Current Issue

Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Broadcast Content
Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology contains original scientific publications. All published articles, except editorials, are subject to a double blind peer review process.

Articles should describe original data that have not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts that are deemed appropriate to the writing rules and the scope of the journal are sent to at least two referees who are experts in their fields for scientific evaluation. The final decision for all submitted manuscripts belongs to the Editor-in-Chief.

The Editorial Board of Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology undertakes to comply with the criteria of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Subject Category:
Social Sciences: Education and Educational Research, Geography, Psychology, Sociology.

Humanities: Religion, Literature, Philosophy, Fine Arts, Music, History.

Religious Sciences: Hadith, Islamic Law, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic History, Theology, Sufism, Tafsir.

Keywords: Religion, Arabic Language and Rhetoric, Religious Education, Religious Psychology, Sociology of Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Religious Music, History of Religions, Fiqh, Theology, Qur'anic Studies, Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Law, Islamic Arts, Logic, History of Sects, Siyer, Sufism, Tafsir, Turkish Islamic Literature.

It aims to publish in the fields of history, art, philosophy, literature and religious education in social sciences, especially in theological sciences. It pursues a publication policy that reveals an interdisciplinary perspective, especially in the field of religion, where these sub-fields intersect with theological sciences.

Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology publishes articles prepared in the field of theology and social sciences, which address the basic problems of these fields from a scientific perspective and propose solutions to these problems. These articles include research articles, translations, case presentations, research notes, papers and conference texts, book, congress, symposium and panel introductions, book and thesis reviews, literature reviews, simplifications, scientific interviews, introductions about contemporary and past scientists.

Article Submissions
Submitted manuscripts must be appropriate to the purpose and scope of the journal. Original, unpublished manuscripts that are not in the evaluation process in another journal and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.

The target audience is members of the professions, experts, researchers, specialists and doctoral students in all fields of theology and social sciences, as well as students related to this field. It aims to contribute to the spread of continuous professional development and research culture.

Fee Policy
The publication of articles in the journal and the execution of article processes are not subject to any fee. No processing or submission fee is charged under any name for articles submitted to the journal or accepted for publication. Our journal does not accept sponsorship and advertisement in accordance with its publication policies.

The copyrights of the works published in our journal belong to their authors. The authors give permission for the intellectual work they submit to be published by Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence.

Originality of Articles
Our journal does not accept papers previously published elsewhere. However, published articles in a foreign language may sometimes be accepted.

Article Preparation
Language: Turkish, English
Article Format: MS Word Template
Image Format: JPEG Minimum 300 dpi
Citation Style: ISNAD Citation System
Author Change: Only processed before the manuscript is accepted. Authors should carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscripts and provide the final author list at the time of original submission.

Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology publishes articles in the field of theology and social sciences that address the basic problems of these fields from a scientific perspective and propose solutions to these problems. These articles include research articles, translations, case presentations, research notes, papers and conference texts, book, congress, symposium and panel introductions, book and thesis reviews, literature reviews, simplifications, scientific interviews, introductions about contemporary and past scientists.

Our journal accepts articles online via our address in the DergiPark system.

In order for the article to be published, the authors must upload the following wet signed copyright notification text and similarity report to the system.
Click for Copyright Notification Text. Click for Article Template.

The article can be written using the article template or existing text is imported into the template. Studies that do not use an article template will not be evaluated.


Page Layout:
Paper Size: Vertical A4
Top Edge Gap: 2.5 cm
Bottom Edge Gap: 1.2 cm
Left Margin: 1.8 cm
Right Margin: 1.8 cm
Font Gentium Plus
Font size (normal text) :9.5 point
Font size (headings) : 10.5 point
Font size (footnote text) : 8.5 pt.

Paragraph Layout:
Alignment: Justified
Indentation Left: 0 cm
Indentation Right: 0 cm
Special (carriage return) Indent: First line 0.5 cm
December Before: 0 nk
Interval After: 6 nk
Line Spacing: 0

General Information:
The page size of the manuscript should be A4 size (16 cm - 24 cm), the page layout (writing space) should be normal, and 2.5 cm margins should be left on all four sides.
The article should be written in this template and should be maximum 10,000 words including everything (cover, footnotes, etc.). Research articles should be between 5000-10,000 words; book reviews should be between 1500-3000 words. Book reviews should also include a 150-word Abstract and Summary.
The author's name and information should not be written in the text of the article. It should only be in the cover section, which is the first page of the article.
No footer and header information should be entered.
Page numbers should not be added.
The article must have Abstract, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Conclusion, Declaration and References sections. In addition to these sections, depending on the type of the article and the research topic, Method, Results, Discussion and Suggestions can also be included.
Spelling rules should be based on the latest edition of the Turkish Language Association Spelling Guide.
The text of the article should be written in Gentium Plus font in 9.5 point size, aligned on both sides, line spacing should be 0 cm and carriage returns should be 0.5 cm inside. Spaces should be set as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.

Similarity Report:
The following criteria are taken into consideration in the similarity report:
1. The similarity rate of the article should be at most 20%,
2. The similarity rate of the article with another work -including the author's own work- should be at most 2%, -This rate can be at most 5% for studies produced from open access master's and doctoral theses.
3. The similarity report should be taken from similarity programmes provided by universities such as iThencitace, Turnitin, and uploaded to the system by the author during the submission of the article.

Foreign Language Articles:
Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology accepts articles in Turkish and English.
Articles written in English should include Turkish title, abstract and keywords. If Arabic words are used in the articles, these words should be written in Traditional Arabic font in 12 point size.

Titles should be written in Gentium Plus font in 10.5 point size; aligned on both sides; line spacing should be 0 cm and indented. Titles (except Abstract, Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion, Declaration and References) should be formed in decimal system order as "1. 2. 3.; 1.1., 1.2.; 1.2.1." using numbers followed by a period. A space should be left between the title number and the first letter of the title. Only the first letters of the words in the titles should be capitalised and bolded. Italics should not be used.

Footnotes and Citation System:
All citations and bibliography should be made in accordance with the current ISNAD Footnoted Citation System.
Click here for ISNAD Footnoted Citation System.

Tables and Figures:
Tables and Figures should be arranged in accordance with the current ISNAD Citation System. Graphics, charts, drawings, maps, photographs and pictures are considered as figures. Table content texts, Table and Figure captions and references, if any, should be written in Gentium Plus font in 9.5 point size; aligned on both sides; line spacing should be 0 cm and indented. Tables should not extend beyond the writing area. Table and Figure titles should be written above the table. Consecutive numbers should be used in the title and the explanatory statement should be written after the colon. In table and figure titles, the first letter of each word should be capitalised.

It should be written in Gentium Plus font in 9.5 point size; aligned on both sides; line spacing should be 0 cm and carriage returns should be 0.5 cm inside. Spaces should be arranged as 0 pt above the paragraph and 6 pt below the paragraph.
The conclusion or proposed solution of the study should be clearly expressed. The conclusion should not be a summary of the study.

1. Finance/Incentives: If there is any person/institution that provides funding or incentive, it should be written, otherwise the statement "The author(s) declare that no finance/incentive was used in the study." should be used.
2. Conflict of Interest: If there is a conflict of interest, it should be written, otherwise the statement "The author(s) declare that there is no conflict of interest in the study." should be used.
3. Ethical Statement: In this section, the statement "The author(s) declare that research and publication ethics have been complied with in this article.
In addition, the ethics committee approval (name, date and number of the committee) obtained for clinical and experimental human and animal studies requiring ethics committee approval should be stated here. In case presentations, it is also necessary to include information that the informed consent/assent form has been signed.
For studies that do not require an ethics committee decision, the statement "Ethics Committee Permission is not required for this research." should be written.
4. Author Contribution: In multi-authored articles, the "corresponding author" should be indicated on the cover (first) page of the article.
In addition, the contribution of each author to the article should be written in this section. It should be indicated which author took part in which stage of the article. This section does not need to be filled in single-authored studies.
5. Acknowledgements: The authors' expression of gratitude for any person/institution should be written here.

References part should should start on the page after the Conclusion section.
References should be written in Gentium Plus font in 9.5 point size; aligned on both sides; line spacing should be 0 cm.
For each reference, the first line should be unindented from the left, and the following lines should be indented (hanging) 1 cm from the left. Spaces for each source should be 0 pt from the top and 0 pt from the bottom.
If more than one work of an author is included in the bibliography, the author's name should be written again for each work.
References should be organised according to the current ISNAD Citation System.
Click here for ISNAD Footnote Citation System.

Publication Ethics Principles
Publication Ethics can be defined as a self-regulatory mechanism that insists on integrity on behalf of authors, reviewers and publishers to establish higher standards of editorial processing. Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public confidence in scientific findings, and respect for people's opinions.
• Honest researchers do not plagiarise.
• They do not misattribute sources.
• They do not hide objections they cannot refute.
• They do not distort opposing views.
• They do not destroy or conceal data.

Peer-reviewed studies are studies that support and realise the scientific method. At this point, it is of great importance that all parties involved in the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, referees and editors) comply with ethical principles. Our journal adheres to national and international standards on research and publication ethics. Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology has adopted the International Ethical Publishing Principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). It also undertakes to comply with the decisions of the Turkish Editors' Workshop.
• Press Law (National Legislation)
• Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works (National Legislation)
Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive (National Legislation)
 Transparency and Best Practice Principles in Academic Publishing (International Criteria)
• Turkey Editors' Workshop Decisions (National Criteria)

Republishing is the publication of the same article or substantially similar articles in more than one journal. The editor sends back such an article without reviewing it. Thereafter, the editor may impose an embargo for a certain period of time on the author who has attempted to republish, publicise this situation in the journal in which the author has previously published (perhaps by simultaneous announcement with the editor of the journal that published the previous article), or apply all of these measures together.

Simultaneous submission of the same work to more than one journal
Authors may not submit the same article to more than one journal at the same time. If the editor learns of possible simultaneous submission, he/she reserves the right to consult with the other editor(s) receiving the manuscript. In addition, the editor may return the manuscript without review or reject the manuscript without considering the reviews, or take this decision in discussion with the other editor(s) involved, and may decide not to accept submissions from authors for a certain period of time. It may also write to the authors' employers or take all of these measures together.

Suicide Prevention Control
Authors should ensure that their work is original, and if authors have used the work and/or words of others, they should be appropriately cited. Publications that have been influential in determining the quality of the work reported should also be cited. Plagiarism constitutes all forms of unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. The similarity report should be obtained from similarity programmes provided by universities such as iThencitace, Turnitin, and uploaded to the system by the author during the submission of the manuscript. The similarity rate of the article should be at most 20%; the similarity rate between another study and the author's own work should be at most 2%; for studies produced from open access master's and doctoral theses, the similarity rate with the author's own thesis should be at most 5%.

To produce data that is not based on research, to edit or change the work presented or published on the basis of unreal data, to report or publish them, to show a research that has not been done as if it has been done.
Falsifying research records and data obtained, showing methods, devices and materials that were not used in the research as if they were used, not evaluating data that do not comply with the research hypothesis, manipulating data and/or results to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, falsifying or shaping the research results in line with the interests of the persons and organisations supported.

Protection of Personal Data of Participants
Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology requires that all research involving personal or sensitive data or materials relating to human participants that are not legally available to the public be subject to formal ethical review.

Ethical Violation Notifications
Readers may notify us by sending an e-mail to if they notice a significant error or inaccuracy in an article published in Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology or if they have any complaints about the editorial content (plagiarism, duplicate articles, etc.). We welcome applications as it will provide an opportunity for us to improve, and we will respond quickly and constructively.

Correction, Retraction, Expression of Concern
Editors may consider publishing a correction if minor errors are detected in the published article that do not affect the findings, interpretations and conclusions. Editors should consider retracting the manuscript if there are major errors/violations that invalidate the findings and conclusions. Editors should consider issuing a statement of concern if there is a possibility of research or publication misconduct by the authors; if there is evidence that the findings are unreliable and the authors' institutions have not investigated the incident; or if the possible investigation seems unfair or inconclusive. COPE guidelines regarding correction, retraction or expression of concern are taken into account.

Publication of Studies Based on Surveys and Interviews
Our journal adopts the "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to provide ethical assurance in scientific periodical publishing. In this context, the following points should be complied with in the studies submitted to the journal:
1) For research in all disciplines that require ethics committee approval (ethics committee approval must be obtained, this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
2) In studies requiring ethics committee authorisation, information about the authorisation (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on one of the first/last pages of the article; in case reports, information on the signature of the informed consent form should be included in the article.

Special Issue Publication Policy
A special issue can be published once a year upon the request of the Editorial Board. Articles submitted for inclusion in the special issue are first subjected to a preliminary editorial review. Then, they are examined for compliance with the journal's spelling rules and similarity screening is performed to prevent plagiarism. After these stages, the manuscripts are taken into the peer review process in which the double blinded model is used.

Editorial Confidentiality Obligation
The editors treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential documents, which means that they will not disclose information about a manuscript to anyone without the authors' permission. During the manuscript review process, the following people have access to manuscripts: Editors, Referees, Editorial Board Members. The only situation in which details about a manuscript may be passed to a third party without the authors' permission is if the editor suspects serious research misconduct.

Complaint Procedure
This procedure applies to complaints about content, procedures or policies that are the responsibility of our journal or editorial staff. Complaints can provide an opportunity and incentive for improvement and we aim to respond quickly, courteously and constructively.
The complaint must relate to content, procedures or policies that are the responsibility of our journal or editorial team. Complaints should be emailed directly to and will be treated confidentially. The editor responds to complaints immediately. The editor follows the procedure outlined in the COPE flowchart regarding complaints.
Complaints are reviewed by the relevant member of the editorial team and if they cannot be resolved, the following processes are followed:
• If this initial response is considered inadequate, the complainant may request that the complaint be forwarded to a more senior member of the journal.
• If the complainant is not satisfied, the complaint may be forwarded to the editor-in-chief.
• If possible, a full response will be given within two weeks.
COPE publishes a code of practice for editors of scientific journals. This should facilitate the resolution of disputes with editors, journals and publishers, but only after the journal's own complaints procedures have been exhausted.

Appeal Process
We welcome serious objections to the evaluations made by editors and reviewers. If you feel that we have rejected your paper because we misunderstood its scientific content, please send an appeal message to our editorial team at Do not attempt to submit a revised version of your manuscript at this stage. If, after reading your appeal letter, we realise that your appeal is justified, we may invite you to submit a revised version of your manuscript. Your manuscript will then be resubmitted to the external reviewer process. Please include as much detail as possible in the appeal letter. Finally, we can only consider one appeal per manuscript, so please take the time and effort to write the letter in detail to make your appeal clear - you have one chance, so use it well. We have found that prolonged deliberation over rejected papers is often unsatisfactory for both authors and editors, so we do not process multiple appeals for the same paper.

Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest arises when professional judgement about a primary interest may be influenced by a secondary interest (such as financial gain or personal competition). We believe that we need to know the authors' competing interests in order to make the best judgement about how to handle an article, and that readers should know them if we publish the article.
Any interest, financial or otherwise, which may cause one to be conflicted in one's work, significantly impair one's objectivity, or give an unfair advantage in favour of any person or organisation. All sources of financial support received during the conduct of the research and preparation of the manuscript and the role of sponsors in the study should be disclosed. If there is no source of funding, this should also be indicated. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include consultancies, salaries, grants. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest possible stage.
Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology has a set process for handling submissions from editors, staff or editorial board members to ensure impartial review. Such submissions are first referred to other journals. If this is not possible, the owner of the submission is suspended from the journal. These submissions are reviewed in a double blind process.
The editor should not be involved in decisions about manuscripts written by him/herself or family members. Furthermore, such a paper should be subject to all the usual procedures of the journal. The editor should follow the COPE guidelines on disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by authors and reviewers.

Principles of Research Ethics
Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology observes the highest standards in research ethics and adopts the international principles of research ethics defined below. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the articles comply with ethical rules.
• The principles of integrity, quality and transparency should be ensured in the design, review of the design and conduct of the research.
• The research team and participants should be fully informed about the purpose of the research, its methods and possible uses; the requirements and risks, if any, of participation in the research.
• Confidentiality of information provided by research participants and confidentiality of respondents must be ensured. The research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.
• Research participants should take part in the research voluntarily and should not be under any coercion.
• Harm to the participants should be avoided. The research should be planned in a way that does not put the participants at risk.
• Research independence must be clear and explicit; if there is a conflict of interest, it must be stated.
• In experimental studies with human subjects, the written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. The consent of the legal guardian of children and those under guardianship or those with a recognised mental illness must be obtained.
• If the study will be carried out in any institution or organisation, approval must be obtained from this institution or organisation that the study will be conducted.
• In studies with a human element, it should be stated in the "method" section that "informed consent" has been obtained from the participants and ethics committee approval has been obtained from the institution where the study is conducted.

Ethical Statement
Ethical rules must be followed in research on humans and animals.
For the intellectual and artistic works used, it must be stated that copyright regulations are complied with.
For the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs, etc. belonging to others, permission from the owners must be obtained and specified.
In case presentations, it must be stated that the "Informed consent form" has been obtained.
If the research is conducted in the fields listed below, it is mandatory to upload "Ethics Committee Permission" in the annex of the study.

Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical trials on humans,
Research on animals,
Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.

Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology is an open-access journal; no fee is charged for the journal.
No fee is paid to the author for the published texts.
No fee is paid to the editorial board and referees.
The article author does all financial and legal copyright transactions of the translations.
No financial support is provided to the author/translator for copyright and any other fees.
The author is deemed to have accepted all financial, legal, and scientific responsibility from the date he sent his article/translation to Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology.

Journal of Near East University Faculty of Theology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).