.3 2 , pp.115-121.
  • IQBAL,Z., ET ABBAS,K. 2015 . An econometric Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth of Pakistan, Developing country studies, 5 11 , pp .16-25
  • JORDAAN, A. C., AND EITA, J. H. 2007 , Export and Economic Growth in Namibia: A Granger Causality Analysis, South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 75 :3.
  • KASIDI, F., & MWAKANEMELA, K. 2015 . Impact of inflation on economic growth: A case study of Tanzania. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 3 4 , 363-380. Retrieved from
  • LEAN, H., ET TAN, W., 2011 . Linkages Between Foreign Direct Investment, Domestic Investment and Economic Growth in Malaysia », Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, vol.2 4 , pp.75-96.
  • MANKIW, N. G. 2010 . Macroeconomics 7th ed. . Worth Publishers 41 Madison Avenue New York, NY. Retrieved from www.worthpublish- http://irfanlal.yola- Gregory%20Mankiw%20 Macroeconomics%2C%207th%20 Edition%20%20%20%202009.pd
  • MANOEL, B. 2010 . Inflation and economic growth in Latin America; some panel time series evidence University of Pretoria Department of Economics working paper series . https://
  • MICHAŁOWSKI, T. 2012 . Foreign direct investment in Sub-Saharan Africa and its effects on economic growth of the region. Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 31/1 , 687-701.
  • MKHATSHWA, Z. S., TIJANI, A. A., & MASUKU, M. B. 2015 . Analysis of the relationship between inflation, economic growth and agricultural growth in Swaziland from 1980-2013. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6 18 , 189-204. Retrieved from index.php/JEDS/article/view- File/25840/26687
  • OBWONA, MARIOS B. 2004 . “Foreign direct investment in Africa”. In Financing Pro-Poor Growth: AERC Senior Policy Seminar VI, Kampala, Uganda, 2–4 March 2004 – Seminar Papers, pp.
  • OLU, J. F., & IDIH, E. O. 2015 . Inflation and economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Economics and International Business Management, 3 1 , 20-30. Retrieved from chive/2015/3/pdf/Olu%20and%20 Odih.pdf
  • PHILLIPS, L.C., OBWONA, M., MCMILLAN, M., AND AYAKO, A.B. 2001 . Foreign and Local Investment in East Africa, Interactions and Policy Implications: Case Studies on Mauritius, Uganda and Kenya, Eager Project Paper
  • RICARDO, D. 1817 . On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation: London.
  • ROUSSEAU, P. L., & WACHTEL, P. 2002 . Inflation thresholds and the finance-growth nexus. Journal of International Money and Finance, 21, 777-793. 5606 02 00022-0
  • SHIHAB, R. A., SOUFAN, T., & ABDUL-KHALIQ, S. 2014 . The causal relationship between exports and economic growth in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5 3 , 302- 308.
  • SHUAIB, I. M., AUGUSTINE, O. E., & FRANK, A. O. 2015 . Impact of inflation rate on the economic
  • SMITH, A. 1776 . Of the division of labour. Classics of organization theory, 40, 45.
  • SOLOW, R. M. 1957 . “Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 39 3 : 312–320
  • SUBASAT, T. 2002 . Growth ? Some Cross-Section Evidence. 20 3 , 333–349.
  • TAH, K. A., CZERNIAK, C., LEVINE, A., WIGGIN, K., & OSONDU, I. N. 2021 . Foreign trade and economic growth in South Africa. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 28 4 , 472-481
  • TAHIR, M. ESTRADA, M.A.R. AND AFRIDI, M.A. 2019 , “Foreign inflows and economic growth: an empirical study of the SAARC region”, Economic Systems, 100702.
  • TETTEH, C. 2015 . Exports and Economic Growth: The Case of Ghana. UGspace, 10442362.
  • UGOCHUKWU, U. S., & CHINYERE, U. P. 2013 . The impact of export trading on economic growth in Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Business and Finance, 1 10 , 327-341
  • ULLAH, I., SHAH, M. AND KHAN, F.U. 2014 , “Domestic investment, foreign direct investment, and economic growth nexus: a case of Pakistan”, Economics Research International , Vol. 2014.
  • YAKUBU, M. M., & AKANEGBU, B. N. 2015 . The impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria: 1981–2012. Eur J Bus Econ Account, 3, 26-36.
  • YENNU, A. T. 2018 . International Trade and Economic Growth in Ghana; Benefits, Constraints and Impacts. Sch J Appl Sci Res, 1 2 , 18-22.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 79 - 93, 15.09.2022


Bu araştırma, uluslararası ticaretin Nijerya ekonomisi üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktadır. Araştırma, Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırım DYY , ihracat, ithalat ve enflasyonun Nijerya'nın büyümesi üzerindeki


  • ABURIME, U. T. 2009 . Why African economies should open up to foreign banks. AfricaGrowth Agenda, 2009 10 , 20-21.
  • ADARAMOLA, O. A., & DADA, O. 2020 . Impact of inflation on economic growth: Evidence from Nigeria. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 17 2 , 1–13.
  • ADELEYE, J. O., ADETEYE, O. S., & ADEWUYI, M. O. 2015 . Impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria 1988-2012 . International Journal of Financial Research, 6 3 , 163-172.
  • AGBO, E. I., AGU, A. E., & EZE, L. O. 2018 . Impact of international trade on the economic growth of Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 10 18 , 22-30.
  • AGRAWAL, G., 2015 . Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in BRICS Economies: A Panel Data Analysis, Journal of Economics Business and Mangement, vol.3 4 .
  • ALFARO, L., CHANDA, A., KALEMLI-OZCAN, S., & SAYEK, S. 2004 . FDI and economic growth: the role of local financial markets. Journal of international economics, 64 1 , 89-112.
  • AL-TAESHI, H. T. A. 2016 . The impact of inflation on economic growth: evidence of Malaysia from the period 1970-2014 Published Master Thesis Submitted to Near East University Graduate School of Social Sciences Economics Master’s Programme . Retrieved from
  • ANDREWS, A. P. 2015 . “Exports, Imports, and Economic Growth in Liberia: Evidence from Causality and Cointegration Analysis”. Journal of Management Policy and Practice. 16 3
  • ANIDIOBU, G. A., OKOLIE, P. I. P., & OLEKA, D. C. 2018 . Analysis of inflation and its effect on economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Finance, 9 1 , 28-36. Retrieved from https://pdfs.seman- efb5c3da40e0aadc8bf38e.pdf
  • ASIEDU, E. 2001 . “On the determinants of foreign direct investment to developing countries: Is Africa different?” World Development, 30 1 : 107–19.
  • BAKARI, S., & MABROUKI, M. 2017 . Impact of Exports and Imports on Economic Growth: New Evidence From Panama. Journal of Smart Economic Growth, 2 1 , 67–79
  • BBAALE, E., & MUTENYO, J. 2011 . Export composition and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A panel analysis. Consilience, 6 , 1-19
  • BLOOMBERG BUSINESS, 2015 . Oil’s Slump Gives Nigeria Chance to End $7-Billion Subsidy, December 23, 2014 . 34 Oil & Gas Journal, Worldwide Look at Reserves and Production, April 1, 2022 .
  • BORENSZTEIN E., DE GREGORIO J., LEE J.W., 1998 . How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Growth? », Journal of International Economic, vol. 45 , pp.115-135.
  • BOUCHOUCHA, N., & ALI, W. 2019 . The Impact of FDI on Economic Growth: Evidence from Tunisia. Journal of Smart Economic Growth, 4 3 , 23–46.
  • BRINKMAN, R. 1995 . Economic growth versus economic development: Toward a conceptual clarification. Journal of Economic Issues, 29 4 , 1171-1188.
  • CHINODA, T. 2020 . The nexus between financial inclusion, trade and economic growth in Africa?. Transnational Corporations Review, 12 3 , 266-275.
  • CHUDE, D. I., & CHUDE, N. P. 2015 . Impact of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management Review, 3 5 , 26-34
  • DE BRABANDERE, E., GAZZINI, T., & KENT, A. EDS. . 2021 . Public Participation and Foreign Investment Law: From the Creation of Rights and Obligations to the Settlement of Disputes. Brill.
  • DENBEL, F. S., AYEN, Y. W., & REGASA, T. A. 2016 . The relationship between inflation, money supply and economic growth in Ethiopia: Co- integration and causality analysis. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 6 1 , 556-565.
  • DEWETT, K. K., & NAVALUR, M. H. 2010 . Modern economic theory. Shyam lal charitable trust. Ram Nagar, New Delhi-110 055.
  • DOGUWA, S. I. 2013 . Inflation and economic growth in Nigeria: Detecting the threshold level. CBN Journal of Applied Statistics, 3 2 , 99-124. Retrieved from https:// cbn%20jas%20volume%203%20 number%202_article%206.pd
  • DURHAM, J.B. 2004 . “Absorptive capacity and the effects of foreign direct investment and equity foreign portfolio investment on economic growth”. European Economic Review, 48 2 : 285–306
  • EGGOH, J. C., & MUHAMMAD, K. 2014 . On the nonlinear relationship between inflation and economic growth. Research in Economics, 68 2 , 133-143. http://
  • EGORO, S., & OBAH, O. D. 2017 . The impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria: An econometric analysis. Asian Finance & Banking Review, 1 1 , 28-47.African Journal of Business Management, 3 5 , 178-183.
  • EMEHELU, C. I. 2021 . Effects of international trade on economic growth of Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Finance and Economics Research, 9 1 , 144-157.
  • ENEJOH, S. Y., & TSAUNI, A. M. 2017 . An analytical study of the impact of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria 1970–2016 . International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 7 4 , 110-120. IJARAFMS/v7-i4/3438
  • GOKMENOGLU, K. K., AMIN, M. Y., & TASPINAR, N. 2015 . The Relationship among International Trade, Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Case of Pakistan. Procedia Economics and Finance, 25 May , 489–496
  • HELLEINER, G. K. 1986 ‘Outward Orientation, Import Instability and African Economic Growth: an Empirical Investigation’, in S. Lall and F. Stewart eds , Theory and Reality in Development. London: Macmillan
  • IDRIS, T. S., & SULEIMAN, S. 2019 . Effect of inflation on economic growth in Nigeria: 1980–2017. MAJASS, 18, 33-48
  • INSAH, B. 2013 . Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Economic Growth in Ghana, International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, vol.3 2 , pp.115-121.
  • IQBAL,Z., ET ABBAS,K. 2015 . An econometric Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth of Pakistan, Developing country studies, 5 11 , pp .16-25
  • JORDAAN, A. C., AND EITA, J. H. 2007 , Export and Economic Growth in Namibia: A Granger Causality Analysis, South African Journal of Economics, Vol. 75 :3.
  • KASIDI, F., & MWAKANEMELA, K. 2015 . Impact of inflation on economic growth: A case study of Tanzania. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 3 4 , 363-380. Retrieved from
  • LEAN, H., ET TAN, W., 2011 . Linkages Between Foreign Direct Investment, Domestic Investment and Economic Growth in Malaysia », Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, vol.2 4 , pp.75-96.
  • MANKIW, N. G. 2010 . Macroeconomics 7th ed. . Worth Publishers 41 Madison Avenue New York, NY. Retrieved from www.worthpublish- http://irfanlal.yola- Gregory%20Mankiw%20 Macroeconomics%2C%207th%20 Edition%20%20%20%202009.pd
  • MANOEL, B. 2010 . Inflation and economic growth in Latin America; some panel time series evidence University of Pretoria Department of Economics working paper series . https://
  • MICHAŁOWSKI, T. 2012 . Foreign direct investment in Sub-Saharan Africa and its effects on economic growth of the region. Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 31/1 , 687-701.
  • MKHATSHWA, Z. S., TIJANI, A. A., & MASUKU, M. B. 2015 . Analysis of the relationship between inflation, economic growth and agricultural growth in Swaziland from 1980-2013. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 6 18 , 189-204. Retrieved from index.php/JEDS/article/view- File/25840/26687
  • OBWONA, MARIOS B. 2004 . “Foreign direct investment in Africa”. In Financing Pro-Poor Growth: AERC Senior Policy Seminar VI, Kampala, Uganda, 2–4 March 2004 – Seminar Papers, pp.
  • OLU, J. F., & IDIH, E. O. 2015 . Inflation and economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Economics and International Business Management, 3 1 , 20-30. Retrieved from chive/2015/3/pdf/Olu%20and%20 Odih.pdf
  • PHILLIPS, L.C., OBWONA, M., MCMILLAN, M., AND AYAKO, A.B. 2001 . Foreign and Local Investment in East Africa, Interactions and Policy Implications: Case Studies on Mauritius, Uganda and Kenya, Eager Project Paper
  • RICARDO, D. 1817 . On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation: London.
  • ROUSSEAU, P. L., & WACHTEL, P. 2002 . Inflation thresholds and the finance-growth nexus. Journal of International Money and Finance, 21, 777-793. 5606 02 00022-0
  • SHIHAB, R. A., SOUFAN, T., & ABDUL-KHALIQ, S. 2014 . The causal relationship between exports and economic growth in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5 3 , 302- 308.
  • SHUAIB, I. M., AUGUSTINE, O. E., & FRANK, A. O. 2015 . Impact of inflation rate on the economic
  • SMITH, A. 1776 . Of the division of labour. Classics of organization theory, 40, 45.
  • SOLOW, R. M. 1957 . “Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 39 3 : 312–320
  • SUBASAT, T. 2002 . Growth ? Some Cross-Section Evidence. 20 3 , 333–349.
  • TAH, K. A., CZERNIAK, C., LEVINE, A., WIGGIN, K., & OSONDU, I. N. 2021 . Foreign trade and economic growth in South Africa. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 28 4 , 472-481
  • TAHIR, M. ESTRADA, M.A.R. AND AFRIDI, M.A. 2019 , “Foreign inflows and economic growth: an empirical study of the SAARC region”, Economic Systems, 100702.
  • TETTEH, C. 2015 . Exports and Economic Growth: The Case of Ghana. UGspace, 10442362.
  • UGOCHUKWU, U. S., & CHINYERE, U. P. 2013 . The impact of export trading on economic growth in Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Business and Finance, 1 10 , 327-341
  • ULLAH, I., SHAH, M. AND KHAN, F.U. 2014 , “Domestic investment, foreign direct investment, and economic growth nexus: a case of Pakistan”, Economics Research International , Vol. 2014.
  • YAKUBU, M. M., & AKANEGBU, B. N. 2015 . The impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria: 1981–2012. Eur J Bus Econ Account, 3, 26-36.
  • YENNU, A. T. 2018 . International Trade and Economic Growth in Ghana; Benefits, Constraints and Impacts. Sch J Appl Sci Res, 1 2 , 18-22.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Deqa Ali Omar Bu kişi benim

Yunus Özcan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Omar, D. A., & Özcan, Y. (2022). EFFECTS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA. Working Paper Series, 3(3), 79-93.