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Pandemi Döneminde Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Akıllı Telefon Bağımlılığı ve Farkındalığı: Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Örneği

Year 2022, Issue: 12, 79 - 96, 30.06.2022


Cep telefonu olmadan kalma korkusu olarak bilinen akıllı telefon bağımlılığı, genellikle aşırı internet kullanım sorunu veya bağımlılığı ile ilişkili olarak tartışılmaktadır. Ancak genel olarak baktığımızda, bağımlılığı yaratan şey nadiren telefonun kendisidir, daha çok bireylerin bağlandığı oyunlar, uygulamalar ve çevrimiçi dünyalardır. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de yaşayan üniversite öğrencilerinde akıllı telefon bağımlılığı düzeyini ölçmeyi ve üniversite öğrencilerinin COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında akıllı telefon bağımlılığı ve farkındalığını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın evrenini Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi’nde 2020-2021 bahar döneminde farklı bölümlerde öğrenim gören 443 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre erkek öğrenciler kadın öğrencilere kıyasla daha fazla akıllı telefon bağımlısıdır. Diğer yandan COVID-19 etkilerinin akıllı telefon kullanımını etkilemediğini düşünen öğrenciler, düşünen öğrencilere göre daha fazla akıllı telefon bağımlısıdır. 1. sınıf öğrencilerinin 2. sınıf öğrencilerine göre daha fazla telefon bağımlısı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir ve son olarak akıllı telefonu 1 yıl ve daha az kullananlar 5 yıl ve daha uzun süre kullananlara göre daha fazla akıllı telefon bağımlısıdır.


  • Abo-Jedi, A. (2008). Cellphone Addiction and its relation to self-closure in a sample of Jordanian University and Amman Private University Students. The Jordanian Journal for Educational Sciences, 4(2), 137-150.
  • Bian, M., & Leung, L. (2015). Linking Loneliness, shyness, smartphone addiction symptoms, and patterns of smartphone use to social capital. Social Science Computer Review, 33(1), 61-79.
  • Billieux, J., Van der Linden, M., & Rochat, L. (2008). The role of impulsivity in actual and problematic use of the mobile phone. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22(9), 1195-1210.
  • Boumosleh, J., & Jaalouk, D. (2018). Smartphone addiction among university students and its relationship with academic performance. Global Journal of Health Science, 10(1), 48-59.
  • Coogan, K., & Kangas, S. (2001). Nuoret ja kommunikaatioakrobatia, 16-18 vuotiaiden nuorten k. annykk. a-ja internetkulttuurit. nuorisotutkimusverkosto ja elisa ommunications. Elisa Tutkimuskeskus. Raportti 158.
  • Crawford, J., Butler-Henderson, K., Rudolph, J., Malkawi, B., Glowatz, M., Burton, R., ... & Lam, S. (2020). COVID-19: 20 countries’ higher education intra-period digital pedagogy responses. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, 3(1), 1-20.
  • Demirci, K., Orhan, H., Demirdas, A., Akpinar, A., & Sert, H. (2014). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Smartphone Addiction Scale in a younger population. Bulletion of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 24, 226-234.
  • Elmas, O., Kete, S., Hizlisoy, S., & Kumral, N. (2015). Effects of usage habits of technological devices to school success. Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Health Science, 6(2), 49-54.
  • Future Learn. (2020, April 23). 6 Effective Teaching Methods and How to Use Them. Retrieved from: Gao, J., Zheng, P., Jia, Y., Chen, H., Mao, Y., Chen, S.. . . & Dai, J. (2020). Mental health problems and social media exposure during COVID-19 outbreak. PLOS ONE, 15(4), e0231924. https://10.1371/journal.pone.0231924
  • Gao, S., Yang, Y., & Krogstie, J. (2015). The adoption of smartphones among older adults in China. 16th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO), pp. 112-122. https://ff10.1007/978-3-319-16274-4_12ff. ffhal-01324969f
  • Global Mobile Consumer Survey. (2019, April 23). Mobile consumption in a post-growth world.
  • Hamutoglu, N. B., Gezgin, D. M., Gemikonakli, O. & Camilleri, S. (2021). How to get Information in Online Environments? A Comparison of the Use of Net Generation Tools. Journal of Education and Future, 20, 13-24. https://10.30786/jef.754806
  • Ikiisik, H., Turan, G., Korkmaz, S., Aydin, H. B. B., Solak, H. M., Ozmeral, K., ... & Maral, I. (2020). Evaluation of smartphone addiction in students: A medical school example. Journal of Dependence, 21(4), 317-325.
  • Jenaro, C. N., Flores M, Gómez-Vela F, González, G. & Caballo, C. (2007). Problematic internet and cell-phone use: Psychological, behavioral and health correlates. Addiction Research and Theory, 15(3), 309-320.
  • Judd, T. (2014). Making sense of multitasking: The role of Facebook. Computers & Education, 70, 194-202.
  • Junco, R., & Cotten, S. R. (2012). No A 4 U: The relationship between multitasking and academic performance. Computers & Education, 59(2), 505-514.
  • Karadag, E., & Yucel, C. (2017). Öğrenci dostu üniversite şehirleri. Üniversite Araştırmaları Yayınları.
  • Karpinski, A. C., Kirschner, P. A., Ozer, I., Mellott, J. A., & Ochwo, P. (2013). An exploration of social networking site use, multitasking, and academic performance among United States and European University students. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 1182-1192.
  • Kumcagiz, H., Terzi, O., Koc, B., & Terzi, M. (2020). Smartphone Addiction in University Students. Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researches, 9(1), 13-39.
  • Kwon, M., Kim, D. J., Cho., H., & Yang, S. (2013) The Smartphone Addiction Scale: Development and Validation of a Short Version for Adolescents. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e83558. https://10.1371/journal.pone.0083558
  • Lee, Y. K., Chang, C. T., Lin, Y., & Cheng, Z. H. (2014). The dark side of smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behaviour and technostress. Computers in Human Behaviour, 31, 373-383.
  • Livari, N., Sharma, S., & Ventä-Olkkonen, L. (2020). Digital transformation of everyday life–how COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care? International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102183.
  • Matar, B. J. & Jaalouk, D. (2017) Depression, anxiety, and smartphone addiction in university students - A cross sectional study. PLOS ONE, 12(8), 1-14. Doi: journal.pone.0182239
  • Mosalanejad, L., Nikbakht, G., Abdollahifrad, S., & Kalani, N. (2019). The prevalence of smartphone addiction and its relationship with personality traits, loneliness and daily stress of students in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2014: A Crosssectional analytical study. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 7(2), 131-136.
  • Pearson, C., & Hussain, Z. (2016). Smartphone addiction and associated psychological factors. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 3(2), 193-207.
  • Teymori, A. N., & Fardin, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 and educational challenges: A review of the benefits of online education. Ann Mil Health Science Research, 18(3), https://e105778. 10.5812/amh.105778
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. (2020, May 19). Household information technologies (IT) usage survey.
  • Turner, M., Love, S., & Howell, M. (2008). Understanding emotions experienced when using a mobile phone in public: The social usability of mobile (Cellular) telephones. Telematics and Informatics, 25(3), 201-215.
  • Tutgun Unal, A., & Arslan, A. (2013). Comparison of cell phone usage frequencies and brand preferences of public and private university education faculty students. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 12(1), 1-19.
  • van Deursen, A. J. A. M., Bolle, C. L., Hegner, S. M., & Kommers, P. A. M. (2015). Modelling Habitual and addictive smartphone behavior the role of smartphone usage types, emotional intelligence, social stress, self-regulation, age, and gender. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 411-420.
  • van Velthoven, M. H., Powell, J., & Powell, G. (2018). Problematic smartphone use: Digital approaches to an emerging public health problem. Digital Health, 4, 1-9. https://10.1177/2055207618759167
  • Walsh, S. P., White, K. M., Stephen, C., & Young R. M. (2011). Keeping in constant touch: The Predictors of young Australians’ mobile phone involvement. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 333-342.
  • We are Social. (2015, May 19). Digital 2015: Global digital overview.
  • We are Social. (2020, May 19). Digital 2020: Global digital overview.
  • Yee, S., Toshimori, A., & Horita, T. (2018). Dependency and loneliness: A study of university students in Japan. Journal of Socio-Informatics, 10(1), 1-13.
  • Yurdagul, B. (2011). What is a smartphone, what does it do? Smartphone usage rates in the World and the situation in Turkey.

Smartphone Addiction and Awareness of University Students During the Pandemic Period: The Case of Bitlis Eren University

Year 2022, Issue: 12, 79 - 96, 30.06.2022


Smartphone addiction, known as a fear of being without a mobile phone, is often discussed with an Internet overuse problem or addiction. But in general, it is rarely the phone itself that creates the addiction, but rather the games, apps, and online worlds it connects people to. This study aims to measure the level of smartphone addiction in university students living in Eastern Turkey and identify the university students’ smartphone addiction and awareness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study population consists of 443 students who were studying in different departments in the 2020-2021 spring term at Bitlis Eren University. To summarise the key findings, it has been observed that men are more smartphone-addicted than women. Those who do not think that the duration of smartphone use has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic period has more impact on the SAS than those who do. It has been observed that students in the 1st grade are more phone addicted than those in the 2nd grade. Those who used the smartphone for 1 year or less were more likely than those who used it for 1 year or less were more smartphone addicts than those who used it for 5 years or more.


  • Abo-Jedi, A. (2008). Cellphone Addiction and its relation to self-closure in a sample of Jordanian University and Amman Private University Students. The Jordanian Journal for Educational Sciences, 4(2), 137-150.
  • Bian, M., & Leung, L. (2015). Linking Loneliness, shyness, smartphone addiction symptoms, and patterns of smartphone use to social capital. Social Science Computer Review, 33(1), 61-79.
  • Billieux, J., Van der Linden, M., & Rochat, L. (2008). The role of impulsivity in actual and problematic use of the mobile phone. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22(9), 1195-1210.
  • Boumosleh, J., & Jaalouk, D. (2018). Smartphone addiction among university students and its relationship with academic performance. Global Journal of Health Science, 10(1), 48-59.
  • Coogan, K., & Kangas, S. (2001). Nuoret ja kommunikaatioakrobatia, 16-18 vuotiaiden nuorten k. annykk. a-ja internetkulttuurit. nuorisotutkimusverkosto ja elisa ommunications. Elisa Tutkimuskeskus. Raportti 158.
  • Crawford, J., Butler-Henderson, K., Rudolph, J., Malkawi, B., Glowatz, M., Burton, R., ... & Lam, S. (2020). COVID-19: 20 countries’ higher education intra-period digital pedagogy responses. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, 3(1), 1-20.
  • Demirci, K., Orhan, H., Demirdas, A., Akpinar, A., & Sert, H. (2014). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Smartphone Addiction Scale in a younger population. Bulletion of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 24, 226-234.
  • Elmas, O., Kete, S., Hizlisoy, S., & Kumral, N. (2015). Effects of usage habits of technological devices to school success. Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Health Science, 6(2), 49-54.
  • Future Learn. (2020, April 23). 6 Effective Teaching Methods and How to Use Them. Retrieved from: Gao, J., Zheng, P., Jia, Y., Chen, H., Mao, Y., Chen, S.. . . & Dai, J. (2020). Mental health problems and social media exposure during COVID-19 outbreak. PLOS ONE, 15(4), e0231924. https://10.1371/journal.pone.0231924
  • Gao, S., Yang, Y., & Krogstie, J. (2015). The adoption of smartphones among older adults in China. 16th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO), pp. 112-122. https://ff10.1007/978-3-319-16274-4_12ff. ffhal-01324969f
  • Global Mobile Consumer Survey. (2019, April 23). Mobile consumption in a post-growth world.
  • Hamutoglu, N. B., Gezgin, D. M., Gemikonakli, O. & Camilleri, S. (2021). How to get Information in Online Environments? A Comparison of the Use of Net Generation Tools. Journal of Education and Future, 20, 13-24. https://10.30786/jef.754806
  • Ikiisik, H., Turan, G., Korkmaz, S., Aydin, H. B. B., Solak, H. M., Ozmeral, K., ... & Maral, I. (2020). Evaluation of smartphone addiction in students: A medical school example. Journal of Dependence, 21(4), 317-325.
  • Jenaro, C. N., Flores M, Gómez-Vela F, González, G. & Caballo, C. (2007). Problematic internet and cell-phone use: Psychological, behavioral and health correlates. Addiction Research and Theory, 15(3), 309-320.
  • Judd, T. (2014). Making sense of multitasking: The role of Facebook. Computers & Education, 70, 194-202.
  • Junco, R., & Cotten, S. R. (2012). No A 4 U: The relationship between multitasking and academic performance. Computers & Education, 59(2), 505-514.
  • Karadag, E., & Yucel, C. (2017). Öğrenci dostu üniversite şehirleri. Üniversite Araştırmaları Yayınları.
  • Karpinski, A. C., Kirschner, P. A., Ozer, I., Mellott, J. A., & Ochwo, P. (2013). An exploration of social networking site use, multitasking, and academic performance among United States and European University students. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 1182-1192.
  • Kumcagiz, H., Terzi, O., Koc, B., & Terzi, M. (2020). Smartphone Addiction in University Students. Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researches, 9(1), 13-39.
  • Kwon, M., Kim, D. J., Cho., H., & Yang, S. (2013) The Smartphone Addiction Scale: Development and Validation of a Short Version for Adolescents. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e83558. https://10.1371/journal.pone.0083558
  • Lee, Y. K., Chang, C. T., Lin, Y., & Cheng, Z. H. (2014). The dark side of smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behaviour and technostress. Computers in Human Behaviour, 31, 373-383.
  • Livari, N., Sharma, S., & Ventä-Olkkonen, L. (2020). Digital transformation of everyday life–how COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care? International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102183.
  • Matar, B. J. & Jaalouk, D. (2017) Depression, anxiety, and smartphone addiction in university students - A cross sectional study. PLOS ONE, 12(8), 1-14. Doi: journal.pone.0182239
  • Mosalanejad, L., Nikbakht, G., Abdollahifrad, S., & Kalani, N. (2019). The prevalence of smartphone addiction and its relationship with personality traits, loneliness and daily stress of students in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences in 2014: A Crosssectional analytical study. Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 7(2), 131-136.
  • Pearson, C., & Hussain, Z. (2016). Smartphone addiction and associated psychological factors. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 3(2), 193-207.
  • Teymori, A. N., & Fardin, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 and educational challenges: A review of the benefits of online education. Ann Mil Health Science Research, 18(3), https://e105778. 10.5812/amh.105778
  • Turkish Statistical Institute. (2020, May 19). Household information technologies (IT) usage survey.
  • Turner, M., Love, S., & Howell, M. (2008). Understanding emotions experienced when using a mobile phone in public: The social usability of mobile (Cellular) telephones. Telematics and Informatics, 25(3), 201-215.
  • Tutgun Unal, A., & Arslan, A. (2013). Comparison of cell phone usage frequencies and brand preferences of public and private university education faculty students. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 12(1), 1-19.
  • van Deursen, A. J. A. M., Bolle, C. L., Hegner, S. M., & Kommers, P. A. M. (2015). Modelling Habitual and addictive smartphone behavior the role of smartphone usage types, emotional intelligence, social stress, self-regulation, age, and gender. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 411-420.
  • van Velthoven, M. H., Powell, J., & Powell, G. (2018). Problematic smartphone use: Digital approaches to an emerging public health problem. Digital Health, 4, 1-9. https://10.1177/2055207618759167
  • Walsh, S. P., White, K. M., Stephen, C., & Young R. M. (2011). Keeping in constant touch: The Predictors of young Australians’ mobile phone involvement. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 333-342.
  • We are Social. (2015, May 19). Digital 2015: Global digital overview.
  • We are Social. (2020, May 19). Digital 2020: Global digital overview.
  • Yee, S., Toshimori, A., & Horita, T. (2018). Dependency and loneliness: A study of university students in Japan. Journal of Socio-Informatics, 10(1), 1-13.
  • Yurdagul, B. (2011). What is a smartphone, what does it do? Smartphone usage rates in the World and the situation in Turkey.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Barış Çağırkan 0000-0002-0013-1831

Mustafa Agah Tekindal 0000-0002-4060-7048

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date April 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 12


APA Çağırkan, B., & Tekindal, M. A. (2022). Smartphone Addiction and Awareness of University Students During the Pandemic Period: The Case of Bitlis Eren University. Yeni Medya, 2022(12), 79-96.

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