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On the Primary Materials of Onomastic

Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 315 - 325, 20.12.2022


Although linguistics did not advance as an independent discipline in the ancient civilizations, even if the theory of language, problems of the physiology of sounds, the classification of grammatical elements or the members of the sentence did not created yet, various attempts were made on language such as thematic dictionaries, word lists prepared for memorization, catalogs containing onomasticons, according to practical needs. Although onomastics is formed within the framework of linguistics as an independent discipline, its factual material, which is the object of research, is based on ancient civilizations. Manuals, catalogs and lists containing onomasticons, which we can consider as dictionaries of ancient civilizations are not only a source of information for lexicography, but also the first collections and classifications of onomastics. Although the diction-aries they created to meet the practical needs of the society lived during this period were created for educational purposes, they are a valuable source for onomastic research in terms of presenting a diverse lexical material consisting of words and expressions. Before onomastics achieved the status of an independent discipline, it was accepted as an auxiliary discipline handled by experts from different fields of science. Over time, onomastics has been shaped and developed within the framework of linguistics since it was determined by linguists that the main component of onomastics is its linguistic structure. However, the manuals, catalogs, and dictionaries containing the onomasticons of the oldest civilizations show us that the first materials of the onomastics date back to ancient times. This article, it is aimed to determine the place of onomastics in the history of lin-guistics and discover the historical traces of onomastics by referring to many documents belonging to Ancient Egypt, Sumerian, and Hittite periods, known as the oldest cultural remains.


  • Alan, Kaye (2007). Morphologies of Asia and Africa. Eisenbrauns: Penn State University Press.
  • Algeo, John & Algeo, Katie (2000). “Onomastics as an Interdisciplinary Study”. Journal of Names, 48(3): 265-273.
  • Batty, Roger (2000). “Mela’s Phoenician Geography”. Journal of Roman Studies, 90: 70-94.
  • Černy, Jaroslav & Gardiner Alan (1957). Hieratic Ostraca. Vol. I. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Desnitskaya, Agniya & Kasznelson, Solomon (1980). İstoriya Lingvisticheskih Uchenii. Drevnii Mir. Leningrad.
  • Erichsen, Wolja (1948). Eine Ägyptische Sehülübung in Demotischer Schrift. Kobenhavn: Kobenhavn: I kommission hos Munksgaard.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1916). “An Ancient List of the Fortresses of Nubia”. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, (III): 184–192.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1947). Ancient Egyptian Onomastica. Vol. I. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1954). The Theory of Proper Names. A Contoversial Essay. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1955). The Ramesseum Papyri. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gelb, Ignace Jay (1952). A Study of Writing. The Foundations of Grammatology. Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
  • Griffith, Francis & Petrie, William (1889). Two Hieroglyphic Papyri From Tanis. I. The Sign Papyrus (a syllabary) by F.Griffith. London: Trübner & Co.
  • Hawass, Zahi & Wegner, Jeniffer (2010). “Medjay” (no. 188) in the Onomasticon of Amenemope. In Millions of Jubilees, Studies in Honor of David P. Silverman. Cairo: Publications du Conseil Suprême des Antiquités de l’Égypte.
  • Herbin, François-Rene (1986). “Une version inachevée de l’onomasticon d’Aménémopé”. BIFAO: 187-198.
  • Hodgkin, Luke (2005). A History of Mathematics, From Mesopotamia to Modernity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Iversen, Erik (1958). Papyrus Carlsberg Nr. VII. Fragments of a Hieroglyphic Dictionary. Kobenhavn: I kommission hos Munksgaard.
  • Karasu, Cem (1997). “Hattuşa-Boğazköy Arşiv-Kitaplık Sistemleri Üzerine Bazı Yorumlar”. Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arşivleri, 3(1): 215-238.
  • Koerner, Ernst Frideryk Konrad (1972). “Towards a Historiography of Linguistics”. Antropological Linguistics, 14(7): 255-280.
  • Kuzmin, Andrey (2018). “Kosmos Falesa”. Zemlya i Vselennaya, 6: 38-44.
  • Landsberger, Вenno & Hallock, Richard (1956). Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon IV. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum.
  • Laroche, Emmanuel (1949). “La Bibliothèque de Hattusa, Archiv”. Orientalni' Praha, 7-13.
  • Lieberman, Stephen (1977). The Sumerian Loanwords in Old-Babylonian Akkadian. Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press.
  • Meissner, Bruno (1925). Babylonien und Assyrien. II. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
  • Neugebauer, Otto (1957). The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. Providence Rhode Island: Brown University Press.
  • Perepyolkin, Yuriy Yakovlevich (1931). K voprosu o Vozniknovenii Ensiklopedii na Drevnem Vostoke. II: 1-13.
  • Petrovski, Nikolay (1978). Zvukovıye Znaki Egipedskogo Pisma kak Sistema. Moskva.
  • Poebel, Arno (1936). “The Beginning of the Fourteenth Tablet of Harra Hubullu”. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 52(2): 111-114.
  • Quibell, James Edward (1898). The Ramesseum and the Tomb of Ptah-Hetep (ERA 2). London: Bernard Quaritch.
  • Sandman, Maj (1938). Texts from the Time of Akheiiaten. Bruxelles: Édition de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth.
  • Sauneron, Serge (1960). La Differencial on des Langages d’apres la Tradition Egyptienne. Bull. Inst, franchise d’archeologie Orientale.
  • Sethe, Kurt Heinrich (1928). Dramatische Teste zu alta egyptischen Mysterienspielen. Leipzig.
  • Staltmane, Velta (1981). Onomasticheskaya Leksikografiya. Leningrad: Nauka.
  • Superanskaya, Aleksandra (1973). Obshaya Teoriya Imeni Sobstvennogo. Moskova.
  • Şahin, İbrahim (2019). Adbilim. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Tabak, John (2011). Algebra, Sets, Symbols, and the Language of Thought. New York: Facts on File.
  • URL-1: “Omomasticon” (Erişim: 10.09.2022).
  • URL-2: “Historical Texts” (Erişim: 15.09.2022).
  • Weber, Оtto (1907). Die Literatür der Babylonier und Аssyrer, Leipzig: Kessinger Publishing.
  • Weinfeld, Moche (1973). “Covenant Terminology in the Ancient Near East and Its Influence on the West”. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 93(2): 190-199.

Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine

Year 2022, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 315 - 325, 20.12.2022


İlk uygarlıklarda dil bilimi bağımsız bir disiplin olarak ilerlemese de dil teorisi yaratılmasa da seslerin fizyolojisi, gramer ögelerinin sınıflandırması veya cümlenin üyeleri problemleri henüz ortaya çıkmasa da yine de dil üzerine pratik ihtiyaçlara göre ezberlenmek üzere hazırlanmış kelime listeleri, tematik sözlükler, onomastikon içeren katalogların oluşturulması gibi çeşitli girişimlerde bulunulduğunu görüyoruz. Onomastik bağımsız bir disiplin olarak dil bilim çerçevesinde şekillense de araştırma nesnesi olan olgusal malzemeleri çok eski medeniyetlere dayanmaktadır. İlk çağ uygarlıklarından kalan sözlükler olarak değerlendirebileceğimiz onomastikon içeren kılavuzlar, kataloglar ve listeler sadece leksikografinin bilgi kaynağı değil bununla birlikte onomastiğin de ilk koleksiyonları ve sınıflandırmalarıdır. Bu dönemde yaşayan toplumlarının pratik ihtiyaçlarına hizmet etmesi amacıyla meydana getirdikleri sözlükler öğrenme amacıyla oluşturulmasına rağmen dilin söz dizim bileşimi ile ilgili kelime ve ifadelerden oluşan çeşitli dilsel materyaller sunması bakımından onomastik araştırmaları için değerli birer kaynaktır. Onomastik bağımsız bilim disiplini statüsüne ulaşmadan önce farklı bilim alanlarının uzmanları tarafından ele alınan yardımcı bir disiplin olarak kabul edilmişti. Zamanla dil bilimciler tarafından onomastiğin ana bileşeninin dilsel yapıda olduğu saptandığından beri onomastik dil bilimin çerçevesinde şekillenip gelişmiştir. Fakat en eski medeniyetlerin onomastikonunu içeren kılavuzlar, kataloglar ve sözlükler, onomastik dalının ilk malzemelerinin çok daha eskilere dayandığını göstermektedir. Bu araştırmada en eski kültür kalıntıları olarak bilinen Eski Mısır, Sümer ve Hitit dönemine ait birçok belgeye başvurarak onomastiğin tarihsel izleri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • Alan, Kaye (2007). Morphologies of Asia and Africa. Eisenbrauns: Penn State University Press.
  • Algeo, John & Algeo, Katie (2000). “Onomastics as an Interdisciplinary Study”. Journal of Names, 48(3): 265-273.
  • Batty, Roger (2000). “Mela’s Phoenician Geography”. Journal of Roman Studies, 90: 70-94.
  • Černy, Jaroslav & Gardiner Alan (1957). Hieratic Ostraca. Vol. I. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Desnitskaya, Agniya & Kasznelson, Solomon (1980). İstoriya Lingvisticheskih Uchenii. Drevnii Mir. Leningrad.
  • Erichsen, Wolja (1948). Eine Ägyptische Sehülübung in Demotischer Schrift. Kobenhavn: Kobenhavn: I kommission hos Munksgaard.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1916). “An Ancient List of the Fortresses of Nubia”. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, (III): 184–192.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1947). Ancient Egyptian Onomastica. Vol. I. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1954). The Theory of Proper Names. A Contoversial Essay. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gardiner, Alan (1955). The Ramesseum Papyri. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gelb, Ignace Jay (1952). A Study of Writing. The Foundations of Grammatology. Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
  • Griffith, Francis & Petrie, William (1889). Two Hieroglyphic Papyri From Tanis. I. The Sign Papyrus (a syllabary) by F.Griffith. London: Trübner & Co.
  • Hawass, Zahi & Wegner, Jeniffer (2010). “Medjay” (no. 188) in the Onomasticon of Amenemope. In Millions of Jubilees, Studies in Honor of David P. Silverman. Cairo: Publications du Conseil Suprême des Antiquités de l’Égypte.
  • Herbin, François-Rene (1986). “Une version inachevée de l’onomasticon d’Aménémopé”. BIFAO: 187-198.
  • Hodgkin, Luke (2005). A History of Mathematics, From Mesopotamia to Modernity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Iversen, Erik (1958). Papyrus Carlsberg Nr. VII. Fragments of a Hieroglyphic Dictionary. Kobenhavn: I kommission hos Munksgaard.
  • Karasu, Cem (1997). “Hattuşa-Boğazköy Arşiv-Kitaplık Sistemleri Üzerine Bazı Yorumlar”. Archivum Anatolicum-Anadolu Arşivleri, 3(1): 215-238.
  • Koerner, Ernst Frideryk Konrad (1972). “Towards a Historiography of Linguistics”. Antropological Linguistics, 14(7): 255-280.
  • Kuzmin, Andrey (2018). “Kosmos Falesa”. Zemlya i Vselennaya, 6: 38-44.
  • Landsberger, Вenno & Hallock, Richard (1956). Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon IV. Rome: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum.
  • Laroche, Emmanuel (1949). “La Bibliothèque de Hattusa, Archiv”. Orientalni' Praha, 7-13.
  • Lieberman, Stephen (1977). The Sumerian Loanwords in Old-Babylonian Akkadian. Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press.
  • Meissner, Bruno (1925). Babylonien und Assyrien. II. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
  • Neugebauer, Otto (1957). The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. Providence Rhode Island: Brown University Press.
  • Perepyolkin, Yuriy Yakovlevich (1931). K voprosu o Vozniknovenii Ensiklopedii na Drevnem Vostoke. II: 1-13.
  • Petrovski, Nikolay (1978). Zvukovıye Znaki Egipedskogo Pisma kak Sistema. Moskva.
  • Poebel, Arno (1936). “The Beginning of the Fourteenth Tablet of Harra Hubullu”. The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 52(2): 111-114.
  • Quibell, James Edward (1898). The Ramesseum and the Tomb of Ptah-Hetep (ERA 2). London: Bernard Quaritch.
  • Sandman, Maj (1938). Texts from the Time of Akheiiaten. Bruxelles: Édition de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth.
  • Sauneron, Serge (1960). La Differencial on des Langages d’apres la Tradition Egyptienne. Bull. Inst, franchise d’archeologie Orientale.
  • Sethe, Kurt Heinrich (1928). Dramatische Teste zu alta egyptischen Mysterienspielen. Leipzig.
  • Staltmane, Velta (1981). Onomasticheskaya Leksikografiya. Leningrad: Nauka.
  • Superanskaya, Aleksandra (1973). Obshaya Teoriya Imeni Sobstvennogo. Moskova.
  • Şahin, İbrahim (2019). Adbilim. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayınları.
  • Tabak, John (2011). Algebra, Sets, Symbols, and the Language of Thought. New York: Facts on File.
  • URL-1: “Omomasticon” (Erişim: 10.09.2022).
  • URL-2: “Historical Texts” (Erişim: 15.09.2022).
  • Weber, Оtto (1907). Die Literatür der Babylonier und Аssyrer, Leipzig: Kessinger Publishing.
  • Weinfeld, Moche (1973). “Covenant Terminology in the Ancient Near East and Its Influence on the West”. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 93(2): 190-199.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Language Studies
Journal Section Review Articles

Lyazzat Nakhanova 0000-0003-4273-1170

Erdem Tazegül 0000-0002-2796-3398

Publication Date December 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Nakhanova, L., & Tazegül, E. (2022). Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 315-325.
AMA Nakhanova L, Tazegül E. Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2022;2(2):315-325. doi:10.29228/yazitdergisi.21
Chicago Nakhanova, Lyazzat, and Erdem Tazegül. “Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine”. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi 2, no. 2 (December 2022): 315-25.
EndNote Nakhanova L, Tazegül E (December 1, 2022) Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi 2 2 315–325.
IEEE L. Nakhanova and E. Tazegül, “Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine”, YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 315–325, 2022, doi: 10.29228/yazitdergisi.21.
ISNAD Nakhanova, Lyazzat - Tazegül, Erdem. “Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine”. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi 2/2 (December 2022), 315-325.
JAMA Nakhanova L, Tazegül E. Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;2:315–325.
MLA Nakhanova, Lyazzat and Erdem Tazegül. “Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine”. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 2, 2022, pp. 315-2, doi:10.29228/yazitdergisi.21.
Vancouver Nakhanova L, Tazegül E. Onomastiğin İlk Materyalleri Üzerine. YAZIT Kültür Bilimleri Dergisi. 2022;2(2):315-2.

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