Yedi Aralık Journal of Social Research operates a "Double-Blind Refereeing" system. The article evaluation process is carried out in such a way that the identities of the authors and the referees who review/evaluate the article are not known. The identities are kept confidential, including the referees who do not accept the invitation to review the article.
The principle of "Blind Refereeing" means that the communication between the referees and the author is carried out through the Editorial Unit and the Dergipark system. Articles are sent to at least two and at most three reviewers. Referees are given 15 days to accept or reject the manuscript after the invitation to review. If the referees accept, the anonymous article text uploaded to the system by the author and the review report of the journal are sent to the referees. The referees are given 15 days to review the article, and if the referees request an extension period of 5 days, they can be given an extension period of 5 days each. The review process continues until 2 positive or 2 negative referee reports are received. Referees may approve or disapprove the manuscript for publication. Likewise, the referees may request minor/major revisions in the article or may suggest minor/major revisions and ask to see it again.
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