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Yom Kippur'dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı'na: İsrail'de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi ve Savaş'a Bakış

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 21, 102 - 114, 23.12.2018


Bu çalışmanın konusunu 1973 Yom Kippur 6 Ekim Savaşı sonrası İsrail toplumunda oluşan psikolojik mağlubiyet hissi çerçevesinde devlet toplum ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi ve kamuoyunun savaşa bakış açısı oluşturmaktadır. 1973 savaşını izleyen süreçte yaşanan toplumsal dönüşümün 2006 İkinci Lübnan Savaşı çerçevesinde yeniden değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Kamuoyu görüşünün karar alma süreci üzerindeki etkisi incelenecek ve 2006 savaşında İsrail tarafının hedeflenen amaçlar açısından başarılı olunamamasına rağmen kesin bir galibiyet elde ettiği yönündeki anlatısı analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca her iki savaşın bölgesel ve küresel seviyedeki dinamiklerden etkilenen şartları değerlendirmeye dâhil edilecektir


  • ARAN, Amnon. (2012).Containment and territorial transnational actors: Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas.International Af- fairs, 88(4), 835-855.
  • ARKİN, William M.(2007).Divine Victory for Whom? Airpower in the 2006 Is- rael-Hezbollah War.Strategic Studies Quarterly, Winter, 98-141.
  • BARNEA, Nahum. (2006). Israel vs. Hez- bollah.Foreign Policy, No. 157 (Kasım- Aralık), 22-24, 26-28.
  • BARNETT, Michael. (1992).Confronting the Costs of War: Military Power, State, and Society in Egypt and Israel. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • BAR-JOSEPH, Uri. (2010). The Hubris of Initial Victory: The IDF and the Second Lebanon War, içinde Israel and Hizbol- lah: An Asymmetric Conflict in Historical and Comparative Perspective, Jones, Cli- ve ve Catignani, Sergio (ed.), (147- 162). London: Routledge.
  • CLEVELAND, William ve Bunton, Martin. (2009).A History of the Modern Middle East. Boulder, Co: Westview Press.
  • FAYUTKİN, Dan. (2009).The Second Le- banon War – A Two-Year Perspecti- ve.Defense & Security Analysis, 25(2), 201-204.
  • FURST, Zev. (2007). The Second Lebanon War: Military Strategy and the Battle for Public Opinion. Israel Journal of Fo- reign Affairs, 1 (2), 11-13.
  • GABRİELSEN, Iver. (2013).Military Stra- tegy and the Conduct of the 2006 Is- rael–Hezbollah War.Comparative Stra- tegy, 32 (5), 435-442.
  • GAVRİELY-Nuri, Dalia. (2006).The ‘me- taphorical annihilation’ of the Second Lebanon War (2006) from the Israeli political discourse.Discourse & Society, 19 (1), 5-20.
  • GAVRİELY-Nuri, Dalia. (2014).Israeli Cul- ture on the Road to the Yom Kippur War. New York: Lexington Books.
  • GOLDSCHMIDT, Arthur Jr. ve David- son, Lawrence. (2007).Kısa Ortadoğu Tarihi (çev. Aydemir Güler). İstanbul: Doruk Yayıncılık.
  • HAREL, Amos ve Issacharoff, Avi. (2008).34 Days: Israel, Hezbollah and the War in Lebanon. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • HOOK, Steven, W., ve Spanier, John. (2014).Amerikan Dış Politikası: İkinci Dünya Savaşından Günümüze(çev. Özge Zihnioğlu Tanırlı). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınevi.
  • ISH-SHALOM, Piki. (2011). Defining by naming: Israel civic warring over the Second Lebanon War.European Journal of International Relations, 17 (3), 475-493.
  • İNBAR, Efraim. (2008).Israel’s National Security Issues and challenges since the Yom Kippur War. London: Routledge. JERUSALEM POST. (28 Eylül 2006).Column One: The World accor- ding to Olmert. Erişim tarihi: (18 Eylül 2018): mnists/Column-One-The-world- according-to-Olmert.
  • KAMRAVA, Mehran. (2011).The Modern Middle East: A Political History since the First World War. London: University of California Press. LEBEL, Udi and Lewin, Eyal. (2015).Introductioniçinde The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil-Military Relations, Lebel, Udi ve Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (1-8.) London: Lexington Books.
  • LEVY, Yagil. (2008). The Second Lebanon War: From Republican Control to Market Control over the Army, Democ- racy and Security, 4 (1), 48-68.
  • LEVY, Yagil. (2010a).How the press impa- irs civilian control over the armed for- ces: the case of the Second Lebanon War.Journal of Power, 3 (2), 243-257.
  • LEVY, Yagil. (2010b). How the Military’s Social Composition Affects the Politi- cal Protest: The Case of Israel.Peace and Change, 35(1), 123-145.
  • EYAL, Lewin.(2015).The 1973 War as a Stimulator in the Reshaping of Israeli National Ethos,içinde The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil-Military Relations, Lebel, Udi ve Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (147-178). London: Lexington Books.
  • LIEBERMAN, Eli. (2009). Israel’s 2006 War with Hizbollah: The Failure of De- terrence, içinde Contemporary Israel: Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, and Se- curity Challenges, Freedman, Robert O. (ed.), (317-354). Boulder, Co: Westview Press.
  • LIEBMAN, Charles S. (1993).The Myth of Defeat: The Memory of the Yom Kip- pur War in Israeli Society.Middle Eas- tern Studies, 29 (3), 399-418.
  • MANN, Rafi. (2015). Not Just Intermedia- ries: The Mediatization of Security Af- fairs in Israel since 1973, içinde The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil-Military Relations, Lebel, Udi and Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (81-120). London: Lexington Books.
  • MANSFIELD, Peter. (2012).Ortadoğu Tari- hi (çev. Ümit Hüsrev Yolsal). İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • MAOZ, Zeev. (2006). Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel’s Secu- rity and Foreign Policy. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. MONTGOMERY, Evan Braden ve Pettyjohn, Stacie L. (2010). Democrati- zation, Instability, and War: Israel's 2006 Conflicts with Hamas and Hez- bollah.Security Studies, 19 (3), 521-554.
  • NAVON, Emmanuel. (2004).From Kippur to Oslo: Israel's Foreign Policy, 1973– 1993.Israel Affairs, 10 (3), 1-40.
  • ORKIBI, Eithan. (2015). The Combatants’ Protest after the Yom Kippur War and the Transformation of the Protest Cul- ture in Israel, içinde The 1973 Yom Kip- pur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil- Military Relations, Lebel, Udi and Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (9-36). London: Lexington Books.
  • RABINOVICH, Abraham. (2004).The Yom Kippur War: The Epic Encounter That Transformed the Middle East. New York: Schocken Books.
  • SALEM, Paul. (2008).The after-effects of the war.Contemporary Arab Affairs, 1 (1), 15- 24. Israel–Hezbollah
  • SOBERMAN, Daniel. (2016).Learning to Deter: Deterrence Failure and Success in the Israel-Hezbollah Conflict, 2006– 16.International Security, 41 (3), 151– 196.
  • TZABAG, Shumel. (2013).Ending the Se- cond Lebanon War: the interface between the Political and military ec- helons in Israel.Israel Affairs, 19 (4),640- 659.
  • ZAKHAİM, Dov, S. (2013). Peace and Is- raeli Security içinde Peace in the Middle East: The Challenge for Israel,Karsh, Ef- raim (ed.), (13-26). London: Routledge.

From Yom Kippur to Second Lebanon War: State-Society Complex and Approach to War in Israel

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 21, 102 - 114, 23.12.2018


This study deals with the Israel’s state-society complex in the context of psychological defeat feeling after the 1973 Yom Kippur War and Israeli society’s approach to war. It is aimed to reanalyze the social transformation following the 1973 war in the context of the 2006 Second Lebanon War. The impact of public opinion over the decision making process will be focused and the narrative that Israel had the decisive victory despite failing to reach the objectives set will be dealt with. Besides, the conditions of both wars affected by the dynamics in regional and global level will be integrated into evaluation


  • ARAN, Amnon. (2012).Containment and territorial transnational actors: Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas.International Af- fairs, 88(4), 835-855.
  • ARKİN, William M.(2007).Divine Victory for Whom? Airpower in the 2006 Is- rael-Hezbollah War.Strategic Studies Quarterly, Winter, 98-141.
  • BARNEA, Nahum. (2006). Israel vs. Hez- bollah.Foreign Policy, No. 157 (Kasım- Aralık), 22-24, 26-28.
  • BARNETT, Michael. (1992).Confronting the Costs of War: Military Power, State, and Society in Egypt and Israel. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • BAR-JOSEPH, Uri. (2010). The Hubris of Initial Victory: The IDF and the Second Lebanon War, içinde Israel and Hizbol- lah: An Asymmetric Conflict in Historical and Comparative Perspective, Jones, Cli- ve ve Catignani, Sergio (ed.), (147- 162). London: Routledge.
  • CLEVELAND, William ve Bunton, Martin. (2009).A History of the Modern Middle East. Boulder, Co: Westview Press.
  • FAYUTKİN, Dan. (2009).The Second Le- banon War – A Two-Year Perspecti- ve.Defense & Security Analysis, 25(2), 201-204.
  • FURST, Zev. (2007). The Second Lebanon War: Military Strategy and the Battle for Public Opinion. Israel Journal of Fo- reign Affairs, 1 (2), 11-13.
  • GABRİELSEN, Iver. (2013).Military Stra- tegy and the Conduct of the 2006 Is- rael–Hezbollah War.Comparative Stra- tegy, 32 (5), 435-442.
  • GAVRİELY-Nuri, Dalia. (2006).The ‘me- taphorical annihilation’ of the Second Lebanon War (2006) from the Israeli political discourse.Discourse & Society, 19 (1), 5-20.
  • GAVRİELY-Nuri, Dalia. (2014).Israeli Cul- ture on the Road to the Yom Kippur War. New York: Lexington Books.
  • GOLDSCHMIDT, Arthur Jr. ve David- son, Lawrence. (2007).Kısa Ortadoğu Tarihi (çev. Aydemir Güler). İstanbul: Doruk Yayıncılık.
  • HAREL, Amos ve Issacharoff, Avi. (2008).34 Days: Israel, Hezbollah and the War in Lebanon. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • HOOK, Steven, W., ve Spanier, John. (2014).Amerikan Dış Politikası: İkinci Dünya Savaşından Günümüze(çev. Özge Zihnioğlu Tanırlı). İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınevi.
  • ISH-SHALOM, Piki. (2011). Defining by naming: Israel civic warring over the Second Lebanon War.European Journal of International Relations, 17 (3), 475-493.
  • İNBAR, Efraim. (2008).Israel’s National Security Issues and challenges since the Yom Kippur War. London: Routledge. JERUSALEM POST. (28 Eylül 2006).Column One: The World accor- ding to Olmert. Erişim tarihi: (18 Eylül 2018): mnists/Column-One-The-world- according-to-Olmert.
  • KAMRAVA, Mehran. (2011).The Modern Middle East: A Political History since the First World War. London: University of California Press. LEBEL, Udi and Lewin, Eyal. (2015).Introductioniçinde The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil-Military Relations, Lebel, Udi ve Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (1-8.) London: Lexington Books.
  • LEVY, Yagil. (2008). The Second Lebanon War: From Republican Control to Market Control over the Army, Democ- racy and Security, 4 (1), 48-68.
  • LEVY, Yagil. (2010a).How the press impa- irs civilian control over the armed for- ces: the case of the Second Lebanon War.Journal of Power, 3 (2), 243-257.
  • LEVY, Yagil. (2010b). How the Military’s Social Composition Affects the Politi- cal Protest: The Case of Israel.Peace and Change, 35(1), 123-145.
  • EYAL, Lewin.(2015).The 1973 War as a Stimulator in the Reshaping of Israeli National Ethos,içinde The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil-Military Relations, Lebel, Udi ve Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (147-178). London: Lexington Books.
  • LIEBERMAN, Eli. (2009). Israel’s 2006 War with Hizbollah: The Failure of De- terrence, içinde Contemporary Israel: Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, and Se- curity Challenges, Freedman, Robert O. (ed.), (317-354). Boulder, Co: Westview Press.
  • LIEBMAN, Charles S. (1993).The Myth of Defeat: The Memory of the Yom Kip- pur War in Israeli Society.Middle Eas- tern Studies, 29 (3), 399-418.
  • MANN, Rafi. (2015). Not Just Intermedia- ries: The Mediatization of Security Af- fairs in Israel since 1973, içinde The 1973 Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil-Military Relations, Lebel, Udi and Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (81-120). London: Lexington Books.
  • MANSFIELD, Peter. (2012).Ortadoğu Tari- hi (çev. Ümit Hüsrev Yolsal). İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • MAOZ, Zeev. (2006). Defending the Holy Land: A Critical Analysis of Israel’s Secu- rity and Foreign Policy. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. MONTGOMERY, Evan Braden ve Pettyjohn, Stacie L. (2010). Democrati- zation, Instability, and War: Israel's 2006 Conflicts with Hamas and Hez- bollah.Security Studies, 19 (3), 521-554.
  • NAVON, Emmanuel. (2004).From Kippur to Oslo: Israel's Foreign Policy, 1973– 1993.Israel Affairs, 10 (3), 1-40.
  • ORKIBI, Eithan. (2015). The Combatants’ Protest after the Yom Kippur War and the Transformation of the Protest Cul- ture in Israel, içinde The 1973 Yom Kip- pur War and the Reshaping of Israil Civil- Military Relations, Lebel, Udi and Lewin, Eyal (ed.), (9-36). London: Lexington Books.
  • RABINOVICH, Abraham. (2004).The Yom Kippur War: The Epic Encounter That Transformed the Middle East. New York: Schocken Books.
  • SALEM, Paul. (2008).The after-effects of the war.Contemporary Arab Affairs, 1 (1), 15- 24. Israel–Hezbollah
  • SOBERMAN, Daniel. (2016).Learning to Deter: Deterrence Failure and Success in the Israel-Hezbollah Conflict, 2006– 16.International Security, 41 (3), 151– 196.
  • TZABAG, Shumel. (2013).Ending the Se- cond Lebanon War: the interface between the Political and military ec- helons in Israel.Israel Affairs, 19 (4),640- 659.
  • ZAKHAİM, Dov, S. (2013). Peace and Is- raeli Security içinde Peace in the Middle East: The Challenge for Israel,Karsh, Ef- raim (ed.), (13-26). London: Routledge.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hikmet Mengüaslan This is me

Publication Date December 23, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 10 Issue: 21


APA Mengüaslan, H. (2018). Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi ve Savaş’a Bakış. Yeni Fikir Dergisi, 10(21), 102-114.
AMA Mengüaslan H. Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi ve Savaş’a Bakış. Yeni Fikir Journal. December 2018;10(21):102-114.
Chicago Mengüaslan, Hikmet. “Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi Ve Savaş’a Bakış”. Yeni Fikir Dergisi 10, no. 21 (December 2018): 102-14.
EndNote Mengüaslan H (December 1, 2018) Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi ve Savaş’a Bakış. Yeni Fikir Dergisi 10 21 102–114.
IEEE H. Mengüaslan, “Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi ve Savaş’a Bakış”, Yeni Fikir Journal, vol. 10, no. 21, pp. 102–114, 2018.
ISNAD Mengüaslan, Hikmet. “Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi Ve Savaş’a Bakış”. Yeni Fikir Dergisi 10/21 (December 2018), 102-114.
JAMA Mengüaslan H. Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi ve Savaş’a Bakış. Yeni Fikir Journal. 2018;10:102–114.
MLA Mengüaslan, Hikmet. “Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi Ve Savaş’a Bakış”. Yeni Fikir Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 21, 2018, pp. 102-14.
Vancouver Mengüaslan H. Yom Kippur’dan İkinci Lübnan Savaşı’na: İsrail’de Devlet -Toplum İlişkisi ve Savaş’a Bakış. Yeni Fikir Journal. 2018;10(21):102-14.


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