Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 318 - 338, 30.06.2022


Politik piyasa, tıpkı geleneksel ekonomik piyasada olduğu gibi oyuncuların olduğu, oyuncuların fayda fonksiyonu çerçevesinde davrandığı, mübadele sürecinin ve piyasa stratejilerinin oluşturulduğu bir mekanizmadır. Politik piyasaların iktisadi anlamda gerekliliği açık olmakla birlikte, sosyal refah üzerinde yaratmış olduğu etki bakımından bir ekonomik piyasa olarak adlandırılmalıdır. Politik piyasanın etkinliği ise tam rekabet piyasa özelliklerine haiz olup olmamasına bağlıdır. Tam rekabet piyasası, piyasadaki oyuncuların fayda sağladığı mümkün olan en düşük fiyatlı ve en düşük maliyetli mal ve hizmetin oluşturduğu piyasayı ifade eder. Ancak, piyasa mekanizması mevcut sistemde etkin veya optimal düzeyde kaynak dağılımını sağlamakta zorlandığında tam rekabetçi piyasa özelliğini kaybetmeye ve iktisadi anlamda etkinliğini yitirmeye başlar. Piyasa mekanizmasının doğal bir şekilde dengeye gelmesi her ne kadar arzu edilse de işleyişi düzenlemek amacıyla, iktisadi sonuçlar doğuran ve piyasa dışı müdahale olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz hukuki regülasyonlara ihtiyaç vardır. Bu çalışmanın en temel amacı politik piyasa kavramının ekonomik piyasa niteliğini ortaya koyabilmektir. Politik piyasa kavramı piyasa aksaklıkları kuramı çerçevesinde teorik olarak açıklanmakta, konvansiyonel piyasa mantığına dayalı bir şekilde politik piyasaya mekanizması ortaya konmaktadır.


  • 1. Akerlof, G.A. (1970). The Market for "Lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84 (3), 488-500.
  • 2. Aktan, C.C. (2007). Modern Politik İktisat: Kamu Tercihi, Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • 3. Alesina, A. (1987); Macroeconomic Policy in a Two-Party System as a Repeated Game, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102, 651-678.
  • 4. Alesina, A., Roubini, N., Cohen, G.D. (1997). Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy. Cambridge, MA&London: MIT Press.
  • 5. Alesina, A., Tabellini, G. (1987). Rules and Discretion with Noncoordinated Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Economic Inquiry, 619-30.
  • 6. Ardıyok, Ş. (2008). Regülasyon İktisadı ve Hukuk Notları, Bilkent Üniversitesi Ekonomi Hukuku Yüksek Lisans Programı, 13. Hafta (Uygulamada Regülasyon: Tüketiciye Yönelik Çeşitli Kurallar).
  • 7. Ardıyok, Ş. (2007). Enerji Hukuku: Elektrik Piyasasında Rekabet ve Regülasyon, Ekin Yayınevi, cilt 1.
  • 8. Bator, F.M. (1958). The Anatomy of Market Failure, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 72 (3).
  • 9. Baumol, W.J., Blinder, A.S. (1988). Economics –Principles and Policy-, fourth edition.
  • 10. Brewster, L. (2002). The Impossibility of the State, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 16 (3).
  • 11. Buchanan, J.M. (1991). Constitutional Economics, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell.
  • 12. Caporaso, J. A., & Levine, D. P. (1992). Theories of political economy. New York, NY Cambridge University Press.
  • 13. Carlton, W.D., Perloff, J.M. (1994). Modern Industrial Organization, Pearson Addison Wesley, Fourth Edition.
  • 14. Downs, A. (1957a). An Economic Theory of Political Action In a Democracy, Journal of Political Economy, 65 (2).
  • 15. Downs, A. (1957b). An Economic Theory of Democracy, Harper&Row Publishers, New York.
  • 16. Guerrien, B. (1999). Neo-Klasik İktisat, (Çev: Ertuğrul Tokdemir) İletişim Yayınları, ikinci Baskı.
  • 17. Gürkaynak, G. (2003). Türk Rekabet Hukuku İçin “Amaç” Tartışması, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları, birinci baskı.
  • 18. Hertog, J. A. (2010). Review of economic theories of regulation. Discussion Paper Series/Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, 10(18).
  • 19. Hoppe, H.H. (2002). Rothbardian Ethics,
  • 20. Hunt, E.K. (2002). History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective, USA.
  • 21. İsmihan, M., Özkan, F.G. (2004). Does Central Bank Independence Lower Inflation?. Economics Latters, 84.
  • 22. Kydland, F.E., Prescott, E.C. (1977). Rules Rather Than Discretion: The Consistency of Optimal Plans, The Journal of Poolitical Economy, 85(3), 473-92.
  • 23. Lindbeck, A. (1976). Stabilization Policies in Open Economies with Endogenous Politicians, American Economic Review, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 66, 1-19.
  • 24. Mitchell, J.C. (2006). The Doctrine of Market Failure and Early Development Theory, History of Economics Review, 44.
  • 25. Nordhaus, W.D. (1975). The Political Business Cycle, Review of Economic Studies, 42(2), 169-90.
  • 26. Özkan, F.G. (1997). Zaman Tutarsızlığı, İnanılırlık ve Makro İktisat Politikaları, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 12(131).
  • 27. Rogoff, K. (1985). The Optimal Degree of Commitment to an Intermediate Monetary Target, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100, 1169-90.
  • 28. Rothbard, M. N. (2009). İnsan, İktisat ve Devlet, (Çev: Ahmet Uzun ve Ayşe Meral Uzun) Liberte Yayınları, birinci baskı.
  • 29. Rothbard, M. N. (2009). Özgürlüğün Etiği, (Çev: Recep Tapramaz) Liberte Yayınları, birinci baskı.
  • 30. Sanlı, K.C. (2007). Haksız Fiil Hukukunun Ekonomik Analizi: Hukuk ve Ekonomi Öğretisi, Arıkan Yayınevi.
  • 31. Savaş, V.F. (2007), Anayasal İktisat, İlke Yayınevi, dördüncü baskı.
  • 32. Stiglitz, J. (2000). Economics of the Public Sector, New York.
  • 33. Tullock, G. (2006). The Vote Motive, The Institute of Economic Affairs,
  • 34. Viscusi, K., Vernon, J.M., Harrington, J.E. (1995), Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, MIT Press.
  • 35. Von Mises, L. (2004). Anti Kapitalist Zihniyet, (Çev: Yusuf Şahin) Liberte Yayınları, birinci baskı.


Year 2022, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 318 - 338, 30.06.2022


The political market is a mechanism as like the traditional economic market in which the players act within the framework of the utility function, the exchange process and formed market strategies. Although the economic necessity of political markets is obvious, it should be called an economic market in terms of the effect it has on social welfare. The effectiveness of the political market depends on whether it has the characteristics of a perfectly competitive market. A perfectly competitive market refers to a market of goods and services with the lowest possible price and the lowest cost, from which the players in the market benefit from. However, when the market mechanism has difficulties in providing an optimal level of resource allocation in the current system, it begins to lose its perfectly competitive market feature and loses its effectiveness in economic terms. Since the market mechanism cannot balanced naturally itself, it needs legal regulations that called as non-market intervention and that have economic consequences, in order to regulate the market functions. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the economic market nature of the concept of political market. The political market is explained theoretically through the theory of market failures and the political market mechanism revealed based upon the conventional market logic.


  • 1. Akerlof, G.A. (1970). The Market for "Lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84 (3), 488-500.
  • 2. Aktan, C.C. (2007). Modern Politik İktisat: Kamu Tercihi, Seçkin Yayınevi.
  • 3. Alesina, A. (1987); Macroeconomic Policy in a Two-Party System as a Repeated Game, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102, 651-678.
  • 4. Alesina, A., Roubini, N., Cohen, G.D. (1997). Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy. Cambridge, MA&London: MIT Press.
  • 5. Alesina, A., Tabellini, G. (1987). Rules and Discretion with Noncoordinated Monetary and Fiscal Policies, Economic Inquiry, 619-30.
  • 6. Ardıyok, Ş. (2008). Regülasyon İktisadı ve Hukuk Notları, Bilkent Üniversitesi Ekonomi Hukuku Yüksek Lisans Programı, 13. Hafta (Uygulamada Regülasyon: Tüketiciye Yönelik Çeşitli Kurallar).
  • 7. Ardıyok, Ş. (2007). Enerji Hukuku: Elektrik Piyasasında Rekabet ve Regülasyon, Ekin Yayınevi, cilt 1.
  • 8. Bator, F.M. (1958). The Anatomy of Market Failure, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 72 (3).
  • 9. Baumol, W.J., Blinder, A.S. (1988). Economics –Principles and Policy-, fourth edition.
  • 10. Brewster, L. (2002). The Impossibility of the State, Journal of Libertarian Studies, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 16 (3).
  • 11. Buchanan, J.M. (1991). Constitutional Economics, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Basil Blackwell.
  • 12. Caporaso, J. A., & Levine, D. P. (1992). Theories of political economy. New York, NY Cambridge University Press.
  • 13. Carlton, W.D., Perloff, J.M. (1994). Modern Industrial Organization, Pearson Addison Wesley, Fourth Edition.
  • 14. Downs, A. (1957a). An Economic Theory of Political Action In a Democracy, Journal of Political Economy, 65 (2).
  • 15. Downs, A. (1957b). An Economic Theory of Democracy, Harper&Row Publishers, New York.
  • 16. Guerrien, B. (1999). Neo-Klasik İktisat, (Çev: Ertuğrul Tokdemir) İletişim Yayınları, ikinci Baskı.
  • 17. Gürkaynak, G. (2003). Türk Rekabet Hukuku İçin “Amaç” Tartışması, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları, birinci baskı.
  • 18. Hertog, J. A. (2010). Review of economic theories of regulation. Discussion Paper Series/Tjalling C. Koopmans Research Institute, 10(18).
  • 19. Hoppe, H.H. (2002). Rothbardian Ethics,
  • 20. Hunt, E.K. (2002). History of Economic Thought: A Critical Perspective, USA.
  • 21. İsmihan, M., Özkan, F.G. (2004). Does Central Bank Independence Lower Inflation?. Economics Latters, 84.
  • 22. Kydland, F.E., Prescott, E.C. (1977). Rules Rather Than Discretion: The Consistency of Optimal Plans, The Journal of Poolitical Economy, 85(3), 473-92.
  • 23. Lindbeck, A. (1976). Stabilization Policies in Open Economies with Endogenous Politicians, American Economic Review, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 66, 1-19.
  • 24. Mitchell, J.C. (2006). The Doctrine of Market Failure and Early Development Theory, History of Economics Review, 44.
  • 25. Nordhaus, W.D. (1975). The Political Business Cycle, Review of Economic Studies, 42(2), 169-90.
  • 26. Özkan, F.G. (1997). Zaman Tutarsızlığı, İnanılırlık ve Makro İktisat Politikaları, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 12(131).
  • 27. Rogoff, K. (1985). The Optimal Degree of Commitment to an Intermediate Monetary Target, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100, 1169-90.
  • 28. Rothbard, M. N. (2009). İnsan, İktisat ve Devlet, (Çev: Ahmet Uzun ve Ayşe Meral Uzun) Liberte Yayınları, birinci baskı.
  • 29. Rothbard, M. N. (2009). Özgürlüğün Etiği, (Çev: Recep Tapramaz) Liberte Yayınları, birinci baskı.
  • 30. Sanlı, K.C. (2007). Haksız Fiil Hukukunun Ekonomik Analizi: Hukuk ve Ekonomi Öğretisi, Arıkan Yayınevi.
  • 31. Savaş, V.F. (2007), Anayasal İktisat, İlke Yayınevi, dördüncü baskı.
  • 32. Stiglitz, J. (2000). Economics of the Public Sector, New York.
  • 33. Tullock, G. (2006). The Vote Motive, The Institute of Economic Affairs,
  • 34. Viscusi, K., Vernon, J.M., Harrington, J.E. (1995), Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, MIT Press.
  • 35. Von Mises, L. (2004). Anti Kapitalist Zihniyet, (Çev: Yusuf Şahin) Liberte Yayınları, birinci baskı.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Hande Emin Benli 0000-0002-9980-3713

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 20 Issue: 2


APA Emin Benli, H. (2022). THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 20(2), 318-338.
AMA Emin Benli H. THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH. Journal of Management and Economics Research. June 2022;20(2):318-338. doi:10.11611/yead.1110295
Chicago Emin Benli, Hande. “THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH”. Journal of Management and Economics Research 20, no. 2 (June 2022): 318-38.
EndNote Emin Benli H (June 1, 2022) THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH. Journal of Management and Economics Research 20 2 318–338.
IEEE H. Emin Benli, “THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH”, Journal of Management and Economics Research, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 318–338, 2022, doi: 10.11611/yead.1110295.
ISNAD Emin Benli, Hande. “THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH”. Journal of Management and Economics Research 20/2 (June 2022), 318-338.
JAMA Emin Benli H. THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH. Journal of Management and Economics Research. 2022;20:318–338.
MLA Emin Benli, Hande. “THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH”. Journal of Management and Economics Research, vol. 20, no. 2, 2022, pp. 318-3, doi:10.11611/yead.1110295.
Vancouver Emin Benli H. THE POLITICAL MARKET IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MARKET FAILURE THEORY: AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH. Journal of Management and Economics Research. 2022;20(2):318-3.