Referans1 Abdullayeva, R. ve Hashimova, V. (2017) “İS(S)İ – 2015: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq Potensialı”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Referans2 Abdullayeva, R. S. (2021) “Azərbaycan Respublikasında Sosial Müdafiə Sisteminin Dövlət Tənzimlənməsinin Təkmilləşdirilməsi”, Bakı, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans3 Abdymanapov, S. A., Toxanova, A. N., Galiyeva, A. H., Abildina, A. Sh. ve Aitkaliyeva, A. M. (2016) “Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5): 1113-1126.
Referans4 Acemoglu, D. ve Robinson, J. A. (2013) “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty”, London: Profile Books.
Referans5 Ahmed, F. Z., Greenleaf, A. ve Sacks, A. (2014) “The Paradox of Export Growth in Areas of Weak Governance: The Case Of The Readymade Garment Sector in Bangladesh”, World Development, 56: 258-271.
Referans6 Allahverdiyeva, L. A. (2022) “İnformasiya Xidmətlərinin Liberallıq Dərəcəsinin Ölçülməsi və Iqtisadi Təsirlərinin Qiymətləndirilməsi”, Bakı, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans7 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1998) “International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards”, Accessed: (1 May. 2022).
Referans8 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2006) “Basel II: International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards”, Accessed: (1 May. 2022).
Referans9 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2010) “Basel III: A Global Regulatory Framework for More Resilient Banks and Banking Systems”, Accessed: (1 May. 2022).
Referans10 Bumann, S., Hermes, N. ve Lensink, R. (2013) “Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth: A Meta-analysis”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 33: 255-281.
Referans11 Carrieri, F., Chaieb, I. ve Errunza, V. (2013) “Do Implicit Barriers Matter for Globalization?”, Review of Financial Studies, 26: 1594-1739.
Referans12CEIC (2022) Reserve Requirements By Central Banks Or Other Relevant Authorities Across Countries, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans13 Cohen, J. N. (2010) “Neoliberalism’s Relationship With Economic Growth in the Developing World: Was It the Power Of The Market or the Resolution Of Financial Crisis?”, MPRA Paper 24527, University Library of Munich, Germany, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans14 Gulaliyev, M. G., OK, N. I., Musayeva, F. Q., Efendiyev, R. J., Musayeva, J. Q. ve Agayeva, S. R. (2016) “Economic Liberalization and Its Impact on Human Development: A Comparative Analysis of Turkey And Azerbaijan”, International Journal Of Environmental & Science Education, 11, NO. 17: 9753-9771.
Referans15 Hill, R. V. (2010) “Liberalization and Producer Price Risk: Examining Subjective Expectations in the Ugandan Coffee Market”, Journal of African Economics, 19(4): 433-458.
Referans16 McCartney, M. (2015) “Economic Growth and Development: A Comparative Introduction”, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Referans17 Muradov, A. (2017) “İS(S)İ – 2015: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq Potensialı”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Muzaffarli, N. ve Ahmadov, B. (2017) “İS(S)İ – 2015: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq Potensialı”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Referans18 Muzaffarli, N. ve Ahmadov, B. (2018). “Effect of the Model-shaping Forms of Government Intervention in the Economy on the Economic Growth”, China Finance and Economic Review, 7, No.1.
Referans19 Muzaffarli, N. (2019) “İS(S)İ – 2017: Dünya Ölkələrinin İqtisadi Modellər Üzrə Təsnifatı”, Bakı: AMEA İqtisadiyyat İnstitutu.
Referans20 Muzefferli, N. (2018) “İS(S)İ – 2016: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq-Dirijistlik Səviyyəsi”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Referans21 Muzaffarli, N. (2014), “İqtisadiyyatın Sosialyönlüyü Sağçı və Solçu Sistemlərdə”, Bakı: ŞərqQərb Nəşriyyat Evi.
Referans22 Sally, R. (2013) “Asia's Story of Growing Economic Freedom by Razeen Sally. Cato Institute. Policy Analysis”, 725: 1-12, Accessed: pa725-revised.pdf (20 June 2022).
Referans23 Swaminathan, S., Aiyar, A., Debroy, B., ve Bhandari, L. (2014) “Economic Freedom of the States of India 2013”, New Delhi: Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Cato Institute.
The main goal of this research is to create an economic model, more specifically an index that considers characteristics of the latest prudential innovations and changes and allows scholars and practitioners to assess the level of government intervention in the commercial banking system at the global level. Regulatory instruments that allow central banks to intervene to the monetary system and fully or partially determined by the central banks are taken as the object of the study. The subject of the research involves the assessment of government intervention or regulatory intervention in the commercial banking system. An entirely new methodology and results of comparative analysis presented so that academicians and policymakers may use or comment on further study.
Referans1 Abdullayeva, R. ve Hashimova, V. (2017) “İS(S)İ – 2015: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq Potensialı”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Referans2 Abdullayeva, R. S. (2021) “Azərbaycan Respublikasında Sosial Müdafiə Sisteminin Dövlət Tənzimlənməsinin Təkmilləşdirilməsi”, Bakı, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans3 Abdymanapov, S. A., Toxanova, A. N., Galiyeva, A. H., Abildina, A. Sh. ve Aitkaliyeva, A. M. (2016) “Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, IEJME-Mathematics Education, 11(5): 1113-1126.
Referans4 Acemoglu, D. ve Robinson, J. A. (2013) “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty”, London: Profile Books.
Referans5 Ahmed, F. Z., Greenleaf, A. ve Sacks, A. (2014) “The Paradox of Export Growth in Areas of Weak Governance: The Case Of The Readymade Garment Sector in Bangladesh”, World Development, 56: 258-271.
Referans6 Allahverdiyeva, L. A. (2022) “İnformasiya Xidmətlərinin Liberallıq Dərəcəsinin Ölçülməsi və Iqtisadi Təsirlərinin Qiymətləndirilməsi”, Bakı, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans7 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (1998) “International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards”, Accessed: (1 May. 2022).
Referans8 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2006) “Basel II: International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards”, Accessed: (1 May. 2022).
Referans9 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2010) “Basel III: A Global Regulatory Framework for More Resilient Banks and Banking Systems”, Accessed: (1 May. 2022).
Referans10 Bumann, S., Hermes, N. ve Lensink, R. (2013) “Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth: A Meta-analysis”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 33: 255-281.
Referans11 Carrieri, F., Chaieb, I. ve Errunza, V. (2013) “Do Implicit Barriers Matter for Globalization?”, Review of Financial Studies, 26: 1594-1739.
Referans12CEIC (2022) Reserve Requirements By Central Banks Or Other Relevant Authorities Across Countries, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans13 Cohen, J. N. (2010) “Neoliberalism’s Relationship With Economic Growth in the Developing World: Was It the Power Of The Market or the Resolution Of Financial Crisis?”, MPRA Paper 24527, University Library of Munich, Germany, Accessed: (20 June 2022).
Referans14 Gulaliyev, M. G., OK, N. I., Musayeva, F. Q., Efendiyev, R. J., Musayeva, J. Q. ve Agayeva, S. R. (2016) “Economic Liberalization and Its Impact on Human Development: A Comparative Analysis of Turkey And Azerbaijan”, International Journal Of Environmental & Science Education, 11, NO. 17: 9753-9771.
Referans15 Hill, R. V. (2010) “Liberalization and Producer Price Risk: Examining Subjective Expectations in the Ugandan Coffee Market”, Journal of African Economics, 19(4): 433-458.
Referans16 McCartney, M. (2015) “Economic Growth and Development: A Comparative Introduction”, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Referans17 Muradov, A. (2017) “İS(S)İ – 2015: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq Potensialı”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Muzaffarli, N. ve Ahmadov, B. (2017) “İS(S)İ – 2015: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq Potensialı”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Referans18 Muzaffarli, N. ve Ahmadov, B. (2018). “Effect of the Model-shaping Forms of Government Intervention in the Economy on the Economic Growth”, China Finance and Economic Review, 7, No.1.
Referans19 Muzaffarli, N. (2019) “İS(S)İ – 2017: Dünya Ölkələrinin İqtisadi Modellər Üzrə Təsnifatı”, Bakı: AMEA İqtisadiyyat İnstitutu.
Referans20 Muzefferli, N. (2018) “İS(S)İ – 2016: İqtisadiyyatın Liberallıq-Dirijistlik Səviyyəsi”, Bakı: Elm və Bilik Nəşriyyatı.
Referans21 Muzaffarli, N. (2014), “İqtisadiyyatın Sosialyönlüyü Sağçı və Solçu Sistemlərdə”, Bakı: ŞərqQərb Nəşriyyat Evi.
Referans22 Sally, R. (2013) “Asia's Story of Growing Economic Freedom by Razeen Sally. Cato Institute. Policy Analysis”, 725: 1-12, Accessed: pa725-revised.pdf (20 June 2022).
Referans23 Swaminathan, S., Aiyar, A., Debroy, B., ve Bhandari, L. (2014) “Economic Freedom of the States of India 2013”, New Delhi: Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Cato Institute.
Sultanov, O. (2023). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 21(1), 172-186.
Sultanov O. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. March 2023;21(1):172-186. doi:10.11611/yead.1225807
Sultanov, Orhan. “COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL”. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 21, no. 1 (March 2023): 172-86.
Sultanov O (March 1, 2023) COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 21 1 172–186.
O. Sultanov, “COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 172–186, 2023, doi: 10.11611/yead.1225807.
Sultanov, Orhan. “COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL”. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi 21/1 (March 2023), 172-186.
Sultanov O. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;21:172–186.
Sultanov, Orhan. “COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL”. Yönetim Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 1, 2023, pp. 172-86, doi:10.11611/yead.1225807.
Sultanov O. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BANKİNG SYSTEM LIBERALITY LEVEL. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;21(1):172-86.