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Kamusal Söylemde Dijital Dinamikler: Dijital Medya ve Karşı Kamusal Alanlar Arasındaki İlişkiyi Analiz Etmek

Year 2024, , 16 - 34, 26.12.2024


Çalışma dijital medyanın daha fazla katılım ve temsile alan açarak karşı-kamusal alanların genişlemesini mi sağladığı yoksa parçalanma ve kutuplaşmaya mı yol açtığı sorusunu araştırmaktadır. Bir yandan dijital medyanın dezavantajlı topluluklara kendilerini ifade edebilecekleri kanallar açtığı söylenirken, diğer yandan yankı odaları ve filtre baloncukları ile kamusal alanın parçalanmasına ve izolasyona yönelik endişeler de dile getirilmektedir. Bu çalışma, karşı kamusal alan ve dijital medya ilişkisini inceleyen güncel araştırmaların tematik analizi ile süregelen bu tartışmalara bir katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda çeşitli çevrimiçi hareketleri inceleyen amprik araştırmalar, dijital medyanın karşı kamusal alanlara sunduğu olanakların veya neden olduğu sınırlılıkların pratikteki karşılıklarını görmemize imkân verecektir. Farklı ülkelerde gerçekleşen örnekler, farklı toplumsal bağlamlarda gerçekleşen pratiklerin karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde incelenmesi, dijital medyanın farklı kültürel, politik ve sosyal bağlamların muhalif hareketleri nasıl şekillendirdiğine dair ortak örüntülerin ve farklılıkların belirlenmesine de olanak sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca güncel ve çeşitli olan bu örneklerin analizi ile konunun literatürde özellikle hangi boyutları ile tartışıldığını görmemize, ve böylece hâkim yaklaşımların ve geri planda kalan tartışmaları tespit etmemize de imkan verecektir.


  • Asen, R. (2000). Seeking the “counter” in counterpublics. Communication Theory, 10(4), 424-446.
  • Birkner, T., & Donk, A. (2020). Collective memory and social media: Fostering a new historical consciousness in the digital age? Memory Studies, 13(4), 367-383.
  • Brantner, C., Rodríguez-Amat, J. R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Structures of the public sphere: Contested spaces as assembled interfaces. Media and Communication, 9(3), 16-27.
  • Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Bodrunova, S. S., Litvinenko, A., Blekanov, I., & Nepiyushchikh, D. (2021). Constructive aggression? Multiple roles of aggressive content in political discourse on Russian YouTube. Media and Communication, 9, 181-194.
  • Calhoun, C. (Ed.). (1992). Habermas and the public sphere. MIT Press.
  • Castleberry, A., & Nolen, A. (2018). Thematic analysis of qualitative research data: Is it as easy as it sounds?. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10(6), 807-815.
  • Dahlberg, L. (2007). Rethinking the fragmentation of the cyberpublic: from consensus to contestation. New Media & Society, 9(5), 827-847.
  • Danaher, J. (2014). Rule by algorithm? Big data and the threat of algocracy. [In:] Philosophical Disquisitions. Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. https://philosophicaldisquisitions. blogspot. de/2014/01/rule-by-algorithm-big-data-and-threat. Html. Accessed on: 04.04.2024
  • De Blasio, E., Kneuer, M., Schünemann, W., & Sorice, M. (2020). The ongoing transformation of the digital public sphere: Basic considerations on a moving target. Media and Communication, 8(4), 1-5.
  • Downey, J., & Fenton, N. (2003). New media, counter publicity and the public. New Media & Society, Vol5(2):185–202.
  • Fraser, N. (1990). Rethinking the public sphere: A contribution to the critique of actually existing democracy. Social Text. 25/26, 56-80.
  • Fuchs, C. (2024). A new framework for the analysis of media systems and media organisations. Communication and the Public, 1-18.
  • Guo, L., & Harlow, S. (2014). User-generated racism: An analysis of stereotypes of African Americans, Latinos, and Asians in YouTube videos. Howard Journal of Communications, 25(3), 281-302.
  • Habermas, J. (1991). The structural transformation of the public sphere: An inquiry into a category of bourgeois society. MIT Press.
  • Harlow, S. (2015). Twitterati as instruments of change? Reappropriating social media for dialogue and action via El Salvador’s citizen debate site Política Stereo. International Journal of Communication, 3721-3741.
  • Holtzhausen, D. (2016). Datafication: threat or opportunity for communication in the public sphere? Journal of Communication Management, 20(1), 21-36. 10.1108/JCOM-12-2014-0082
  • Lee, P. S., So, C. Y., Leung, L., Lee, F. L., & Chan, M. (2017). The struggle for hegemony: The emergence of a counter-public sphere in post-1997 Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication, 10(4), 338-359.
  • Lien, A. N. (2022). A battle for truth: Islam-related counterpublic discourse on Scandinavian news media Facebook pages. New Media & Society, 26(2), 839-858.
  • Lowenstein-Barkai, H. (2023). ‘Why should we turn to fascists in their own language? ’Affordances and constraints of networked counterpublics as experienced by the group members. Information, Communication & Society, 1-16.
  • Mpofu, S. (2019). Jesus comes to South Africa: Black Twitter as citizen journalism in South African politics. African Journalism Studies, 40(1), 67-90.
  • Negt, O. & Kluge, A. (2016). Public sphere and experience: Analysis of the bourgeois and proletarian public sphere. Verso Books
  • Nikunen, K. (2019). Once a refugee: Selfie activism, visualized citizenship and the space of appearance. Popular Communication, 17(2), 154-170.
  • Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42, 533-544.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Sage.
  • Roslyng, M. M., & Blaagaard, B. B. (2018). Networking the political: On the dynamic interrelations that create publics in the digital age. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 21(2), 124-138.
  • Schlesinger, P. (2020). After the post-public sphere. Media, Culture & Society, 42(7-8), 1545-1563.
  • Schwarzenegger, C. (2021). Communities of darkness? users and uses of anti-system alternative media between audience and community. Media and Communication, 9(1), 99-109.
  • Sevignani, S. (2022). Digital transformations and the ideological formation of the public sphere: Hegemonic, populist, or popular communication? Theory, Culture & Society, 39(4), 91-109.
  • Sunstein, C. R. (2007) 2.0. Princeton University Press.
  • Sunstein, C. R. (2017) #Republic: Divided democracy in the age of social media. Princeton University Press.
  • Svetlana, B., & Anna, L. (2016). Fragmentation of society and media hybridisation in today’s Russia: How Facebook voices collective demands. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 14(1), 113-124.
  • Thakur, A. K. (2020). New media and the Dalit counter-public sphere. Television & New Media, 21(4), 360-375.
  • Trauthig, I. K., & Woolley, S. C. (2023). “On WhatsApp I say what I want”: Messaging apps, diaspora communities, and networked counterpublics in the United States. New Media & Society, 1-18.
  • Zeng, J., Chan, C. H., & Schäfer, M. S. (2022). Contested Chinese dreams of AI? Public discourse about Artificial intelligence on WeChat and People’s Daily Online. Information, Communication & Society, 25(3), 319-340.

Digital Dynamics in Public Discourse: Analyzing the Relationship Between Digital Media and Counter-Public Spheres

Year 2024, , 16 - 34, 26.12.2024


The main aim of the study is to investigate the question of whether digital media encourages the expansion of the counter-public spheres by allowing greater participation and representation, or whether it leads to fragmentation and polarization. While digital media is welcomed for providing spaces for marginalized communities to express themselves, there are also concerns about the isolation and fragmentation of the public sphere, such as creating echo chambers and filter bubbles. This study aims to contribute to this ongoing debate by employing thematic analysis of recent empirical research in literature. By examining studies on various online activities related to counter-public spheres across different countries, this research analyzes the current situation in the literature concerning digital media’s impact on the public sphere. Moreover, a comparative study of conditions in different countries also allows the identification of common patterns and differences in how digital media shapes opposing activities in diverse cultural, political and social contexts. Additionally, the research reveals the prevailing approaches and gaps in the literature.


  • Asen, R. (2000). Seeking the “counter” in counterpublics. Communication Theory, 10(4), 424-446.
  • Birkner, T., & Donk, A. (2020). Collective memory and social media: Fostering a new historical consciousness in the digital age? Memory Studies, 13(4), 367-383.
  • Brantner, C., Rodríguez-Amat, J. R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Structures of the public sphere: Contested spaces as assembled interfaces. Media and Communication, 9(3), 16-27.
  • Braun, V. & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101.
  • Bodrunova, S. S., Litvinenko, A., Blekanov, I., & Nepiyushchikh, D. (2021). Constructive aggression? Multiple roles of aggressive content in political discourse on Russian YouTube. Media and Communication, 9, 181-194.
  • Calhoun, C. (Ed.). (1992). Habermas and the public sphere. MIT Press.
  • Castleberry, A., & Nolen, A. (2018). Thematic analysis of qualitative research data: Is it as easy as it sounds?. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10(6), 807-815.
  • Dahlberg, L. (2007). Rethinking the fragmentation of the cyberpublic: from consensus to contestation. New Media & Society, 9(5), 827-847.
  • Danaher, J. (2014). Rule by algorithm? Big data and the threat of algocracy. [In:] Philosophical Disquisitions. Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. https://philosophicaldisquisitions. blogspot. de/2014/01/rule-by-algorithm-big-data-and-threat. Html. Accessed on: 04.04.2024
  • De Blasio, E., Kneuer, M., Schünemann, W., & Sorice, M. (2020). The ongoing transformation of the digital public sphere: Basic considerations on a moving target. Media and Communication, 8(4), 1-5.
  • Downey, J., & Fenton, N. (2003). New media, counter publicity and the public. New Media & Society, Vol5(2):185–202.
  • Fraser, N. (1990). Rethinking the public sphere: A contribution to the critique of actually existing democracy. Social Text. 25/26, 56-80.
  • Fuchs, C. (2024). A new framework for the analysis of media systems and media organisations. Communication and the Public, 1-18.
  • Guo, L., & Harlow, S. (2014). User-generated racism: An analysis of stereotypes of African Americans, Latinos, and Asians in YouTube videos. Howard Journal of Communications, 25(3), 281-302.
  • Habermas, J. (1991). The structural transformation of the public sphere: An inquiry into a category of bourgeois society. MIT Press.
  • Harlow, S. (2015). Twitterati as instruments of change? Reappropriating social media for dialogue and action via El Salvador’s citizen debate site Política Stereo. International Journal of Communication, 3721-3741.
  • Holtzhausen, D. (2016). Datafication: threat or opportunity for communication in the public sphere? Journal of Communication Management, 20(1), 21-36. 10.1108/JCOM-12-2014-0082
  • Lee, P. S., So, C. Y., Leung, L., Lee, F. L., & Chan, M. (2017). The struggle for hegemony: The emergence of a counter-public sphere in post-1997 Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication, 10(4), 338-359.
  • Lien, A. N. (2022). A battle for truth: Islam-related counterpublic discourse on Scandinavian news media Facebook pages. New Media & Society, 26(2), 839-858.
  • Lowenstein-Barkai, H. (2023). ‘Why should we turn to fascists in their own language? ’Affordances and constraints of networked counterpublics as experienced by the group members. Information, Communication & Society, 1-16.
  • Mpofu, S. (2019). Jesus comes to South Africa: Black Twitter as citizen journalism in South African politics. African Journalism Studies, 40(1), 67-90.
  • Negt, O. & Kluge, A. (2016). Public sphere and experience: Analysis of the bourgeois and proletarian public sphere. Verso Books
  • Nikunen, K. (2019). Once a refugee: Selfie activism, visualized citizenship and the space of appearance. Popular Communication, 17(2), 154-170.
  • Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Green, C. A., Wisdom, J. P., Duan, N., & Hoagwood, K. (2015). Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42, 533-544.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. Sage.
  • Roslyng, M. M., & Blaagaard, B. B. (2018). Networking the political: On the dynamic interrelations that create publics in the digital age. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 21(2), 124-138.
  • Schlesinger, P. (2020). After the post-public sphere. Media, Culture & Society, 42(7-8), 1545-1563.
  • Schwarzenegger, C. (2021). Communities of darkness? users and uses of anti-system alternative media between audience and community. Media and Communication, 9(1), 99-109.
  • Sevignani, S. (2022). Digital transformations and the ideological formation of the public sphere: Hegemonic, populist, or popular communication? Theory, Culture & Society, 39(4), 91-109.
  • Sunstein, C. R. (2007) 2.0. Princeton University Press.
  • Sunstein, C. R. (2017) #Republic: Divided democracy in the age of social media. Princeton University Press.
  • Svetlana, B., & Anna, L. (2016). Fragmentation of society and media hybridisation in today’s Russia: How Facebook voices collective demands. The Journal of Social Policy Studies, 14(1), 113-124.
  • Thakur, A. K. (2020). New media and the Dalit counter-public sphere. Television & New Media, 21(4), 360-375.
  • Trauthig, I. K., & Woolley, S. C. (2023). “On WhatsApp I say what I want”: Messaging apps, diaspora communities, and networked counterpublics in the United States. New Media & Society, 1-18.
  • Zeng, J., Chan, C. H., & Schäfer, M. S. (2022). Contested Chinese dreams of AI? Public discourse about Artificial intelligence on WeChat and People’s Daily Online. Information, Communication & Society, 25(3), 319-340.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Communication Studies, New Media, Communication and Media Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Özgün Dinçer 0000-0001-6881-5247

Early Pub Date December 25, 2024
Publication Date December 26, 2024
Submission Date July 2, 2024
Acceptance Date September 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Dinçer, Ö. (2024). Digital Dynamics in Public Discourse: Analyzing the Relationship Between Digital Media and Counter-Public Spheres. Yeni Medya(17), 16-34.